3985-Biodiversity-2014 PIR Report_05Sep2014

Project Implementation Review (PIR)
PIMS 3985
Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into territorial planning policies and practices
Table of Contents
A. Basic Project and Finance Data .............................................................................................................. 2
B. Project Summary .................................................................................................................................. 2
C. Project Evaluation ................................................................................................................................. 2
D. Adjustments ........................................................................................................................................ 2
E. Progress toward Development Objective ................................................................................................ 4
F. Progress in Implementation ................................................................................................................. 19
G. Ratings and Comments on Project Progress .......................................................................................... 19
H. Communications and Knowledge Management .................................................................................... 23
I. Partnerships ........................................................................................................................................ 24
J. Progress toward Gender Equality .......................................................................................................... 24
K. Environmental \ Social Grievances ....................................................................................................... 25
L. Project Contacts and Links ................................................................................................................... 25
M. Annex 1 - Ratings Definitions .............................................................................................................. 26
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A. Basic Project and Finance Data
Executing Agency:
UNDP Belarus
GEF Focal Area:
(BYE) Belarus
Project Start Date:
Planned Project Closing Date:
Revised Planned Closing Date:
Dates of Project Steering
Committee/Board meetings during
reporting period:
November 2013
Overall Risk rating
Overall DO rating
Overall IP rating
GEF grant amount disbursed so far
$ 997,720.35
B. Project Summary
The project objective is to mainstream biodiversity conservation priorities into Belarus’ territorial planning policies and practices. The
project will remove systemic, regulatory and knowledge barriers to mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into territorial planning.
The objective will be achieved through two outcomes: i) Enabling regulatory, policy and institutional framework for land-use planning
that reflects biodiversity considerations outside protected areas, and ii) Tested models for development and enforcement of
biodiversity-compatible land-use plans at the district levels. The immediate global biodiversity benefits include enhanced ecosystem
integrity outside PAs in 10 administrative districts (approximately 2 million hectares). In the long-term, taking into account the sought
replication effect, the project will ensure the long-term integrity of fragile ecosystems over 36% of the country.
C. Project Evaluation
D. Adjustments
Project Planning
Key project
Original Planned Date
Actual or Expected Date
Mid-term Review
Critical Risk Management
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Comments, including
reasons for delays and
their implications
Critical Risks Type(s)
Violation of timetable of preparing Local Territorial plans of land use by
the State Land Use Committee. Permanent monitoring of land
planning activities and approving process
General comments:
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E. Progress toward Development Objective
Objective: To mainstream
biodiversity conservation
priorities into Belarus’
territorial planning
policies and practices
Description of
Baseline Level
Land area for which
integrated land-use plans
that deliver biodiversity
benefits outside PAs are
developed and under
Target Level at end of
Level at
30 June
Level at
30 June
Level at
30 June
Level at 30
June 2012
Level at 30
June 2013
Approximately 2 million ha (10
0,41 mln ha
1.43 mln ha (7
(Korelichi and
districts: Korelichi,
Volozhin, Rossoni,
Rogachev, Rechitsa,
and Bobruisk).
territorial plans are biodiversity
developed for
Rossony and
territorial plans
Volozhin districts have been
developed for two
0.38 million ha)
more districts and are currently Glubokoe and
under approval by Klichev
the respective
(approximately 0.36
district executive million ha) and are
committees. Four currently under
more integrated
approval by the
plans for Rogachev, respective regional
Rechitsa, Bobruisk and district
and Glubokoe
districts (total area committees,
of 0.82 million ha) respectively.
will be finalized by Integrated plan for
the end 2012.
the remaining 10th
Slonim district (total
area of 0.15 million
ha) will be finalized
by the end of 2013.
Additional 7.4 million hectares
have commenced replication
N/A this reporting 4.54 million
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Level at 30
June 2014
1,94 million ha.
territorial plans are
developed for
Korelichi, Volozhin,
Rechitsa, Rogachev,
Glubokoe and
Bobruisk districts
and approved by the
appropriate Region
committees. The
plans for Slonim and
Klichev districts are
under the approval
by the appropriate
Region executive
4.54 million
hectares Land
management plans
Land management taking into account
plans taking into
Page 4 of 26
account biological
and landscape
diversity priorities
were prepared for
24 additional
districts of all 6
regions of Belarus :
Pruzhany, Brest,
Dokshitsi, Senno,
Petrikov, Narovlia,
Chechersk, Korma,
Zhlobin, Mozir,
Svislotch, Voronovo,
Molodechno, Kopil,
Logoisk, Nesvizh,
Slutsk, Vileika,
Borisov, Osipovichi,
and Shklov.
