FLOOD FIGHTING PLAN-2013 LIVESTOCK AND DAIRY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DISTRICT GOVERNMENT BAHAWALPUR LIVESTOCK EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN-2013 DISTRICT BAHAWALPUR FOR FLOOD SEASON-2013. District Bahawalpur comprises on 06 Tehsils out of those five Tehsils Hasilpur, Bahawalpur, Sadar & City, Khair Pur Tamewali and Ahmad Pur East are more prone to flood due to river Satluj flowing on the border of these Tehsils. In flood season during moon soon nearby areas are effected and livestock of all kinds face difficulty in search of drinking water and edible fodder, more over sometimes contagious disease out breaks also make target to the animals. To save the livestock of all types prophylactic measures adopted. River Satluj and Chanab flows in north area of District Bahawalpur. Livestock Department always tries to complete vaccination against different diseases before flood season. For this purpose, Department supplies sufficient quantity of Vaccines to the Veterinary Hospitals, Dispensaries, Centers which are located in the river areas. Store of Vaccine and Medicines are maintained at each Tehsil Veterinary Hospital Vaccination performed by Vety. Assistant during the flood Vaccination campaign has to be supervised by the Veterinary Officer in charge Flood Relief centers. To control this situation during the flood, 23 Flood Sector / Centers have been established in the district. Staff has been deputed at each sector. In emergency, they are bound to be present at their sector headquarter round the clock. They perform the vaccination as team work and also treat the sick animals. Medicines and Vaccine are supplied in sufficient quantity and also it is ensured that the supply may be continued. For this purpose one mobile vehicle is deputed round the clock during flood season. If there is any outbreak of any contagious disease, the Veterinary officer of concerned area reaches the spot of outbreak immediately for proper Veterinary coverage and the services of Diagnostic laboratory are also utilized for confirmation of disease. Each Veterinary officer and staff posted at flood sector is advised to cooperate with Civil Administration and also submit daily flood Vaccination report for onward transmission to the higher authorities. LIVESTOCK CENSUS OF FLOOD PRONE AREA ACCORDING TO CENSUS 2006. S. # 1 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Name of flood relief centre Head Islam Jamal Pur Basti Islam Nagar Israni Kotla Musa Khan Boonga Ramzan Abbas Nagar Jhangi Wali Mari Qasim Shah Baqir Pur Satluj Bridge Shauq-Ur-Rabi Fattu Wali Jalal Abad Pipli Rajan Jhangra Khair Pur Daha Dhoor Kot Balla Jhullan Chanab Rasool Pur Head Punjnad Bangla Mastoi Rasool Pur Total No. of buff No. of cow No. of sheep No. of goat No. of camel No. of horses 5300 3035 2100 904 1300 1200 1300 300 1600 2530 100 120 2431 475 960 2850 2400 1317 760 4019 431 4112 2297 41841 7600 3540 2800 4500 3700 1800 2200 425 3800 4417 320 80 1897 200 1180 3000 4000 1134 675 3525 622 3508 2305 57228 2300 1500 1800 3000 1000 1400 800 425 710 127 100 90 650 285 1670 1500 2800 823 531 1821 455 643 472 24902 4700 1283 3000 2500 2100 1700 3200 300 2800 2611 120 150 1250 200 1300 950 2000 708 416 6260 877 4556 1130 44111 23 400 18 80 15 00 12 06 04 04 06 00 03 00 17 00 00 03 05 36 13 11 52 708 55 31 08 12 04 00 06 10 08 04 00 00 04 00 27 00 00 21 03 08 09 38 14 262 No. of donkey and mules 95 169 160 150 130 00 200 15 135 45 20 05 64 00 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1223 No. of poultry Grand Total 4600 715 