Emergency Response Guidelines

Emergency Response Guidelines for OHIO International Programs
Global Opportunities
Ohio University
Table of Contents
Emergency Plan and Procedures
Introduction, and operating principles
page 2
Priorities for program leadership during emergencies
page 2
Determining whether or not the reported incident is an emergency
page 3
Emergency guidelines
pages 3-5
Intake Information during an Emergency or Perceived Emergency
Incoming call procedure
page 6
Questions - Emergencies affecting multiple participants or entire program
page 7
Questions - Death
page 8
Questions - Serious illness or injury
page 9
Questions - Assault (physical/sexual)
page 10
Questions - Missing participant
page 11
Questions - Arrest
page 12
Questions - Incapacitated program director
page 13
Appendix 1: Resources
page 14
Appendix 2: Incident Report Form
page 16
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
Emergency Response Guidelines and Procedures for OHIO International Programs
Global Opportunities
Ohio University
Introduction, and operating principles
The Office of Global Opportunities (OGO) strives to provide a safe educational experience for participants
on our study abroad programs. OGO will additionally use this document when addressing emergencies
pertaining to students traveling or studying abroad who are not participating in an OHIO study abroad
program although it is acknowledged local resources may be utilized first. These guidelines are a critical
tool in effectively managing emergencies while students and faculty are abroad.
Operating Principles:
The highest priority for Ohio University is the safety of all participants. We will use reasonable
measures for responding to an emergency (real or perceived).
This is not a complete plan of operation, but provides a general guideline of procedures to follow.
Recognizing that each context is unique and every situation cannot be foreseen or planned for, the
guidelines set forth are not substitutes for appropriate judgment and decision making by program
Priorities for program leadership during emergencies:
The below list is to help prioritize actions during a perceived or real emergency.
Priorities during an emergency:
 Act in best interest of participant.
 Utilize emergency response guidelines.
 Protect students’ right to privacy.
 Maintain communication with OGO.
 Document incident to the best of your ability.
Additional priorities during medical emergency:
 Call International SOS to coordinate care: 1-215-942-8478.
 Seek appropriate medical care.
 Stay with/check on participant.
Additional priorities during a general emergency:
 Secure safe location for all.
 Contact/respond to directions of local authorities or US Embassy as appropriate.
 Communicate OGO/OHIO instructions to participants.
 Call International SOS for advice (as needed): 1-215-942-8478.
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
Determining whether or not the reported incident is an emergency or perceived
The definition of an emergency as set forth below will help guide decision making. Please notify OGO
during both perceived and real emergencies.
Emergencies are those situations that pose a genuine and sometimes immediate risk to, or have already
disturbed, the safety and well-being of study abroad program participants. Emergencies include those
situations involving a single program participant, multiple program participants, or all program participants.
These may include but are not limited to:
 Situations affecting multiple participants or entire program
o Political/civil unrest
o Terrorist activity or threat
o Natural or human disaster (earthquake, flood, hurricane, fire, nuclear incident)
 Death
 Serious illness or injury (including attempted suicide, mental health issues)
o Admission to hospital; illness that is lasting longer than 48 hours should be categorized as
such; illness affecting majority of the group
 Assault (physical/sexual)
 Missing participant(s)
 Arrest/detention
 Incapacitated Program Director(s)
A perceived emergency is a situation that is not life threatening, though it does cause concern, stress, and
inconvenience in the life of the program participant, multiple program participants, or all program
Some examples may include but are not limited to:
 Stolen passport
 Pickpocketing
 Sickness that does not require admission to hospital and is not ongoing
 Non-compliance issues that do not result in harm to self or others
During a perceived emergency, please act to stabilize the situation. As with general emergencies, contact
OGO for support and work to ensure the safety of those involved.
Perceived and Real Emergency Response Guidelines
Program leadership’s first steps should be to ensure the immediate health and safety of the
participant(s). Program staff should contact OGO as soon as possible once the situation is stable
to make them aware of the situation and involve OHIO stakeholders in decision-making.
