28th January 2016 - Lifton Parish Council

Lifton Parish Council
You are hereby invited to attend a meeting of Lifton Parish Council to be
held at the Lifton Primary School, North Rd, Lifton PL16 0EH on Thursday
28th January 2016, 7.00pm.
Minutes of 17th December 2015
Dispensations and Declarations of Interest
Visiting speaker: none
Public Participation/Borough Cllr. Update
General items
6.1 Highways Update
6.1.1 Footpath, North Rd: trip hazard
6.1.2 Lengthsman service request, Liftondown
6.1.3 Fore St: blocked drain
6.1.4 Liftondown: overhanging tree over streetlight
6.2 Grass Cutting review
6.3 Flood risk management
6.4 Resident request regarding extra names to be placed on war memorial
6.5 Devon Air Ambulance: Proposed night landing site at QEII recreation ground
6.6 Clerk probationary period
6.7 Resident request for bus shelter at Colman’s Cross
7. Reports
7.1 Neighbourhood Plan
7.2 Recreation Field Committee
7.3 Community Centre
8. Finance
8.1 For payment
Clerk’s salary
Clerk’s expenses (5x stamps)
Perfect Pastures Grass Cutting (incl £50.00 VAT)
Cllr Chris Edmonds – Christmas tree light batteries
West Devon – dog bin emptying (incl £71.76 VAT)
Tinhay Building supplies (incl £0.29 VAT)
Launceston Computers (Microsoft Office onto Clerk laptop and scanner)
(incl £30 VAT)
Cllr Brian Moore (Neighbourhood Plan expenses) (incl £3.00 VAT)
8.2 Receipts:
Spry Undertakers
Maddafords Funeral Services
Drew Memorials
8.3 Outstanding invoices:
Stephens and Harris Undertakers
1x magazine insert
General matters relating to Finance:
8.4 Completion of Annual Audit 31st March 2015
8.5 Bank reconciliation
9. Planning
9.1 Applications:
9.1.1: 2870/15/VAR: Higher Carley Barns, Lifton: Removal of condition 2 of
approval 1171/98/10337/011
9.1.2: 2862/15/FUL: Robins Croft Rd, Liftondown: Erection of 2 dwellings
9.1.3: 2813/15/HHO: Little Acre, Old Tinhay: proposed extension to dwelling
9.1.4: 0137/16/FUL: Arundell Arms, Lifton: rebuilding of hotel car park
entrance and new signs
9.1.5: 0138/16/ADV: Arundell Arms, Lifton: advertisement consent for new
9.2 Approvals:
9.2.1:01005/2015: Rabbit Field: Conditional approval for conversion of use of
agricultural barn to dwelling house.
9.3 Refusals: None
9.4 Appeals: None.
General matters relating to Planning:
10. Correspondence
10.1 Grass Cutting, West Devon Drive
10.2 Rural Services Network questionnaire
10.3 Countryside forum recruitment
10.4 Birthday beacons for the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations
10.5 John Donovan, Devon and Somerset Fire Service – speed monitoring in Lifton
10.6 The annual Mayoral West Devon awards
11. Councillors’ items for future agenda.
Next Meeting:
7.00pm, Thursday 25th February, Lifton Primary School , Lifton
Signed by the Clerk to the Parish Council: NTaylor