King James I Community Arts College

At King James I Academy, we recognise and define the arts as those learning experiences
that allow and encourage every individual, whatever their ethnic, religious, physical, mental
or emotional circumstances to be inquisitive, imaginative, expressive and creative in their
learning and preparation for adult life. Such learning experiences will come through media,
art & design, expressive and performing arts, dance, drama and music and be adapted to
meet the needs of individual learners.
We are the only specialist Media Arts College in Co. Durham complementing the programme
of the closest Performing & Visual Arts College offered by Greenfield School (Sedgefield
Borough Council).
Our mission at King James is to provide an ‘arts-rich curriculum’ that will:
 Be cross-curricular and focus on creativity and the imaginative use of ICT
 Identify, support and fulfill the needs of every pupil and nurture the ‘growth’ of each
 Continue to raise standards and stimulate learning through a range of motivating
and challenging experiences that extend beyond the classroom and are supported
with appropriate planning and facilities so all learners can participate.
 Tackle low expectations and raise aspirations by offering clear pathways to further
and higher education and work-related training.
 Provide a stimulating journey to adulthood and working life so that our pupils take up
worthwhile places in their communities.
 Equip all pupils to recognise their rights and responsibilities as citizens of their local,
wider and global communities.
 Engender a belief in lifelong learning for pupils and members of the wider community
through a range of family learning experiences and opportunities for adults to return
to learning and engage with professional artists.
 Promote King James as the focal point of our local community and a ‘family friendly’
To provide an inclusive education for all pupils whatever their ethnic, religious,
physical, mental or emotional circumstances using the arts to engage and develop a
thirst for enquiry and creativity.
Raise standards within the arts and develop cross-curricular teaching & learning
styles to encourage creativity and raise whole-school standards.
To raise awareness of cultural diversity and celebrate achievement.
To promote, provide and adapt art-rich opportunities for lifelong learning within the
local and wider communities for all learners.
To use ‘media arts’ to explore the relationship between the image and the word and
their importance in individual and mass communication.
To encourage self-expression through a wide range of specialist arts related
curriculum areas.
Objectives & Implementation
Personalised Learning - development of ‘creative’ teaching & learning styles across
all curricular areas by encouraging experimentation and the development of creative
thinking, self-expression and aesthetic awareness. Personalised Learning
programmes for MAT - SEN pupils including ‘fast track’ attainment at KS3, where
appropriate following the DfE’s publication of the White Paper and the Wolf Report,
KS4 & KS5 via increased curriculum provision and out-of-hours learning
opportunities in Art & Design, Media Studies, Literature, Performing Arts, Drama and
Music to meeting individual needs.
Build on the success of Creative Partnerships Phase I, Phase II and Phase III
focusing on research and experimentation with the imaginative use of ICT, digital,
video and media technology – all curricular areas.
A cross-curricular approach in the use of Media & Performing Arts throughout all Key
Stages by staff and pupils, including ‘in-house’ accreditation at KS3. Staff INSET to
develop Specialist skills in the use of ICT and digital/video imagery.
Ethos/Targets of Specialist Arts College to be embedded in the Academy
Improvement Plan and Performance Management objectives.
Greater rigour in self-evaluation, monitoring, tracking & target setting across all
curricular areas, including sharing of good practice with partner primary and
secondary schools.
Increased/improved range of opportunities including vocational pathways 14-19 in
Art & Design, Media Studies, Performing Arts, Drama and Music.
Curriculum enrichment: pupils & staff to work with professional artists, local
businesses and adult learners, including parents. Improved out-of-hours learning
programme, including Specialist Arts Week and Summer Schools. Collaborative
curriculum planning with partner schools, professional artists and business
Recognition of achievement through annual ‘Laurel’ Awards (Stan Laurel – ‘old boy’)
and the introduction of Arts Awards (Arts Council).
First day education for excluded pupils with a focus on the ‘arts’ (Excellence Cluster:
Behaviour Improvement Programme).
Specialist “arts” teachers to work across all primary partner schools, improving
transition and reducing ‘catch up’.
Improved literacy skills & creative writing via Radio King James/KJfm. ensuring any
barrier to individual learning is identified and removed. Improved confidence and self
esteem via pupil interviews through ‘Have I got News 4 U’ club, recorded &
broadcast via radio, video and college website.
Virtual Learning Environment, including on-line ‘arts’ curriculum, developed and
shared by Excellence Cluster and primary/secondary partner schools.
Using the Literacy Passport to graphically record students’ developing literacy skills.
Teachers’ use of video technology to develop their pedagogy and to reflect upon their
use of creative teaching to deliver learning.
The promotion of creative writing as a key component of the Primary Outreach
The development of students as readers of fiction and non-fiction texts as part of the
Renaissance Reading programme in order to promote creative appreciation.
The development of Photography as a discrete subject and as a means of chronic
students’ creative journeys.
