
Documents explains about Openstack and its components
Jai Krishna Pyneni
About OpenStack
OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, storage, and
networking resources throughout a datacenter, through a dashboard that gives administrators
control while empowering their users with required resources through a web interface.
Openstack aims to provide open source cloud computing platform for public and private clouds
everywhere. Predominantly acting as an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform, it is free and
open-source software released under the terms of the Apache License
Different Components of Openstack:
1. Compute (Nova)
2. Object Storage (Swift)
3. Block Storage (Cinder)
4. Networking (Neutron)
5. Dashboard (Horizon)
6. Identity Service (Keystone)
7. Image Service (Glance)
8. Telemetry (Ceilometer)
9. Orchestration (Heat)
Compute (Nova): The OpenStack cloud operating system enables service providers to offer
on-demand computing resources, by provisioning and managing large networks of virtual
machines. Resources for compute are accessible via APIs for developers building cloud
applications and via web interfaces for administrators and users. It is written in Python and uses
many external libraries such as Eventlet (for concurrent programming), Kombu (for Advanced
Message Queuing Protocol communication), and SQLAlchemy (for database access).
OpenStack’s Compute is architected to provide flexibility as you design your cloud. The compute
architecture is designed to scale horizontally on standard hardware with no proprietary hardware
or software requirements and provide the ability to integrate with legacy systems and third-party
technologies. It is designed to manage and automate pools of compute resources and can work
with widely available virtualization technologies, as well as bare metal and high-performance
computing (HPC) configurations.
Features & Benefits of Compute
Manage virtualized commodity server
CPU, memory, disk, and network
Manage Local Area Networks (LAN)
Flat, Flat DHCP, VLAN DHCP, IPv6
API with rate limiting and authentication
Distributed and asynchronous
Virtual Machine (VM) image
Live VM management
Run, reboot, suspend, resize, terminate
Floating IP addresses
Racks of commodity servers as pools of computing
Improved utilization and automation of resources for
greater cost efficiencies
Programmatically allocate IPs and VLANs
(for rapid provisioning of network capabilities and
security features)
Flexible networking models to suit needs of each
application and/or user group
Designed for automation and security
(to make it easy for you to manage who has access to
compute resources and prevent users from impacting
each other with excessive API utilization)
Massively scalable and highly available system
(for increased assurance of system uptime)
Easily store, import, share, and query images
(to make it easy for you to spin up new standardized
Increase productivity with lifecycle management
(from a single user interface and using the APIs)
Ability to assign (and re-assign) IP addresses to VMs
Security Groups
Flexibility to assign and control access to VM instances by
creating separation between resource pools
Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
Ensure security by user, role and project
Projects & Quotas
Ability to allocate, track and limit resource utilization
VNC Proxy through web browser
Quick and easy CLI administration
Store and Manage files
programmatically via API
Least privileged access design
Automates resource management/provisioning
Dashboard with fully integrated support
for self-service provisioning
VM Image Caching on compute nodes
Learn more about the OpenStack Dashboard
Root access separation for management & services
Faster provisioning of VMs
OpenStack Storage: Openstack uses two types of storages Object and Block storage for use
with servers and applications
Object Storage (Swift): Object Storage is a cost effective, scale-out storage. It provides a fully
distributed, API-accessible storage platform that can be integrated directly into applications or
used for backup, archiving and data retention. It's built for scale and optimized for durability,
availability, and concurrency across the entire data set. Swift is ideal for storing unstructured data
that can grow without bound.
Object Storage Capabilities
1. OpenStack provides redundant, scalable object storage using clusters of standardized
servers capable of storing petabytes of data
2. Object Storage is not a traditional file system, but rather a distributed storage system for
static data such as virtual machine images, photo storage, email storage, backups and
archives. Having no central "brain" or master point of control provides greater scalability,
redundancy and durability.
3. Objects and files are written to multiple disk drives spread throughout servers in the data
center, with the OpenStack software responsible for ensuring data replication and
integrity across the cluster.
4. Storage clusters scale horizontally simply by adding new servers. Should a server or hard
drive fail, OpenStack replicates its content from other active nodes to new locations in
the cluster. Because OpenStack uses software logic to ensure data replication and
distribution across different devices, inexpensive commodity hard drives and servers can
be used in lieu of more expensive equipment.
Block Storage (Cinder): Block Storage allows block of storages to be exposed and
connected to compute instances for expanded storage, better performance and integration
with enterprise storage platforms, such as NetApp, Nexenta and SolidFire. Cinder provides an
infrastructure for managing volumes in OpenStack. It was originally a Nova component called
nova-volume, but has become an independent project since the Folsom release.
Block Storage Capabilities
1. OpenStack provides persistent block level storage devices for use with OpenStack
compute instances.
2. The block storage system manages the creation, attaching and detaching of the block
devices to servers. Block storage volumes are fully integrated into OpenStack
Compute and the Dashboard allowing for cloud users to manage their own storage
3. In addition to using simple Linux server storage, it has unified storage support for
numerous storage platforms including Ceph, NetApp, Nexenta, SolidFire, and Zadara.
4. Block storage is appropriate for performance sensitive scenarios such as database
storage, expandable file systems, or providing a server with access to raw block level
5. Snapshot management provides powerful functionality for backing up data stored on
block storage volumes. Snapshots can be restored or used to create a new block
storage volume.
Networking(Neuron): Neutron is an OpenStack project to provide "networking as a service"
between interface devices (e.g., vNICs) managed by other Openstack services. OpenStack
Networking ensures that network will not be the bottleneck or limiting factor in a cloud
deployment and gives users real self-service, even over their network configurations. Neuron is
a pluggable, scalable and API-driven system for managing networks and IP addresses.
