This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 609431. Proposal Title: Proposal Acronym: Keywords: Forename and Surname of the Applicant: Name of Host Department: Date of Submission: PROPOSAL PART B (Further details in the Guide for Applicants) Content: Summary (maximum 1 page) B1. Proposed Research Project (maximum 5 pages) Literature References (maximum 1 page) B.2 Information about the Participating Department/Research Group (Table, maximum 0,5 page) B.3 Motivation to join the Department/Research Group (maximum 0,5 page) B.4 Ethical Issues Table (2 pages) 1 Summary This section should provide a maximum of 1 page summary of Part B, describing in particular: the specific goal(s) and ground-breaking nature of the proposed work the expected impact of the proposed work 2 B1. Proposed Research Project B1.1. Objectives and approach Describe the objectives, goals and perspectives of the proposed research project. B1.2. Progress beyond the state of the art Describe how your proposed research project compares with, and represents a step beyond, the state of the art. Describe the novelty, originality and ground-breaking nature of the project. B1.3. Methodology and associated work plan A work plan should be presented as follows: i) ii) Provide a compact description of the work plan and methods, potentially broken down in WP(s) Provide a realistic time schedule of the planned work. B1.4. Expected impact Describe the expected impact of the project on research and potentially beyond. Describe impact and benefit to the fellow’s career. Furthermore, describe shortly about the integration of the project in the respective research context of University of Vienna. Literature References 3 B.2 Information about the Participating Department/Research Group University of Vienna Name of the host Department/Research Group (URL, if applicable) Short Description of the host Department/Research Group Role and Commitment of key person/s (supervisor) Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and Equipment B.3 Motivation to join the Department/Research Group Please provide a short section (0.5 page maximum) of your motivation why you are interested to join the chosen Department/Research Group. 4 B4. Ethical issues Describe any ethical issues that may arise in the action, filling the following form below: YES NO PAGE Informed Consent Does the proposal involve children? Does the proposal involve patients or persons not able to give consent? Does the proposal involve adult healthy volunteers? Does the proposal involve Human Genetic Material? Does the proposal involve Human biological samples? Does the proposal involve Human data collection? Research on Human embryo/foetus Does the proposal involve Human Embryos? Does the proposal involve Human Foetal Tissue / Cells? Does the proposal involve Human Embryonic Stem Cells? Privacy Does the proposal involve processing of genetic information or personal data (e.g. health, sexual lifestyle, ethnicity, political opinion, religious or philosophical conviction) Does the proposal involve tracking the location or observation of people? Research on Animals Does the proposal involve research on animals? Are those animals transgenic small laboratory animals? Are those animals transgenic farm animals? Are those animals cloned farm animals? Are those animals non-human primates? Research Involving Developing Countries Use of local resources (genetic, animal, plant etc) Impact on local community Dual Use Research having direct military application Research having the potential for terrorist abuse 5 ICT Implants Does the proposal involve clinical trials of ICT implants? I CONFIRM THAT NONE OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL Please note that – in accordance to EU and national legislation – an ethical check will take place during the evaluation and an ethical review will take place for proposals dealing with sensitive issues. If applicable, please provide on this page already a short description how any ethical issues will be addressed. Please note, proposals may be rejected on ethical grounds if such issues are not dealt with satisfactorily. (Further information can be found in the Guide for Applicants). 6