Component 1. Enabling
regulatory, policy and
institutional framework
for land-use planning that
reflects biodiversity
considerations outside
protected areas
Number of sectoral
regulations and
methodological guidelines
that facilitate the
incorporation of
biodiversity conservation
requirements into
planning and management
of land use outside
protected areas (to be
tracked in more detail
through the SO 2 Tracking
(i). 3 action plans
for conservation of
wild fauna species
in the Red Book of
Belarus - the
Aquatic Warbler,
Greater Spotted
Eagle and Great
Snipe – were
actualized and 5
new action plans
for conservation of
wild fauna–
Bittern, Roller,
Magpie diver – and
flora - Matricary
grapefern, and Fen
orchid - species in
the Red Book of
Belarus were
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biological and
landscape diversity
priorities were
prepared for 24
additional districts
of all 6 regions of
Belarus : Pruzhany,
Brest, Dokshitsi,
Senno, Gorodok,
Petrikov, Narovlia,
Chechersk, Korma,
Zhlobin, Mozir,
Svislotch, Voronovo,
Molodechno, Kopil,
Logoisk, Nesvizh,
Slutsk, Vileika,
Borisov, Osipovichi,
and Shklov.
21 (i-x). 3 action
27 (i-xi) 3 action
plans for
plans for
conservation of wild conservation of wild
fauna species in the fauna species in the
Red Book of Belarus Red Book of Belarus
- the Aquatic
- the Aquatic
Warbler, Greater
Warbler, Greater
Spotted Eagle and Spotted Eagle and
Great Snipe - were Great Snipe - were
actualized and 7
actualized and 8
new action plans for new action plans for
conservation of wild conservation of wild
fauna - Bittern,
fauna - Bittern,
Roller, Magpie diver, Roller, Magpie diver,
migratory salmon
Astacus astacus,
fishes Salmo salar migratory salmon
and Salmo trutta
fishes Salmo salar
trutta - and flora - and Salmo trutta
Matricary grapefern, trutta - and flora and Fen orchid Matricary grapefern,
species in the Red and Fen orchid -
developed and
approved by the
(ii). Requirements
on protection of
the wild fauna and
flora included in
the Red Book of
Belarus, their
habitats and
places of growth,
for further
inclusion into
standards to land
and/or water users
outside specially
protected natural
areas, and for
inclusion into
forest - and land
projects and
schemes were
prepared and
submitted to the
MNREP for a
(iii) Proposals for
the conservation,
sustainable use
and proposals for
legal regulation of
protection of
biotopes of
international and
importance are
submitted to the
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Book of Belarus
species in the Red
were developed and Book of Belarus
approved by the
were developed and
MNREP. (xi).
approved by the
“Requirements on MNREP.
protection of the
wild fauna and flora (xii-xiii) The draft
included in the Red normative legal acts
(Technical Code of
Book of Belarus,
their habitats and Common Practice,
places of growth, for TCCP) “Regulations
of protection of the
further inclusion
wild fauna/flora
into species
species included in
standards for land the Red Book of
and/or water users Belarus, their
habitats and places
outside specially
of growth, for
protected natural
further inclusion
areas, and for
inclusion into forest into species
- and land
standards for land
and/or water users
projects and
outside specially
schemes” were
prepared. (xii) The protected natural
areas, and for
“Law on Nature
inclusion into forest
Protection of
Belarus” has been - and land
amended to
projects and
incorporate the
schemes” developed
proposals for the
and under the
sustainable use and approval by the
proposals for legal MNREP
regulation of
protection of
threatened biotopes
of international and
national importance
developed within
the project. (xiii)
Proposals on
recording and
(xiv) Amendments
and additions to the
Regulation of the
Council of Ministers
of the Republic of
Belarus dated May
18, 2009 No. 638
“Regulations on the
approved by the
(iv) Proposals in
areas of the
recording and
display of
information on
biodiversity for
inclusion in the
Regulations on the
development of
land management
schemes are
prepared, agreed
upon with MNREP
and submitted to
the State Property
Committee for a
(v) Changes and
additions to the
Regulations on the
distribution of
forests into groups
and categories of
transfer of forests
from one group or
category of
protection to
another, as well as
the selection of
specially protected
forest areas are
aproved by the
submitted to the
Ministry of
Forestry for a
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display of
transfer of wild
information on
fauna and flora
biodiversity for
habitats, concerning
inclusion in the
the species included
“Regulations on the in the Red Data
development of
Book of the Republic
land management of Belarus, under
schemes” are
the protection of
prepared. (xiv)
land and (or) water
Changes and
users” (Regulation
additions to the
No. 622 of the
“Regulations on the Council of Ministers
distribution of
of the Republic of
forests into groups Belarus, adopted on
and categories of
the 12 July 2013).
protection, transfer
of forests from one (xv) The “Law on
group or category of Nature Protection of
Belarus” has been
protection to
another, as well as amended to
incorporate the
the selection of
specially protected proposals for the
forest areas”
sustainable use and
proposals for legal
recommendations regulation of
for the inventory of protection of
biological and
landscape diversity” landscapes and
biotopes of
developed and
international and
approved by the
national importance
MNREP. (xvi) The
(Regulation No. 18-3
draft normative
of the Council of
legal act “On
Ministers of the
amendments and
Republic of Belarus,
additions to the
Regulations on the adopted on the 22
January 2013).
