ENG 3U Indian Horse Reading Evaluation Name: Part A: Your task: Go through the journal that you’ve been writing and select one passage that you believe demonstrates your highest point of critical thinking. Highlight the passage and put your name beside it. Write or record an explanation about what that passage demonstrates (perhaps you make a connection or evaluate a passage for effectiveness) You should also reflect on the reading skills you used while reading the novel and what you can do to improve your skills. Make specific references to your work and throughout the unit. Curriculum Expectations Level 4: 80-100% Level 3: 70-79% Reading1. 3-8 Student reads and demonstrates an understand of a literary text using a range of strategies to construct reading. Student reads and understands with a high degree of effectiveness: ● demonstrates understanding of content ● makes inferences ● extends understanding through connections ● analyses text ● evaluates text ● identifies perspective/bias Student reads and understands with a high degree of effectiveness: ● demonstrates understanding of content ● makes inferences ● extends understanding through connections ● analyses text ● evaluates text ● identifies perspective/bias All students should demonstrate an understanding of content + one other skill Curriculum Expectations Reading Metacognition 4.1 explain which of a variety of strategies they found most helpful before, during, and after reading, then evaluate their strengths and weaknesses as readers to help identify the steps they can take to improve their skills. Level 2: 60-69% Student reads and understands with a high degree of effectiveness: ● demonstrates understanding of content ● makes inferences ● extends understanding through connections ● analyses text ● evaluates text ● identifies perspective /bias Level 1: 50-59% Student reads and understands with a high degree of effectiveness: ● demonstrates understanding of content ● makes inferences ● extends understanding through connections ● analyses text ● evaluates text ● identifies perspective/bias Level 4: 80-100% Level 3: 70-79% Level 2: 60-69% Level 1: 50-59% Reflection demonstrates thoughtful insight to skill as a reader. References are made multiple specific performances during the unit and student has a thoughtful plan for improvement and/or extension. Reflection demonstrates insight to skill as a reader. References are made to specific performances during the unit and student has a plan for improvement and/or extension. Reflection demonstrates some insight to skill as a reader. References are made to some performances during the unit and student has a limited plan for improvement and/or extension. Reflection demonstrates limited insight to skill as a reader. References are made to limited performances during the unit and student has a vague plan for improvement and/or extension. Part B: Your task: Select one of the characters on your character chart and either write or record a paragraph about them to explain the selections you made on your chart. Use quotations to provide evidence. Cite your evidence using MLA format. Curriculum Expectations Level 4: 80-100% Level 3: 70-79% Reading Making Inferences 1.4 make and explain inferences of increasing subtlety and insight about texts, including complex and challenging texts, supporting their explanations with wellchosen stated and implied ideas from the texts Activity shows an exceptional understanding of a key character, making highly insightful inferences about his/her characterization and using highly specific and insightful details from the text as support Activity shows a clear understanding of a key character, making insightful inferences about his/her characterization and using specific and insightful details from the text as support Level 2: 60-69% Activity shows some understanding of a key character, making inferences about his/her characterization and using some details from the text as support Level 1: 50-59% Activity shows limited understanding of a key character, making weak inferences about his/her characterization and using vague or ineffective details from the text as support