4000 3000 1800 2200 4000 00 4600 00 400 00 00 100 1000 2000 2600 722 531 6557 709 3639 885 44058 24673 10673 13886 14146 10049 8300 11718 1481 13657 9738 1066 445 6299 1260 6989 10300 13800 9755 2935 19849 3116 16507 7155 340181 LIVESTOCK INSTITUTIONS EXISTED IN FLOODY AREAS Hasilpur Civil Veterinary Hospital Veterinary Dispensaries Veterinary Centre Mobile Veterinary Dispensary Khair Pur Tamewali Civil Veterinary Hospital Veterinary Dispensaries Veterinary Centre Mobile Veterinary Dispensary Bahawalpur Civil Veterinary Hospital Veterinary Dispensaries Veterinary Centre Mobile Veterinary Dispensary Ahmed Pur East Civil Veterinary Hospital Veterinary Dispensaries Veterinary Centre Mobile Veterinary Dispensary = = = = 02 04 01 01 = = = = 01 01 01 01 = = = = 02 05 04 01 = = = = 05 03 09 01 RISK ANALYSIS LIST OF HAZARDS AT WORK (DISTRICT BAHAWALPUR) 1 Infectious Disease 2 Endo & ecto Parasitism 3 Loss of Infrastructure 4 Feed & Fodder DISEASES, VACCINATION PROGRAMME PRENTIVE MEASURES. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Hemorrhagic septicemia. Black quarter. Foot & Mouth. Enterotoxaemia. Sheep Pox/ Goat Pox. Pleura pneumonia. New Castle Disease. NAME OF VACCINE AVAILABLE. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) H.S.V. B.Q.V. F&M V E.T.V C.C.P.V S.P.V G.P.V =600 Bottles =50 Bottles =100 Bottles =165 Bottles =718 Vials =241 Vials =142 Vials During the Hot and humid climate in monsoon season the animals are more prone to various contagious diseases like:♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Hemorrhagic Septicemia. Black Quarter Enterotoxaemia Foot & Mouth Disease. New castle Disease. In case of flood the situation becomes more serious. To combat with it, the emergency pre flood vaccination is started from 15th of May. Whereas from 15th June special campaign is launched particularly in expected flood / riverine areas. Flood relief centers are established by the District Administration and Livestock Department to provide prophylactic as well as curative facilities for Livestock & Poultry. AVAILABLE RESOURCES FOR LIVESTOCK EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS-2013. 1- Mobile Veterinary Dispensaries = 05 (will be ready to provide Veterinary Services on the spot). 2- Availability of Technical Staff (SVO / VO / VAs) = Sufficient staff available. 3- Medicines = Purchase of medicines is under process. 4- Vaccines = Enough quantity available. 5- Feed and Fodders = The funds are not available for fodder and wheat straw, so District Government will be requested to provide the funds. ACTION PLAN-2013 MAIN FOCUS ACTIVITIES FOR LEPP 2013 Ready arrangements of installation of relief camps, duties of Veterinary Officers, Veterinary Assistants and place of relief centres are also attached herewith. Arrangement of feed, fodders and wheat straw is been made and the provision of fund for the transportation is been demanded to the District Government. Arrangement of availability of medicines and vaccines to treat the sick Livestock and prophylactic coverage has been made and assured. Technical staff already been deputed and the relief sector and camp places has been completed, (List attached herewith). Panaflex Banners for flood relief centres are ready alongwith caps for duty staff. PRE FLOOD VACCINATION COMPAIGN / PRE FLOOD ARRANGEMENTS To ensure Veterinary coverage and prophylactic vaccination to every animal and adopt control measures to check the epidemic and to save the Livestock wealth. Preflood vaccination campaign will start w.e.f. 15.05.2013. 