Saturday night dance show

Arkansas Country
Dance Society
35nd Annual Dance Festival
The Ozark Folk Center, Mountain View, Arkansas
September 05-07, 2014
Sponsors: The Arkansas Country Dance Society & The Ozark Folk Center
Over 50 Workshops:
Community dances:
Jig dance contest:
Music Concert:
Saturday clogging show:
Saturday night dance show:
Sunday Hymn Sing:
Sunday Dance Roundup:
All levels of clogging, step dancing, Scottish, English, contras,
squares, waltzes, singing, and more
Friday & Saturday night at the lodge 10:00pm - midnight
Friday night 6:00pm, Large Auditorium
Friday night, 7:00pm, Large Auditorium
Noon, Large Auditorium
7:00pm, Large Auditorium
10:00am - Noon, Lodge
Featured Callers & Teachers
Janine Smith - Janine Smith calls Contra, Square, Family, and Ceilidh dances in the Washington, DC area. She
shares her humorous (OK, sometimes goofy) and infectious passion for music and dance with dancers from
Glen Echo, MD to Seattle, WA and specializes in whoopin' it up, regardless of dance formation. Known for her
“Singing Squares”, she is one of the “Hot Square Babes”, a quintet of callers who throw a monthly Square
Dance Party in College Park, MD, and a founding member of the DC Square Dance Collective.
Trevor DeWitt - Trevor DeWitt has clogged since the age of 7 in the Louisville, KY region and was the
instructor of the Riverside Cloggers in New Albany, IN. Trevor shares his talents with the Southern Way
Cloggers on Sundays. He is a Certified Clogging Instructor and a member of the CLOG Board of Directors.
Trevor is also the host of the Swing into Spring clogging workshop held in Lake Cumberland State Park in
Chip Summey - Chip has been clogging for a number of years. He has traveled throughout the world as a
workshop instructor, judge, event promoter, and dancer. Chip is currently a board member for the National
Clogging Hoedown Council. He resides in Asheville, NC.
Aubrey Atwater and Elwood Donnelly - This husband-wife duo, Aubrey Atwater and Elwood Donnelly, present
delightful programs of traditional American and Celtic folk songs, a capella pieces, old-time gospel songs,
dance tunes, and original works.
Music by: The Old 78’s
Featuring Carole Anne Rose, and Ray & Melanie Palmer
The Old 78's music recreates the WILD ENERGY and DRIVING FORCE of the great Hillbilly Fiddle Bands. It is
almost impossible to describe the fun that these musicians can create with really big saxophones, surprisingly
small banjos to extremely huge banjos plus many-sized banjos in-between, not to mention fiddles and a kazoo.
Costs for Registration:
Participant Fees:
Before August 16:
After August 16:
$55.00 for Sept. 05, 06, 07
$65.00 for Sept. 05, 06, 07
$40.00 for Sept. 06, 07
$50.00 for Sept. 06, 07
Spectator Fees:
The Ozark Folk Center is offering reduced admission to the park on Friday and Saturday for people
accompanying registered participants. This Spectator Fee must be paid at the Administration Building at the
same time the participant registers or checks in. The fee for Friday and Saturday combined is $15.00, and
$10.00 for Saturday only.
There is a Registration form below that you can detach and mail to us.
Please indicate number of Participant(s) with check payable to:
Dance Weekend,
The Ozark Folk Center,
1032 Park Avenue
Mt. View, AR 72560.
Phone: 870-269-3851
Other Instructors and Leaders Include:
Pat Dennis, Springfield, MO
Darrell and Doris Hutchins, Conway, AR
Marie Lovelace, Memphis, TN
Julie Minkel, Fayetteville, AR
Ann-Marie Sterling, Memphis, TN
Amanda Severs, Vilonia, AR
Susan Todt, Marshall, AR
Kathey Wilson, Jonesboro, AR
Steve and Joanie Green, West Fork, AR
Mim Heinrichs, Fayetteville, AR
Leona Miller, Jonesboro, AR
David & Donna Peterson, Greenbrier, AR
Judy Robertson, Little Rock, AR
Carolyn Shearman, Little Rock, AR
Harold Watson, Lowell, AR
ACDS Band: Bill Beard, Donna Peterson, Scott Odena, Michael Hudson
Recommended Lodging: Ozark Folk Center, Pinewood Cabins, Red Bud Motel
Registration Form – 35nd Annual Dance Festival
Participant Fees:
Before August 17:
After August 17:
$55.00 for Sept. 05, 06, 07
$65.00 for Sept. 05, 06, 07
$40.00 for Sept. 06, 07
$50.00 for Sept. 06, 07
NAME_____________________________________ Tel.__________________ e-mail________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________
P.O. or Street
Days you will be attending: _____________ Number of participants ________ Amount enclosed_____________________
Make checks to: Dance Weekend, The Ozark Folk Center
Mail to: Dance Weekend, The Ozark Folk Center, 1032 Park Avenue, Mt. View, AR 72560
Comments and Suggestions: Christina Laurin, email: