Supplementary information Genome-wide association study identifies SESTD1 as a novel risk gene for lithium responsive bipolar disorder Supplementary Methods Swedish Quality Register for bipolar disorder (BipoläR) 2 Phenotype definition and assessment 2 Quality control for genotyping 5 Test of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium for imputed variant rs116323614 6 Heritability estimation for lithium-responsive bipolar disorder (BD) 6 Supplementary Tables and Figures Table S1. Subject characteristics for patients with lithium assessment and genotype 8 Table S2. Corresponding number of sample of the objectively and subjectively defined assessments for lithium response 9 GWAS comparing lithium responding with lithium non-responding BD patients (Summary statistics in Table S3, quantile-quantile and Manhattan plots in Fig S1, associated genetic regions in Table S4) 10 GWAS comparing lithium responding BD patients and healthy controls (Summary statistics in Table S5, quantile-quantile and Manhattan plots in Fig S2, associated genetic regions in Table S6, region plots of the most associated regions in meta-analysis in Figure S3) 16 Table S7. Association results of top associated loci from meta-analyses for each sub-sample 23 Table S8. Predicted genotype frequencies for rs116323614 in each sample and tests of HardyWeinberg Equilibrium 24 Table S9. Association results for rs116323614 in male and female samples 25 Table S10. Univariate heritability estimates of lithium-responsive BD 26 References 27 1 Supplemental Methods Swedish Quality Register for BD (BipoläR) Swedish Quality Register for BD (BipoläR) contains individualized data on diagnoses (i.e., BD type 1, type 2, not otherwise specified, or schizoaffective disorder bipolar type), medical intervention, and outcomes. It also captures basic clinical epidemiological data as well as longitudinal data on the natural history and clinical course of the disease. Participation is voluntary for the clinician as well as for the patients. The diagnoses were made according to the DSM-IV-TR, but the use of structured interviews varies between participating units, which include both private and public psychiatric outpatient health care units in Sweden. Psychiatrists who register patients have often specialized in the treatment of mood disorders and treatment of BDs in particular. Hence, BipoläR contains much more detailed phenotypic information than other Swedish national registers and provides good validity and high data quality. Patients were followed-up annually 2005–2013. Until June 2013 when the data were extracted, 6429 BD patients were registered in BipoläR with the mean total follow-up time 3.1 years (SD=1.7, range 1-9 years). Phenotype definition and assessment Phenotype definition for Swedish sample Subjective assessment included two branches. Participants from Stanley were interviewed over the phone by trained nurses using a structured questionnaire. Provided a person had taken lithium for at least 12 months at any point in life, he or she would be asked about the therapeutic effect regardless of potential side effects. Responses were categorized into four groups: 1) “Complete remission. No further episodes, became well” (N=660, 62.1%); 2) 2 “Clearly improved, but continued to suffer from mood episodes, or needed additional treatment” (N=264, 24.9%); 3) “No or questionable treatment effect” (N=86, 8.1%); 4) “Do not know or do not want to answer” (N=52, 4.9%). Patients from S:t Göran were assessed by a psychiatrist using a standardized interview protocol (the Affective Disorders Evaluation) which was previously used in the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program of Bipolar Disorder Program (STEP-BD).1 Response was also categorized into four groups: 1) “Complete response” (N=77, 33.3%); 2) “Markedly improved or somewhat improved, but continued to suffer from mood episodes, or needed additional treatment” (N=20, 8.7%); 3) “No or doubtful treatment effect” (N=13, 5.6%). 