transfer of wild
fauna and flora
(xvi) "Regulations
habitats, concerning on the transfer of
the species included typical and/or rare
in the Red Data
natural landscapes
Book of the Republic
of Belarus, under
and biotopes under
the protection of
the protection of
land and (or) water land and (or) water
users” developed
users" (Regulation
(xvii-xviii) The draft No. 611 of the
normative legal act Council of Ministers
(Technical Code of of the Republic of
Common Practice, Belarus, adopted on
TCCP) “On the
the 12 July 2013).
procedure of
(xvii) Proposals on
development of
standard actions
plans for
information on
conservation of
species included in biodiversity for
the Red Data Book inclusion in the
of the Republic of “Regulations on the
Belarus”, and TCCP development of
“On the content of land management
schemes” were
standard action
plans” developed prepared and
submitted to the
(xix) TCCP “On
State Property
requirements on
protection of rare Committee for
and threatened wild decision.
flora and fauna
(xviii) Draft Law of
species included in the Republic of
the Red Data Book Belarus "On
of the Republic of amendments and
Belarus” developed additions to the
(xx) Amendments
"Forest Code of the
and additions to the Republic of Belarus"
legislation of Belarus in terms of
(11 codes and legal accounting and the
acts) providing for conservation of
the system of
biological and
compensations to landscape diversity"
land and/or water was developed,
users for imposition approved by the
of limitations on
economic and other submitted to the
activities on the
natural territories
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under special
Ministry of Forestry
protection (wild
for decision.
fauna and flora
(xix) Changes and
habitats of the
to the
species, included in
on the
the Red Data book
of the Republic of
forests into groups
Belarus, handed
under protection to and categories of
land and/or water protection, transfer
users) developed. of forests from one
(xxi) Amendments group or category of
and additions to the protection to
legislation of Belarus another, as well as
the selection of
(5 laws and legal
specially protected
acts) providing
forest areas” taking
mechanism of
into account criteria
conservation of
of definition of
recreational and
landscape zones in forest areas with
population places in high biodiversity
developed, adopted
the process of its
territorial planning by the MNREP and
and use developed submitted to the
Ministry of Forestry
for decision.
for the inventory of
biological and
landscape diversity”
developed and
approved by the
(xxi) Amendments
and additions to the
legislation of Belarus
(11 codes and legal
acts) providing for
the system of
compensations to
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land and/or water
users for imposition
of limitations on
economic and other
activities on the
natural territories
under special
protection (wild
fauna and flora
habitats of the
species, included in
the Red Data book
of the Republic of
Belarus, handed
under protection to
land and/or water
users) developed
and submitted to
the MNREP for
(xxii) Amendments
and additions to the
legislation of Belarus
(5 laws and legal
acts) providing
mechanism of
conservation of
recreational and
landscape zones in
population places in
the process of its
territorial planning
and use developed
and submitted to
the MNREP for
(xxiii) Draft TCCP
"Arrangement and
content of standard
action plans on
conservation of wild
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flora and fauna
species included
into the Red Data
Book of Belarus"
was prepared and
transferred to the
(xxiv) Draft TCCP
"Requirements on
biological and
landscape diversity
collection and use
during territorial
planning documents
prepared and
submitted to the
harmonization .
on territorial plans
estimation were
approved by the
submitted to the
State Property
Committee for
(xxvi) Draft
Instruction on
supervision of land
schemes and
projects realization
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was prepared and
submitted to the
State Property
Committee for
(xxvii) Prohibition of
water fowl hunting
in spring period
(Resolution of the
MNREP dated 20
December 2012 No.
Changes in procedures for Old monitoring system is New monitoring system
monitoring land use plans obsolete and noninvolving key actors (with roles
and responsibilities shared
among State Committee on
Property, MNREP, Academy of
Sciences, Belarusian National
Institute for Land Use based on
comparative advantage) is
approved and under
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2012-mid 2013
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Electronic database
on passports and
standards for the
habitats of the wild
fauna and flora
species, listed in the
Red Data Book of
the Republic of
Belarus was
developed making
essential input into
creation of
centralized system
of tracking and
monitoring of
identification and
conservation of
habitats of animal
and plant species
included into Red
Data Book of
Belarus. The system
assists to integrate
results of inventory
of biological and
landscape diversity
into projects of
territorial planning,
Draft Instruction on
supervision of land
schemes and
projects realization
was prepared and
submitted to the
State Property
Committee for
decision. Electronic
database on
passports and
standards for the
habitats of the wild
fauna and flora
species, listed in the
Red Data Book of
the Republic of
Belarus was
developed making
essential input into
creation of
centralized system
of tracking and
monitoring of
identification and
conservation of
including district
habitats of animal
territorial scheme, and plant species
forest management included into Red
scheme, game
Data Book of
Belarus. The system
scheme, biological assists to integrate
feasibility study for results of inventory
fishery, architectural of biological and
and road
landscape diversity
into projects of
project, etc. which territorial planning,
will result in more including district
adequate measures territorial scheme,
in conservation of forest management
protected animal
scheme, game
and plant species. management
Development of the scheme, biological
feasibility study for
recommendations fishery, architectural
on the monitoring and road
and authorial
supervision of land project, etc. which
will result in more
schemes realization adequate measures
in the area of
in conservation of
biological and
protected animal
landscape diversity and plant species.
has started. Planned
to be finalized in the
beginning of the
second half 2013
Number of government
staff trained in collection
of biodiversity information
and integration of this into
the development and
implementation of land
use plans
At least 30 officers
февраль 9, 2016
102 officers
(Ministry of
Natural Resources
and Environmental
Protection and its
affiliates, State
Ministry for
Page 13 of 26
200 officers
200 officers
(Ministry of Natural (Ministry of Natural
Resources and
Resources and
Protection and its Protection and its
affiliates, State
affiliates, State
Committee, Ministry Committee, Ministry
for Forestry and its for Forestry and its
Forestry and its
(Note: A more detailed
tracking of capacity
development impacts at
the systemic, institutional
and individual levels will
be based on the UNDP
Capacity Development
Component 2. Tested
models for development
and enforcement of
land-use plans at the
district levels
Species maintenance
standards covering
vulnerable/ threatened
biotopes and species
Approximately 10-20
species maintenance
1,000 species maintenance
416 species
standards for
protection of 257
animal and 143
plant species
identified on the
territory of
Korelichi, Volozhin,
Rossony, Bobruisk
and Ivatsevichi
districts were
developed and
rendered to the
regional inspection
of natural
resources and
Increase in land area
outside protected areas
where threats to
vulnerable/ threatened
biotopes from economic
activities are controlled
0 ha
Sustainable land uses (logging,
hay-making, pasture
management, fishing, hunting,
recreation) demonstrated in
following key biotopes:
3 demonstrational Sustainable land-use 3 demonstrational
projects for
projects for
sustainable hunting (sustainable haysustainable hunting
and fishing were making, cattle
and fishing were
developed for the grazing, fishing and developed for the
territory of 18 339 hunting)
territory of 18 339
ha, including:
demonstrated in the ha. Land regulation
following biotopes: scheme of
enterprise of pilot
district taking into
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955 species
standards for
protection of 261
animal and 148
plant species
identified on the
territory of 10 pilot
districts were
developed and
handed over to the
regional inspections
of natural resources
and environmental
956 species
standards for
protection of 66
animal and 72 plant
species identified on
the territory of 10
pilot districts were
developed and
handed over to the
regional inspections
of natural resources
and environmental
account biological
and landscape
priorities was
Various limitations
for the purpose of
protection and
sustainable use
were recommended
and introduced for
the following key
biotopes in total:
Population of following
Baseline populations
indicator species outside
protected areas remains
stable: Aquatic warbler
(vulnerable – global threat
status) for fen mires;
Greater spotted eagle
(vulnerable) for floodplain
wet deciduous forests;
Bittern (depleted) for lake,
reed-bed and oxbow
·    Mires:
12,000 ha;
mires: 10 700 ha
Mires: 11,700 ha
Floodplain meadows: 8,000 ha;
meadows - o ha
meadows: 6,300 ha meadows: 29 607
·    Lakes:
5,000 ha;
lakes: 39 ha
Lakes: 1,500 ha
Lakes: 15 673 ha
·    Forests
of high natural value such as
floodplain wet deciduous
forests: 20,000 ha
forests of high
natural value: 7
600 ha
Forests of high
natural value such
as floodplain wet
deciduous forests:
18,000 ha
Forests of high
natural value: 38
540 ha
No decrease over baseline
respective survey
will be conducted
in 2013
Population of the
indicator species
chosen from the
IUCN list for each
region outside
protected areas
remains stable:
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Mires: 18 784 ha
Aquatic warbler,
Greater spotted
eagle and Bittern decrease in
population due to
overgrowing of fen
mires and open
meadows; Great
Volozhin district:
snipe - increase in
Greater -spotted
population; Blackeagle - 1 pair, Great tailed godwit snipe - 5-7 pairs,
ecosystems; Great snipe
(near-threatened) and
Black-tailed godwit (near
threatened) for meadows;
European otter (near
threatened) for small river
ecosystems; overall fish
population dynamics for
glacial lakes.
Black-tailed godwit 2-3 pairs, European
bison - 92 animals;
Korelichi district:
Bittern - 3 pairs,
Great snipe - 7-9
pairs, Black-tailed
godwit - 5-7 pairs.
Ivatsevichi district:
Greater -spotted
eagle - 1 pair, Great
snipe - 10-20
displaying males,
Aquatic warbler - 10
- 15 males;
Rossony district:
waternymph - 1
European Fresh
Water Crayfish - 712 populations,
Marsh Angelica - 1
Rechitsa district:
Greater Spotted
Eagle - 1 pair, Great
snipe - 15-20
displaying males,
Corncrake - 55-60
displaying males;
Rogachev district:
Greater Spotted
Eagle - 2 pairs,
Great snipe - 15-20
displaying males,
Corncrake - 35-50
displaying males;
Slonim district:
Lady’s slipper - 3
Corncrake - 15-20
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remains stable;
European otter increase in
population; Overall
fish population
dynamics for glacial
lakes - increase in
population for
European cisco and
"remains stable" for
European smelt
displaying males,
Great snipe - 5-10
displaying males;
Glubokoe district:
Aquatic Warbler 20-25 males,
Corncrake - 10-20
displaying males,
Lady’s slipper - 3
Populations of the
indicator species for
Bobruisk and Klichev
districts are under
% of local land-users in 10 0
districts who are
conducting economic
activities in ecologically
sensitive areas and receive
in-field training and
technical assistance with
implementing modified
0% (planned for
Land users in 7 pilot
districts conduct
economic activities
in ecologically
sensitive areas in
accordance with the
new approved
inclusive land use
plans. The land
users in the 7 pilot
districts received
training and
technical assistance
with respect to
implementing the
modified practices.