Program leadership should contact OGO as soon as feasible in all instances. The timeline may not
be as immediate in a perceived emergency, but program leadership should never hesitate to
contact OGO staff.
Ways to reach OGO staff:
During Office Hours: Call OGO 740-593-4583
After Office Hours: Call OGO Answering Service: 740-566-4267
OUPD: 740-593-1911
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
OGO will consult with on-site personnel and other contacts as appropriate to decide what action
(or further action) may be taken in response to the perceived or real emergency. Questions and
guidance specific to the situation may be utilized for guidance (pgs. 6-20).
Please see Appendix 1 for a list of university and other resources for consultation during an
There may be instances in which, in the reasonable judgment of the on-site personnel, OGO
director, or other staff managing the situation, the emergency situation dictates that action be taken
immediately without the ability to consult with additional resources.
Other experts and university resources may be consulted as circumstances merit.
4. Participant(s) may be provided with verbal and/or written instructions appropriate to the
situation. OGO may request that the on-site director or staff have all program participants
acknowledge receipt of any written instructions and fax or email the signed acknowledgements to
the OGO. Emergency contacts may be notified following the guidelines below.
Guidelines for notifying family and emergency contacts:
During perceived emergencies, program personnel should defer to the preference of the student
regarding notification of emergency contacts. During emergencies, program personnel should
consult with the student when possible about notification of family and/or emergency contacts.
During health and safety emergencies, the university may choose to contact emergency contacts
without additional consent of the student should the situation merit such a response in the
reasonable judgment of those involved.
During a medical situation, admission to a hospital in general will trigger the notification of
family/emergency contact(s). In situations in which a student has been a victim of sexual assault
or harassment, the university should defer to the preference of the student regarding notification
of emergency contacts.
Again, the student should be consulted if possible, but the university will generally want to
communicate with the family/emergency contact to make them aware of actions being taken in a
more serious medical situation.
5. Through consultation with the OUPD and/or the University Risk Manager, the Crisis Incident
Response Team may be activated.
6. The Dean of Students maintains resources for responding to student situations, such as student
death, suicides, infectious disease outbreaks, and house fires. Such resources may be utilized as an
additional resource in responding to emergencies.
7. The OGO will communicate the event and response strategy to pertinent parties as time allows.
8. All media inquiries to OGO will be referred to Communications & Marketing.
Guidelines if the incident has resulted in widespread rumors or media attention
OGO staff with assistance from Communications & Marketing will determine the best strategy for
moving forward.
OGO staff will work with program leadership and on-site contacts to ensure accuracy of details.
Any written statement will be distributed to pertinent parties.
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
Responding in a specific case: the death of a participant
Do NOT communicate with emergency contacts unless there are circumstances that justify an exception.
As outlined by university policy 20.001, if a student dies, notification of next-of-kin will be coordinated by Ohio University
Police Department, in consultation with the Dean of Students (DOS). In the case of a regional campus student, the regional
campus dean will be consulted. Do NOT communicate with emergency contacts if possible.
Of note is that the Bureau of Consular Affairs (US Embassy) also has the responsibility of
contacting next of kin. Communications should be coordinated to the extent possible.
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
OGO Incoming Call Intake Questions
OGO uses this form upon receipt of an incoming call reported as a real or perceived emergency.
Name of person receiving the call:
Ask following questions and document the responses:
Name of caller and program:
Telephone number where caller can be reached:
(Country code)
(City code)
__________ - ____________________
How long caller will be at this number:
Other ways of communicating (e-mail, other numbers, skype, etc.);
When caller will call us back if disconnected (indicate a specific time for both
time zones):
Name of affected participant(s) and PIDs or Dates of Birth, if available:
Reason for the call?
Is the affected person(s) safe at the moment?
What is the current physical and/or psychological condition of the affected person(s)?
Location of caller (country, city):
Nature of incident (briefly):
What is the current location of the director or other staff member? (If caller is other
than the director or staff member.)
Is the director aware of the incident?