Increased post-16 participation by pupils completing yr11 in ‘arts’ subjects and
improved progression yr12 into yr13.
All KS3 pupils to achieve agreed targets re teacher assessments in Art & Design,
Performing Arts, Media Studies, Music and Drama.
Increase uptake in % of pupils studying an ‘arts’ subject to AS/A level.
King James to become the focal point of the community and perceived as a
‘Community Learning Centre’ for the ‘arts’, engaging and challenging learners of all
ages, genders, cultures, religions and disabilities.
Seamless partnership with King James I Community Association. Rising trend in the
number of adults returning to learning in the ‘arts’, including progression.
Established and effective Full Service & Extended School and Specialist Arts College
accessing ‘new money’ to enhance provision and address new identified needs within
the local community. Regional and National recognition of achievement and
addressing the needs of the local/wider community.
Advanced QISS award for quality of out-of-hours learning programme (‘arts’)
including ‘international’ dimension (2008).
Improved pupil confidence, self-esteem and motivation resulting in improved
attendance (above national target). Improved staff motivation via workforce
remodelling and a clear structure to professional development opportunities for arts
Annual Parents Consultation Day will engage parents in ‘taster’ sessions and guided
tours of the arts facilities and daytime activities.
Development of KS3 Media Arts skills days.
Improved Academy environment to include Community Art Gallery in foyer reception
displaying the work of pupils and adult learners. Improved display facilities
throughout the college promoting learning via the arts. Academy website to include
‘virtual art gallery’ and material to support extended learning.
Development of reporting system to parents to reflect achievement/attainment in the
arts, including out-of-hours learning.
Increased participation in regional and national competitions. Increase in pupils and
adults experiencing visits to museums, art galleries, theatres etc. identifying any
barriers that may stop participation and putting in place plans which develop
achievement and progression for all learners.
Development of collaborative planning between Extended School provision and
Specialist Arts College provision to address such issues as, healthy eating, teenage
pregnancy, drug abuse, anti social behaviour and child care.
Access to specialist facilities at King James by all primary and secondary partner
schools by pupils and staff, local businesses and adult learners within the wider
community. Outreach as part of the B & A initiative which takes Art to Primary
Schools in its many forms. KS2/3 teacher to work with yr5/6 pupils across all
primary partner schools and all yr7 pupils at King James. Development of a Town
Centre Intranet between all partner schools – sharing good practice, teaching
resources and an on-line curriculum.
Development of established international dimension through the work of the
community drama group – BATH (Bishop Auckland Theatre Hooligans) to include
joint projects and exchange visits for pupils and staff in all partner schools – to
include adult learners and professional artists (recent visit to Auschwitz re cultural
diversity project).
Vision – Our half termly publication which promotes arts across the Academy and
students successes in ‘the arts’
Vision Creative is a commercial enterprise which combines real world graphic design
and business experience, with the opportunity for students to participate in the
creative process whilst undertaking work as part of a working business.
Note: Implementation of all objectives are outlined in the 4yr School and Community
Development Plans (Specialist Arts College Bid).
All KS3 pupils will follow an “arts” programme including art & design, music and
performing arts (drama & dance) for 3hrs per week i.e. 12% curriculum time. The
delivery of media skills is via a cross-curricular model where pupils and staff focus on
“creative” teaching & learning i.e. the imaginative use of ICT, digital, video and radio
technology. This arts programme promotes equality of opportunity for all learners
and removes barriers to individual student’s learning and progression
All KS4 students will follow at least one “arts” subject to GCSE/level 2 choosing from,
Applied Art & Design, Art Textiles, Applied Media Studies, BTEC Media Studies,
Performing Arts (dance & drama), Drama and Music
At KS5 students will choose from a range of level 3 “arts” subjects in Art & Design,
Drama, Performing Arts, Music and Media Studies
ALL KS5 students will engage in an “arts enrichment” programme
Recurrent funding from the Specialist Schools programme will be targeted to deliver
agreed programmes of study for both the Academy and community development
All curricular areas/subjects report annually on the impact of resources re the ECM
The Academy budget will be used to provide professional development for all staff re
the development of “creative” teaching & learning across the curriculum. Funding
will be used to meet whole-Academy issues and individual needs.
Monitoring & Evaluation
Monitoring & Evaluation is a strength of the Academy and informs appropriate intervention
and future planning which in turn promotes equality of opportunity for all learners and
removes barriers to individual student’s learning and progression
The Headteacher reports:
termly to the Full Governing Body re the impact of the arts policy and specialist arts
college programme
This Arts Policy was reviewed in January 2012 and presented to Governors for their
approval, following its initial publication on October 2007 and following the designation of
Specialist Arts College status (Sept’ 2005).
The policy is reviewed annually in recognition of progress made re agreed annual targets
and implementation/impact of both the School Development Plan and the Community
Development Plan.