2014 - 2015 Combined Specialty Pathways List

Community Outreach and Education
(2014 – 2015)
Over the course of two-weeks students will meet
each day for four hours to review core community
outreach principles addressing topics such as
policy, research, and needs assessments.
Students will meet each day for four hours to work
with a local agency; this may be completed in one
week, full time, with faculty approval. Students
will work with one agency, such as Kumler or the
CATCH Program, for one entire week and complete
a reflective paper on their experience.
Elective Advisors
Kelly Armstrong, Ph.D.
Amber Barnhart
Susan Hingle, M.D.
Tracey Smith
David Steward, M.D.
2 Weeks COEP Elective(s)
Choose from the Following (Total must = 2 Wks):
[ ] Clinical Epidemiology (15453)
[ ] Community Health Services and Resources (15143)
[ ] Cultural Competence In A Clinical Setting (35163)
[ ] Health Disparities (35553)
[ ] Hlth Pol - Physician’s Role in St & Fed Gov (35493)
[ ] Physicians and Human Rights (35334)
[ ] Service Learning Elective (15603)
2 Weeks Selectives
Choose from the Following (Total must = 2 Wks):
[ ] Beyond Good Intentions (15023)
[ ] Children’s COCO Camping Org. (60143)
[ ] Community Hlth Services & Resource (15193)
[ ] Emerging Trends in Public Health (15543)
[ ] Global Health 101 (15053)
[ ] International Health & Tropical Medicine (45173)
[ ] Issues in Minority Health Care (15303)
[ ] Issues in Women’s Health Care (15293)
[ ] Medical Student Rotation in India (45403)
[ ] Minority Health Care (45183)
[ ] Oral Health in Primary Care (15073)
[ ] Panama Global Mission Trip (15593)
[ ] Patient Education (15513)
[ ] Patient Stories (30463)
[ ] Practice Management & Health Policy in Family
Medicine (15363)
[ ] Public Health Leadership (15563)
[ ] Selective Service Elective (45493/35533)
[ ] Telemedicine & Technology in the Clinical Setting
[ ] The Health Care Response to Violence (70444)
35 Hours of Volunteer Community Service Learning
Capstone Research Project
Both of the following are required:
[ ] Final Project – Dependent upon IDE Faculty
[ ] Submission of Abstract for Poster Presentation
Any Basic Science Elective listed above
Additional Suggestions:
Any electives (individually designed or pre-planned)
which require design and implementation of a research
Updated: 031414
Family and Community Medicine
4 Weeks ICE
Choose One from the Following:
[ ] Family Medicine Sub-I/Springfield (15093)
[ ] Family Medicine Sub-I/Carbondale (15103)
[ ] Family Medicine Sub-I/Decatur (15033)
[ ] Family Medicine Sub-I/Quincy (15133)
4 Weeks Basic Science Elective(s)
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ] Clinical Epidemiology (15453)
[ ] Hospice and Palliative Care (15583)
[ ] Medical Humanities (any)
[ ] Mus/Skel Skills Elective/Springfield(15413)
[ ] Patient Safety (45353)
4 Weeks Selectives
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 wks):
[ ] FCM Preceptorship
Any other FCM Clinical Elective
Internal Medicine
Some things to think about when deciding whether or
not to choose the Internal Medicine Pathway:
A few years ago the Year Four Curriculum Committee
surveyed internal medicine residency program directors
and asked them what they looked for in prospective
candidates. They uniformly stated that they were most
interested in candidates with a broad background, that
candidates did not need to spend significant time in
internal medicine rotations.
A review of our own faculty was split. Some felt that
students should spend most of their time in internal
medicine to prepare for this career. Others felt that the
fourth year was a time to broaden your horizons and
recommended not taking many courses in internal
It is doubtful that doing an Internal Medicine Pathway
will help or harm your application to an internal
medicine residency program. Thus, the most important
steps to take in deciding whether or not to pursue the
Internal Medicine Pathway are to take stock of yourself
(your strengths and weaknesses, your interests) and to
talk with your Elective Advisor.
4 Weeks ICE
Choose One from the Following:
[ ] Emergency Medicine/Springfield (45063)
[ ] Medicine Sub-I/Springfield (45153)
[ ] Nephrology (45113)
Obstetrics and Gynecology
4 Weeks ICE
Choose One from the Following:
[ ] OB/GYN Sub-I (50013)
[ ] General Surgery Externship (80033)
[ ] Emergency Medicine/Springfield (45063)
[ ] FP Sub-I(15103, 15033, 15133, 15093)
[ ] Internal Medicine Sub-I (45153)
[ ] Pediatric Sub-I (60093)
4 Weeks Basic Science Elective(s)
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ] Reprod Immunology (40171)
[ ] Surgical & Autopsy Pathology (55013, 55073)
[ ] Introduction to Hematopathology and Clinical
Pathology (55033)
[ ] Advanced Therapeutics (65154)
4 Weeks Selectives
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ] Residency Readiness Rotation(50193)
[ ] Any Medical Humanities Elective
[ ] Clinical Electrocardiography (45033)
[ ] Neonatology (60063)
[ ] Plastic Surgery (80093)
[ ] Urology (80113)
[ ] Dermatology (45223)
[ ] Intro to Cutaneous Medicine (Y3 Only: 45343)
[ ] Emergency Medicine/Springfield (45063)
[ ] Emergency Medicine – Year Three (45333)
[ ] Infectious Disease (45083)
[ ] Clinical Anesthesia (10013)
4 Weeks Basic Science Elective(s)
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ] Infectious Disease Research (49033)
[ ] Statistics (30014)
Any other Basic Science Elective
4 Weeks Selectives
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ] Medicine Sub-I (45153)
[ ] Intensive Care (45193)
Any other Internal Medicine elective
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Pathology Specialty Pathway
(2014 – 2015)
4 Weeks ICE
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ] Family Medicine Subinternship (15103, 15033, 15133,
[ ] Emergence Medicine-Springfield (45063)
[ ] Hematology/Oncology (45233)
[ ] Intensive Care/Springfield (45193)
[ ] Internal Medicine Subinternship/Springfield (45153)
[ ] Nephrology (45113)
[ ] Pulmonary Medicine (45123)
[ ] Transplant Medicine (45443)
[ ] Inpatient Neurology (85083)
[ ] Gynecologic Oncology (50223)
[ ] Pediatric Subinternship (60093)
[ ] General Surgery Externship with Residency Team (80033)
[ ] Urology (80113)
4 Weeks Basic Science Elective(s)
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ]*Surgical Autopsy/Pathology (55013, 55073)
[ ] Introduction to Hematology & Clinical Pathology (55033)
[ ] General Radiology at Memorial Medical Center &
St. John’s Hospital (75023)
[ ] Clinical Epidemiology (15453)
4 Weeks Selectives
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ] Dermatology (45223)
[ ] Endo, Diabetes, & Metabolism (45463)
[ ] Gastroenterology (45093)
[ ] Infectious Disease (45083)
[ ] Introduction to Cutaneous Medicine Y3 Only (45343)
[ ] Rheumatology (45043)
[ ] Gynecology Surgery (50203)
[ ] Preceptorship in OB/GYN (50053)
[ ] Pediatric Hematology/Oncology (60103)
[ ] Pediatric Infectious Disease (60033)
[ ] Pediatric Pulmonology (60323)
[ ] Cardiothoracic Surgery/SIU-SM (80313)
[ ] Neurosurgery (80053)
[ ] Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery (80223)
4 Weeks ICE
Choose One from the Following:
[ ] Neonatology (60063)
[ ] Pediatric Critical Care (60153)
[ ] Pediatric Sub-I (60093)
4 Weeks Basic Science Elective(s)
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
4 weeks of any Basic Science Elective listed
4 Weeks Selectives
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ] Pediatrics Residency Readiness (60353)
Any Pediatrics elective in the catalog
Any extramural pediatrics elective
(From SIU catalog)
(Family & Community Medicine)
[ ] Musculoskeletal Skills (15413)
[ ] Sports Medicine (15253)
(Internal Medicine)
[ ] Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) (45015)
[ ] Advanced Electrocardiography (45133)
[ ] Clinical Electrocardiography (45033)
[ ] Dermatology (45223)
