Lounsberry Hollow Middle School Meeting Minutes for September 9th 2014 Members Present: Darlene Arnot, Dina Walker, Allison Barca, Stacie Scott, Stephanie Vecharello, Jane Annunziata, Jill Burns, Justine VanBlarcom, Geraldine Rogers, Ann Alfaro, Tammy Witters, Barbara Geraci, Donna Linzalone, Janet McKeon, Pam Okken, Mary Ferreri, Denise Soto, Cathy Carney. Board Members Present: Dawn DeMattheis-President, Theresa Scura Coughlin-Vice President, Heidi Carfello-Recording Secretary, Mary-Lynn Mazzella – Corresponding Secretary, Denise BlackmoreTreasurer Call to Order: Meeting began at 12:08 p.m. with the Flag Salute. Dr. Maranzano welcomed everyone back and spoke briefly regarding the exciting changes for the teachers, staff, and students. Dr. McKay introduced himself as the new Principal. 2014-2015 School Year: The new Chrome Books were discussed and they will be given to the children during two assemblies on Monday, September 15th. The books will be used for school hours only and will not be sent home. All SCA members were able to view them. If you have any questions, please email your child’s teacher directly. Ms. Piszczek discussed her role in student management. She noted the new parking lot and crosswalks. She also spoke about Bus Safety and the new Bus Contract- All parents are to walk within the crosswalks (especially during bus arrival/leaving times) for safety purposes. Parent/guardian(s) and students are to sign and return the form to their homeroom teacher. The LHMS students will be seated in the front of each bus and the GMMS will be in the rear. Curriculum: PARCC testing dates (grade 3-8) March 2, 2015 through March 27, 2015-computer based testing. End of Year Component April 27, 2015 through May 22, 2015 Math: Math in Focus is the same as Singapore Math. Math levels briefly discussed. Different instruction is used within the classroom. Language Arts: Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA): DRA ties into leveled libraries in each LA class. Questions for Principal McKay: ASK results: When will parents receive ASK results as Glen Meadows are on Power School already under Tests Grades? They were waiting for parents to receive written communication in the mail. He was not aware other schools were posted, and he will have them posted as soon as possible. Math student abilities: How will different student abilities in LA and Math (high/low level) be divided? 5th grade only will not be separate like they were in 4th grade. The trend is for differentiation within the classroom setting. Teachers can teach a lesson to the whole class and then break down into groups. One group will receive extra skill support and other groups who are high achievers will be given activities to challenge them. The team design allows teachers to be able to do this within their specialized areas. Math League- will be offered to challenge students. Math Center- will be offered to help students. Chrome Books Responsibilities: Are there any responsibilities for the students/parents regarding Chrome Books? Yes. Students will have their name and code number on them. This will allow them to use the same one everyday. Parents will have to sign a waiver. The school is looking into purchasing sleeves to help protect them. Ear Buds for Chrome Books: How are ear buds being handled? Parents must purchase them for their child to use at school. PARCC Test Scores: Will they run the same as the NJ ASK results? No. Students will be compared with other students that have the same score. Our school will only be matched with other schools like ours. Board President’s Agenda: Introduction of Board Members Corresponding Secretary: Mary- Lynn Mazzella read a Thank-You letter from the recipient of the LHMS SCA scholarship award. Treasurers Report: Dawn DeMattheis, President, explained that the Executive SCA had just completed their audit and we just received all of the books and the budget for 2014 – 2015 that day. We have not been able to change signers on the account as of yet. The account balance is a little under $5,000.00. Box Tops: Our goal is to collect $3,000.00 worth for the school year. Please keep submitting them. Our first collection date will be Tuesday, September 30th. We are looking for new ways to show our appreciation to the students for bringing them in. If you have any suggestions, please let us know. Visit www.btfe.com and make sure you are signed up to support Lounsberry Hollow Middle School. Enter as many sweepstakes as you can. You never know, we may win one! Approval of Minutes: There were no June 2014 minutes to approve as there was no recording secretary midway through last school year. Hospitality Coordinator: Dana Gary volunteered. LHMS Wood Shop Project: The LHMS SCA is working with Dr. McKay- who is now working with Mr. Bruno at VTHS to install a pergola on the grounds. This will be a great way for the children to get shade while socializing or reading outside during