If possible, keep the call live on the line. The responder should find the most senior OGO advising
staff member present in the office:
Catherine Marshall, Director
Lori Lammert, Associate Director
Keely Davin, Assistant Director
Cherita King, Program Coordinator
Kirsten Dabelko, Program Coordinator
If none of the above are present, gather as much information on the incident as possible, using the
questions on pages 7-13 as appropriate. Then call the emergency OGO number to contact the director.
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
Questions - Emergencies affecting multiple participants or entire program
For widespread emergencies affecting or potentially affecting all program participants (political/civil
unrest, terrorist activity or threat, natural or human disaster such as earthquake, flood, hurricane, fire, or
nuclear incident).
 Secure safe location for participants.
 Follow directives of local authorities, US Embassy, and/or International SOS as appropriate.
 Contact OGO to be involved in decision-making as soon as feasible.
 Document details surrounding the circumstances and actions taken to the extent possible.
OGO representative will collect the following from the on-site personnel reporting the event:
What is the proximity of the event(s) to program participants?
Is the group presently in danger?
Is there imminent risk to participants if they remain where they are?
Are all program participants, and faculty director aware of the emergency? If so, how are
participants responding to the emergency?
Are adequate supplies and/or resources available (food, water, medical attention)?
Is adequate and secure housing available? For how long? What housing options are available
as a back-up?
If you have an on-site provider, how are they responding?
Has the U.S. Embassy been contacted and advised any action for program participants? Are
participants aware of this advice; If yes, was the notification in writing?
Are all participants following the advised precautions?
10. Have local authorities issued a curfew?
11. Is travel in or out of the region/country being restricted? Should participants be moved within
the country? To a neighboring country? To the U.S.?
12. Who or what is the target of any unrest?
13. Has any particular group or organization been threatened?
14. What kind of military, security, or public safety personnel are present? How are they
behaving with respect to the civilian population?
15. Have participants been in contact with friends, family back home?
Proceed with emergency response guidelines.
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
Questions - Death
 Call Local emergency services (equivalent to 9-1-1).
 Secure safe location for participants.*
 Contact US Embassy and International SOS.
 Contact OGO as soon as feasible.
 Keep in mind respect and dignity for the memory of the student and extreme discretion regarding
details surrounding death.
 Talk to other participants about using discretion on social media and in conversations.
 Document details surrounding the circumstances and actions taken to the extent possible.
Do NOT communicate with emergency contacts unless there are circumstances that justify an exception.
*Other participants may likely need support. Work with OGO and local contacts to establish resources for the group.
OGO representative will collect the following from the on-site personnel reporting the event:
Name of deceased?
Where did it occur?
How did it happen?
Who is aware? Have the emergency contacts been notified?
If not, please do not contact; OHIO policy will be followed. The Bureau of Consular Affairs
will also work to notify next of kin. (This piece of information should be shared with OUPD
and DOS staff.)
Have local authorities or medical personnel been involved at this point?
What is the physical and emotional status of the rest of the group?
Is immediate counseling available?
Proceed with emergency response guidelines.
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
Questions - Serious illness or injury
 Call International SOS to coordinate care.
 Help participant to seek medical care if desired. If participant is incapacitated or unreliable, OHIO is
authorized to seek medical care on their behalf.
 Stay with/check on student (someone must stay with/check on student in all circumstances –if group is
slated to travel to another site, a representative must stay in same locale as affected student).
 Contact OHIO as soon as feasible.
 Document details surrounding the circumstances and actions taken to the extent possible.
 Protect Students’ right to privacy.
Note: Participants may not wish to share details regarding their medical situation. They should not be
required to do so. On-site representatives can use language such as “If you are comfortable sharing,
collecting this information will help us to provide support.”
OGO representative will collect the following from the on-site personnel reporting the event:
Is the participant conscious? What is the current mental and physical condition of the participant?
Has International SOS’s emergency assistance center been notified?
What medical treatment has been received (if available)?
Where has the participant been taken and by whom?
Is the director aware of the situation?
Does the attending physician speak English? If not, what language? How is communication with
the participant being facilitated?
What is the diagnosis (if available)?
Was there a pre-existing condition that was treated by a physician in the U.S.?
What is the prescribed treatment (if available)?
What is the prognosis (if available)?