4) “No data or used lithium too short time” (N=121, 52.4%). By adding an objective assessment lithium response in the Swedish sample, we aimed for a phenotype definition that would correspond more closely to the UK-BDRN subgroup with excellent and beneficial response to lithium (group 1 and 2 in the UK samples, see below). We assessed the effectiveness of lithium in preventing mood episodes by using recurrence data at yearly longitudinal follow-ups extracted from Swedish Quality Register from May 2004 until June 2013. Subjects who had used lithium for at least one year were included. Responders were defined as having no mood episodes during follow-up (N=159, 16.9%), while non-responders were those that had at least one mood episode during follow-up (N=780, 83.1%). The extent to which subjective assessment and objective assessment were in line with each other is shown in Supplementary Table S2. Phenotype definition for UK sample Lithium response information for participants from BDRN was collected by interviews and reviews of clinical notes and was originally categorized into five groups: 3 1) “Objective evidence for excellent response to lithium prophylaxis” (i.e., frequency of episodes reduced to <10% of frequency after lithium prophylaxis and/or 2 or more episodes of illness occurring within weeks of cessation of lithium. This could only be rated if at least 3 episodes of illness had occurred before lithium prophylaxis and lithium response had been observed for at least 5 years.) (N=47, 3.0%); 2) “Objective evidence for beneficial response” (i.e., clear reduction in number and/or severity of episodes following introduction of lithium prophylaxis. This could only be rated if at least 3 episodes of illness had occurred before lithium prophylaxis and lithium response had been observed for at least 3 years) (N=117, 7.4%); 3) “Subjective good response” (i.e., self-reported complete or partial remission, but with an observation period too short to meet objective criteria (<=3 years)) (N=738, 46.8%); 4) “Unsure of response” (i.e., have been on lithium only for a couple of months, or had it stopped after a brief period due to side effects) (N=603, 38.2%); 5) “No evidence of response to lithium” (i.e., no reduction in number and severity of episodes following introduction of lithium prophylaxis) (N =73, 4.6%). Harmonizing the datasets We treat lithium response as a dichotomous trait based on the subjective and objective measurements, respectively. By using subjectively defined lithium response we maximize the sample size. In the Swedish sample, a total of 1120 subjects had available assessments of lithium response together with genotyping data that passed quality control. We compared patients who reported complete remission on lithium (Group 1), N=737, 65.8%) with those who reported partial or no response (Group 2) and 3), N=383, 34.2%). For the UK subjects, we defined the UK groups 1), 2) and 3) as subjective responders (N=902, 57.2%), and the UK groups 4) and 5) as 4 subjective non-responders to lithium (N=676, 42.8%). This method of categorization is similar to dichotomous definitions proposed in several previous clinical and genetic papers.2-5 By using objectively defined lithium response, we arrive at a narrower phenotype definition of lithium response. The definition of objective response in