Teacher: Chiquita Gaylor Week: 10/13-16/2015 Grade/Subject: 9th (Physical Science) 504 SPED: Students will receive additional time on assignments. Students will receive a copy of teacher notes. Students will receive one on one/ peer tutoring. Students will receive additional assistance in facilitated room. Day CCSS/GLE Purpose Statement M Assessment Description of Lesson Resources OUT OF SCHOOL 10/12 T 10/13 CCSS/GLE: Distinguish among symbols for atoms, ions, molecules, and equations for chemical reactions (PS-H-A2) Name and write chemical formulas using symbols and subscripts (PS-H-A2) Identify the three subatomic particles of an atom by location, charge, and relative mass (PS-H-B1) Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons of elements by using the atomic number and atomic mass from the periodic table (PS-H-B1) Describe the results of loss/gain of electrons on charges of atoms (PS-H-B1) (PS-H-C5) Bellringer: The students will complete daily bellringer assignments using teacher created topics. (see below) 1. 2. 3. 4. Scientific Inquiry ongoing (SI-H-A1/7) PS: 1. Can students interpret models of atoms (Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model, Rutherford’s Model, Bohr Model, and Electron Cloud Model)? 2. Can students list the major components of an atom and provide the charge for each? 4. Can students diagram a Bohr model for a given atom? Directed Reading Guide Questions….. 5. Teacher Input: The teacher will orally discuss bellringer questions allowing students to discuss their rationales. 6. Guided Practice: The students will be introduced to atoms and their parts using teacher power-point and directed reading. Independent Practice: (HW) Students will answer directed reading guide questions using classroom notes and text support. See attached. 7. 8. The ___ is the smallest unit of matter. Protons, neutrons and electrons are also called____ Protons are located ___ and have a __ charge. Electrons are located ____ and have a ___ charge. Neutrons are located ___ and have a __ charge. When using the information from the periodic table, the atomic number represents ____. The atomic mass is _____ An atom of the same element with a 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. W 10/15 CCSS/GLE: Distinguish among symbols for atoms, ions, molecules, and equations for chemical reactions (PS-H-A2) Name and write chemical formulas using symbols Bellringer: The students will complete daily bellringer assignments using teacher created topics. (see below) different number of neutrons(changes mass) is ______. Electrons can have ___ called energy levels. Electrons are in constant ___ . An electron can ___ from one energy level to another when it __ or ___ energy. Complete the chart of the energy levels a. 1= b. 2= c. 3= d. 4= The electron configuration is the __ or the electrons. In the periodic table, elements are arranged based on increasing ____. Each row is a ___. Each column is a ___. A ___ electron, is the number of electrons in the highest energy level. Elements in a group have similar properties because they have the same number of ___ Textbook pp. 100-118 Homework Use the PEN method to determine if the following and subscripts (PS-H-A2) Identify the three subatomic particles of an atom by location, charge, and relative mass (PS-H-B1) Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons of elements by using the atomic number and atomic mass from the periodic table (PS-H-B1) Describe the results of loss/gain of electrons on charges of atoms (PS-H-B1) (PS-H-C5) atoms are stable or unstable. Scientific Inquiry ongoing (SI-H-A1/7) PS: 1. Can students interpret models of atoms (Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model, Rutherford’s Model, Bohr Model, and Electron Cloud Model)? 2. Can students list the major components of an atom and provide the charge for each? 4. Can students diagram a Bohr model for a given atom? Teacher Input: The teacher will orally discuss bellringer questions allowing students to discuss their rationales. Students will be instructed in how to complete a content article critique. See initial article attached. Guided Practice: The students will use powerpoint notes to answer questions from the directed reading. Independent Practice: Students will complete Vocabulary Mastery. See attached. Th 10/15 CCSS/GLE: Differentiate between Bellringer: The students will complete daily bellringer Distinguish among symbols for atoms, ions, observations, inferences and assignments using teacher created topics. (see below) molecules, and equations for chemical reactions predictions (Worksheet) (PS-H-A2) Use experiment scenarios to Name and write chemical formulas using symbols identify the steps in the and subscripts (PS-H-A2) scientific method. ( BeriBeri) Identify the three subatomic particles of an atom by location, charge, and relative mass (PS-H-B1) Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons of elements by using the atomic number and atomic mass from the periodic table (PS-H-B1) Describe the results of loss/gain of electrons on charges of atoms (PS-H-B1) (PS-H-C5) Homework: The students will complete workbook page 37-38 (4.2) The Structure of an Atom Scientific Inquiry ongoing (SI-H-A1/7) PS: 1. Can students interpret models of atoms (Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model, Rutherford’s Model, Bohr Model, and Electron Cloud Model)? 2. Can students list the major components of an atom and provide the charge for each? 4. Can students diagram a Bohr model for a given atom? F 10/9 CCSS/GLE: Distinguish among symbols for atoms, ions, molecules, and equations for chemical reactions (PS-H-A2) Name and write chemical formulas using symbols and subscripts (PS-H-A2) Identify the three subatomic particles of an atom by location, charge, and relative mass (PS-H-B1) Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons of elements by using the atomic number and atomic mass from the periodic table (PS-H-B1) Describe the results of loss/gain of electrons on charges of atoms (PS-H-B1) (PS-H-C5) Teacher Input: The teacher will orally discuss bellringer questions allowing students to discuss their rationales. The teacher will use HOTS style questions to review students in material obtained from Tues-Weds. Guided Practice: Review homework assignment (WED) see above attached. Students will volunteer to go write sample problems on the board. Independent Practice: Students will complete Element Practice Sheet (see attached) Bellringer: The students will complete daily bellringer assignments using teacher created topics. (see below) Scientific Inquiry ongoing (SI-H-A1/7) PS: 1. Can students interpret models of atoms (Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model, Rutherford’s Model, Bohr Model, and Electron Cloud Model)? 2. Can students list the major components of an atom and provide the charge for each? 4. Can students diagram a Bohr model for a given atom? Teacher Input: The teacher will continue discussion on properties of matter using power-points, handouts, and sample text resources. Guided Practice: The students will orally review and correct workbook page 37-38. Independent Practice: The students will complete teacher created assessment on introduction to atoms. (see attachment)