Are other participants at risk?
Does the participant want to return to the U.S.?
What are the consequences of returning to the U.S.? Is the participant aware of these
Is airlift a desirable and viable action? Is quarantine necessary?
What is the contact information for any attending physician (name, address, telephone, fax, email)?
Have emergency contacts been notified?
Proceed with emergency response guidelines.
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
Questions - Assault (Physical/Sexual)
If the victim reports the assault soon after it happens, s/he may be in shock, physically harmed and
emotionally distraught. Treat the victim gently without judgment. Ask if s/he would like to have a friend
present during any follow-up conversations.
 Call International SOS to coordinate care.
 Help student seek medical care if desired.
 Stay with student/check on student.
 Offer assistance in exploring options for legal action on-site.
 Contact OHIO as soon as feasible.
 Sexual harassment/assaults must be reported to the Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance.
 Protect student’s right to privacy.
Note: Participants may not wish to share details regarding their victimization. They should not be required
to do so. On-site representatives can use language such as “If you are comfortable sharing, collecting this
information will help us to provide support.”
OGO representative will collect the following from the on-site personnel reporting the event:
Is the participant conscious? What is the current mental and physical condition of the participant?
What has the on-site response been?
Where has the participant been taken and by whom?
Is counseling available? In English?
Has local law enforcement been notified? Does the victim wish to notify law enforcement?
Has the U.S. Embassy been contacted?
Does the participant with to seek medical care? Has the participant been taken to a physician?
(Also refer to serious illness or injury questions.)
If the assault was sexual, have tests been conducted (STDs, AIDS, pregnancy, DNA)? Does the
participant wish to seek these tests?
What is the medical diagnosis (if made available)?
What is the prescribed treatment (if made available)? What is the prognosis (if made available)?
Does the victim indicate a desire to pursue legal action against the perpetrator? Is this an option?
Does the participant want to return to the U.S.?
What are the consequences of returning to the U.S.?
Is the participant aware of these consequences?
Does participant want family and/or emergency contacts notified? If so, who will make these
Proceed with emergency response guidelines.
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
Questions - Missing Participant
 Attempt to contact student through local phone numbers, fellow students, & other on-site contacts.
 Notify OHIO staff as soon as possible.
 Notify US Embassy and International SOS.
 Use discretion in sharing details regarding the situation.
OGO representative will collect the following from the on-site personnel reporting the event:
When was the participant last seen?
Does anyone have information regarding the participant’s whereabouts?
How have you attempted to contact the participant?
If the participant left and was expected to return, what were the date and time of the expected
Was anyone last seen with the participant?
Was there anything suspicious about the situation?
Do you think this is a possible kidnapping?
Are search and rescue services available on-site?
Have local authorities been notified? Is there a case number?
Has the U.S. Embassy been contacted?
Have emergency contacts been notified?
Proceed with emergency response guidelines.
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
Questions - Arrest
 Act in best interest of participant.
 Notify US Embassy/International SOS
 Notify OGO as soon as feasible.
 Respect Student’s Right to Privacy.
OGO representative will collect the following from the on-site personnel reporting the event:
Has the participant been detained?
Has the U.S. Embassy been notified? What has their response been? What is their advice
What agency made the arrest (names, addresses, telephone numbers)? Is there a case number?
What are the charges?
What rights have been granted?
Is the participant entitled to place a telephone call?
Is there a presumption of innocence until proven guilty?
Is bail available?
Is legal counsel available?
Who has been in contact with the participant?
Who has been contacted about the arrest?
Proceed with emergency response guidelines.
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
Questions - Incapacitated Program Director
 Provide support to director as needed using above guidelines.
 Ensure group is continuing to receive support.
 Notify OGO as soon as feasible.
OGO representative will collect the following from the on-site personnel reporting the event:
Is a secondary Program Director/Group Leader or other emergency liaison now managing the onsite situation and the other program participants? If so, who is this person and what is their contact
What is the condition of the Program Director?
Will the Program Director will be able to return to his/her duties for the duration of the program?
Is the emergency action plan, drafted by the director, in place? Is any additional support needed to
ensure the continuation of the program?