the Swedish sample is given above. For the UK sample, we categorized the UK groups 1) and 2) as objective responders (N=164, 10.4% of the total UK sample) and the UK group 5) as objective non-responders (N=73, 4.6% of the total UK sample). Groups 3) and 4) lack long-term data. With longer observation, cases in these groups might end up in the response or the non-response group. We therefore chose to exclude groups 3) and 4) from the objective assessment of UK data. Quality control for Genotyping Swedish sample The quality control exclusionary measures for Swedish subjects were: genotype missingness rate >5%, ancestry outliers identified via multidimensional scaling (MDS), suspected sample error or contamination (i.e., subject heterozygosity rate >10%), ambiguous genetic sex, and a randomly selected member of any pair of subjects identified as related (pi-hat > 0.20). Exclusionary measures for SNPs were: marked deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P<1×10-6), SNP missingness rate >5%, minor allele frequency (MAF) <1%, differential missingness based on affection status (P<1×10-6), and differential missingness based on haplotype (P<1×10-10). UK sample The quality control exclusionary parameters for the BDRN sample were: subject heterozygosity rate >15%, subject missingness rate >2%, ambiguous genetic sex, SNP 5 missingness rate >2%, MAF<1%, marked departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P<5×10-5), differential missingness for SNPs between cases and controls (P<1×10-3) and differential missingness based on haplotype (P<1×10-10), population outliers identified via multidimensional scaling, and a random member of each pair of related subjects (defined as pi-hat >0.10). Test of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium for imputed variant rs116323614 As the calculation for genotype frequencies is not straightforward in dosage (imputed) data, we used the method provided in the paper “Approximate and Exact Tests of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Using Uncertain Genotypes”.6 Regarding potential skewing in genotype distributions, we performed the exact tests of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE). The results are shown in Table S8. Heritability estimation for lithium-responsive BD We first combined the two datasets (Sweden wave 2 and UK) and excluded variants only existing in one sample or with ambiguous base pair position and strand. We then used GCTA version 1.24 to filter for cryptic relatedness between individuals (cutoff value 0.025). A total of 10 786 individuals and 382 330 SNPs were included in the final dataset. To test for systematic discrepancy between the genotypes produced by the two microarrays and validate the combined dataset, we did a benchmark analysis with GCTA to estimate the heritability of BD. The result showed that the heritability of BD was 0.32 (95% CI 0.28 to 0.36) in this sample, which was similar to a previous estimate (0.25) in a study applying the GCTA method.7 6 We then estimated the heritability of lithium-responsive BD phenotype with subjectively and objectively defined lithium response, respectively. We specify the prevalence 0.30 since previous literatures have reported that full lithium responders are about one-third among lithium treated patients.8,9 We established statistical significance using the likelihood-ratio test of specific hypothesis (H0: SNP-heritability = 0) and reported the asymptotic 95% CI (calculated as 1.96 times the standard error). 