Constitution Revision Forum II Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Ohia 118 Notes by Shannon Sakamoto, Faculty Senate Secretary There was an online meeting in fall 2014, to create feedback for the rest of the Constitution. The committee was contacted to provide input for the Constitution, with a deadline of March 11. Article IV. Committees - Added H: The quorum should be 50% of the committee membership, to mirror Faculty Senate Section 2. Frequency of Meetings - The committee Chair will submit to the Senate monthly minutes and a year-end report of the committee activities. - Possibly add: “each committee should upload their monthly minutes to the Faculty Senate website” - Discussion to have the Faculty Senate site to have a calendar available with meeting time/location - Change title of Section 2, to: Frequency and Notice of Meetings Section 3: ADD: All departments/units should make every effort to fill each standing committee with a representative from their department/unit. A. Admission, Academic Standards, and Graduation Committee - Suggestion to add “the campus admissions, graduation, and registration coordinator(s) is an ex-officio member. However, conversation to not include this, because the position is an APT, and not faculty. All matters of the Faculty Senate should be related only to faculty. C. Curriculum Committee - Should be 50% to mirror Faculty Senate - Should not list the forms since the forms were not created by the Senate E. Elections Committee - Please remove this and move to Article III, and add a Section specific to the Election Committee F. Faculty Student Relations Committee - Vern will discuss this section with the Chancellor - 3. “Review and recommend policies concerning academic and conduct grievances” - 4. Recommend to administration for faculty and students to serve on academic and conduct grievance committees Section 4. Ad Hoc Committees - A. “The Senate Chair will determine the size, composition, and duration, according to its purpose”. - C. Remove - D. Add the same language as Article IV, Section 2 (minutes, uploading, calendar, etc.) Article III. Section 4, B - 2. Vice Chair to serve as liaison between the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, all Faculty Senate Standing committees, and all Ad Hoc committees” - 3. “and ad hoc committees” Article III. Section 5 - A: change to “or meetings” - B: Add, “... except for the Executive Committee” Article V. Section 1 - “Chancellor”, is fine Article V. Section 1, A - “A written Faculty Senate resolution is signed by the Faculty Senate Chair and Vice Chair, and transmitted to the Chancellor”. Need a section for the Procedure of Action Requests Article V, Section 2 - Remove the suggestion B, into the Procedure of Action Request Article III, Section 2, D - Remove “... and to other bodies of the university” Article III, Section 3, B - Please revert to original language: “All policies promoted or established without the consultation of the Senate are subject to review by the Senate”. Article III, Section 4 - “The Senate, as appropriate will send comments via the Chancellor and community college Vice President to the appropriate University bodies” Add a section for the process for committee Chair’s to recognized by approval of the Faculty Senate Article VI. Section 1, A - Remove “the senate may also propose amendments” Article VI. Section 2, B - Change to 50% MOU between Faculty Senate and the Chancellor - Curriculum Committee Chair should stay at six credits - Remove #5 and #6