Clements MA Problem sources: 1-4: Math Prize for Girls 2009 5-6: AoPS Solution to rt3 problem: Advanced Number Theory? Handout Solutions 10/02/13 Clements MA Advanced Number Theory? Handout Solutions Solution to 2009^4 problem: 10/02/13 Clements MA Solution to the problem with x^x: Advanced Number Theory? Handout Solutions 10/02/13 Clements MA Advanced Number Theory? Handout Solutions 10/02/13 Solution to abc problem: 27000001 problem: Solution. Note that Plugging in so the answer is yields . From trial and error, we see that . , Clements MA Advanced Number Theory? Handout Solutions 10/02/13 Solution to the 888 problem: Solution. Let end in digits of . Since we are considering congruence modulo . Therefore, we can assume that where are digits. Modulo We want to find digits such that must be congruent to must end in . This means that must be congruent to First consider the case so ends in Next, consider the case so ends in Therefore, the answer is , , we have the last digit digit , we only care about the last three , so suppose ends in modulo , which forces must end in modulo , which forces us to have . Now, note that the last or . Then, we want or . The smallest possible . Then, we want . . to end in , and hence , and hence . First, note that . Plugging this in, we see that or in this case is thus to end in . The smallest possible , in this case is thus . , . Clements MA Advanced Number Theory? Handout Solutions 10/02/13