AMS 315 HW 3 Chapter 7. (Due Thursday. 2/25) 7.5 A packaging line fills nominal 32-ounce tomato just jars with a quantity of juice having a normal distribution with a mean of 32.30 ounces. The process should have a standard deviation smaller than .15 ounces per jar. (A larger standard deviation leads to too many underfilled and overfilled jars.) A random sample of 50 jars is taken every hour to evaluate the process. The data from one such sample are summarized here. Descriptive Statistics for Juice Data Variable Juice Jars Variable Speed (mph) a. N Mean Median TrMean StDev 50 32.267 32.248 32.270 0.135 Minimum Maximum 31.874 32.515 Q1 Q3 32.177 32.376 SE Mean 0.019 If the process yields jars having a normal distribution with a mean of 32.30 ounces and a standard deviation of .15 ounces, what proportion of the jars filled on the packaging line will be underfilled? b. Does the plot suggest any violation of the conditions necessary to use the chi-square procedures for generating a confidence interval and a test of hypotheses about σ?\ c. Construct a 95% confidence interval on the process standard deviation/ d. Do the data indicate that the process standard deviation is greater than .15? Use α = .15. e. Place bounds on the p-value of the test. 7.9 Baseballs vary somewhat in their rebounding coefficient. A baseball that has a large rebound coefficient will travel further when the same force is applied to it than a ball with a smaller coefficient. To achieve a game in which each batter has an equal opportunity to hit a home run, the balls should have nearly the same rebound coefficient. A standard test has been developed to measure the rebound coefficient of baseballs. A purchaser of large quantities of baseballs requires that the mean coefficient value be 85 units and the standard deviation be less than 2 units. A random sample of 81 baseballs is selected from a large batch of balls and tested. The data are summarized here. a. Does the plot indicate any violation of the conditions underlying the use of the chisquare procedures for constructing confidence intervals or testing hypotheses about σ? b. Is there sufficient evidence that the standard deviation in rebound coefficient for the batch of balls is less than 2? c. Estimate the standard deviation of the rebound coefficients using a 95% confidence interval. 7. 15 A soft-drink firm is evaluating an investment in a new type of canning machine. The company has already determined that it will be able to fill more cans per day for the same cost if the new machines are installed. However, it must determine the variability of fills using the new machines, and wants the variability from the new machines to be equal to or smaller than that currently obtained using the old machines. A study is designed in which random samples of 61 cans are selected from the output of both types of machines and the amount of fill (in ounces) is determined. The data are summarized in the following table and boxplots. Boxplots of odd machine and new machine (means are indicated by solid circles) 7. 18 In Example 7.9 we stated that the Hartley test was not appropriate because there was evidence that two of the population distributions were nonnormal. The BFL test was then applied to the data and it was determined that the data did not support a difference in the population variances at an α = .05 level. The data yielded the following summary statistics: a. Using the plots in Example 7.9, justify that the population distributions are not normal. b. Use the Hartley test to test for differences in the population variances. c. Are the results of the Hartley test consistent with those of the BFL test? d. Which test is more appropriate for this data set? Justify your answer. e. Which of the additives appears to be a better product? Justify your answer. 7. 20 A wildlife biologist was interested in determining the effect of raising deer in captivity on the size of the deer. She decided to consider three populations; deer raised in the wild, deer raised on large hunting ranches, and deer raised in zoos. She randomly selected eight deer in each of the three environments and weighted the deer at age 1 year. The weights (in pounds) are given in the following table. a. The biologist hypothesized that the weights of deer from captive environments would have a larger level of variability than the weights from deer raised in the wild. Do the data support her contention? b. Are the requisite conditions for the test you used in (a) satisfied in this situation? Provide plots to support your answer.