While it is not a requirement, it should be noted that

Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in applying to serve on the
2015-2016 Executive Board. Due to our growth and
expansion, this year’s board will be made up of 4
Directors that comprise “Top 4”. Serving under each
Director are several specific coordinators that will also
serve on the Executive Board and have equal voting
power and privileges. Please review the descriptions
below carefully and consider applying to positions that
fit your skill set and passion. You must have
participated in raiseRED previously to apply to be on
the Executive Board. If you have not participated, we
encourage you to register as a dancer this year to find
out what raiseRED is all about.
While it is not a requirement, it should be noted that
special considerations will be given to returning
Executive Board members that fit the skill set and criteria
for the positions but will be selected through the same
interview process as everyone applying to the new
Executive Board.
For the Kids,
2014-2015 Executive Board
Executive Board Descriptions 2015-2016
Operations Director
The main responsibility of the Operations Director is to serve as the administrative
arm of the Top 4. They will prepare for all meetings and lead meetings along with
the other Top 4 members. The Operations Director is the chief liaison between the
board and the Office of the President. This person is responsible for signing the
Charitable Gift Agreement each year and working with the beneficiary to best serve
their needs. The Operations Director will work with Top 4 on maintaining RSO
status of the organization and participating in the partnership with Engage Lead
Serve Board and other campus partners. This director will work with the Public
Relations Director on planning press conferences, releases, and media outreach for
the event and the year leading up to it. This Director oversees the Alumni and
Faculty Outreach Coordinator, Greek Outreach Coordinator, Public Relations
Coordinator and Family Relations Coordinator.
To serve as Operations Director, you must have served on a previous Executive Board,
Team Leader, or Morale Captain.
Programming Director(s) (2)
The Programming Directors(s) are responsible for planning, organizing, and
orchestrating the entire 24-hour period of which the Dance Marathon consists.
Responsibilities include but are not limited to: scheduling the venue and all venue
needs, floor plans, duty rosters, lighting/sound/AV, and parking arrangements, and
working with Sponsorship Directors to obtain meals for dancers. They will prepare
for all meetings and lead meetings along with the other Top 4 members. The
Programming Director(s) will be responsible for the production of the final dance
marathon schedule and leads the event walkthrough before raiseRED. During the
dance marathon, the two Programming Directors will oversee the event and serve
as the primary emcees throughout the marathon. These Directors will oversee the
following positions: Team Leader Coordinators (2) and Morale Coordinator.
To serve as a Programming Director, you must have served on Executive Board, as a
Team Leader, or Morale Captain.
Finance Director
This director serves as the chief financial arm of the organization and serves on the
Top 4. This Director is the liaison between the raiseRED Executive Board and the
Office of Advancement. They will prepare for all meetings and lead meetings along
with the other Top 4 membersThis Director is responsible for the creation and
maintenance of the budget and raiseRED inventory. This Director will work closely
with Corporate Relations to obtain sponsorship checks and invoices as well as with
the Programming Directors to account for supplies and ordering for the dance
marathon. This Director works directly with the Office of Advancement to secure
money and funds throughout the year. This person is responsible for applying for
CPC funding and obtaining funding. This Director is also responsible for the intake of
all checks and input into DonorDrive. During the event, this person will count
money and calculate the grand total. This Director will oversee the following
positions: Dancer Relations Coordinator, Mini-Marathon Coordinator, Special
Projects Coordinator and the Sponsorship Coordinator(s).
To serve as a Finance Director, you must have served on Executive Board, as a Team
Leader, or Morale Captain.
OPERATIONS Coordinators
Alumni and Faculty Outreach Coordinator
This coordinator is responsible for working with University of Louisville alumni,
dance marathon alumni, and faculty. Specific tasks throughout the year include
organizing Alumni percentage nights and raffles, creating a dance marathon alumni
network through social media, email, and phone contact, organizing a faculty
outreach event which can include speaking at Faculty senate meetings, department
meetings, and staff meetings on Belknap campus and Health Sciences campus. This
position should also be involved with the U of L Cares Campaign and find ways to
encourage faculty and staff giving to raiseRED.
You must have participated in raiseRED to be considered for this position.
Public Relations Coordinator
The Public Relations Coordinator will be responsible for the creation, development,
and distribution of all marketing material and press for the dance marathon. The
Public Relations Coordinator is tasked with creating all graphics used during the
year and coordinating videography and photography at all pre-events and raiseRED.
The Public Relations Coordinator will oversee the creation of the materials to be on
screen during the dance marathon, maintain the blog, and look for ways to enhance
social media followings. This person will work to maintain the Facebook page,
Twitter page, Instagram account, Weebly blog, Tumblr account, and Snapchat
account. This person will also be responsible for the raiseRED.org website. Special
requirements: This person is expected to have a background in graphic
design, marketing, and/or social media. Please submit a 5 piece portfolio of
work with your application.
You must have participated in raiseRED to be considered for this position.
Family Relations Coordinator
The primary responsibility of the Family Relations Coordinator is to serve as a
liaison between the Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Clinic staff, the patients,
families and raiseRED. This position is required to hold monthly meetings with the
clinic staff. This position will supervise the planning and coordination of special
events for the clinic, patients and families throughout the school year. This person
will also work closely with the Programming and Public Relations in planning and
developing the Family Hours of the Dance Marathon. This person is responsible for
coordinating HIPAA training. During the event, the FR Coordinator will greet all
families, create the Family Area and brunch, and serve as the primary source of
communication between families and raiseRED. This person will also work with the
Morale committee to create the Inspiration tent.
