National Rejuvenation Centers Medication Management Agreement This agreement between _______________________ (patient) and National Rejuvenation Centers establishes guidelines and conditions required for the use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) and any DEA “controlled” or “scheduled” medications. The Center and patient agree that these guidelines and conditions are an essential factor in maintaining a successful patient/practitioner relationship. Adverse side effects and/or physical /psychological dependence may develop after repeated use of these medications and therefore, these agents are prescribed with caution. The patient accepts and agrees to the following conditions: 1. I understand that the medications I have purchased are prescribed for me based on diagnosis derived from my submitted medical history, blood and lab work, and physical examination. They are to be based exclusively for treatment of these diagnoses. 2. I will immediately report any adverse side effects related to the use of my medication to the Center and discontinue use until advised to resume usage by the Center. 3. I will safeguard my medications from loss or theft. 4. I will not share, sell or trade my medications. 5. I agree that I will use my medication as prescribed, and will keep the medications in their respective labeled containers 6. I will not attempt to obtain “scheduled” hormone replacement therapy medications illegally or from any other health care practitioner without disclosing my current medication usage. I understand that it is against the law to do so. ___________________________________________________________________________ Patients of The National Rejuvenation Centers Patient Signature:______________________________ Date:______________________ National Rejuvenation Centers Name:________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Email:_____________________________ Contact Number:____________________ Alternate Number:____________________________ SSN:______________________________ Emergency Contact:__________________________ DOB:_______________ Age:__________ Height:__________ Weight:____________________ Marital Status: ( ) Single ( ) Married ( ) Divorced ( ) Widowed Gender: M F Number of Children:____________ Number of Pregnancies:_____________________________ Please mark an X in the Yes or No categories for the behaviors that apply to you. Yes No ( ) ( ) Cigarettes ( ___ packs per day for ____ years) ( ) ( ) Cigars ( ) ( ) Chewing Tobacco ( ) ( ) Alcohol – Frequency: ( ) Daily ( ) Weekly ( ) Occasionally ( ) Rare ( ) ( ) Coffee: ____ cup (s)/pot (s) daily ( ) Regular ( ) Decaf ( ) ( ) Tea:____ glasses per day ( ) Regular ( ) Decaf ( ) ( ) Colas: ____ glasses per day ( ) Regular ( ) Caffeine free ( ) ( ) Water: _____ glasses per day Please circle on the scale from 1 to 10 the stress level of your occupation. 1 2 3 4 5 Laid Back 6 7 8 9 10 Stressed to the Max What is your desired goal, or areas of concern? National Rejuvenation Centers Date of last: Colonoscopy:__________ First Day of Menstrual Period:_________ Bone Density:__________ Pap Smear:_________________________ P.S.A:________________ Breast Exam: _______________________ Rectal Exam:__________ Mammogram: _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Medical and Family History Please mark an X for the answer that applies to each question. Myself 1. Cancer 2. Diabetes 3. Heart Disease 4. Arthritis 5. Liver Disease 6. Elevated Cholesterol/Triglycerides 7. Endocrine Abnormalities 8. High Blood Pressure 9. Neurological Disease 10. Lung Disease 11. Kidney Disease 12. Stomach Disease 13. Bowel Disease 14. Blood Clots 15. Weight Control Problems 16. Osteoporosis/Osteopenia 17. Anemia 18. Alcohol Abuse 19. Drug Abuse/Recreational 20. Other ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Sibling ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Parents ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ National Rejuvenation Centers Please list all operations and surgical procedures, including plastic surgery: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Serious injuries, accidents, hospitalizations and serious illnesses: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Allergies to medications or foods: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Please List all of your current prescription and over-the-counter medications and supplements: Name:____________________________ Dose (m/g):_____________ Times/Day:___________ Name:____________________________ Dose (m/g):_____________ Times/Day:___________ Name:____________________________ Dose (m/g):_____________ Times/Day:___________ Name:____________________________ Dose (m/g):_____________ Times/Day:___________ Name:____________________________ Dose (m/g):_____________ Times/Day:___________ Name:____________________________ Dose (m/g):_____________ Times/Day:___________ Name:____________________________ Dose (m/g):_____________ Times/Day:___________ Name:____________________________ Dose (m/g):_____________ Times/Day:___________ Name:____________________________ Dose (m/g):_____________ Times/Day:___________ Name:____________________________ Dose (m/g):_____________ Times/Day:___________ Name:____________________________ Dose (m/g):_____________ Times/Day:___________ Name:____________________________ Dose (m/g):_____________ Times/Day:___________ Name:____________________________ Dose (m/g):_____________ Times/Day:___________ National Rejuvenation Centers Please mark an X in the Yes or No categories for that which applies to you. Yes No ( ) ( ) Currently on a Specific Diet ________ Number of Meals per Day ( ) ( ) Binge Eating ( ) ( ) Compulsive Eating ( ) ( ) Eating Disorder Type:__________________ Females Yes No ( ) ( ) Menstrual Problems ( ) ( ) Premenstrual Tension ( ) ( ) Endometriosis ( ) ( ) Infertility ( ) ( ) Vaginal Dryness, Discharge/Itching ( ) ( ) Inability to reach orgasm ( ) ( ) Lack of Sexual Desire ( ) ( ) Breast Tenderness Males Yes No ( ) ( ) Prostate Problems ( ) ( ) Prostate Surgery ( ) ( ) Testicular Inflammation ( ) ( ) Other Testicular Problems ( ) ( ) Vasectomy ( ) ( ) Impotence ( ) ( ) Inability to Ejaculate ( ) ( ) Lack of Sexual Desire ( ) ( ) Decrease of Stamina Other (Male or Female):__________________________________________________________ National Rejuvenation Centers Hormone Deficiency Questionnaire Signs and Symptoms Low Mood/Depression Hot flashes Anxiety Irritability/Anger/Aggression Easily discouraged/Pessimism Decreased interest in activities/relationships Decreased initiative/motivation/drive Decreased productivity at work Concentration problems Memory problems Foggy thinking Increased fatigue Decrease in strength/stamina Decrease in athletic performance Decrease lean muscle mass Muscle soreness/weakness Body/Joint aches Night sweats Fat gain Increased fat on hips/breast/thighs Low blood sugar/Hypoglycemia Sweet cravings (carbs) Caffeine/Stimulant cravings Salt cravings Constant hunger Elevated cholesterol Elevated blood pressure Digestive problems Head or Body hair loss Vaginal dryness Dry/Thinning Skin Fewer spontaneous morning erections Decreased libido Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Pain with ejaculation Frequent need to urinate Pain with urination Blood in urine Bone loss/osteoporosis Mild Moderate Severe Additional Comments National Rejuvenation Centers 36081 U.S. Hwy 19 N. Palm Harbor, Fl 34684 I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Privacy Policy of The National Rejuvenation Centers. ______________________ Patient’s Name (Printed) ______________________ Date ___________________ Patient’s Signature