Circle preference Leave blank if no preference Michael W. Conway, M.D. Michael C. Kilpatrick, M.D. Randall D. Brown, M.D. David J. Hartung, D.O. Derek A. Oldham, M.D. Terri J. Agan, RNC NP-C Bret A. Cornn, MMSC, PA-C Rhonda L. Fountain, NP-C 1124 Medical Place Seymour, Indiana 47274 Tel: 812-522-1613 Fax: 812-522-6694 JACKSON PARK PHYSICIANS Adult Patient Health History Form Name: Gender: Date of Birth: M F SSN: Today’s Date MEDICATIONS Prescription, over the counter medicines, vitamins, home remedies, herbs, etc. Medication Dose (mg/pill, units, etc) Frequency (times/day) (List additional medications on reverse of sheet if necessary. Please bring a current medication list to each office visit.) ALLERGIES List all allergies to medications, dyes, other: None Latex Allergy HEALTH MAINTENANCE SCREENING TESTS: Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy Endoscopy Last Eye Exam: Date Last Dental Exam: Date Women: Mammogram Date Pap Smear Date Dexascan (osteoporosis screen) Date Men: PSA (prostate screen) Date Date Normal? Yes or No Normal? Normal? Normal? Normal? Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No WOMEN’S HEALTH HISTORY If applicable, please indicate: # Pregnancies # Deliveries # Miscarriages # Abortions Age at first period Date of last period Age of menopause Self breast exams? Breast implants? Leakage of urine? Yes Yes Yes No No No PERSONAL MEDICAL HISTORY HAVE YOU EVER HAD ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: (MARK X) Measles Mumps Chickenpox High Cholesterol Kidney Disease Pneumonia Anemia Thyroid Problems Migraine Headaches Diabetes Cancer Hernia High Blood Pressure Depression/Anxiety Asthma/Lung Disease Hives Eczema Any other disease, please list: PREVIOUS HOSPITALIZATION/SURGERIES DATE HOSPITAL, CITY, STATE SPECIALISTS: List any current or previous specialists including their name, address and phone number. List additional specialists on reverse of sheet if necessary. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ FAMILY HISTORY Please indicate if any of your immediate family members have any of the following conditions: Alcoholism Cancer Heart Disease Depression Anxiety Diabetes High Cholesterol High Blood Pressure Stroke Asthma COPD Bleeding or clotting disorder Other SOCIOECONOMICS Please indicate: Occupation Employer Education Grade school High school College Graduate school Marital Status Single Married Divorced Separated Use of Alcohol Never Rarely Moderate Daily Use of Tobacco Never Previously, but quit___________ Current Packs/Daily _________ Have you ever used needles to inject drugs? No Yes Spouse/ Partner’s Name Names of Children/ Ages ________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Other Please indicate: Do you have a designated Power of Attorney for Health Care? Yes No If yes, please provide a copy. Do you have a living will? Yes No If yes, please provide a copy. Do you have any religious beliefs that might impact your health care? Yes No If yes, please describe. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ So that Jackson Park Physicians can best serve my medical needs, I have completed this questionnaire as completely as possible. I understand that the Patient/Health Care Provider relationship is built on trust and honesty. By completing and signing this form, I acknowledge that any intentionally false information could seriously affect my health. Printed Name: Signature: Date: