Unit 3 - Chapter 21 Guided Reading THEIRS

Name _________________________________
Guided Reading Assignment: Chapter 21
Directions: Complete each question, using complete sentences only when necessary. The questions go in
order of the reading.
Patterns of Marital Residence (p.371-372)
1. How many different marital patterns exist in the world? ___________
2. Define patrilocal residence. ___________________________________________________________
3. In what percentage of societies is this type of residence found? _____________
4. Define matrilocal residence. __________________________________________________________
5. In what percentage of societies is this type of residence found? _____________
6. Define bilocal residence. _____________________________________________________________
7. In what percentage of societies is this type of residence found? _____________
7. Define avunculocal residence. _________________________________________________________
8. In what percentage of societies is this type of residence found? _____________
9. Define neolocal residence. ____________________________________________________________
10. How is neolocal residence different from the other 4 types of marriage? ________________________
Explanations of Variation in Residence (p.372-374)
11. Why do anthropologist believe neolocal residence exists? ___________________________________
12. Is there evidence to support this claim? __________________________________________________
13. How is warfare related to the type of residence pattern? _____________________________________
14. How can we explain this theory? _______________________________________________________
The Structure of Kinship (p.374-377)
15. How many known rules of descent are there? ___________
16. Define patrilineal descent. ___________________________________________________________
17. Define matrilineal descent. __________________________________________________________
18. Define ambilineal descent. ___________________________________________________________
19. Does the way a society assigns names convey any information about a rule of descent? ____________
20. Explain using the North American example. ______________________________________________
Bilateral Kinship (p.377-378)
21. How is bilateral kinship different than lineal kinships? ______________________________________
22. What types of people might be considered kindred in our society? ____________________________
Unilineal Descent (p.378-384)
Skip this section.
Ambilineal Systems (p.384)
Slip this section
Kinship Terminology (p.385-388)
23. Explain the difference between consanguineal kin and affinal kin. ____________________________
24. How many kinship systems are identified by the book? _______
25. What is the distinguishing feature of the Inuit system? ______________________________________
26. Which kinship system is our society? _____________________________