Land users in the 2
(Glubokoe and
Klichev districts)
out of 3 remaining
pilot districts
received the
respective training
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100% Land users in
8 pilot districts
conduct economic
activities in
sensitive areas in
accordance with the
new approved
inclusive land use
plans. The land
users in 10 pilot
districts received
training and
technical assistance
with respect to
implementing the
modified practices.
Land users of the
Slonim and Klichev
districts are
expected to get new
inclusive land use
and are expected to plans operational in
start conducting
early 2014.
economic activities
in ecologically
sensitive areas in
accordance with the
new approved
inclusive land use
plans by the end of
Land users of the
Slonim district are
expected to get new
inclusive land use
plan operational in
early 2014.
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F. Progress in Implementation
Outcome 1
Component 1. Enabling regulatory, policy and institutional framework for land-use planning that reflects biodiversity considerations outside
protected areas
Outputs Reported 2 additional new action plans for conservation of wild fauna species in the Red Book of Belarus - migratory salmon fishes Salmo
salar and Salmo trutta trutta are prepared and approved by the MNREP. The draft normative legal act \"On amendments and additions to the
Regulations on the transfer of wild fauna and flora habitats, concerning the species included in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Belarus, under
the protection of land and (or) water users\" developed. The draft normative legal act (Technical Code of Common Practice, TCCP) \"On the
procedure of development of standard actions plans for conservation of species included in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Belarus, and on
the content of standard action plans\" developed and submitted to the MNREP The draft normative legal act (TCCP) \"On requirements on
protection of rare and threatened wild flora and fauna species included in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Belarus\" developed and submitted
to the MNREP Electronic database on passports and maintenance standards for the habitats of the wild fauna and flora species, listed in the Red
Data Book of the Republic of Belarus developed and is operational (http://base.biodiversity.by/index/login). All existing passports and species
maintenance standards are included into the Database. Access provisions for Database users are developed (passwords, etc.). It makes possible on
the national level to update and widely use the data while preparing schemes of land-, forest- and hunting management. Training module on use of
database of passports and species maintenance standards in territorial planning practice and other economic activities developed and introduced
into capacity building workshops and the MNREP collegia of 4 regions
Outcome 2
Component 2. Tested models for development and enforcement of biodiversity-compatible land-use plans at the district levels
Outputs Reported Biological and landscape inventory has been finalized for remaining 5 districts: Slonim, Glubokoe, Rechitsa, Rogachev and Klichev.
Integrated biodiversity compatible territorial plans for Volozhin, Rossoni, Rogachev, Rechitsa, and Bobruisk districts were approved by respective
district executive committees and under implementation. Two more plans for Glubokoe and Klichev districts are developed and currently under
approval by the respective regional and district executive committees. 539 species maintenance standards for rare species habitats were prepared
Provisions on the conservation of biological and landscape diversity were developed and included into the scheme of forest management for three
forestries: Vasilevichi, Rogachev and Rechitsa.
General comments:
G. Ratings and Comments on Project Progress
Progress toward Development Objectives
Project Manager/Coordinator
Biodiversity inventory of all 10 pilot districts has been finalized within the project. For the whole investigation period on the
territory of pilot districts habitats of 123 from 188 species of wild animals included into Red Data Book of Belarus were
indicated. 527 passports and species maintenance standards were prepared for 66 species. Based on the results of
botanical investigations places of growth of 112 from 181 species of vascular plants included into Red Data Book of
Belarus were identified. 429 passports and species maintenance standards were prepared for 72 species. The species
maintenance standards are the foundation of biodiversity conservation in productive landscapes in Belarus at present.
These documents were integrated into land-management schemes for appropriate districts. Integrated biodiversity
compatible territorial plans were developed for Korelichi, Volozhin, Rossony, Ivatsevichy, Rechitsa, Rogachev, Glubokoe,
Bobruisk, Slonim and Klichev districts with overall territory of 1,94 million hectares For 7 districts with overall territory of
1,43 million hectare such schemes have been already approved by appropriate regional authorities and under
implementation. The plans for Slonim and Klichev districts are under the approval by the appropriate Region executive
committees. Biodiversity conservation issues were integrated into forest management schemes of 12 forestries for the first
time for Belarus which was estimated by the Ministry of Forestry as a good practice. The project catalyzed the process to
replicate this to a further 24 rayons. In addition, the project produced and disseminated methodological guidelines for
biological and landscape inventory and the production of land management schemes thereby creating a platform for further
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3 action plans for conservation of wild fauna species in the Red Book of Belarus - the Aquatic Warbler, Greater Spotted
Eagle and Great Snipe - were actualized and 8 new action plans for conservation of wild fauna - Bittern, Roller, Magpie
diver, Astacus astacus, migratory salmon fishes Salmo salar and Salmo trutta trutta - and flora - Matricary grapefern, and
Fen orchid - species in the Red Book of Belarus were developed and approved by the MNREP.