7 Table S1. Subject characteristics for patients with lithium assessment and genotype Sweden (N=1822)* 61.5 Ever taken lithium (%) Lithium Lithium nonresponders responders Subjective measurement (available lithium assessment and genotype) Sample size 737 383 38.5 Sex (% male) 38.6 Mean age at sampling 52.1±13.9 48.8±13.3 (Standard deviation) 53.7 Bipolar disorder type I (%) 59.1 Objective measurement (available lithium assessment and genotype) UK BDRN (N=2577) 61.2 Lithium Lithium nonresponders responders 902 33.5 676 26.5 48.9±12.3 47.9±12.0 74.7 68.9 Sample size 159 780 164 73 37.8 28.8 Sex (% male) 39.6 43.2 Mean age at sampling 57.7±11.9 52.2±11.9 49.6±13.7 48.6±12.4 (Standard deviation) 50.3 83.6 Bipolar disorder type I (%) 57.9 80.5 * Swedish sample consists of subjects participating in both the Stanley study and S.t Göran Project 8 Table S2. Corresponding number of sample of the two different assessments for lithium response Objective assessment Responder Non-responder NA Total Responder 135 324 129 588 Subjective assessment Non-responder 17 319 2 338 NA 7 137 275 419 Total 159 780 406 1345 The numbers in the table refer to subjects with available lithium assessment and genotype (passed genotyping quality control). Abbreviations: NA, not applicable, could not be placed into either category. 9 Table S3. Summary statistics for GWAS comparing lithium responding with lithium non-responding bipolar disorder patients (Quantile-quantile and Manhattan plots shown in Fig S1) Subjective measurement Objective measurement Responders Non-responders λGC Quantile-quantile plot Manhattan plot Responders Non-responders λGC Quantile-quantile plot Manhattan plot Swedish sample Affymetrix 6.0 OmniExpress arrays (wave 1) (wave 2) 149 588 45 338 0.97 1.02 A B I II 159 780 1.01 E V UK BDRN Metaanalysis 902 676 1.00 C III 164 73 1.00 F VI 1639 1059 0.99 D IV 323 853 0.97 G VII * λGC: genomic inflation factor, calculated by the median observed χ2 statistic divided by expectation under the null *The quantile-quantile and Manhattan plots for all analyses are in Supplementary Figure S1 A B 10 C D E F G 11 I II III 12 IV V VI 13 VII Fig S1: Quantile-quantile plot for association analyses of lithium responders vs nonresponders; A: Sweden wave 1 subjective assessment, B: Sweden wave 2 subjective assessment, C: UK-BDRN subjective assessment, D: Meta-analysis for subjective assessment, E: Sweden wave 2 objective assessment, F: UK-BDRN objective assessment, G: Metaanalysis for objective assessment. Manhattan plot for association analyses of lithium responders vs non-responders; I: Sweden wave 1 subjective assessment, II: Sweden wave 2 subjective assessment, III: UK-BDRN subjective assessment, IV: Meta-analysis for subjective assessment, V: Sweden wave 2 objective assessment, VI: UK-BDRN objective assessment, VII: Meta-analysis for objective assessment. 14 Table S4. Summary of top loci for each analysis comparing lithium responders vs nonresponders and genes located in these regions Chr Index SNP A1/A2 Freq Sweden wave 1, subjective assessment OR P-values N Position KB 0.80 4.67 5.23×10-6 68 129841278-129886304 45 rs34521094 C/G 4 0.89 rs4858400 A/G 3 0.85 rs13085296 C/T 3 0.90 Sweden wave 2, subjective assessment rs56177802 T/C 2 0.73 rs10013531 C/A 4 0.53 7.52 4.67 5.41 6.73×10-6 8.86×10-6 1.49×10-5 10 243 120 189959142-189992773 22417440-22580784 166748961-167275775 34 163 527 2.14 1.60 2.03×10-9 2.54×10-6 61 106 190955006-191038244 184452303-184499131 83 47 0.64 1.63 2.60×10-6 44 73588067-73717421 129 rs7185701 A/G 16 0.87 Sweden wave 2, objective assessment 1.99 3.52×10-6 138 6652748-6785191 132 12 17 rs11060299 rs3743991 C/T T/C 6 rs114221506 G/A 0.88 0.43 1.13×10-6 170 31770265-32625494 855 19 rs141183405 G/A 0.78 0.50 1.44×10-6 27 32747302-32979847 233 13 rs113653486 C/T 0.91 0.40 1.73×10-6 