IKLFHA Gen Membership Meeting minutes 02-11-15

Island of Key Largo Federation of Homeowners Association
February 11, 2015 Annual & General Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by the President Dottie Moses at 7:00 PM at the Key
Largo Library Community Room. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted by the
attendees. The following Directors comprised a quorum: Burke Cannon, Ann
Nickerson, David Leahy, Kay Thacker, Pauline Klein, Steve Gibbs, Dottie Moses, Linda
Perloff, Lee Huenniger, and D. A. Aldridge. Dottie welcomed Commissioner Sylvia
Murphy and Wastewater District Directors Robbie Majeska and Steve Gibbs.
Guest Speaker
Dottie introduced Kevin Wilson, Monroe County Division Director of Public Works
and Engineering. Kevin began by thanking everyone for voting for the one-cent
sales tax that goes to the infrastructure fund. He focused on where these funds
are and will be used in the Key Largo area. Details were provided on the repairs
to the Card Sound Bridge this year [and replacement in the near future]; road
repair to Sexton Cove and Lake Surprise area; plans for Rowells Marina Park;
Grouper Lane drainage repairs; the bayside path construction; and the proposed
new Courthouse and jail on Plantation Key. He pointed out that Public Works will
be moved to the Magnolia Street recycling area and that recycling had increased
20% this year with the new recycling containers. Kevin also addressed questions
about Cudjoe Wastewater Treatment plan, cost of its infrastructure and use of
grinder pumps. Kevin had copies of the County’s 2014/2015 State of County and
Budget documents for distribution.
Annual Meeting
Dottie reviewed the slate of officers proposed by the Executive Committee.
There remained three officer vacancies. She asked Burke to be Internal Vice
President and Ann Nickerson to take the Membership Vice President position
and they agreed. No one nominated nor did anyone attending offer to be
Secretary. Motion was made, seconded and approved for the following officers
and Executive Committee members:
Dottie Moses
External Vice President: Kay Thacker
Internal Vice President:
Burke Cannon
Ann Nickerson
Immediate Past President: Burke Cannon
Executive Committee:
D. A. Aldridge, Pauline Klein, Dave Leahy, Mark
Tanner, Linda Perloff
Annual Treasurer’s Report
Secretary Ann Nickerson reported the Treasury had, at the beginning of the year,
$1597 in its checking account. She has collected $1470 in dues and expenses
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were $ 763, leaving $2303 at the end of the year in the Treasury. Costs were
primarily administrative in nature.
She reported that the Federation currently had $3,051 in the checking account.
Secretary’s Report
The previous general meeting minutes [January 14, 2015] had been previously
approved by the Executive Committee. As part of the Federation’s efforts to
reduce paper, D. A. reminded everyone these minutes can be found on the
Federation’s website (www.iklfha.org).
Committee Reports
External Affairs
Dottie reported that she, Burke, and Dave Leahy attended the Key Largo
Wastewater Treatment District meeting to address opposing the waiving of
the Islamorada surcharge fee for high salinity in its waste stream. The
District voted against the waiver. Dottie read a draft letter thanking the
District Board for its vote and a vote to send it was unanimously pass by
the Directors.
Also discussed was the disparity between what Key Largo residents pay
for sewage treatment and rest of the county. Robbie Majeska said that
the status of the District’s endeavors in resolving the issue would be on
the District’s agenda each month to keep the public informed of its
D. A. reported that due to a zoning change, the Federation became aware
of a proposed development on US 1, MM98, Oceanside across from the
Tom Thumb store. Five parcels are to be developed for housing. No
plans have been submitted to the county. The Federation will be
monitoring this development.
Environmental Affairs
The Federation, at its last meeting, agreed to send a letter to the BOCC
stating its support for the County’s initiative in having the County’s yard
waste be handled by Energy3. Since the letter was sent, three of the
Commissioners have expressed doubts about the contract after Waste
Management dropped its price for handling yard waste. Dottie will speak
at next week’s BOCC meeting reiterating the Federation’s position on the
need to award the yard waste contract to Energy3.
Dottie talked about US 1 being a Scenic Highway and how a homeowner’s
association could adopt part of the highway. A sponsoring group would
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have to commit to picking up trash four times a year for two years in its
area. She had a list of areas in Key Largo that needed a sponsor and
invited people to speak to their associations about sponsorship.
Old Business
1. Dottie informed the attendees that the Tourist Development Council funding for
the Columbus Day Powerboat Regatta had not been approved by the BOCC last
month and the sponsor said he was cancelling the event. She would monitor the
sponsor’s webside to ensure that it wasn’t rescheduled.
New Business
1. The BOCC is considering purchasing the Marine Mammal Conservancy, north of
the Murray Nelson Government and Cultural Building. There has been
discussion of it being used as a mooring field and/or for affordable housing. The
Executive Committee discussed the issue and decided to ask the Directors for
their opinions. Although a number of boats are moored there now, concern was
expressed about the depth of the water for larger boats. The lack of public boat
ramps in Key Largo was noted and a question if the property could be used for
that purpose was raised. The Federation will take no position at this time about
the purchase or its potential uses.
2. Tom McDonald, Florida Mosquito Control District 5 Commissioner, arrived late to
the meeting and was introduced. He was asked about televising of the District’s
meeting, drones and genetically modified mosquitoes. Tom talked about how he
would like to change the existing law to allow volunteers to inspect properties,
such as homeowners associations, to help in identifying mosquito breeding
He commented that the Tourist Development Council [TDC] was only allowed to
fund an event for five years and was wondering why that was continually ignored,
especially for Fantasy Fest. Dottie said she would review the TDC’s procedures
to see if this were an actual limitation of funding.
3. The next Federation meeting will be held on March 11, 2015. Mayor Danny
Kolhage will be our speaker and he will be giving the “State of the County”
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM
Submitted by,
D. A. Aldridge
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