Based on unique project experience the list of rare Belarusian biotopes of national and international significance and
criteria of their identification were developed. These documents were the scientific foundation for proposals on biotopes
protection that were included into new edition of “Environment Protection Law” of the Republic of Belarus. Adding of
biotopes to the list of specially protected areas played an important role in Belarus joining to Convention on the
Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (The Bern Convention). Handbook “Rare habitats of Belarus” with
the list and criteria of their identification was prepared and published.
In the sphere of legislative/regulatory framework related to environment and natural resource management the key results
are development of some technical codes of common practice (TCCP). including "Regulations of protection of wild fauna
species included in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Belarus and their habitats " and "Regulations of protection of
wild flora species included in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Belarus and their habitats " and "Arrangement and
content of standard action plans on conservation of wild fauna and flora species included into Red Data Book of Belarus".
Electronic database on passports and maintenance standards for the habitats of the wild fauna and flora species, listed in
the Red Data Book of the Republic of Belarus was developed. All existing passports and species maintenance standards
are included into the Database. This makes possible on the national level to create centralized system of tracking and
monitoring of identification and conservation of habitats of animal and plant species included into the Red Data Book of
Belarus and to update and widely use the data while preparing schemes of land-, forest- and hunting management.
Training module on use of database of passports and species maintenance standards in territorial planning practice and
other economic activities developed and introduced into capacity building workshops and MNREP collegia of all 6 regions.
One of the main objectives to which the project paid permanent attention was capacity building of government staff at both
State and district levels from nature protection and land use planning sectors to effectively coordinate with the relevant
stakeholders and integrate biodiversity and sustainable land use in subsequent territorial planning efforts across Belarus.
More than 30 capacity building seminars and workshops were organized with participation of government state and local
officials of MNREP and State Property Committee, State inspectorate on fauna and flora protection, landusers and tenants
of fisheries and hunting areas. As a result more than 200 specialists received knowledge on collection of biodiversity
information and integration of this into the development and implementation of land use plans.
Project pilot activities were aimed at rare flora and fauna species conservation. Game management scheme of Volozhin
hunting unit with included provisions for conservation of biological diversity and development of eco-tourism was
developed. Equipped platform for monitoring of capercaillie and grouse on display, woodcock and other species of game
birds - hazel-hen, snipe and ducks was arranged, including preparation of special shelters for bird-watching, construction
of camping place, road improvement, arrangement of parking places. Recommendations on restoration of spawning
grounds and organization of recreational and commercial fishing for 2 bayou lakes River Dnieper in Rogachyov district.
Arrangement of the Volkovo military-forestry territory for eco-tourism organization including scientific study of the forestry,
construction of the observation tower and supplementary feeding fields, artificial nests, salt licks, pebbles. Land
management scheme of agricultural enterprise of 'Rechitsa hardware plant' developed taking into account biological and
landscape diversity conservation priorities. Implemented demonstrational activities for local land/water users dedicated to
conservation and increasing of populations of the following fauna and flora native species, included into the Red Data
Book of the Republic of Belarus: Magpie diver, Astacus astacus, Great snipe, Gray crane, Hypericum tetrapterum.
Implemented in-field testing of repellants and developed proposals of their use to minimize damage caused by wild
ungulates-dendrofagous to the basic forest forming species of Belarus, to protect capercaillie breeding grounds of wild
boar damage and to minimize traffic accidents with wild animals. To draw attention to invasive species problem public
campaign was organized including action on Solidágo canadénsis mowing and educational film "Attention! Goldenrod!".
Besides free spreading on the Internet, 200 DVD-copies of the film with supporting information were prepared. They were
distributed to all local inspections of the MNREP and other interested parties.
Project publications also promote eco-awareness. Posters "Rare and threatened wild fauna species" and "Rare and
threatened wild flora species" (in circulation of 100 pcs) were prepared for each project district and handed over to local
inspections of the MNREP. 8 brochures of National Action Plans on conservation of wild fauna and flora species in the
Red Data Book of Belarus in circulation of 250 pcs each were printed and handed over to the MNREP for distribution.
Handbook “Fishing by the Rules” in circulation of 500 pcs was prepared to understandably explain fishing legislation for
amateurs. Additional 3000 copies of handbook were produced by a project partner. National magazine “Native Nature”
reprinted the handbook for free in order to spread the information. In accordance with National Action Plans for Roller and
Botrychium matricariifolium thematic post stamps were prepared.