recess. Pergola and tables: Dr McKay spoke with John Bruno, Engineering & Technology educator at the High School, on developing and installing a Pergola and circular table with chairs outside for the children to use at recess, creating an area where they can interact and socialize. The VTHS students will be able to get their “50 volunteer hours” which is required for their graduation. The SCA would fund the supplies needed and a plaque would be installed stating such. When the details on supplies needed are in it will be put to a vote. Fundraisers: Metro: The contract was already signed by last years SCA during the previous school year. This will be our major fundraiser. It starts on September 11th and ends on September 30th. Brochures will go home on Thursday, September 11th. Viking Magnets: Forms will be sent home this week. If you are interested in purchasing one for $10.00, please send back the form filled out to your child’s homeroom teacher. Family and friends can purchase them as well. Since these are magnets they can be moved and removed easily!! Old Business: Planners- The planners were ordered and paid for last school year by the previous SCA. We needed to order 25 more as we had new students and we were running low. Each student should have one now and if they do not, please email us at lhms.sca2014@gmail.com and we will make sure your child gets one. New Business: Sept 10th is Back to School Night at 7:00p.m.; Volunteers are needed to help and you can sign up to bring refreshments on the Titan Pad that was sent out via email, facebook, and the Moms of Vernon page. Back to School Book Fair will be set up in the library. Sept 11th is our Metro Fundraiser kick-off at 1pm. Eric Holstein who heads the company will be in to pump the kids up and to bring brochures. Sept 30th is when our Metro Fundraiser ends. Please return all order forms and one check made payable to LHMS SCA. Sept 30th is also our 1st Box Tops collection. Submit them all to your child’s homeroom teacher. Ellen Buchney- Guidance Counselor: spoke about clubs. Go to vtsd.com/Lounsberry Hollow/Digital Back Pack/Parent Handbook page 31 for more information. After School Bus schedule is on page 32. Be aware that bus stops for late buses may be different than normal bus drop off stops. Current afterschool activities: 5th & 6th grade- Field Hockey (Sept-Nov), K Kids (Oct-May), Coding Club (Oct-May) 6th grade only- Young Astronauts (Oct-March), Treps (Oct-Dec) All sign ups are mid September with the exception of K Kids which continue into October. Math League is a great opportunity for high level math students to expand their knowledge. Students will compete statewide. Special Report: Dr. McKay provided a handout that discussed the exciting changes at Lounsberry Hollow Middle School including staff and building maintenance. The building infrastructure has been improved. We are the most technically advanced school in the district with online access points throughout the building. All SCA members in attendance were given the opportunity to see some of the improvements with a tour of the new Band room and Computer Lab. There will be a new solar initiative, putting solar panels in the field behind the building (still in planning stage). New 5th grade lockers will be installed over November break. Only those in the Math/Science wing will be replaced; all students affected will be notified as it gets closer. Students will be required to clean them out. Upcoming Reminders: September 10th: Back to School night September 11th: Metro Fundraiser kick-off- brochures go home. September 15th: Faculty Meeting September 18th: Board of Ed Meeting- WRPS- 7:00p.m. September 22nd: Department meeting September 23rd : First day of Autumn September 24th: Rosh Hashanah begins-ends 26th September 30th: Metro Fundraiser ends- Return forms and one check made out to LHMS. 1st Box Tops Collection- please submit all you have to your child’s homeroom. _________________________________________________________________________ Future Reference: October 2nd: LHMS Family Math night- registration is required online. Cap- Parent Meeting- WRPS- 7:00p.m. October 6th: Fire Prevention Week Week of Respect October 7th: LHMS SCA meeting 12pm- LHMS library. October 8th: School Pictures October 13th: SCHOOL CLOSED – Teacher in service only October 16th: Board of Ed meeting – CMPS- 7:00p.m. October 20th: School Violence Awareness Week School Bus Safety Week October 22nd: LHMS Mobile Dentist LHMS Bus Evacuations Summit on School Violence SCA e-mail: Feel free to contact us through our email at: lhms.sca2014@gmail. It is checked on a daily basis. Facebook: Please like Lounsberry Hollow Middle School SCA on facebook—be sure to LIKE ONLY as we do not friend. Questions and discussions can be held at our meetings, or through our e-mail, facebook page, and Moms of Vernon page. Meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m. Respectfully: Heidi Carfello