2008 RCSW Annual Business Meeting

Board of Director’s Meeting
April 27, 2008
The Doubletree @ Seatac, WA
Call to Order: 15:40
Dennis Bing
Roll Call:
Lisa Bennett
A quorum was present
President Dennis Bing
President Elect – Dennis Archer
Past President – Dennis Criswell
Vice President - Celeste Stubbs
Secretary – Lisa Bennett
Treasurer – Steve Andersen
Delegate – Eric Anderson
Delegate - Gary Wickman
Donavan Knight, BOD 2008
Greg Carter BOD 2008
Scott Mahoney BOD 2009
Thomasa McCown BOD 2009
Earl Moore, President, Eastern Chapter
Jon Jahns, President, Puget Sound Chapter
Jackie Ray, President, Rainier Chapter
Sharon Linquist – BOD 2010
Carolyn Benner BOD 2010
Ty Sauve, President, Cascade Chapter
Jon Nee, President Central Chapter
Non-voting Members:
Donald Howard, M.D. Co- Medical Advisor - present
Bob Bonner, Program Director- present
Terry Smith, Webmaster- present
Bill Nehring, Program committee – reg online- present
Paula Nehring, Ad hoc committee member - present
Dee Arkell, Co-chair, Annual Program - present
Garth Arkell, Ad hoc committee member - present
Dr. Josh Benditt, Co-Medical Advisor-absent
Nick Frederici – WA state lobbyist
Frank Salvatore – AARC lobbyist
Marianne Shaw – Disaster Preparedness CA Soc RC
Dennis welcomed our Co-Medical Advisor, Dr. Don Howard.
Dr. Howard related his background, activities, medical directorship at Sacred Heart Med Center, and
commitment to being associated with the RCSW.
Disaster Preparedness – Dennis Bing introduced guest Marrianne Shaw who is the disaster
preparedness chairman for the California Respiratory Care Society. Marianne explained how she got
involved with disaster preparedness through a personal interest, proceeding to get a Master’s degree in
Disaster. Our Tuesday conference agenda is full of disaster preparedness talks where Marianne will give
us more information. She states that Federal, state and local disaster planning is sadly lacking in RT
representation, but that she has made inroads in California, and more RTs are forging ahead nationwide
to change this. She encourages each hospital to develop the necessary infrastructure through their
ethics committee and administration, before the disaster occurs.
Frank Salvatore, Chairman AARC Govt Affairs Committee and Speaker HOD – Frank describes
increasing sponsorship for the Medicare Part B House H3968 and Senate S2704 bills happening and still
more needed. Encouraged a grassroots movement to mobilize the membership to write to their
Congressional representatives to support this legislation; utilize “Capital Connection”, Terry has a quick
access on the RCSW site, as well as “Write Now” at AARC. Suggested Chapter presidents to contact
membership, use emails. Reach patients through “Better Breathers’ Clubs” to get letters from patients
on the issues.
Earl Moore rec’d phone call from Cathy McMorris Rodgers wanting to talk about the health care
issues. Also, Dave Reichert promised to sponsor the Pulm Rehab bill, but as of today, he has yet to do
that. Need his constituents to write letters to him. Earl encourages people to get acquainted with their
Nick Frederici, last legislative session, not a lot happened. Some of this was due to the economic
downturn with a budget shortfall near the end of the session. Due to the disasterous flooding in SW
WA, funds were spent on disaster rather than health care. Some changes are coming in the Health Care
licensing process & disciplinary standards for many of the professional organizations including
Passed HB1106 requiring hospitals to report hospital acquired infections beginning July 08 with
VAP. Central line infections and surgical site infections reporting coming in 2009.
Supt of public instruction enacted anaphylaxis program in schools
Medicaid coverage for smoking cessation
Coming in 2009……mandate for self-extinguishing cigarettes.
“New” commission on health care to standardize insurance benefit plans. A “Blue Ribbon” citizen’s
work group to have public hearings.
Asthma pilot project in King County, citizens work group, now town hall meetings around the state,
encourages RTs to get involved.
Gary Wickman – DOH meeting in Feb, talked to Bob Nicoloff and Asst Attorneys General about
interpretive statements for our licensure bill, specifically on ECMO.
Treasurer’s Report: Steve Andersen reports we have $66K on hand, this is a time of money coming in,
but still have major outgo for the conference. 2007 had income of $99K and Expenses of $131.6K so we
were successful in “giving back to the membership” which was our goal. We did purchase a much
needed new computer for the website which also helped with reg-online.
