Menston & Guiseley Practice Patient Participation Group Meeting Minutes Monday 13th July 2015 18:45 – 20:00 at Menston Medical Centre Attendees: Tony Sykes; Howard Woods; Andrew Moyles; Susan Throup; Winifred Dora Waugh; Melanie Mitchley; Claire Hepworth; Andy Newing; Elizabeth Hoyle; Iris Nerurkar. Dr Taylor; Dr Syed; Rachel Metcalfe; Adele Hill. Apologies: Keith Braddick; Jean Braddick; Peter King. 1. Welcome Dr Taylor and Dr Syed welcomed the PPG and introduced Rachel Metcalfe to the group, advising that Rachel is MB's replacement and is now the Practice Manager. 2. Agenda New Door at Menston The new door at Menston will be installed soon. We are currently waiting for a date from the fitters. Dr Hulson's (Lawson) return Dr Hulson will return using her marital name. She will return from maternity leave on 2nd September 2015. Dr Wiles return As yet we do not have a return date for Dr Wiles. Dr Thompson's replacement We have recruited a full time GP, Dr Victoria Barr, who will commence at the surgery on 27th August 2015. Pharmacy First IS explained that the Pharmacy First is a scheme which has been funded for one year by the government so that Pharmacies can deal with minor ailments (a list of ailments is available at the chemist). Basic treatment can be offered to patients by trained personnel at Guiseley and Menston Cohen's. If it is felt that the patient requires an appointment then the chemist will contact the surgery. This new service is being advertised on the surgery TV screen, laminated A4 sheets at the surgery and also on our website. Please note the service is not available at Boots Guiseley. 1 Friends and family RM explains to the PPG that the Friends and Family service is a text message service which offers a survey after a patient has had an appointment. The text asks how likely the patient is to recommend the surgery to a family member or friend and to rate the experience of their appointment at the surgery. The patient must have a mobile telephone in order to use this service. RM is to bring feedback to the next PPG. Leeds Care Record RM explains that the Leeds Care Record is an initiative in Leeds only at the moment. LCR allows us to log onto hospital records where we can view appointments, blood test results, generated letters and so on. The GP can access important information. The 5 Leeds hospitals are also able to view GP information. It is worth noting that if any patient opted out of the summary care records already then they will automatically be opted out of this service. LCR improves communication between the practice and hospitals and therefore will benefit the patient as professionals caring for them have access to more information regarding their care. Online services RM explains that there is currently a scheme called the 'Prime Ministers Challenge Fund 2' which is to promote Online services provided by our surgery, i.e. repeat prescriptions. The idea is to get more patients signed up which will free up the telephone lines. Currently we have 21% of our patients registered for on line services. This is low considering we have 10,700 patients. It was also mentioned by RM that when anything new happens at the Practice it is put on the website. We are also considering launching a Facebook page for the Practice. This is a way of capturing a large group of patients who don't necessarily wish to look on the website for up-to-date news. FB is also a good way of receiving both positive and negative feedback. RM advised the PPG that the Practice Manager at Rawdon surgery has invited the 4 hub Practices to a PPG on Monday 10th August 2015 at Rawdon. The idea of this PPG meeting is that Chris Mills will provide a better description of On Line Services. Details of this meeting at the end of these minutes. Guiseley patient questionnaire Both Elizabeth Hoyle and Andy Newing kindly volunteered to conduct the Guiseley Questionnaire. Adele will liaise with Mr Hoyle and Mr Newing in the near future. 3. PPG Agenda Items Tony Sykes Up to date recruitment for Dr Thompson - already discussed. Cover for doctors on maternity leave - already discussed. Availability of doctors expected to be next winter Due to the 8-8 scheme we have been providing more appointments than a year ago. Throughout the winter months the Practice will use Locum GP's. The ratio of FTE doctor's to registered Patients We have 5 equivalent full time GP’s as we have Gill Wittmann the Practice ANP and Dr Jennifer Edwards (who does 3 permanent sessions). Tony Sykes stated figures which IS said signify numbers registered to a Partner, not a GP. It was asked what the Partners see for the future? 2 IS replied that the Practice endeavors to replace any Doctors leaving or away on maternity. Number of Doctors available to consult has been OK over a 12 month period. There is a problem if a patient wishes to see a named GP as all 10,700 patients are currently shared out over the 3 partners. Howard Woods Situation regarding Practice Manager - Already discussed. Surgery communications - Has there been any investigation into setting up a dedicated mobile phone number for 'texts' and/or 'answerphone' facility? RM explained that she had looked at a company who provides automated phone service for our Practice. However, as a Practice we have tried not to go down the automated telephone system as patients like to ring the surgery and speak to a person. We now have MJOG which is a service which texts a patient 24 hours before an appointment. At that time it is possible to contact the surgery and cancel an appointment. The Prime Ministers Challenge Fund 2 is trying to promote IT and general practice is heading that way and we encourage patients to approach the web site first. If Online Services is a success then this will hopefully free up the telephone lines which means patients can easily contact us to cancel appointments. After all the feedback from On Line Services is gathered and it does not show an improvement in this then the Practice can re-look at an automated service. Melanie Mitchley asked if we could put a message on the phone saying "Telephone lines currently busy, please look online". RM explained that BT still need to do finalise our telephone update. RM will update the PPG when this has been completed. Doctor's communications - Telephone appointments. Dr Syed accepts calls after morning surgery. Is there a general policy for other doctors? IS explained that each GP does things differently and have their own way of working. There is no general policy for Doctors as they cannot agree on one! Generally speaking if a patient telephones a GP, they will telephone the patient back. Pathology results can now be texted to patients. Email and mobile numbers are now on all new patient registrations and reception staff ask to confirm their contact details where appropriate. Claire Hepworth Examples of non-medical complaints received by the Practice The Suggestion box - which HET opened at the meeting. Inside there were 3 script requests inside and no suggestions. Telephone set up - Already discussed that BT are yet to finalise. Lack of own GP appointments - this will rectify itself out when Dr Barr starts at the Practice and when Dr Hulson returns. Electronic Prescriptions - It seems that Boots chemist nominated themselves for electronic prescriptions. IS would urge patients to complain to the pharmacy in writing if they have not consented to scripts been sent there and to remember that a signature is required to consent this. HET explains that patient still puts requests in as normal. If a patient has a nominated chemist then the prescription is sent electronically which means it does not have to be logged by reception and it cannot become lost in the system. To remember that patients need to allow 2 full working days for prescriptions. 3 AOB Iris Nerurkar asked if there has been a reduction in the number of people attending A&E. IS confirmed that for our CCG the answer is yes with a 5% fall over the winter months. With regards to our Practice, we do not know but we are the lowest Practice for patients attending Leeds A&E anyway. IS encourages patients to see a GP first before attending A&E. We want to avoid A&E attendances if at all possible. Iris also asked about the level of training the Practice nurses receive. IS answered that the nurses qualify with their degree and then go on to complete Diplomas and acquire skills to do their duties. They build up a portfolio of skills that they put in practice. Mrs Throup suggested that reception staff are better informed of what's happening at the Practice. For example Sue said that the reception staff at Menston were not aware that there was a PPG meeting to be held that evening. HET advised this will be addressed at the next staff training. Tony Sykes said that the website contained out of dame information and that three websites are displayed when searching via Google. Rm suggested they maybe NHS choices pages as the Practice only has one website. RM to check and update website and NHS Choices information. 4. Next PPG - Linked with Rawdon surgery (the 4 Hubs) Monday 10th August 2015 6.15 - 7.30pm Venue to be confirmed 4