You must have participated in raiseRED to be considered for this position.
Greek Outreach Coordinator
This coordinator position is to promote Greek involvement in raiseRED throughout
the year and at the dance marathon. During the year, this person is responsible for
contacting PanHellenic, IFC, and NPHC organizations, speaking at PanHellenic, IFC,
and NPHC meetings, promoting Greek participation and involvement and coming up
with ways to target the Greek population to boost overall Greek participation. This
person will work with the Fryberger board to maintain our partnership and
organize our presence at that event. This person will oversee all Greek fundraisers
that have decided to raise money for raiseRED and encourage Greek organizations
to boost fundraising totals during the year. This person will also coordinate
volunteers for the event. This position, although under Operations, will work closely
with the Dancer Relations Coordinator to accomplish these goals. Special
Requirements: This person should be a member of a PanHellenic, IFC, or NPHC
organization in order to promote better understanding of the demographic
they will work with.
You must have participated in raiseRED to be considered for this position.
PROGRAMMING Coordinators
Team Leader Co-Coordinators (2)
These two coordinators will be tasked with the recruitment and hiring of the team
leaders in the fall. These two coordinators are responsible to relaying all important
information and expectations to team leaders by having weekly meetings and emails
with them outside of Executive Board meetings. These two coordinators, along with
the Morale coordinator will create the line dance for the dance marathon. During the
year, these two coordinators will oversee team leader fundraising and team leader
contact with dancers. At the event, these two coordinators will serve as the chief
liaisons between the team leaders and executive board and will be responsible for
relaying expectations to the team leaders.
To serve as Team Leader Coordinator, you must have been a team leader or morale
captain for raiseRED.
Morale Coordinator
This coordinator is responsible for the recruitment and hiring process of morale
committee members. This person is responsible for keeping morale informed of all
major events and information and holding weekly meetings with the morale
committee. Morale members, along with the Morale Coordinator will serve as a task
force of raiseRED, promoting, working, and maintaining the organization all year
long. Morale members will be tasked with creating the Inspiration tent for the dance
marathon and teaching the line dance during the dance marathon. At the event, this
coordinator will serve as the chief liaisons between the morale committee and
executive board and will be responsible for relaying expectations to the morale
To serve as Morale Coordinator, you must have been a team leader or morale captain
for raiseRED.
FINANCE Coordinators
Dancer Relations Coordinator
The Dancer Relations Coordinator will plan and execute recruitment, retention, and
fundraising of dancers for the dance marathon. They will focus on the needs of
dancers throughout the year and coordinate recruitment tactics throughout the year
specifically focusing on non-Greek participants. The Dancer Relations Coordinator
will also coordinate registration for the 2016 raiseRED, contacting dancers via
DonorDrive and communicating expectations to them throughout the year. During
the final months before dance marathon, the Dancer Relations Coordinator will be
tasked with assigning dancers to color groups, informing team leaders about their
dancer rosters and fundraising numbers, ordering t-shirts, and planning the checkin and check-out process for raiseRED.
You must have participated in raiseRED to be considered for this position.
Sponsorship Coordinators (2)
The Sponsorship Coordinators maintain working relationships with all of raiseRED’s
corporate sponsors and will act as the main business representative for raiseRED.
Duties include working closely with the U of L Office of Advancement and
Development, maintaining corporate sponsorship contacts, sponsorship packets,
and upholding contract agreements with all sponsors concerning their intended
level of benefit. The top priority of these coordinators will be to retain current
sponsors of raiseRED while soliciting and developing new corporate donors in the
Louisville community. These coordinators must ensure corporate sponsors receive
all benefits promised by the donor benefit list. These coordinators are responsible
for working with the Finance Director to obtain all checks and invoices. On top of
raising money, the Sponsorship Coordinators will also help the Programming
Coordinators with the soliciting of local businesses for food donations as well as any
committee member with the soliciting of local businesses for other in-kind
donations for the dance marathon. Special Requirements: This position requires
communication and interpersonal skills. Personal connections with local
businesses in Kentucky are helpful in this position but not required.
You must have participated in raiseRED to be considered for this position.
Special Projects Coordinator
The Special Projects Coordinator will be responsible for the creation, planning, and
implementation of all pre-events, including Mr. and Ms. RaiseRED, 100 Days
Countdown, 50 Days Countdown, and Dancer Appreciation Week. This position will
approve all pre-events not limited to canning weekends and percentage nights. This
position will coordinate canning weekends sponsored by raiseRED and will work
closely with the Finance Director and Dancer Relations Coordinator. The Special
Projects Coordinator will work with the Team Leaders to work all special projects
and events throughout the year and will help to create the master calendar of
raiseRED events for the year.
You must have participated in raiseRED to be considered for this position.
Mini Marathons Coordinator
With the growing nature of raiseRED, this position is a new addition to the
Executive Board. This person will be tasked with contacting local schools to set up
mini-dance marathons and fundraisers to benefit raiseRED. This person will work
directly with the Special Projects Coordinator to improve our reach and overall
fundraising total by connecting the organization to other schools and community
members. This person should aim to schedule and help orchestrate 3 mini-dance
marathons for the 2015-2