Based on the type of emergency, also refer to the appropriate specific incident question list. (See
page 1 for table of contents).
Proceed with emergency response guidelines
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
Appendix 1: Resources
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
Both numbers are answered 24 hours. Please contact OGO first when possible; they will consult other
resources as appropriate. In event that an OGO staff member is temporarily unavailable, call OUPD.
OUPD can also help to reach staff of the university.
Legal Affairs
Tel: 740-593-2626 Fax: 593-0200
Student Health Services
Tel: 740-593-1660 Fax: 593-0179
Emergency Programs
(Vice President for Finance & Administration)
Tel: 740 593-9532
Dean of Students
Tel: 740-593-1800 Fax: 740-593-0223
After hours: 740-597-2968
Disability Services
Tel: 740-593-2620 Fax: 740-593-0790
Communications and Marketing
From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. – 740-593-9454 (front
From 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. – 740-591-5045 (after
hours emergency phone)
Counseling and Psychological Services
Tel: 740-593-1616*
Fax: 740-593-0091
*24-hour line for student support
Community Standards and Student
Tel: 740-593-2629 Fax: 740-593-4613
Survivor Advocacy Program
Tel: 740-593-9625
Other resources that may be consulted in decision-making include:
 OHIO Critical Incident Response Team
 Vice Provost for Global Affairs
 Dean of affected participant(s) college and Chair of student’s department
 Study Abroad Risk Assessment Committee
 University Risk Manager
 The Office for Equal Opportunity and Accessibility (EOA)
 The Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance (ECRC)
Outside Resources
To appropriately response to a reported incident, the following people and organizations may be contacted:
Centers for Disease Control (www.cdc.gov) or 1-800-311-3435 or 404-639-3311.
Global Opportunities Knowledge Communities: (http://nafsa.org/knowledge_community_network.sec)
International SOS Alarm Center: 215-942-8478 (Philadelphia) * Preferred line for scholastic calls
+65.6338.7800 (Singapore)
+44.20.8762.8008 (London)
+61.2.9372.2468 (Sydney)
*Refer to Ohio University member ID: 11BCAS000010
Overseas Security Advisory Council, OSAC, http://www.osac.gov/. Telephone: 571-345-2223.
U.S. Embassy or Consulate nearest the program site (www.travel.state.gov – country-specific
information available at http://www.travel.state.gov/travel/travel_1744.html)
U.S. State Department’s Counter-Terrorist Office 202-647-9892. For information concerning a
terrorist threat or action.
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
U.S. State Department Operations Center Office of Crisis Management, 202-647-0900.
The U.S. State Department Overseas Citizen Services toll-free in the U.S., 1-888-407-4747. If calling
from outside the U.S., call (202) 501-4444.
On-site partners or personnel affiliated with the experience (Contact information will vary by program)
Key web sources of information
U. S. State Department
U. S. Centers for Disease Control
U. S. Overseas Security Advisory Council
World Health Organization
International SOS (member 11BCAS000010)
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS
Appendix 2: Incident Report Form
For use in reporting perceived and real emergencies and behavioral incidents in relation to study abroad
and away programs.
Today's date:
Date of incident:
Place & Time incident occurred:
Names of student(s) involved:
Provide a description of incident (Who? What? When? Where? Why?):
Please stick to observations and facts and refrain from adding opinion. Responses to questions in emergency response
guideline document are appropriate to include.
For behavioral incidents violating program rules or student code of conduct. OGO can work with you to provide
guidance and support in responding to behavioral incidents.
Sanctions, if appropriate, placed upon student:
Verbal Warning (Describe).
Written Warning (Attach Copy).
Expulsion (Attach Copy) – Consult with OGO before removing student from program.
Report filed by:
Today's date:
Please fax or e-mail this information to the Office of Global Opportunities at 740-593-9758 or
global.opportunities@ohio.edu or your contact person as soon as possible.
+1 740 566 4267 is the OGO emergency telephone number.
+1 740 593 1911 is the Ohio University Police Department.
+1 215-942-8478 is the number for International SOS