13 S.V.O / Veterinary Officers (Health) and 23 Veterinary Assistants in their respective area will start prophylactic vaccination programme. FLOOD SECTORS Total numbers of 23 sectors are established in the District. Flood relief centre for Livestock is established at every sector under the supervision of Veterinary Officer to the Illaqa. Each flood centre is provided with services of Veterinary Assistants alongwith sufficient quantity of vaccine and medicine under the supervision of Veterinary Officers. Vaccination and treatment facilities are provided and daily report there of submitted to the high ups. 13 SVOs/ Veterinary Officers deputed ass I/C flood sector, 23 Veterinary Assistants deputed as I/C sub-flood sectors. MONITORING AND EVALUATION FOR LEPP 2013. District Livestock Officer, Deputy District Livestock Officers, Senior Veterinary Officers will continue to monitor all over the activities perform in the flood affected areas. FOCAL PERSON FOR DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN-2013 Name of Disaster center Hasilpur Name of Officer Dr. Salman Hassan Designation Veterinary Officer (H), I/C, 062-2443625 CVH Hasilpur. Khair Pur Tamewali Dr. Zahid Farooq Contact No. 0333-6263747 Veterinary Officer (H), I/C, 0300-9686482 CVH Lal Sohanra. Bahawalpur Dr. Muhammad Anees Brula Senior Veterinary Officer, I/C, 062-9239259 CVH Bahawalpur. Ahmed Pur East Dr. Iqbal Nadeem 0300-6850135 Veterinary Officer (H), I/C, 0300-6848669 CVH Ahmed Pur East. Uch Sharif Dr. Muhammad Sohail Khan Senior Veterinary Officer, I/C, 0300-9681803 CVH Uch Sharif. STAFF DEPUTED AT FLOOD SECTORS / FLOOD RELIEF CENTRES FOR FLOOD FIGHTING IN DISTRICT BAHAWALPUR DURING THE YEAR-2013 (W.E.F 15.06.2013) S. No Name of Flood Relief Centers 1 Head Islam. 2 Jamal Pur. 3 Basti Islam Nagar. 4 Kotla Qaim Khan. 5 Israni. 6 Boonga Ramzan. 7 Abbas Nagar. 8 Mari Qasim Shah. 9 Jhangi Wala. 10 Baqir Pur. 11 Shauq-ur-Rabi. 12 Fattu Wali. Name of Veterinary Officer as In charge Flood Relief Centre. Contact No. Name of veterinary Assistant Deputed for Flood emergency. Contact No. Dr. Asif Ali, V.O.(H) I/C CVD, Head Islam -do- 0303-4154051 03068908303 Dr. Haider Noor, V.O.(H) I/C MVD, Hasilpur. Dr. Asif Shehzad, V.O (H) CVH Khair Pur Tamewali 0300-2947748 0315-7065599 Akhlaq Ahmad VA, CVD Head Islam Haq Nawaz, VA, CVD Jamal Pur (Baqain Wala) Wajid Ali, VA, CVD, Anaiti Mansoor Ahmed, VA, CVD Kotla Qaim Khan -do- 0300-9686482 Dr. Zahid Farooq, V.O.I/C CVH Lal Sohanra (Additional Charge, CVH Khair Pur -do- -do- -do- 0302-7792094 0301-6892083 0300-6814668 Muhammad Rauf, VA, CVD Israni Liaqat Shehzad, VA, CVH Lal Sohanra 0321-6814065 Manzoor Ahmed, VA, CVD, Chak No. 36/BC Muhammad Irshad , VA, CVD, Jhoke Garwan Rahim Bux, VA, V/Centre ,Jhangi Wali Muhammad Sadiq, VA, V/C, Baqir Pur Fida Hussain Kulyar, VA, CVD Shauq-Ur-Rabi Hashmat Ali, VA, V/C Yousaf Abad 0300-7815905 0300-6342747 Tamewali) -do- 0344-8745051 Dr. Muhammad Arshad Hussain, S.V.O. I/C CVD, Dera Bakha. Dr. Mehwish Akbar, V.O (H) I/C CVD Goth Lashkar Dr. Muhammad Anees Brula, S.V.O. I/C, CVH Bahawalpur. -do- 0301-7704012 Dr. Ali Raza Abbasi, VO (Health) I/C MVD Bahawalpur. 0300-6823260 0331-7948522 0300-6850135 -do- 0302-6825876 0301-7704960 0333-4420180 0302-7707505 0321-2842373 --- 02 --S. No Name of Flood Relief Centers Name of Veterinary Officer as In charge Flood Relief Centre. Contact No. 13 Satluj Bridge. 14 Jalal Abad. 15 Pipli Rajan. 16 Jhangra. 17 Khairpur Daha. 18 Dhoor Kot -do- -do- 19 Chanab Rasool Pur. -do- -do- 20 Head Punjnad. 