World History Chapter 14-3 Gothic Architecture The predecessor of

World History
Chapter 14-3
Gothic Architecture
 The predecessor of Gothic architecture was ______________________ architecture which
combined features of the architecture of ____________ and the __________________ Empire.
Romanesque is the architectural style of Medieval Europe.
Romanesque Characteristics
 Massive quality – often regular and symmetrical
 Thick walls
 _____________________
 Columns
 Low
 __________________________________ creating a dark interior
 Most characteristic = _______________ arches
Gothic Architecture
 Late and/or _________ Middle Ages
 Used primarily for cathedrals and significant public buildings
 Cathedrals
o _____________________________
o Often the largest building in the town/city
o ______________________________
o Sign of the _____________________ of the Church and Christianity in the Middle Ages
o Was a source of _____________ and __________________ for cities/towns
o Completion often took centuries
o Style varied in different parts of Europe -- Ex. France/limestone; Germany/brick
 Name “gothic” was ___________________ – critics, at first, thought the style was vulgar and
barbaric, thus the name.
 Gothic style became possible because of advancements in engineering, specifically, a new
method of support, the ______________________, which supported the walls from the
 Gothic Characteristics
o Flying buttress -- made possible
 ________________________
 Fewer columns
 ________________________ (more light coming in)
o Stained glass (scenes from Old and New Testaments)
 ______________________
o ______________________
o Layout = _____________, ______________, _____________/choir = shape of the cross
o Vertical emphasis
 _______________ – considerably taller than it is wide
 Towers, tall ___________/ pinnacles – pointing to heaven
 Long narrow windows
o Tracery windows
West Front
Lavish _________________________ - both inside and out
 Statues of saints, kings, Old Testament figures
 ____________________
 Murals
 Gem and gold encrusted crosses, candle holders etc.
In the US = _________________/Gothic Revival
 ___________________________________________
 ____________________________ – NYC
 Cathedral of St. John the Divine – NYC
Decoration of a written manuscript
 Variety of style
 Variety of topics – religion, romance, epic adventure
o ____________________ common especially in early Middle Ages because only monks
could read
 Sermons, lives of saints, interpretations of the Bible
o After 1200 – more literate people especially in the cities -- so - Epic tales of heroes and villains
 Love and chivalry
 Examples -- Song of Roland -- Charlemagne’s fight against Muslims in Spain
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
o Epics and Romances performed by troubadours in the vernacular
 Major works of _______________________ literature
o ______________________ by Geoffrey Chaucer
 Collection of stories of/by a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury
 Each tells a story to entertain the others
 Example -- Monk’s Tale, Knight’s Tale
 Important because the pilgrims are from a wide range of backgrounds and
tales ____________________________________________________________.
 Written in English not the French of William the Conqueror
_________________________ by Dante
 Written in Italian
 Story of imaginary trip through the afterlife – Dante meets people from his
own life and great figures from history. Criticized society of his time.
 Human actions in life determine fate in the afterlife (?)
Thinking and Learning
 ___________ true science because of the belief that all true knowledge must fit
More ________________________ than science – winches, pulley, plow etc.
o Alchemists began to conduct scientific experiments
 Trying to turn _________________________________________
 Important because they gained experience in chemical reactions
 Teachers opened schools for a fee and formed guilds = ______________________
 ↑ Greek learning in Europe
 Universities taught
o Latin grammar
Universities created an _________________________________ that wrote and spoke Latin
and shared a ________________________.
Important, early universities:
Oxford University (England)
University of Paris
University of Bologna
1100 AD
1100 AD
900 AD
Important scholar at University of Paris = ______________________________
 Dominican Friar
 Interested in Greek philosophy/Aristotle
o Aristotle – truth only through ________________________
o Christianity – truth revealed by __________ and depended on _____________
 Aquinas attempted to reconcile the two – both reason and faith are necessary for
truth = _________________________
o Christian teachings are provable through logic and reason