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UNDP Country Office Programme Officer
Comments are forthcoming
Project Implementing Partner
GEF Operational Focal point
Other Partners
UNDP Technical Advisor
Comments are forthcoming
General Comments
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Progress in Implementation
Project Manager/Coordinator
The project has efficiently implemented the planned activities, and was fully on track for timely disbursement of the project
budget within the expected timeframe. Project resources were spent in strict adherence to the project budget, work plan
and project document. The project has exceeded its target on prepared number of sectoral regulations and
methodological guidelines that facilitate the incorporation of biological conservation requirements into planning and
management of land use outside protected areas. 27 legal acts and regulations were developed by the project experts for
the following sectors that were a primary or a secondary focus of the project: territorial planning, agriculture, forestry,
fisheries, hunting and tourism. Some of them are under implementation, namely, Amendments and additions to the
Regulation of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated May 18, 2009 No. 638 “Regulations on the transfer
of wild fauna and flora habitats, concerning the species included in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Belarus, under
the protection of land and (or) water users” (Regulation No. 622 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus,
adopted on the 12 July 2013); "Regulations on the transfer of typical and/or rare natural landscapes and biotopes under
the protection of land and (or) water users" (Regulation No. 611 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus,
adopted on the 12 July 2013); Prohibition of water fowl hunting in spring period (Resolution of the MNREP dated 20
December 2012 No. 55); 8 National action plans for conservation of wild fauna and flora species in the Red Data Book of
Belarus. The “Law on Nature Protection of Belarus” has been amended to incorporate the proposals for the conservation,
sustainable use and proposals for legal regulation of protection of threatened landscapes and biotopes of international and
national importance (Regulation No. 18-3 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, adopted on the 22 January
Individual level capacity on collection of biological and landscape diversity information and its integration into the
development and implementation of land management schemes completed for 200 government staff members instead of
originally foreseen 30. Biological and landscape inventory has been finalized for all 10 project districts. 956 species
passports and species maintenance standards for protection of 66 animal and 72 plant species were prepared as the result
and handed over to appropriate district inspections of the MNREP to be further passed under the protection of local land
and/or water users. Species maintenance standards are highly effective mechanisms for biodiversity conservation at a
small scale. In effect, the species maintenance standards act as micro-protected areas within the productive landscape.
All these data were included into developed integrated biological and landscape diversity compatible territorial plans.
Such plans for 8 districts were already approved by regional executive committees and are under implementation. Two
more plans are under approval. A series of country-wide workshops was organized for government officers of the MNREP,
State Property Committee and State Inspectorate of Fauna and Flora Protection local branches, landusers and tenants of
fisheries and hunting areas as part of the project to trigger replication in the additional 24 districts that developed integrated
territorial plans. Remaining 16 districts received training but the plans have not been developed yet as a result of shortage
of the State financing.
The following production sectors and/or ecosystem services were directly or indirectly targeted by the project: territorial
planning, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, hunting and tourism. Within the scope and objectives of the project the following
management practices were employed that integrate biological and landscape considerations:
1. Crop cultivation: Land management scheme of agricultural enterprise of 'Rechitsa hardware plant' developed with
recommendations on annual and perennial crop rotation taking into account biological and landscape diversity
conservation priorities (in total 1 373 ha).
2. Hay-making and Livestock grazing regime: Expert investigation and recommendations to promote sustainable haymaking and cattle grazing on floodplain meadows and fen mires to minimize influence on wetland bird species populations
(in total 3 371 ha).
3. Forestry: Sustainable forest management in forests that are of special biodiversity importance and/ or are habitats for
protected species is used in 12 forestries. Forestry activities in the places of Red Data Book plants growth are conducted
in winter period when snow covering is substantial (in total 38,540 ha).
4. Hunting: Capercaille birdwatching instead of traditional hunting in the hunting reserve. Prohibition of spring hunting on
wetland bird species in 13 hunting areas. Game management scheme of hunting unit with included provisions for
conservation of biological diversity and development of eco-tourism was developed and under implementation.
Arrangement of hunting unit territory for eco-tourism organization including scientific study of the forestry, construction of
the observation tower and supplementary feeding fields, artificial nests, salt licks, pebbles (in total 230,000 ha).
5. Fishing: Regime of rational fishing on rented section of Berezina river (34,5 kilometers) together with associated
riverside water reservoirs on the territory of Rechitsa district for making economically grounded fishery, sustainable use of
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commercial river reserves taking into account conservation of existing biodiversity of fauna and flora has been developed.
Recommendations on restoration of spawning grounds and organization of recreational and commercial fishing for 2 bayou
lakes River Dnieper in Rogachyov district (in total 500 ha).
6. Land reclamation and melioration: Recommendations on land reclamation and melioration were included in 10 land
management schemes of pilot districts. Reconstructed ground dam for groundwater level maintenance, and planted typical
wetland trees on renaturalised peatland Bartenikha (in total 18 784 ha).
7. Water resource management: Cessation of certain types of economic activities within 100 meteres of water bodies was
included in all 10 land management schemes of the pilot districts (in total 6,000 ha).
Sustainable land uses (logging, hay-making, pasture management, fishing, hunting, recreation) were demonstrated in
following key biotopes for the total territory of 102 604 hectares:
• Mires: 18,784 ha;
• Floodplain meadows: 29,607 ha;
• Lakes: 15,673 ha;
• Forests of high natural value such as floodplain wet deciduous forests: 38,540 ha
The project implemented efficient communication strategy aimed at integration of biological and landscape conservation
priorities into territorial planning policies and practices as well as raising of general public awareness of biodiversity issues
and has had a well maintained and continually developed relationship with numerous printed and electronic mass-media.