118 50224143-50771235 547 1 rs56207132 C/T 0.85 0.91 2.64×10-6 66 50602495-51512469 910 Genes ZNF84,ZNF26,TMEM132 D,MIR1244-3 FRG2 MIR4273,FRG2C ZBBX,WDR49,SERPINI2 C2orf88 FRG2 SAP30BP,RECQL5,MYO1 5B,LOC643008,LOC1001 30933,LLGL2,ITGB4 RBFOX1 NOTCH4, MHC, many genes ZNF507,KIR3DP1,KIR2D L4,DPY19L3 TRIM13, ST13P4, MIR3613, many genes OR4F16,OR4F29,LOC100 133331,LOC100132287,F AF1,ELAVL4,DMRTA2,C DKN2C UK-BDRN, subjective assessment 20 rs28691794 C/T 0.90 0.49 2.11×10-6 65 61150190-61213367 63 2 3 rs10856800 rs150265641 C/G G/T 0.47 0.94 1.43 2.12 2.32×10-6 2.34×10-6 49 112 20716754-20752681 149155106-149252704 36 98 19 rs8113341 A/G 0.20 0.66 2.60×10-6 88 10125941-10193325 67 UK-BDRN, objective assessment rs1956691 C/T 14 0.83 rs11620153 A/G 13 0.47 3.97 0.35 2.21×10-6 2.89×10-6 240 175 58171917-58448472 66592665-66911823 277 319 MIR133A2,MIR11,C20orf200,C20orf166 No genes WWTR1,TM4SF4 RDH8,KIR3DP1,KIR2DL4 ,COL5A3,C3P1,C19orf66, ANGPTL6 No genes PCDH9 SPATA12,MIR4273,IL17R rs13095395 C/T 3.44 3.76×10-6 129 56965656-57261340 296 D,HESX1,FRG2C,ARHGE 3 0.81 F3,APPL1 -6 rs1392230 G/T 3.44 5.60×10 117 118411464-118585110 174 No genes 3 0.81 We used LD clumping to aggregate association findings into genomic regions. Position=hg19 coordinates. Genes in these regions or the 20-kb flanking regions were identified using gene tracks from the UCSC Genome Browser. Abbreviations: Chr, chromosome; Index SNP, the single-nucleotide polymorphism with the strongest association in the genomic region; A1/A2, reference and alternate alleles; Freq, frequency of reference alleles; OR, odds ratio; N, number of SNPs in the reported region; MHC, major histocompatibility complex. 15 Table S5. Summary statistics for GWAS comparing lithium responders with controls (Quantile-quantile and Manhattan plots shown in Fig S2) Subjective measurement Objective measurement Responders Controls λGC Quantile-quantile plot Manhattan plot Responders Controls λGC Quantile-quantile plot Manhattan plot Swedish sample Affymetrix 6.0 OmniExpress arrays (wave 1) (wave 2) 149 588 2215 1271 1.01 1.04 A B I II 159 1271 1.01 E V Cardiff sample Metaanalysis 902 5413 1.04 C III 164 5413 1.01 F VI 1565 8899 1.05 D IV 323 6684 1.01 G VII * λGC: genomic inflation factor, calculated by the median observed χ2 statistic divided by expectation under the null *The quantile-quantile and Manhattan plots for all analyses are in Supplementary Figure S2 A B 16 C D E F G 17 I II III 18 IV V VI 19 VII Fig S2: Quantile-quantile plot for association analyses of lithium responders vs controls; A: Sweden wave 1 subjective assessment, B: Sweden wave 2 subjective assessment, C: UKBDRN subjective assessment, D: Meta-analysis for subjective assessment, E: Sweden wave 2 objective assessment, F: UK-BDRN objective assessment, G: Meta-analysis for objective assessment Manhattan plot for association analyses of lithium responders vs controls; I: Sweden wave 1 subjective assessment, II: Sweden wave 2 subjective assessment, III: UK-BDRN subjective assessment, IV: Meta-analysis for subjective assessment, V: Sweden wave 2 objective assessment, VI: UK-BDRN objective assessment, VII: Meta-analysis for objective assessment 20 Table S6. Summary of top loci for each analysis comparing lithium responders vs controls and genes located in these regions Chr Index SNP A1/A2 Freq Sweden wave 1, subjective assessment OR P-value N Position KB Genes No genes ZNF84,ZNF26,MIR1 244-3 MDH1B,LOC200726 ,DYTN 9 rs10979017 C/G 0.99 0.20 1.08×10-8 4 110461462-110497099 36 12 rs146499272 C/T 0.98 0.17 2.71×10-7 38 84520335-85027937 508 2 rs115920983 C/A 0.99 0.15 4.73×10-7 4 207525730-207593030 67 13 rs9542739 T/C 0.12 2.23 5.48×10-7 90 71993107-72366052 37 3 DACH1 Sweden wave 2, subjective assessment 18 rs1442378 T/C 0.33 1.55 5.19×10-8 45 4050546-4071783 21 7 rs6466030 T/C 0.62 0.68 4.04×10-7 388 104557060-105064593 507 rs4887200 G/C 15 0.95 rs2091672 A/T 2 0.30 Sweden wave 2, objective assessment 0.41 0.66 7.57×10-7 7.77×10-8 13 196 88180809-88537816 140567355-140782556 357 215 3 rs73186618 C/T 0.99 0.12 4.93×10-7 27 19791860-20004093 212 11 rs386419745 -/AC 0.94 0.26 7.40×10-7 29 107643375-107797271 154 12 rs187180438 G/A 0.99 0.07 9.32×10-7 2 121791447-121909328 118 rs71455013 T/A 11 0.84 UK-BDRN, subjective assessment 0.42 1.26×10-6 30 22795964-22810983 15 16 rs141589271 A/C 0.96 2.93 1.36×10-6 1 81171896-81171896 0 3 rs3936575 A/G 0.24 0.74 1.41×10-6 136 21644870-21783136 138 51 18095574-18479387 384 23 7477518-7819352 342 7 rs201537822 T/- 0.96 0.55 1.56×10-6 7 rs193121099 C/T 0.99 0.39 2.11×10-6 DLGAP1 SRPK2,MLL5, LOC723809,LOC100 216545,LHFPL3 NTRK3 No genes RAB5A,MIR4273, FRG2C,EFHB, C3orf48 SLC35F2,RAB39 ZNF84,ZNF26,RNF3 4,MIR12443,KDM2B,ANAPC5 GAS2 PKD1L2 ZNF385D,MIR4273, FRG2C No genes RPA3,MIOS,LOC729 852,COL28A1 UK-BDRN, objective assessment TEX12,PTS, C11orf34,BCO2 XIRP1,WDR48,TTC2 rs142153631 C/A 1.35×10-7 222 38809692-39545741 736 3 0.99 0.20 1A, many genes UQCR11,TCF3, PLK5P,MEX3D, rs77866734 C/T 1.39×10-7 13 1528365-1642221 114 19 0.98 0.23 MBD3,KIR3DP1,KIR 2DL4,ADAMTSL5 PSTK,LOC399815, rs28498397 T/C 2.21×10-7 228 124304753-124872079 567 IKZF5,FLJ46361, 10 0.98 0.24 many genes We used LD clumping to aggregate association findings into genomic regions. Position=hg19 coordinates. Genes in these 11 rs146727601 TA/- 0.99 0.22 1.22×10-7 19 112060319-112384063 324 regions or the 20-kb flanking regions were identified using gene tracks from the UCSC Genome Browser. Abbreviations: Chr, chromosome; Index SNP, the single-nucleotide polymorphism with the strongest association in the genomic region; A1/A2, reference and alternate alleles; Freq, frequency of reference alleles; OR, odds ratio; N, number of SNPs in the reported region; MHC, major histocompatibility complex. 21 a b Figure S3. Region plots of the most associated region in meta-analysis results comparing lithium responders vs controls. SNPs are represented from genome build hg19/1000 Genomes Nov 2014 EUR. The purple diamond marks the most highly associated SNPs. (a) rs116323614 (p=2.74 x 10-8; OR=3.14). (b) rs146727601 (p=1.33 x 10-8; OR=3.98). 22 Table S7. Association results of top associated loci from meta-analyses for each sub-sample Index SNP A1/A2 Sample Freq Responders vs non-responders, subjective assessments rs73918339 T/C Sweden wave 1 0.92 Sweden wave 2 0.91 UK BDRN 0.90 rs7240206 C/G Sweden wave 1 0.11 Sweden wave 2 0.09 UK BDRN 0.09 rs116927879 G/A Sweden wave 1 0.89 Sweden wave 2 0.86 UK BDRN 0.84 rs78295376 T/C Sweden wave 1 0.87 Sweden wave 2 0.90 UK BDRN 0.91 Responders vs non-responders, objective assessments rs438475 G/A Sweden wave 2 0.88 UK BDRN 0.87 rs113262272 A/Sweden wave 2 0.71 UK BDRN 0.71 rs809 C/T Sweden wave 2 0.54 UK BDRN 0.48 rs181812561 G/A Sweden wave 2 0.98 UK BDRN 0.98 Responders vs controls, subjective assessments rs12144699 G/A Sweden wave 1 0.96 Sweden wave 2 0.95 UK BDRN 0.96 rs9834970 T/C Sweden wave 1 0.50 Sweden wave 2 0.50 UK BDRN 0.51 rs12493050 G/A Sweden wave 1 0.20 Sweden wave 2 0.20 UK BDRN 0.20 rs4947962 G/C Sweden wave 1 0.11 Sweden wave 2 0.11 UK BDRN 0.11 Responders vs controls, objective assessments rs146727601 -/TA Sweden wave 2 0.01 UK 0.02 rs116323614 A/G Sweden wave 2 0.02 UK 0.03 rs77866734 C/T Sweden wave 2 0.99 UK 0.98 rs142643109 T/G Sweden wave 2 0.99 UK 0.98 INFO OR 95% CI P-value 0.72 0.93 0.76 0.83 0.91 