Lesson Plan


Gulfport School District

Gulfport Central Middle School

2014-2015 Lesson Plan

Teacher: Vining

Day: Monday

Grade 7

Date: 12-1-14

Subject: American History

Unit/Story: American Revolution

Lesson Plan

Essential Question:

Was the war for American Independence inevitable?

Focus Question:

Why did some colonists support England and oppose independence?

Bell Ringer:

Would you have been a revolutionary in 1776? Why or why not?


 whole class discussion; small group collaboration; primary source analysis; document based questions; modeling

Anticipatory Set:

Teacher will use bell work answers to lead into class discussion on loyalists and the role they played in the independence movement.

Teacher Input / Modeling /Guided Practice:

Teacher will guide students in sourcing, contextualization, and corroboration of primary sources related to the different perspectives of the American independence movement.

Independent Practice/Affiliation:

Students will observe as teacher models how to analyze primary sources.

Students will work in small groups to analyze a source and answer document based questions.

Students will write a response to the documents and take a definitive stance on what they have learned from these documents.

Check for Understanding:

 The teacher will use students’ group work to determine their abilities to read a text closely and understand the relationship between sources.

Closure: on Daily Sheet

Student written responses to questions on the documents.

Answers to Focus Question

Teacher: Vining

Day: Tuesday

Grade 7

Date: 12-2-14


Unit/Story: American Colonies

Lesson Plan

Essential Question:

Was the war for American Independence inevitable?

Focus Question:

Why did some colonists support England and oppose independence?

Bell Ringer:

What does blockade mean?


Reading and analyzing primary sources; partner collaboration; creating, researching, and testing a hypothesis.

Anticipatory Set:

Teacher will bell work answers to lead into class discussion on what a blockade is and how

England used it against the colonies in the American Revolution.

Teacher Input / Modeling /Guided Practice:

Teacher will introduce the battle of Bunker Hill and Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”.

Teacher will direct and help students as necessary throughout the lesson, but allowing students to direct the direction they would like to take.

Independent Practice/Affiliation:

Students will work in pairs to examine quotes from Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” and

“The Crisis”. Students will make comparisons between the two texts

Students will determine which quotes use persuasion that appeal to logic and which that appeal to emotion. Students will determine the use of both types of quotes and what type of audience they should be used on.

Check for Understanding:

 Teacher will observe students’ ability to determine different methods of persuasion.

Closure: on Daily Sheet

Answers to focus question.

Teacher: Vining

Day: Wednesday

Grade 7

Date: 12-3-14


Unit/Story: American Colonies

Lesson Plan

Essential Question:

Was the war for American Independence inevitable?

Focus Question:

Why did the Founding Fathers write the Declaration of Independence?

Bell Ringer:

Who are the Founding Fathers?


Reading and analyzing primary sources; partner collaboration; creating, researching, and testing a hypothesis.

Anticipatory Set:

Teacher will use answers to bellwork question to lead into notes and whole class discussion about the Founding Fathers and the Declaration of Independence.

Teacher Input / Modeling /Guided Practice:

Teacher will introduce the ideas of the Declaration of Independence.

Teacher will direct and help students as necessary throughout the lesson, but allowing students to direct the direction they would like to take.

Independent Practice/Affiliation:

Students will work in pairs to determine which grievances affect all colonists and which only affect affluent colonists.

Students will also read and rewrite the Declaration of Independence in their own words.

Check for Understanding:

 Teacher will observe students’ ability to determine what types of grievances affect what types of people. Teacher will also observe student’s ability to create their own unique version of the Declaration of Independence.

Closure: on Daily Sheet

Answer Focus Question.

Teacher Vining

Day: Thursday

Grade 7

Date: 12-4-14


Unit/Story: American Colonies

Lesson Plan

Essential Question:

Was the war for American Independence inevitable?

Focus Question:

Did the Declaration of Independence establish the foundation for the American government?

Bell Ringer:

How do you think King George responded to the Declaration of Independence?


Whole group discussion; independent work

Anticipatory Set:

Teacher will ask students to give answers to the bell work question. Teacher will explain to students that today they will get to decide how King George responded to the many grievances of the colonists as if they were in a text message.

Teacher Input / Modeling / Guided Practice:

Teacher will guide students in finding out how King George really responded to the

Declaration of Independence.

Independent Practice/Affiliation:

Students will examine the actual events that occurred after King George received the

Declaration of Independence.

Check for Understanding:

Teacher will use student answers to “Break Up Text” activity to determine student grasp of concepts.

Closure: on Daily Sheet

Answer Focus Question.

Teacher Vining

Day: Friday

Grade 7

Date: 12-4-14


Unit/Story: American Colonies

Lesson Plan

Essential Question:

Was the war for American Independence inevitable?

Focus Question:

Bell Ringer:

Answer Essential Question


Whole group discussion; independent work (quiz)

Anticipatory Set:

Teacher will ask students to give answers to the bell work question. Teacher will explain to students that will be the main question answered on today’s quiz.

Teacher Input / Modeling / Guided Practice:

Teacher will facilitate a review quiz.

Teacher will facilitate American Revolution Battles Map.

Independent Practice/Affiliation:

Students will complete a review quiz.

Students will complete American Revolution Battles Map.

Check for Understanding:

Teacher will use student quiz results to determine ideas that need to be retaught.

Closure: on Daily Sheet

Quiz will act as closure.