Chapter Affairs - Dennis Criswell no activity to report. Expect to visit the chapters through the summer.
Membership- Dennis Bing announced membership has reached 1008 in state, encouraged us to
maintain the momentum. Look for an aggressive membership drive in the fall. Terry Smith has had
membership pay incentive for his staff. This has been successful for 100% membership in his dept.
Strategic Planning-Dennis Archer – two objectives, Disaster preparedness at the state level and
development of Bachelor’s Program in the state. Greg Carter is having conversation with TCC regarding
the Bachelor’s program.
Finance- Dennis Bing
Planning an external audit for the protection of the society and the officers. Recommended by
AARC. Doesn’t have to be a certified audit. Steve will pursue.
Review our check signing procedures. Consider setting certain $ amount minimum that would
require two signatures.
Complete our application for incorporation as a 501(C)(6) which is a trade association. This is
more appropriate for us.
AARC recommends that we have a $10-15K cushion for our financial situation, but no more. After
the expenses of the conference are cleared, we will look at our status.
Dennis would like to develop job descriptions for officers. Celeste believes there are already job
descriptions and will research this. We would like to revise them, if that is the case.
Nominations/Elections – Donavan and Thomasa are planning for early ballot, voting, possibly
completed by Sept 1. Hoping to have time for newly elected officers to buddy-up with the predecessor
to get some orientation to the position before assuming office.
Scholarship/Education – Dennis Archer announced that 10 papers were submitted for the
scholarships. The top three papers were just 6 points apart. The scholarship committee will award two
$1500 scholarships to 1st and 2nd place and will award $500 to the third place student using money
returned by speaker Bud Spearman and an anonymous donation. Each of the four respiratory schools
will receive $250.
Celeste Stubbs was recognized for her dedication and commitment for some 10 years to the
International Fellowship program. She has agreed to do this again this year. She would like to mentor a
protégé to carry on this program. Contact Celeste or Dennis Archer if you are interested or know
someone who is. AARC pays the hotel for the fellow to stay, so there is minimal effort involved in this
valuable program.
Webmaster – Terry thanked the board for the new computer. He had much work to do to upgrade and
fix the problems with the new computer, but he enjoyed the challenge. Again, Terry was recognized for
the work, time and dedication he spends on the website which has now been recognized by the ATS for
it’s quality. Terry is exploring options for web-based meetings for board/officers. Dr. Howard suggested
considering hospital based teleconferences as an option.
Public Awareness – nothing to report
Program – Bob Bonner – Provided stats from four years’ meetings in Seattle area. Registration, room
pickup #s and expense and revenue comparisons. This year, expect to save about $18K on the
conference due to some discounts and revenues, and overall changes in expenditures. (Coffee is now
Reg on-line has improved much this year thanks to Bill Nehring’s dedicated work. Reg on-line has info
on members/non-members and those interested in participating in RCSW.
Bylaws – nothing to report.
Chapter President’s Report
Cascade Chapter – Scott Mahoney for Ty, future events are being planned for Cascade.
Puget Sound Chapter – John Jahns APRV CEU lecture in conjunction with chapter meeting May
14. APRV at 3pm, meeting at 4pm and APRV again at 5pm, food and drinks provided.
Rainier Chapter- Jackie Ray has flyer to post at the meeting stating that she will come to the depts. to
have a meeting, free CEUs, hopes to have a Sept conference in conjunction with Vancouver area,
working with Carol Benner.-
Central Chapter –John Nee absent, no report.
Eastern Chapter – Earl Moore getting ready for next year’s conference. Tentatively scheduled for April
Old Business
Status of WA incorporation – Due to paperwork failure, our incorporation application is not
complete. Dennis and Steve are resubmitting our application. Our Tax ID stays the same, Steve will be
the registered agent, and we will have a single address for IRS purposes, currently Steve’s
address. Steve will obtain a safe-deposit box.
Student Representation on BOD- nothing has been developed at this time, but there are still plans to
include students on the board as non-voting members. Goal is to get the student perspective on issues
and to introduce the students to the leadership at the state level, expecting the students to share the
information with their fellow students. Need to bring new people into the RCSW to carry on.
Each teacher bring or invite
Invite president of the student clubs of each school
New Business
Email from Pat Lee at AARC –if we have an event published through AARC, they will email to the
membership of WA state. President has to submit the event, and Pat Lee sends out the email.
Meeting adjourned at 20:00 (included a break for dinner)