TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE FOR: Physical Education Grade 10 Course Description As students progress through the stages of development, challenging, or possibly uncomfortable, topics must be addressed. Amongst the more complicated are Relationships, Safe Dates education and Sexually Communicable Diseases. The grade ten health and physical education curriculum guide leads the classes through these topics. The health and physical education curriculum also develops team concepts reinforcing cooperation and mutual respect, and a thorough understanding of the relationship between individual fitness goals and their relevance to wellness . Pacing Guide Standard Unit Name 2.4 Healthy Relationships / Safe Dates Education and Adolescent Development 2.4 Wellness, Nutrition, Systems of the Body Monthly Pacing Schedule Approx. # of Total Day 1-15 15 16 - 30 15 2.6 Fitness Assessment 31-54 14 2.5 Team Sports 55-88 34 TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Healthy Relationships, Adolescent Development and Safe Dates Education Pacing 15 days Unit 2.4: Content Area/Course: Health Stage 1- Desired Results NJ Core Content Curriculum Standards Addressed in this Unit 2.4 Human Relationships and Sexuality, all students will acquire knowledge about the physical, emotional, and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle. Big Idea : Students will enjoy healthy relationships as a result of their research, understanding, and integration of skill related to dating and personal growth. Essential Questions How do families meet basic human needs ? How does one choose friends ? Can someone learn how to make a relationship better ? How does physical intimacy differ from emotional intimacy ? What does it mean to be part of dating abuse ? How does society influence the choices we make about sexuality and dating ? What sexual behaviors place one at higher physical and emotional risk ? Enduring Understandings Students will understand that family structures meet basic human needs. Students will understand that relationship building is a skill. Students will understand that our health and well being is influenced by our behaviors amongst relationships. Students will understand that the messages that society sends adolescents can be confusing, and are not always healthy. TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? Content: Skills: Students will know: Students will be able to: Students will describe the hierarchy of needs. Students will know how to identify positive characteristics of relationships. Students will know how to identify the signs of an abusive relationship Students will know how to identify healthy environments for dating. Students will know how to research and explain abusive dating statistics. SLO-Students will discuss how to meet basic human needs. SLO-Students will describe the skills required in relationship building. Students will differentiate between SLOemotional intimacy and physical intimacy. SLO-Students will know how to react in healthy ways to dating abuse. SLO-Students will know how to evaluate media / societal messages. SLO-Students will know how to observe high risk from low risk behaviors concerning dating. SLO-Students will illustrate how to react to high risk situations in healthy ways. TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Stage Two Assessment Stage 2- Assessment Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards) 2.4.12.A.1 Compare and contrast how family structures, values, rituals, and traditions meet basic human needs worldwide. 2.4.12.A.2 Compare and contrast the current and historical role of life commitments, such as marriage. 2.4.12.A.3 Analyze how personal independence, past experience, and social responsibility influence the choice of friends in high school and young adulthood. 2.4.12.A.4 Predict how relationships may evolve over time, focusing on changes in friendships, family, dating relationships, and lifetime commitments such as marriage. 2.4.12.A.5 Determine effective prevention and intervention strategies to address domestic or dating violence (e.g., rules of consent). 2.4.12.A.6 Analyze how various technologies impact the development and maintenance of local and global interpersonal relationships. 2.4.8.A.5 Determine when a relationship is unhealthy and explain effective strategies to end the relationship. 2.4.8.A.3 Explain when the services of professionals are needed to intervene. 2.4.6.A.5 Compare and contrast the role of dating and dating behaviors in adolescence. Develop acceptable criteria for safe dating situations, such as dating in groups, setting limits, or only dating someone of the same age. TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Performance Tasks & Criteria: (complex, real world, authentic applications; demonstration of high level thinking, e.g., explain, interpret, apply ….) Students will create a poster with illustrations (from a magazine, the internet or drawings) that explain the hierarchy of needs. Community Health and Wellness Project-1. Students will research (with the help of guest speakers) statistics concerning dating abuse across the adolescent years, strategies to avoid dating abuse, and organizations to seek help for dating abuse, and organizations to seek help for dating abuse. Students will make brochures to distribute to the student body, and create a public health bulletin board on the health wall. 2- Students will create and display a chart explaining the difference in physical and emotional intimacy, stressing the importance of emotional intimacy over physical intimacy. Students will create a ppt to be saved in the network that will explain the skills needed to enhance relationships, a description of how relationships change through age groups, including practice relationship building activities. Students will evaluate studies conducted analyzing media messages, and write response essays to these studies. Studies are found at WebMD at the following address: Go to “In the Mix” for this assignment on self image and media messages. Required will be magazines, cardboard or construction paper, and some patience. This is a great lesson with excellent online resources. Video contest on dating behaviors including warning signs of dating abuse, and strategies on how to avoid and/or terminate unhealthy relationships. TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Stage 3 – Learning Plan Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: Daily ( Do Now ) journal writing Lectures / introductory in nature, teacher introduces key concepts and vocabulary to be explored during the days lesson. Class discussions Formative assessments Summative assessments ( weekly quizzes and major tests ) Accommodations for ELL and Special Education Students Use verbal and visual cues Student pairing Allow extra time or slow the pace of instruction Lesson Translator Collaboration with child study team and classroom teachers/support staff. Ask frequent questions to ensure understanding Modify lesson to adapt to student levels TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Unit Resources essonPlans/VideoBeginner.aspx Prentice Hall Health Textbook Professional manuals and texts Professional organizations (NJAHPERD) Technology Integration Library Resources: Computers Televisions DVD players Cameras TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Unit 3 Wellness, Nutrition and Systems of the Body Pacing: 15 Day Content Area/Course: Health Stage 1- Desired Results NJ Core Content Curriculum Standards Addressed in this Unit 2.1 Wellness: All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. Big Idea: Students will be prepared to live healthy, active, happy lives through researching, explaining, and applying the principles of physical fitness. Essential Questions How can someone control his or her weight? What is the Energy Balance theory on weight control? How does one locate and apply nutrition information What are the benefits and the drawbacks of using the scale and the BMI formula as assessment tools? What is empowering about perusing physical fitness? How does physical fitness improve our lives? Enduring Understandings Students will understand that our personal health, happiness and success as citizens are related to the skills involved in understanding and applying the concepts of physical fitness. Students will understand how to create and implement a personal fitness plan. Students will understand how keeping healthy habits keeps your body systems from disease and malfunction. TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? Content: Students will know: The energy balance theory on weight control. The foundation of knowledge necessary for implementing a fitness program. Assessment strategies for physical fitness. How to research physical fitness. How to explain an exercise routine. Safety procedures in designing a routine for different people. How their own personal sleep patterns affect their lives. Skills: Students will be able to: SLO-Explain the five components of fitness related health SLO- Explain the different fitness activities as they relate to fitness goals SLO-Discuss how physical fitness impacts the Leading Causes of Death statistics SLO-Examine weight / Body Composition control through physical activities. SLO-Describe and implement a Personal Fitness Plan SLO-Modify a meal to enhance its health value. SLO-Understand how to evaluate a meals caloric value, percentage of carbohydrate, protein and fat for overall health of the meal. TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Stage Two Assessment Stage 2- Assessment Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards) 2.1.2.B.2 Explain how foods in the food pyramid differ in nutritional value. 2.1.4.B.2 Differentiate between healthy and unhealthy eating practices. 2.1.6.B.3 Create a daily balanced nutritional meal plan based on nutritional content, value, Calories, and cost. 2.6.2.A.1 Explain the role of regular physical activity in relation to personal health. 2.6.4.A.4 Determine the extent to which different factors, influence personal fitness, such as heredity, training, diet, and technology. 2.6.6.A.3 develop and implement a fitness plan based on the assessment of one’s personal . fitness level, and monitor health / fitness indicators before, during , and after the program. 2.6.6.A.5 Relate physical activity, healthy eating, and body composition to personal fitness and health. 2.6.6.A.6 Explain and apply the training principles of frequency, intensity, time, and type ( FITT ) to improve personal fitness. 2.6.8.A.2 Use health data to develop and implement a personal fitness plan and evaluate its effectiveness. 2.6.8.A.4 Determine ways to achieve a healthy body composition through healthy eating, physical activity, and other lifestyle behaviors. 2.6.8.A.5 Use the primary principles of training ( FITT ) for the purposes of modifying personal levels of fitness. 2.6.8.A.6 Determine the physical, behavioral, legal, and ethical consequences of the use of anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing substances. 2.6.12.A.2 Design, implement, and evaluate a fitness plan that reflects knowledge and application of fitness-training principles. TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Performance Tasks & Criteria: Muscle group fitness investigation- Students are assigned specific muscle groups, and instructed to create a fitness plan and stretch routine on Power Point. Fitness goals essay and calendar to do list- Students write essay explaining their fitness goals and then create a calendar with activities on the calendar that support that goal, with assessments built in to see if the goals are being achieved. BMI investigation and analysis- Students do the BMIs for their families, and analyze them. This is presented in the form of a Power Point. Students survey the BMI information in a sample of students at their school, and create a web site that explains the BMI, and analyzes the risk. Students create a fitness appraisal lab in the network that allows the rest of the school to go on and perform self assessments. Community Healthy Meal Night- Students will create presentations that illustrate Meals, how to make them more healthy, and instructions on how to cook them. Invited guest and family share meals. Students create videos explaining one piece of equipment in the High School Fitness Center.. ( See above Schooltube address to register as an educator, and examine process of video contests. ) TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Stage 3 – Learning Plan Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: Daily Note-taking and weekly notebook check Weekly quizzes, puzzles Small Group activities, discussions Writing a summary of applicable videos Accommodations for ELL and Special Education Students Use verbal and visual cues Student pairing Allow extra time or slow the pace of instruction Lesson Translator Collaboration with child study team and classroom teachers/support staff. Ask frequent questions to ensure understanding Modify lesson to adapt to student levels TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Unit Resources essonPlans/VideoBeginner.aspx Professional manuals and texts Professional organizations (NJAHPERD) “Fitness Gram” Technology Integration Library Resources: Computers Televisions DVD players Cameras TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Fitness Assessment Content Area/Course: Physical Education Unit 4 Pacing: 14 Days Stage 1- Desired Results NJ Core Content Curriculum Standards Addressed in this Unit 2.6 Fitness, all students will apply health-related and skill-related fitness concepts and skills to develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle Big Idea: Assessing fitness components, setting fitness goals, and following programs to improve fitness levels enables life-long wellness. Essential Questions How can an individual assess his or her current fitness levels ? What is the purpose of assessments that allow individuals to compare their fitness levels to nationally collected data ? How can a community benefit from journaling or documenting fitness activities How could one use assessment data to help set fitness goals ? Enduring Understandings Fitness assessments are a tool to establish a point in his or her fitness continuum. Individual goal setting should focus on weaknesses or areas that one would like to improve. Confidence will result from the empowerment of the knowledge that one can control one’s own fitness level. TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? Content: Students will know: Fitness tests for the five components of health-related fitness. How to compare his or her fitness levels with national norms. How to create and participate in a routine that improves one or more of the five components. The benefits of fitness on lifelong wellness Skills: Students will be able to: SLO-Perform a basic dynamic warm-up and a static cool down stretch routine. SLO-Participate in The Fitness Gram fitness test. SLO-Students will be able to synthesize personal fitness assessment data with national fitness data in order to write personal fitness goals based on strengths and weaknesses. SLO-Create a fitness program and journal focused on personal goals. TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Stage Two Assessment Stage 2- Assessment Performance Tasks & Criteria: (Align to NJCCCS & Common Core Standards) 2.6.2.A.1 Explain the role of regular physical activity in relation to personal health. 2.6.2.A.2 Explain what it means to be physically fit and engage in moderate to vigorous ageappropriate activities that promote fitness. 2.6.2.A.3 Develop a fitness goal and monitor progress towards achievement of the goal. 2.6.4.A.2 Participate in moderate to vigorous age-appropriate activities that address each component of health-related and skill –related fitness. 2.6.6.A.3 Develop and implement a fitness plan based on the assessment of one’s personal fitness level, and monitor health/fitness indicators before, during, and after the program. 2.6.6.A.5 Relate physical activity, healthy eating, and body composition to personal fitness and health. 2.6.6.A.6 Explain and apply the training principles of frequency, intensity, time, and type (FITT) to improve personal fitness. 2.6.8.A.4 Determine ways to achieve a healthy body composition through healthy eating, physical activity, and other lifestyle behaviors. 2.6.8.A.5 Use the primary principles of training (FITT) for the purposes of modifying personal levels of fitness. TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Performance Tasks & Criteria: (complex, real world, authentic applications; demonstration of high level thinking, e.g., explain, interpret, apply ….) Have students perform testing for health-related components ( cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, and body composition ) and if time permits, skill-related components ( agility, speed, balance, reaction time, coordination, power ). Have students compare their results of test to norms and analyze strengths and weaknesses to create individual, realistic goals. Have students analyze the leading causes of death and illness to the related components of fitness. Have students develop a personal workout calendar with a variety of activities that focus on all of the components and personal fitness goals. TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Stage 3 – Learning Plan Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: Daily warm up activities incorporating the following elements, dynamic and static stretching, enhancement of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and agility improvement. Actual fitness assessment log Teacher observation Peer observation Written test/quizzes on vocabulary and concepts Accommodations for ELL and Special Education Students Use verbal and visual cues Student pairing Allow extra time or slow the pace of instruction Lesson Translator Collaboration with child study team and classroom teachers/support staff. Ask frequent questions to ensure understanding Modify lesson to adapt to student levels TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Unit Resources essonPlans/VideoBeginner.aspx Technology Integration Library Resources: Computers Professional manuals and texts Professional organizations (NJAHPERD) Prestident’s Fitness Test Standards Televisions DVD players Cameras Fitness Gram TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Unit 5: Team Sports Content Area/Course: Physical Education Pacing: 34 Days Stage 1- Desired Results NJ Core Content Curriculum Standards Addressed in this Unit 2.5 Team Sports (Motor Skills) Big Idea: Traditional team sports including soccer, basketball, flag football, softball, and wiffle ball allow students to learn body mechanics and strategies while participating in familiar, cooperative activities that promote a healthy, active lifestyle. Essential Questions What are the skills used in the specific sport? What is the historical context of this sport? What are the benefits of applying strategies to the activity? What are the roles of players, officials, and trainers in this sport? How does this activity improve the components of fitness? Enduring Understandings Students will understand that traditional sports are a great form of physical activity. Students will understand that proper body mechanics lead to more effective and efficient movement. Students will understand that sporting events involve the cooperation of many people in addition to the players. Students will understand that rules and regulations in sports protect the safety of players. TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? Content: Skills: Students will know: Students will be able to: Proper body mechanics of the basic skills. How to analyze motor skills and field positioning. The origin of the team sports. Offensive, defensive, and cooperative strategies to improve performance SLO-Perform the basic skills and strategies of each activity. SLO-Identify the skill-related components of fitness necessary for soccer, basketball, flag football, softball, and/or wiffle ball and ways to improve those components of fitness. SLO-Participate in a game of soccer, basketball, flag football, softball, and/or wiffle ball. TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Stage 2 Assessment Performance Tasks & Criteria: Stage 2-& Assessment (Align to NJCCCS Common Core Standards) 2.5.12.A.1 Explain and demonstrate ways to transfer movement skills from one game, sport, dance, or recreational activity to another (e.g., striking skills from/to tennis, badminton, ping pong, racquetball). 2.5.12.A.2 Analyze application of force and motion (weight transfer, power, speed, agility, range of motion) and modify movement to impact performance. Demonstrate and assess tactical understanding by using appropriate and effective offensive, defensive, and cooperative strategies Analyze the role, responsibilities, and preparation of players, officials, trainers, and other participants and recommend strategies to improve their performance and behavior. 2.5.12.B.1 2.5.12.C.1 Other Evidence (Formative & Summative): Quizzes/Tests Teacher observation Peer observation Picture/video prompts for execution of skills Portfolio checklists of skills TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Stage 3 – Learning Plan Instructional Activities/Strategies to enable students to achieve desired results: Individual and small group training Repetition of fundamental skills specific to sport Instructional videos Championship videos Have students verbalize rules and regulations of sport Students will watch a professional sport on TV or in person and write a synopsis of the event Accommodations for ELL and Special Education Students: Use verbal and visual cues Student pairing Allow extra time or slow the pace of instruction Equipment modification Collaboration with child study team and classroom teachers/support staff. Ask frequent questions to ensure understanding Modify activity to adapt to student levels TRENTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS: CURRICULUM GUIDE Unit Resources Technology Integration ans/VideoBeginner.aspx Computers Televisions DVD players Professional development (Danielson FFT Domain 4) Professional manuals and texts Professional organizations (NJAHPERD) Cameras Music player