Judy is a licensed psychologist and consultant

Judith A. Tindall, Ph.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist, LPC, CPPE, NAPPP Trainer/Consultant
Judy is a licensed psychologist and consultant. She has written the following books: Evaluation of Peer and
Prevention Peer Program: A Blueprint for Success; An In-Depth look at Peer Programs, second edition;
Peer Power, Book 1: Becoming an Effective Peer Helper and Conflict Mediator, forth edition; Peer Power,
Book 2, Applying Peer Helping Skills, Third Edition; Peers Helping Peers: Program for the Preadolescent
and Leader’s Manual; 3R’s of Feeling: Receiving, Reflecting, and Responding. She has conducted two
webinars on Peer to Peer Strategies for Bullying Prevention/Intervention and Peer to Peer Strategies for
Suicide Prevention. She has appeared on radio and T.V. on a variety of topics including Good Morning
America. She was an invited participant to the White House Conference on working with Youth and was
invited the last two years to participate in the Bullying Summit in Washington D.C., supported by nine
federal agencies. She has also attended the last 3 years of Global Youth Traffic Safety.
As part of her efforts to promote peer helping nationally, Dr. Tindall was the start up president of the
National Association of Peer Program Professionals in 2009 and was instrumental in organizing the
National Peer Helpers Association (NPHA) (later National Association of Peer Programs (NAPP) and
received the association's first Scholar award in 2001. She also received the Barbara Varenhorst award for
service and Scholar Award. She was Secretary for BACCHUS (Higher Education Peer Education), V.
President of National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS) and Paul Harris Fellow for Rotary
As president, a staff psychologist and consultant at Psychological Network in St. Charles, Missouri, Judy
provides counseling, evaluation, consulting and develops curriculum, consults in the field, designs
programs, trains students and faculty, and develops evaluation design, and evaluates programs. Her services
encompass a full array, from training in beginning peer programs to advanced training (trainer of trainers),
to program evaluation or services to those who want to enhance existing programs. She is an MBTI®
Master Practitioner and certified custody evaluation. .
She assisted National Traffic Highway Safety Administration in evaluating three projects and the Future
Farmers of America in creating a national evaluation model and needs assessment for their programs and
Programmatic Standards Rubric. She has helped to develop the Zero Tolerance for Underage Drinking and
Driving Curriculum for NAPPP, delivered to St. Charles City Schools and KCMOSD. She has assisted
KCMSD deliver two “Youth Saving Youth” projects concerning underage drinking and driving lessons to
their peers. She currently leads her group in providing mental health services to St. Louis Job Corps. She
has worked with the United Nations on implementing and evaluating a Staff Outreach Support (SOS)
program and other crisis training and web-site materials. She recently assisted South Korea in expanding
and enhancing their 5,000 peer counseling programs. She has conducted program evaluation on a variety
of training programs for youth for several school districts such as Cecil County Maryland.
Judy has a B.S. degree from Southwest State University in speech and political science. Her Masters degree
is in counseling and guidance from the University of Missouri. She has a specialist degree in counseling
and guidance from Southern Illinois University, and her Ph.D. in psychology is from St. Louis University.
She holds certifications from the Custody Evaluation, National Board of Certified Counselors, is a National
Certified School Psychologist, and has a lifetime teaching certificate and counseling certificate from the
Missouri Board of Education. She was a school counselor and teacher for 17 years. She is licensed as a
psychologist in Missouri and Illinois and licensed as a professional counselor in Missouri. She is an
MBTI® Master Practitioner. She is married, has two sons, grandchildren and enjoys playing golf, spending
time with friends and reading, and is a Cardinal and Billikens fan. She believes that peer programs are an
effective strategy to help meet issues facing youth and adults.