Miss Tournament of the Stars Pageant 2014 Hosted by the Women of Excellence Educational and Charitable Foundation 11Sunday – September 21, 2014 CONTRABAND ROOM – LAKE CHARLES CIVIC CENTER 900 Lakeshore Drive, Lake Charles, LA 70602 AGE DIVISIONS Registration: 8:30– 9:30 AM Competition: 10:00 AM 0 – 11 Months Sunday Best Dress Baby Miss Tournament of the Stars 12 – 23 Months Sunday Best Dress Tiny Miss Tournament of the Stars 2 – 3 Years Sunday Best Dress Toddler Miss Tournament of the Stars Contestants will be judged on Beauty – Personality – Overall Appearance Registration: 9:30 PM – 10:30 AM 4 – 5 Years Sunday Best Dress 6 – 8 Years Sunday Best Dress 9 – 11 Years Long Pageant Dress 12 – 13 Years Long Pageant Dress Contestants will be judged on Beauty – Poise Registration: 11:00-11:30 P.M. 14-16 Years Long Pageant Dress 17-23 Years Long Pageant Dress Competition 11:00 AM Petite Miss Tournament of the Stars Little Miss Tournament of the Stars Deb Miss Tournament of the Stars Junior Miss Tournament of the Stars Modeling – Overall Appearance Competition 12:00 P.M. Teen Miss Tournament of the Stars Miss Tournament of the Stars Contestants will be judged on Introduction - Beauty – Poise & Modeling – Overall Appearance - Onstage Question AWARDS QUEENS - BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM MADE Tournament of the Stars CROWNS MONOGRAMMED BANNER WITH PIN, Medallion AND GIFT THERE WILL BE AN AWARD FOR FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD ALTERNATES. A PHOTOGENIC AWARD WILL BE GIVEN FOR EACH DIVISION. RULES AND GENERAL INFORMATION ALL QUEENS WILL REIGN OVER THE Tournament of the Stars Events 2014-2015 Tournament of the Stars events are held throughout the year (More information will be given after pageant) Score Sheets will not be posted. Bad sportsmanship or disrespect to the Judges, Pageant Coordinator/Committee will not be tolerated. You will be disqualified and asked to leave without benefit of refund. All 2014 Queens must return in 2015 to crown new queen and cannot compete, unless moving into older divisions with permission from the pageant committee. As a Tournament of the Stars Queen, MUST participate in designated Lake Charles Tournament of the Stars events. If you cannot attend an event you must have your absence approved ahead of time by the pageant committee. ENTRY FEE: $50 Money orders payable to Tournament of the Stars MAIL Forms to: Tournament of the Stars C/O Pageant Participant P.O. Box 1385, Lake Charles, LA 70602 OR Register & Pay Online: www.tournamentofstars.com fees paid for using Visa, Discover, MasterCard, or American Express DEADLINE TO ENTER: Friday, August 29th; ENTRIES ACCEPTED AT DOOR - $70.00 CASH ONLY NO EXCEPTIONS SORRY NO REFUNDS PHOTOGENIC PICTURES: PLEASE TURN IN PICTURE AT REGISTRATION THE DAY OF PAGEANT. One (1) photo, no larger than an 8 X 10, black and white OR color unframed photograph. Put name on back of photo and pick up before you leave the pageant For more information Please Contact: Stacey Simien 337-794-9602 Miss Tournament of theStars Pageant2014 Hosted by the Women of Excellence Educational and Charitable Foundation ENTRY FORM (Baby through Miss) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT NEATLY – YOU MAY RETYPE IN YOUR COMPUTER DIVISION IN WHICH COMPETING: _________________ NAME: ____________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: __/__/___ AGE DAY OF PAGEANT: ___ ADDRESS: ________________________ CITY & STATE: ________________ ZIP CODE: _______ HOME PHONE #: ______________ CELL PHONE #: ______________ ALT PHONE #: ___________ E-mail: ___________________PARENTS/GUARDIAN: _______________________________ SCHOOL: _____________________________________________ GRADE: __________________ FAVORITE COLOR: ____________FAVORITE FOOD: __________________________________ Favorite Basketball Team: _____________________________________________________ HOBBIES/INTERESTS: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ FAVORITE MOVIE OR TV SHOW: _____________________________________________________ FAVORITE BOOK: ________________________________________________________________ FAVORITE CELEBRITY: ____________________________________________________________ AMBITION: _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ORGANIZATIONS, CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES: ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ LIST ANY HONORS OR AWARDS RECEIVED: ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ SPONSORED BY: _________________________________________________________________ The Tournament of the Stars Inc. or the Women of Excellence Educational and Charitable foundation, its’ members, the Lake Charles Civic Center, the Pageant Directors or staff may not be held responsible for any items lost or stolen, nor injuries sustained during the pageant, or any functions attended to represent the Tournament of the Stars, Inc. The Judges will be qualified and not from this area and their decision will be final. Bad sportsmanship will not be tolerated and those involved will be asked to leave. THE INFORMATION ON THIS ENTRY FORM IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ SIGNATURE OF CONTESTANT SIGNATURE OF PARENT (IF CHILD UNDER 18) ENTRY FEE: $50 Make checks and money orders payable to Tournament of the Stars MAIL: FORMS TO: Tournament of the Stars C/O Pageant Participant P.O.Box 1385, Lake Charles, LA 70602 OR Online: www.tournamentofstars.com fees paid for using Visa, Discover, MasterCard, or American Express DEADLINE TO ENTER: IS August 29th; ENTRIES ACCEPTED AT DOOR - $70.00 CASH ONLY NO EXCEPTIONS SORRY NO REFUNDS PHOTOGENIC PICTURES: PLEASE TURN IN PICTURE AT REGISTRATION THE DAY OF PAGEANT. One (1) photo, no larger than an 8 X 10, black and white OR color unframed photograph. Put name on back of photo. Admission: 12 years and up $5 /Children 12 – 3 years: $3 /CHILDREN UNDER 3 - FREE For more information please contact: Stacey Simien at 794-9602 or email at slsimien10@yahoo.com