Section 7: Financial Proposal Form1 The Proposer is required to prepare the Financial Proposal in an envelope separate from the rest of the RFP as indicated in the Instruction to Proposers. The Financial Proposal must provide a detailed cost breakdown. Provide separate figures for each functional grouping or category. Any estimates for cost-reimbursable items, such as travel and out-of-pocket expenses, should be listed separately. In case of an equipment component to the service provider, the Price Schedule should include figures for both purchase and lease/rent options. UNDP reserves the option to either lease/rent or purchase outright the equipment through the Contractor. The format shown on the following pages is suggested for use as a guide in preparing the Financial Proposal. The format includes specific expenditures, which may or may not be required or applicable but are indicated to serve as examples. 1. Cost Breakdown per Deliverables* Activity Result AR1 AR1.1 AR1.2 AR1.3 Deliverables/Outputs Review Schedule Payment Price (Lump Sum, All Inclusive) 1.Capacity development strategies and action plan 21 March 2016 10 Mar 2016 25% for KSDAE, LLNP, BNNP, and North Sulawesi BKSDA 4.Baseline data for Forest cover of the three Project 30 Jan 2016 15 Jan 2016 31 March 2016 Sites updated 7.Gap analysis report on existing policies and regulations for RBM, and RBM capacity and implementation and management and planning skills needed in the three project Sites 11.Monitoring Program with innovative /appropriate technology for key species of the three Sites, including methodology, suitable monitoring tools (e.g. camera trap, chips,rings), usage, analysis and reporting as well as estimated expenditure. 18.Report of Baseline study on poaching and wildlife trade in Sulawesi 19.Comparative study of intelligence-based surveillance unit models and proposed model for Sulawesi Island and establishment planning 1 Target Completion Date 30 Jan 2016 15 Jan 2016 29 Feb 2016 15 Feb 2016 29 Feb 2016 15 Feb 2016 21 March 2016 10 Mar 2016 No deletion or modification may be made in this form. Any such deletion or modification may lead to the rejection of the Proposal. AR3 AR3.1 AR3.2 AR3.3 AR1 AR1.1 AR1.2 AR1.3 AR1.4 AR2.1 AR3.1 AR3.3 29.Strategic Action Plan for strengthen 21 March 2016 10 Mar 2016 management effectiveness and threat reduction for KSDAE, LLNP, BNNP, and North Sulawesi BKSDA 30.Baseline data on Threat index, EHI, active 30 Jan 2016 15 Jan 2016 encroachment areas, and existing CCAs and level of functionality in the three Project sites updated 31.Mapping identification of potential PA buffer 21 March 2016 10 Mar 2016 zone , its existing land use and PA boundary condition of the three Project Sites including options for biodiversity-based Park boundary 35.Prepare ToR for restoration of fragmented and 21 March 2016 10 Mar 2016 degraded ecosystem in the three Project Sites 36.Socio-economic study of villages with existing Community Conservation Areas (CCAs) and potential ones in buffer zone of the three Project Sites 2.Design the course outline , methodology, resource persons and materials for need trainings as in action plan above 5.Guideline for PA co-management and community engagement, including Buffer zone co-management structure and mechanisms at institutional level and community level and community engagement building 8.Operational guidelines for RBM implementation, including RBM structure , functional position level and organization line, standard Resort facilities and equipment, standard competency for each job description, monitoring and evaluation criteria for HR development and incentives for innovative ideas 12.Lead the monitoring Programme establishment, on the job-training for the PA Technical Officers on usage, data analysis, and reporting 13.Field Technical guidelines for biodiversity monitoring 16.Provide inputs/specification for the Design of a IT- based biodiversity management platform at Sulawesi Island level (by EPASS MIS Officer) 23.Provide inputs/specification for the Design of a IT- based biodiversity management platform at Sulawesi Island level (by EPASS MIS Officer) 24.Design of spatial planning/alignment based on biodiversity importance, ecosystem and wildlife threat status, biogeographical representative of Sulawesi PA System, carbon sequestration potential and current land use. 27.Comprehensive report on ecosystem valuation of the Sulawesi PA system with more detailed analysis of the three project sites and extrapolating the results to value the entire system ( including Inputs for Bappenas on the financing Sulawesi PA system management ) 32.Integrated land use planning model designed for PA boundary maintenance and alignment of buffer zone land use in the context of biodiversity and ecosystem service considerations in the three Project sites including option for marine extension in Greater Tangkoko Complex Area 37.Strategic Action Plan for CCA development in the three Project Sites 21 March 2016 10 Mar 2016 29 April 2016 15 April 2016 20% 29 May 2016 15 May 2016 29 April 2016 15 April 2016 30 July 2016 By May 2016 29 April 2016 15 April 2016 By 31 May 2016 By 31 May 2016 29 May 2016 15 May 2016 29 April 2016 15 April 2016 29 May 2016 15 May 2016 29 April 2016 15 April 2016 38.Strategic action plan for strengthening collaborative management AR1 29 May 2016 3.Provide expertise as resource persons and By 20 November training course materials (2 trainings) by November 2016 2016 AR1.1 9.Provide expertise as resource persons and training course materials on standard RBM AR1.2 14.Provide expertise as resource persons and By August 2016 training course materials on biodiversity monitoring AR1.3 20.Provide expertise as resource persons and training course materials on SMART Patrolling By August 2016 22.Provide expertise as resource persons in a workshop materials on awareness of anti poaching/wildlife trade and law enforcement in the biodiversity protection of Sulawesi PA System 25.Terrestrial PA system consolidation plan and action plan for the entire Sulawesi terrestrial PA system based on spatial planning/alignment designed with mainstreaming of biodiversity importance & bio-geographical representatives of Sulawesi PA system, climate change adaptation, and connectivity 26.Provide expertise as resource person(s) in the awareness raising on for biodiversity conservation and PA system spatial planning approach based on the study 28.Provide expertises as resource person(s) in the awareness raising on ecosystem services and value of Sulawesi biodiversity for multi-stakeholders based on the study 33.Action plan to designate buffer zone area with supporting policies and regulations from local government to biodiversity mainstreaming into spatial planning process in three Project Sites 10.Provide expertise as resource persons in RBM technical supervision (Q4 2016 and Q1 2017) By 20 November 2016 AR1.4 AR2.1 AR3.3 AR1.2 15% 30 November 2016 By August 2016 30 September 2016 5 September 2016 By 20 November 2016 By 20 November 2016 31 October 2016 13 October 2016 By Q1 2017 10% 31 March 2017 AR1.1 15.Provide expertise as resource persons in RBM technical supervision (Q4 2016 and Q1 2017) By Q1 2017 AR1.2 17.Species-specific conservation action plans for rare and important species (in priority – Maleo, Tarsius) 21.Provide expertise as resource persons in RBM technical supervision (Q4 2016 and Q1 2017) 28 Feb 2017 AR3.1 34.Provide expertise as resource persons in the process of buffer zone designation and spatial planning (3 workshops) by December 2016 By December 2016 AR1.1 10.Provide expertise as resource person in RBM technical supervision (Q2 2017) By Q2 2017 AR1.2 15. Provide expertise as resource person in RBM technical supervision (Q2 2017) By Q2 2017 AR1.3 15 May 2016 15 Feb 2017 By Q1 2017 10 % 31 July 2017 AR1.3 21. Provide expertise as resource person in RBM technical supervision (Q2 2017) By Q2 2017 AR3.1 34.Provide expertise as resource persons in the process of buffer zone designation and spatial planning (3 workshop) by April 2017 By April 2017 AR1 AR1.1 3.Provide expertise as resource persons and By October 2017 training course materials (3 trainings) by October 2017 6.Draft revised/updated RPTN of LLNP and BNNP, By October 2017 and potential KPHK in Greater Tangkoko Area until ready to be endorsed 10.Provide expertise as resource persons in RBM By Q3 2017 technical supervision (Q3 2017) AR1.2 15.Provide expertise as resource persons in RBM technical supervision (Q3 2017) By Q3 2017 AR1.3 21.Provide expertise as resource persons in RBM technical supervision (Q3 2017) By Q3 2017 20% 30 November 2017 2. Cost Breakdown by Cost Component: The Proposers are requested to provide the cost breakdown for the above given prices for each deliverable based on the following format. UNDP shall use the cost breakdown for the price reasonability assessment purposes as well as the calculation of price in the event that both parties have agreed to add new deliverables to the scope of Services. Description of Activity I. Personnel Services 1. Team Leader 2. Protected Areas Mgt and PA System Planning 3. Community Engagement and Co-Management 4. Biodiversity Monitoring and Species Conservation 5. Wildlife trade 6. Integrated Land-Use Planning 7. Environment Economics 8. Institutional capacity development 9. Administrative and Finance Assistant: II. Out of Pocket Expenses 1. Travel Costs 2. Daily Allowance 3. Communications Remuneration per Unit of Time (e.g., day, month, etc.) Total Period of Engagement No. of Personnel Total Rate for the Period 4. Reproduction 5. Equipment Lease 6. Others (please specify the detail in separate sheet) III. Other Related Costs (if any) Yours sincerely, Authorized Signature [In full and initials]: Name and Title of Signatory: Name of Firm: Contact Details : [please mark this letter with your corporate seal, if available]