21 Rasool Pur. -do- -do- Bungalow Mastoi. -do- Balla Jhullan. -do- 22 23 Dr. Ali Raza Abbasi, VO (Health) I/C MVD Bahawalpur. Dr. Muhammad Zubair V.O. I/C CVD, Khanqah Sharif Dr. Gulzar Muhammad Nadeem, S.V.O I/C, CVH, Mubarak Pur Dr. Muhammad Imran, V.O (H), I/C, CVD, Khair Pur Daha -do- Dr. Muhammad Rafique VO (H), CVH Uch Sharif/Faiz Pur 0300-6823260 0300-6847159 0334-6863660 & 03006703427 0301-7877970 Name of veterinary Assistant Deputed for Flood emergency. Muhammad Ijaz Rafique, VA, V/C Chak No. 10/BC Syed Javed Hussain Shah, VA, V/C, Jalal Abad Ashiq Hussain, VA, V/C, Jumrani Jadid Contact No. 0300-7801009 0301-7723869 0301-7799549 Muhammad Rafique, VA, CVD Hatheji Hafiz Muhammad Sadiq, VA, CVD Khair Pur Daha Abdul Latif, VA, CVD Nonari 0300-4537279 Kashif Majeed VA, Chak No. 131 / DNB Bashir Ahmed, VA, CVH Uch Sharif 0300-6854076 0301-8787899 -do- Khurram Shehzad, VA, CVD Mehar Abad Saeed Ahmed, VA, V/C, Bukhtiari -do- Muhammad Kashif VA Sukhail 0334-6451575 -do- 03014905737 0301-5730507 0301-7712624 0301-7714386 0301-7709415 LIST OF MOBILE VETERIANRY DISPENSARIES ALONGWITH THE STAFF DEPLOYED ON THE MOBILE VETERINARY DISPENSARIES AND THEIR CONTACT NOs. MVD Head Quarter Name of Officer I/C with Cell No. Hasilpur Dr. Haider Noor 0315-7065599 Khair Pur Tamewali Dr. Asif Shehzad 0300-2947748 Bahawalpur Dr. Ali Raza Abbasi 0300-6823260 Ahmed Pur East Dr. Bashir Ahmed 0300-6744969 Yazman Dr. Irshad-Ul-Haq 0301-7738119 Name of Veterinary Assistant with Cell No. Muhammad Yaseen 0301-4416597 Jumshaid Hussain Shah 0301-7701566 Muhammad Mubin-Ul-Ghani 0300-6804811 Muhammad Zulfiqar 0300-7817099 Muhammad Afzal 0301-6508545 Driver with Cell No. Muhammad Akram 0300-7803023 -doGul Sher Khan 0307-8035535 Muhammad Akram Abbasi 0302-7862577 Rashid Mehmood 0346-8843289 LIST OF VEHICLES ALONGWITH THEIR REGISTERATION NO. WHICH CAN BE SPARED FOR EMERGENCY POOL. Sr. No 1. Head Quarter Mobile Veterinary Dispensary, Hasilpur Vehicles BRG-1008 2. Mobile Veterinary Dispensary, Khairpur Tamewali BRM-5069 3. Mobile Veterinary Dispensary, Bahawalpur BRM-5217 4. Mobile Veterinary Dispensary, Ahmed Pur East BRG-1013 5. Mobile Veterinary Dispensary, Yazman BRG-1011 6. Deputy District Livestock Officer (Breed Improvement) BRG-1128 PROPOSED PLAN OF THE MOBILE VETERINARY DISPENSARIES UNDER ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL. MVD Head Quarter Name of Officer I/C with Cell No. Hasilpur Dr. Haider Noor 0315-7065599 Khair Pur Tamewali Dr. Asif Shehzad 0300-2947748 Bahawalpur Dr. Ali Raza Abbasi 0300-6823260 Ahmed Pur East Dr. Bashir Ahmed 0300-6744969 Yazman Dr. Irshad-Ul-Haq 0301-7738119 Name of Veterinary Assistant with Cell No. Muhammad Yaseen 0301-4416597 Jumshaid Hussain Shah 0301-7701566 Muhammad Mubin-Ul-Ghani 0300-6804811 Muhammad Zulfiqar 0300-7817099 Muhammad Afzal 0301-6508545 Driver with Cell No. Muhammad Akram 0300-7803023 -doGul Sher Khan 0307-8035535 Muhammad Akram Abbasi 0302-7862577 Rashid Mehmood 0346-8843289 DISTRICT RAPID RESPONSE TEAMS WITH NAME OF TEAM I/C STAFF AND THEIR CELL # DISTRICT BAHAWALPUR MVD Head Quarter Name of Officer I/C with Cell No. Name of Veterinary Assistant with Cell No. Muhammad Yaseen 0301-4416597 Driver with Cell No. Hasilpur Dr. Haider Noor 0315-7065599 Muhammad Akram 0300-7803023 Khair Pur Tamewali Dr. Asif Shehzad 0300-2947748 Jumshaid Hussain Shah 0301-7701566 Bashir Ahmad 0344-7204490 Bahawalpur Dr. Ali Raza Abbasi 0300-6823260 Muhammad Mubin-Ul-Ghani 0300-6804811 Gul Sher Khan 0307-8035535 Ahmed Pur East Dr. Bashir Ahmed 0300-6744969 Muhammad Zulfiqar 0300-7817099 Muhammad Akram Abbasi 0302-7862577 Yazman Dr. Irshad-Ul-Haq 0301-7738119 Muhammad Afzal 0301-6508545 Rashid Mehmood 0346-8843289