Project web-site was very important instrument for dissemination of information regarding project activities and useful tool
for discussion of drafts of legal acts
The project received sufficient and delicate supervision, assistance and consultancy from the UNDP-CO Programme
UNDP Country Office Programme Officer
Comments are forthcoming
Project Implementing Partner
GEF Operational Focal point
Other Partners
UNDP Technical Adviser
Comments are forthcoming
General Comments
H. Communications and Knowledge Management
The Story of This Project
Adaptive Management this Reporting Period
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The project design envisaged the completion inventory of biological and landscape diversity of all ten districts till the end of
the first year of the project implementation. This proved impossible: the process was long and it was only in 2013 that the
process for all ten districts was completed. Second, the project design was unrealistic about some of the pilot activities –
for example, the “restoration of the hydrological regime on disturbed mires”. It should be recalled that the project was a
mid-sized GEF project and thus it is understandable when the project dropped this activity that was well beyond the reach
of its budget.
The project over-delivered on certain outputs. For example, it developed 11 National Action Plans, each for a different
species, rather than the envisaged eight and prepared more than 20 legal acts instead of planned 8 This was done at no
additional financial cost to the project (although, of course, this required human resources) and without compromising on
Lessons Learned
General Comments
I. Partnerships
Innovation and Work with Partners
Civil Society Organisations/NGOs
The Project is cooperating with Public Coordinating Council at the Ministry
for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus.
Presentation and discussion on conservation of migratory salmons has been
organized. There were two field events conducted in close partnership with
Protection of Birds of Belarus (APB) NGO: Raised awareness of general
public, local land-users, employees of the regional inspection services of
MNREP on importance of Magpie Diver and Hypericum tetrapterum
conservation as a part of general biodiversity conservation
Indigenous Peoples
Private Sector
GEF Small Grants Programme
Other Partners
The project demonstrated good cooperation and partnership with two other
running projects "Landscape approach to management of peatlands aiming
at multiple ecological benefits" and "Support to the development of a
comprehensive framework for international environmental cooperation in the
Republic of Belarus" to reach sustainability and follow up of the results.
General Comments
J. Progress toward Gender Equality
Findings of
gender/social needs
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Changes in targeting
information on the
project's work on
gender equality
There are no critical gender issues related to the scope of the project. 86 women (governmental and local
authorities, scientists, land use planning specialists, mass media and NGO representatives) out of 200
participants took part in the project seminars and field activities.
General Comments
K. Environmental \ Social Grievances
Related environmental or social
Detailed description
L. Project Contacts and Links
Contact Name
Email Address
Project Coordinator / Manager
Vladimir Koltunov
UNDP Country Office Programme Officer Igar Tchoulba
Project Implementing Partner
Ministry of Natural Resources and
Environmenal Protection
GEF Operational Focal Point
Igor Kachanovsky_Ministry of Natural
Other Partners
Ministry of Forestry; State Committe on
UNDP Technical Adviser
Maxim Vergeichik
Project website, etc.
Links to media coverage
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M. Annex 1 - Ratings Definitions
Implementation Progress Ratings Definitions
Highly Satisfactory (HS): Implementation of all components is in substantial compliance with the original/formally revised
implementation plan for the project. The project can be presented as 'good practice'.
Satisfactory (S): Implementation of most components is in substantial compliance with the original/formally revised plan except for
only few that are subject to remedial action.
Moderately Satisfactory (MS): Implementation of some components is in substantial compliance with the original/formally revised
plan with some components requiring remedial action.
Moderately Unsatisfactory (MU): Implementation of some components is not in substantial compliance with the original/formally
revised plan with most components requiring remedial action.
Unsatisfactory (U): Implementation of most components is not in substantial compliance with the original/formally revised plan.
Highly Unsatisfactory (HU): Implementation of none of the components is in substantial compliance with the original/formally revised
Development Objective Progress Ratings Definitions
Highly Satisfactory (HS): Project is expected to achieve or exceed all its major global environmental objectives, and yield substantial
global environmental benefits, without major shortcomings. The project can be presented as 'good practice'.
Satisfactory (S): Project is expected to achieve most of its major global environmental objectives, and yield satisfactory global
environmental benefits, with only minor shortcomings.
Moderately Satisfactory (MS): Project is expected to achieve most of its major relevant objectives but with either significant
shortcomings or modest overall relevance. Project is expected not to achieve some of its major global environmental objectives or
yield some of the expected global environment benefits.
Moderately Unsatisfactory (MU): Project is expected to achieve of its major global environmental objectives with major shortcomings
or is expected to achieve only some of its major global environmental objectives.
Unsatisfactory (U): Project is expected not to achieve most of its major global environment objectives or to yield any satisfactory
global environmental benefits.
Highly Unsatisfactory (HU): The project has failed to achieve, and is not expected to achieve, any of its major global environment
objectives with no worthwhile benefits.
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