[ ] Emergency Medicine/Springfield (45063)
[ ] Infectious Disease (45083)
[ ] Intensive Care/Springfield (45193)
[ ] Introduction to Cutaneous Medicine (45434)
[ ] Medicine as a Business (45434)
[ ] Nephrology (45113)
[ ] Patient Safety: Clinical Skills & Quality Care (45353)
[ ] Service Learning Elective (45493)
[ ] Child Psychiatry Outpatient Consultation (70373)
[ ] Pediatric Radiology (75193)
[ ] Otolaryngology for Primary Care Physicians (80213)
[ ] Pediatric Plastic Surgery (80493)
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General Surgery
4 Weeks ICE
Choose One from the Following:
[ ] Inpatient Psychiatry Sub-I (70013)
[ ] Inpatient Psychiatry Sub-I/Children (70383)
[ ] Inpatient Psychiatry Sub-I - MMC (70023)
4 Weeks ICE
Choose One from the Following:
[ ] General Surgery Externship (80033)
4 Weeks Basic Science Elective(s)
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ] Introduction to Research Design (70434)
[ ] Neurobiological Basis of Psychotherapy (70324)
[ ] Neuropsychopharmacology (70343)
[ ] The Healthcare Response to Violence (70444)
4 Weeks Basic Science Elective(s)
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ] Surgical & Autopsy Pathology (55013, 55073)
[ ] General Radiology at MMC & SJH (75023)
4 Weeks Selectives
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ] Adv Therapeutics: Neurologic Disease (65232)
[ ] Adv Therapeutics: Psychiatry Disorders (65252)
[ ] Behavioral & Psychosocial Oncology (70413)
[ ] Child Psychiatry Outpatient Consultation (70373)
[ ] Community Based Outpatient Practice (70423)
[ ] Cultural Competence/Clinical Setting (35163)
[ ] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (45463)
[ ] Enhancing Communication Physician /Pt Rel (35193)
[ ] Hlth Pol - Physician’s Role in St & Fed Gov (35493)
[ ] Neurobiology and Treatment of Substance Abuse
Disorders (70333)
4 Weeks Selectives
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ] Surgical Resident Readiness
[ ] Trauma Surgery (80073)
[ ] Urology (80113)
[ ] Cardiothoracic Surgery (80313)
Orthopedics Specialty Pathway
4 Weeks ICE
Choose One from the Following:
[ ] General Surgery Externship (80033)
4 Weeks Basic Science Elective(s)
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
Any elective from BSE List
4 Weeks Selectives
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ]*Extramural Orthopedic Elective
[ ]*Surgical Residency Readiness (80023)
[ ]*Adult Orthopedics (80203)
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Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery
Specialty Pathway
4 Weeks ICE
Choose One from the Following:
[ ] General Surgery Externship (80033)
4 Weeks Basic Science Elective(s)
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ] Neuroradiology at MMC (75123) OR
[ ] Surgical & Autopsy Pathology (55013, 55073)
[ ] Cultural Competence In A Clinical Setting (35163)
4 Weeks Selectives
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ]*Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery (80223)
[ ]*Extramural ENT Elective
[ ] Clinical Anesthesia (10013)
[ ] Pediatric Infectious Disease (60033)
[ ] Surgical Residency Readiness (80023)
Plastic Surgery Specialty Pathway
4 Weeks ICE
Choose One from the Following:
[ ] General Surgery Externship (80033)
4 Weeks Basic Science Elective(s)
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ]*Intro to Microvascular Surgery (80083)
[ ] Selective in Radiology (75033)
[ ] Surgical & Autopsy Pathology (55013, 55073)
[ ] Getting into Print: The Physician as Writer (35133)
4 Weeks Selectives
Choose from the Following (Total must = 4 Wks):
[ ]*Basic Plastic Surgery (80093)
[ ]*Extramural Plastic Surgery Elective
[ ]*Surgical Residency Readiness (80023)
[ ] Burn Care (80153)
[ ] Plastic Surgery/Basic Hand Anatomy (80103)
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