Vocational - Vernal Junior High School

Vernal Jr. High
9th Grade Electives
Peer Tutor (0521) (1 semester) Teacher signature and form required.
The student helps instruct students with disabilities in the class room and the
community. Must be responsible with good attendance & have 3.0 GPA and
no N’s or U’s in Citizenship. There will be a maximum of 12 peer tutors
for the year.
LDS Seminary (0800) if you want the full year, sign up for two
semesters. LDS Seminary is the study of the Doctrine and Covenants, &
Church History.
Christian Seminary (0802) - if you want the full year, sign up for two
semesters. This class is a study of the bible (new King James Bible) and
basic Christian principles.
Art Foundation I (1100) (1 semester) Explore the various beginning
techniques and mediums of two-dimensional Art in drawing, color,
perspective, collage and more. There is a fee of $10.00 for this class.
Drawing II (1120) (1 semester) prerequisite: Art Foundation I
Students should have a previous knowledge of Art to take this class. We will
get into more depth of finer techniques in drawing and painting.
There is a fee of $20.00 for this class.
3-D Design/Fine Arts (1125) (1 semester) this is a very hands on class
involving all forms of sculpture. We will be doing hand building ceramics
and explore other various mediums such as plaster, wire, and mixed media.
There is a fee of $25 for this class.
Theatre Introduction 1 (1800) (1 semester) This course is designed to
introduce students to theatre and its basics. Students will be working in
small groups and individually to create performances for the class. They will
be introduced to observation, focusing skills, pantomiming, character
development, stage directions, improvisation and script writing.
Theatre Introduction II (1810) (1 semester) Prerequisite Theater I
This course is a continuation of Theatre 1. Students will be involved in solo
performance as well as ensemble performances. Students will have an
opportunity to direct ensemble performances. Script writing is continued in
this course as well as preparation of monologue scripts. This course places
more emphasis on individual performance. The class will perform an
evening performance and/or for an elementary school.
9th Grade Band (1785) (1 year) Prerequisite: 8th Grade Band or teacher
approval. If you want a full year, sign up for two semesters
Purpose: To play individual instruments at the Jr. High Level according to
state music core requirements; and to improve individual skills, ensemble
skills, and to promote “school spirit.”This class is held at the high school.
There is a $35.00 fee.
Mixed Chorus (1620) I f you want the full year, sign up for two
semesters. This course will have the students working with music basics, on
unison, two and three part harmony. They will study music styles from
different eras.
CTE Classes
Computer Technology 1(8518 ) (1 semester) Computer literacy is a
foundational element of success in today’s technology-driven world. This
course is intended for students to learn concepts associated with key
application software, basic computing fundamentals, and ethics and
appropriate behavior while using technology as a tool in the classroom and in
life. This course is aligned with national and international standards and the
Utah Core to prepare students across multiple levels of skills. Students have
the opportunity to test out of this course by successfully passing Certiport’s
IC3 GS4 certifications.
Word Processing Basics (8530) (1 semester)
This course builds upon skills acquired in Keyboarding. Proper Keyboarding
technique will be reviewed. Students will create a variety of documents
using basic software features.
Intro to Engineering Design A (IED) (8690) (8691) (full year class, sign
up for two semesters) the major focus of IED is the design process & it’s
application. Through hands-on projects, students apply engineering standards
& document their work. Students use industry standard 3D modeling
software to help them design solutions to solve proposed problems,
document their work using an engineer’s notebook and communicate
solutions to peers and members of the community. High proficiency in
math & science is expected.
Intro to Transportation & Energy Technology (EPT) (8623) (one
semester) this course introduces the basic operational aspects of power,
energy and transportation systems using problem-solving skills, laboratory
environments, and student driven activities.
CTE Classes cont
Manufacturing Technology (8627) (1 semester) this activity based course
introduces students to manufacturing technology by changing raw materials
into finished products. Students will learn current manufacturing
technologies while obtaining basic skills in the use of equipment, tools, and
safety. Students will learn how manufacturing impacts our society and
marketing. Students will explore the related careers in manufacturing. This
is a skills certification course where students who master the material at 80%
or above will receive State Certification. There is a fee for project supplies.
Foods and Nutrition I (8422) (1 semester) this course is designed for
students who are interested in understanding the principles of nutrition and
maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Attention will be given to the selection and
preparation of food and personal health and well being. Students will
participate in hands on lab experiences.
Introduction to Marketing 1(8246) (1 semester)
This is an introductory course, which will teach concepts of entry-level
business and marketing functions. The student will learn about marketing
and business fundamentals, selling, financing, product planning, information
management, purchasing, distribution, pricing, promotion, risk management,
career development, economics, communications, human relations,
marketing math, and operations. Students will have the opportunity to
participate in the DECA organization with the high school chapter.
Miscellaneous Elective
Yearbook (1000) (1 semester) 8th & 9th grade Applicants Only!!!
The class will plan and produce the yearbook for VJH and may produce a
newsletter for the students. This will be an excellent class to learn leadership
skills, writing skills, page design, photography, planning, and getting
involved in school activities. Students in this class will work closely with
faculty and staff to accomplish the necessary tasks. Teamwork and
commitment is essential. Students will be required to meet deadlines, spend
some time after school hours taking pictures of sporting events and be
responsible for their performance on tasks assigned to them. Applications
for Yearbook, Student Council and Broadcasting are in the front office. All
applications should be filled out COMPLETELY and turned in to the
front office by April 18th.
Spanish 1A (4700)(1 semester) this is an introductory course in speaking,
writing, and reading Spanish, with an emphasis on speaking. Students will
learn Spanish by learning and using dialogues. Homework and practice are
required in order to learn to speak any foreign language. Class entry
priority will be given to 9th graders.
Spanish 1B (4701)(1 semester) prerequisite: Spanish A with at least a
“C” grade. This course is a continuation of Spanish A and will continue to
emphasize oral work. Students will increase in their knowledge of Spanish
grammar, fluency, and comprehension. Homework and practice are required
in order to learn any foreign language. Class entry priority will be given to
9th graders.
Spanish 2A (4702) (1 semester) prerequisite: B grade in Spanish 1
This class expands written and spoken Spanish skills while learning about
Spanish speaking cultures throughout the world. The class is very fast
paced and requires studying!
Spanish 2B (4706) (1 semester)prerequisite: Spanish 2B
This course is a continuation of Spanish 2A and will continue with written
and spoken Spanish skills while learning about Spanish speaking cultures
throughout the world. The class is very fast paced and requires studying!
Weight Lifting/Strength Building (7715) (1 Semester) Pre-requisite:
Must be a member of a school sponsored sports team & have
teacher approval. Advanced weight training & plyometric class; not a
game play class. This class will require intensive workouts. Members of a
school- sponsored sports team are encouraged to sign up for this PE class.
Students who sign up for Weight Lifting should not sign up for PE.