0.91 0.90 0.82 0.86 0.74 0.86 0.78 0.72 0.66 0.49 1.48 0.56 0.57 1.73 1.77 1.41 0.73 0.61 0.52 0.24-2.18 0.46-0.96 0.37-0.66 0.61-3.56 0.40-0.78 0.44-0.74 0.81-3.70 1.32-2.38 1.14-1.74 0.30-1.77 0.42-0.88 0.39-0.71 0.56 0.03 2.11×10-6 0.39 6.70×10-4 2.54×10-5 0.16 1.36×10-4 0.001 0.49 0.008 2.21×10-5 0.99 0.96 0.82 0.73 0.98 0.99 0.66 0.64 0.43 0.73 1.89 2.01 0.56 0.73 0.13 0.06 0.31-0.60 0.39-1.37 1.36-2.64 1.21-3.35 0.44-0.72 0.49-1.09 0.05-0.33 0.00-4.29 1.13×10-6 0.33 1.63×10-4 0.007 7.64×10-6 0.13 1.43×10-5 0.20 0.77 0.75 0.71 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.01 0.94 0.97 0.94 0.56 0.55 0.62 0.68 0.83 0.84 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.35 1.54 1.27 0.33-0.97 0.37-0.82 0.48-0.81 0.53-0.87 0.71-0.96 0.76-0.93 0.92-1.61 1.04-1.50 1.14-1.44 0.95-1.91 1.23-1.94 1.08-1.48 0.04 0.003 4.66×10-4 0.002 0.01 9.24×10-4 0.17 0.02 3.72×10-5 0.09 2.19×10-4 0.003 0.74 0.82 0.86 0.79 0.90 0.64 0.74 0.75 2.84 4.53 2.84 3.30 0.51 0.23 0.25 0.29 1.15-7.14 2.56-7.69 1.41-5.88 2.00-5.26 0.18-1.43 0.13-0.39 0.09-0.68 0.16-0.51 0.02 1.22×10-7 0.004 1.97×10-6 0.20 1.39×10-7 0.006 1.85×10-5 Abbreviations: Index SNP, the single-nucleotide polymorphism with the strongest association in each meta-analysis; A1/A2, reference and alternate alleles; Freq, frequency of reference alleles; INFO, imputation info score; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval. 23 Table S8. Predicted genotype frequencies for rs116323614 in each sample and tests of HardyWeinberg Equilibrium Sample N Sweden wave 1 Sweden wave 2 UK 3141 3755 8035 Number of subjects by imputed genotype AA(%) AG(%) GG(%) 2 (0.0007) 132 (0.04) 3007 (0.96) 2 (0.0006) 167 (0.04) 3586 (0.95) 6 (0.0007) 441 (0.05) 7588 (0.94) Exact Tests of HardyWeinberg Equilibrium P=0.45 P=0.84 P=0.40 Method for calculation was from “Approximate and Exact Tests of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Using Uncertain Genotypes”.6 24 Table S9. Association results for rs116323614 in male and female samples Ref allele Freq OR SE 95% CI P-value Test for difference between ORs Sample Sex No of responder vs. control Sweden wave 2 Male Female 63:632 96:639 0.02 0.02 2.16 3.53 0.58 0.48 0.69-6.73 1.38-9.04 0.19 0.008 P=0.51 UK Male Female 71:2805 93:2608 0.03 0.03 3.00 3.43 0.42 0.31 1.32-6.83 1.87-6.30 0.009 8.63×10-5 P=0.80 Male MetaFemale analysis All* 134:3437 189:3247 323:6684 0.03 0.03 0.03 2.67 3.46 3.10 0.34 0.26 0.21 1.37-5.22 2.07-5.78 2.07-4.64 0.004 2. 19×10-6 3.93×10-8 P=0.55 * Association analysis with adjustment for sex. Abbreviations: Ref allele Freq, frequency of reference alleles; OR, odds ratio; SE, standard error; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval. 25 Table S10. Univariate heritability estimates of lithium-responsive BD Phenotype Cases/Controls* Heritability (h2)* 95%CI P-value* BD 3824 / 6247 32% 28 to 36 <0.01 Subjective definition 1430 / 6247 29% 23 to 36 <0.01 Objective definition 307 / 6247 25% 0 to 51 0.03 Lithium-responsive BD * Numbers of cases and controls are after excluding one of each pair of individual with cryptic relatedness using GCTA; h 2 is SNP-heritability on the liability scale; P-values are from likelihood tests of null hypothesis of heritability being 0. Abbreviations: BD, bipolar disorder; CI, confidence interval 26 References 1. Sachs GS, Thase ME, Otto MW, Bauer M, Miklowitz D, Wisniewski SR et al. Rationale, design, and methods of the systematic treatment enhancement program for bipolar disorder (STEP-BD). Biological psychiatry 2003; 53(11): 1028-1042. 2. Garnham J, Munro A, Slaney C, Macdougall M, Passmore M, Duffy A et al. 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