
Web Version of December 2014 Committee Meeting
Elswick Harriers Monthly Committee meeting
Present: Frank Watson, Graham Bell, Tom Hanson, Dave Jardin, Mary Lisle, Rob Wilson,
Peter Sloan, Lalage Brown, Derek Nelson, Steve Robertson, Mark McLeod, Mark Todd
Absent: Colin Bolton, Harry Matthews and Kim Matthews.
The previous minutes were read by the group.
TH welcomed the new committee members to the committee.
Matters Arising:
FW read out a letter scribed by GB pertaining to the request by Ms. Horan’s proposal to
have a marathon ran on the river run course. GB then followed up the account with a further
explanation of the letter.
Action: GB to send out the letter to the committee (Treat as confidential).
DJ stated that the Northerns and National XC info is to be communicated sooner rather than
later. Entries must be in by 7th Jan 2015. FW stated that each ‘national’ entry costs the club
£7 per entrant.
Action DJ/GB to communicate ASAP via facebook and website.
Club Championships:
Specifically w.r.t. the Blaydon Race Entry. GB had contacted Blaydon A&C to see if they
had a date for the 2015 race. GB passed on the email response to FW who then read out
the details of the 2015 race.
Action: GB to find out the web address and then publicise all the information in full in
good time (Jan 2015). GB to email the championship sheet to comm. members
Publicise this sheet of detail in Jan 2015, 1st week.
AGM. FW stated that the AGM had been well attended.
Further notes:
There had been a successful leaflet drop at the local Gibside Park run with Elswick
members also helping out the local run too. There was a small debate at this point on
Communication (This will be explained later in the minutes headed ‘communication’).
Marie Louise Drowdowicz will after all be staying with the club as an affiliated runner.
Action: GB will send out the original minutes of the AGM to comm. members
Action: DN to draught minutes for web version, removing names / financials / and Mark
Carpenters original email note.
Norman Woodcock:
FW stated that so far, the club has 146 on line entries. A very good return, considering the
Saturday park run and NUFC are playing a lunchtime kick-off.
FW stated that marshals are required.
FW, GB, CB have checked the “road course” and repairs have been made to the large
potholes. Overall the surface is reasonable.
Action: GB to highlight small potholes with paint. (Start / finish lines to do also).
Action: DN to source refreshments. Tina McIver (& 2 others) will be on hand to assist with
catering. TH will be lead cyclist and Les Williamson will jog with back of field runners.
St Johns ambulance contact details required.
Action: FW to request details from St.John’s ambulance
Mark Todd gave an overview of the junior situation as he saw it. In summary:
Sometimes we cope and sometimes we are short on coaches and assistants.
He explained the coaching accreditation levels and how they fit in with the club’s junior
squad coaching requirements. MT also acknowledged the assistance given by Ken Heslop
and Lyndsey Grant and jan Heslop. He recognised KH’s coaching cert is ‘limited
in its scope’. MT’s 2nd level coaching cert will take time (Mar to Sept 2015) to complete.
Action: GB to re-advertise the request for any club members or parent to join the
coaching or assistant staff.
Future Action: GB and TH are to go on ‘Senior Squad’ training course in Feb 2015.
Club Accreditation:
DN gave an overview of the current situation with Club Mark Accreditation.
Furthermore, Nick Ridgeon is keen for the club to take on a 2km and a 5km race.
Details were scant and so DN is to go back to N.Ridgeon and request some detail on his
proposal. E.g. times / dates/ one-off/ series/ possible routes for the two course.
What is the benefit for the club to host these races?
McML stated that the club could receive a good response due to a lack of good 5km events
locally. 2km for off-road junior course?
Action: DN (&HM?) to obtain specific details as scribed above. Report back to
New Norman Woodcock Course:
TH gave the committee a proposal for a new course. It involves a route centred around
Blaney Row, Keelman Wagon Way, Hags Bank, turning right down the bank and towards
Ovingham Bridge.
Reason: The potential future loss of the race course if they go and have artificial turf laid.
If we still have the race course availability, then this race could add to the club’s own event
program. After some debate, the committee proposed to delay a 2015 open entry race and
instead do a trial run in 2015 using the club members to gauge how it could be done.
If successful then propose a race in 2016 with a limit entry (TH suggested 200).
Action: TH to initialise and start proceedings (re-visit in February for an update)
GB stated that there was a disconnect with club membership and those who were (or were
not) on the yahoo user group. After some debate amongst the group it was collectively
decided to stop this service.
Action: DJ to send out a message on the yahoo group stating that the club has taken
the decision to “take down” this information messaging service. To be completed and
withdrawn by year end.
Subscription Payments:
FW stated that there were something unfair w.r.t. people joining the club mid year and
paying full subscription and not paying full subscription. Our system is discretionary &
adhoc. After debate amongst the group, it was decided that:
Action: PS to provide FW with a pro rata scale of all of the subscriptions based on a
“quarterly calendar”.
The pro rata provision must allow for the “full £3” given to England Athletics.
To be done in an easy to understand table format for FW to use.
New Members:
Damian Chandler, Snr, Ponteland. Elspeth Aspinall Snr, Ponteland.
The 3 marathon places have been allocated. Recipients are: Shaun Connelly, Steven
Robertson and Michael Shore. The club was not oversubscribed and therefore the names
on the invitation list were given the three places without the need of name draw.
RW requested that the idea of a club handbook be resurrected.
Action: TH to arrange sub-committee and progress.
The idea of a 2015 calendar was mooted. Debate followed. In summary:
A good idea in principal but too late for 2015
Possible to do this for 2016
A limited run number e.g. 100 to 150
Ideally be cost effective (or cost neutral as a minimum requirement?)
Collect photos in 2015 between January and say Oct / Nov 2015?
If this is to work, then someone will have to take ownership of this task.
Volunteer(s) required. Re-visit in Jan 2015. FW to put on Januarys agenda, to obtain
an answer from the committee.
TH closed the meeting.
Next committee meeting Monday 5th January at 7.30pm