Networking Capabilities
1. OpenStack provides flexible networking models to suit the needs of different applications
or user groups. Standard models include flat networks or VLANs for separation of servers
and traffic.
2. OpenStack Networking manages IP addresses, allowing for dedicated static IPs or DHCP.
Floating IPs allow traffic to be dynamically rerouted to any of your compute resources,
which allows you to redirect traffic during maintenance or in the case of failure.
3. Users can create their own networks, control traffic and connect servers and devices to
one or more networks.
4. The pluggable backend architecture lets users take advantage of commodity gear or
advanced networking services from supported vendors.
5. Administrators can take advantage of software-defined networking (SDN) technology like
OpenFlow to allow for high levels of multi-tenancy and massive scale.
6. OpenStack Networking has an extension framework allowing additional network services,
such as intrusion detection systems (IDS), load balancing, firewalls and virtual private
networks (VPN) to be deployed and managed.
Dashboard (Horizon): Horizon is the canonical implementation of Openstack’s Dashboard,
which provides a web based user interface to OpenStack services including Nova, Swift, Keystone,
etc. The OpenStack dashboard provides administrators and users a graphical interface to access,
provision and automate cloud-based resources. It is easy to plug in and expose third party
products and services, such as billing, monitoring and additional management tools. Developers
can automate access or build tools to manage their resources using the native OpenStack API.
Dashboard Capabilities
1. The dashboard is an extensible web app that allows cloud administrators and users to
control their compute, storage and networking resources.
2. As a cloud administrator, the dashboard provides an overall view of the size and state of
your cloud. You can create users and projects, assign users to projects and set limits on
the resources for those projects.
3. The dashboard provides users a self-service portal to provision their own resources within
the limits set by administrators.
OpenStack has several shared services those cover the three pillars of compute, storage
and networking, making it easier to implement and operate your cloud. They are
Identity Service (Keystone)
Image Service (Glance)
Telemetry Service (Ceilometer)
Orchestration Service (Heat)
Identity Service (Keystone): Keystone is the identity service used by OpenStack for
authentication (authN) and high-level authorization (authZ). It currently supports token-based
authN and user-service authorization. OpenStack Identity provides a central directory of users
mapped to the OpenStack services they can access. It acts as a common authentication system
across the cloud operating system and can integrate with existing backend directory services like
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). . Users and third-party tools can programmatically
determine which resources they can access.
As an administrator, OpenStack Identity enables you to:
1. Configure centralized policies across users and systems.
2. Create users and tenants and define permissions for compute, storage and networking
resources using role-based access control (RBAC) features.
3. Integrate with an existing directory like LDAP, allowing for a single source of identity
authentication across the enterprise.
As a user, OpenStack Identity enables you to:
1. Get a list of the services that you can access.
2. Make API requests or log into the web dashboard to create resources owned by your
Image Service (Glance): The OpenStack Image Service provides discovery, registration and
delivery services for disk and server images. The ability to copy or snapshot a server image and
immediately store it away is a powerful capability of the OpenStack cloud operating system. The
Image Service can store disk and server images in a variety of back-ends, including OpenStack
Object Storage. A number of periodic processes run on the Image Service to support caching.
Replication services ensures consistency and availability through the cluster. Other periodic
processes include auditors, updaters, and reapers.
Capabilities of the Image Service include:
1. Administrators can create base templates from which their users can start new compute
2. Users can choose from available images, or create their own from existing servers
3. Snapshots can also be stored in the Image Service so that virtual machines can be backed
up quickly
Telemetry Service (Ceilometer): The OpenStack Telemetry service aggregates usage and
performance data across the services deployed in an OpenStack cloud. This powerful capability
provides visibility and insight into the usage of the cloud across dozens of data points and allows
cloud operators to view metrics globally or by individual deployed resources. The ceilometer aims
to deliver a unique point of contact for billing systems to acquire all form of the measurements
that a provider need for customer billing, across all current OpenStack core components
Ceilometer aims to achieve the following
1. Provide efficient collection of metering data, in terms of CPU and network costs.
2. Allow deployers to integrate with the metering system directly or by replacing
3. Data may be collected by monitoring notifications sent from existing services or by polling
the infrastructure.
4. Allow deployers to configure the type of data collected to meet their operating
5. The data collected by the metering system is made visible to some users through a REST
Orchestration Service (Heat): OpenStack Orchestration is a template-driven engine that
allows application developers to describe and automate the deployment of infrastructure. The
flexible template language can specify compute, storage and networking configurations as well
as detailed post-deployment activity to automate the full provisioning of infrastructure for
services and applications. In Simple, OpenStack Heat program is to create a human- and machineaccessible service for managing the entire lifecycle of infrastructure and applications within
OpenStack clouds.
Apart from above components Openstack is developing to implement some other components
OpenStack Common Libraries (Oslo): Oslo is to bring together the python libraries
containing code shared by OpenStack projects. The APIs provided by these libraries should be
high quality, stable, consistent, documented and generally applicable.
OpenStack Open Source Database (Trove): Trove is Database as a Service for OpenStack.
It's designed to run entirely on OpenStack, with the goal of allowing users to quickly and easily
utilize the features of a relational database without the burden of handling complex
administrative tasks. Cloud users and database administrators can provision and manage
multiple database instances as needed. Initially, the service will focus on providing resource
isolation at high performance while automating complex administrative tasks including
deployment, configuration, patching, backups, restores, and monitoring.
Release History of different components of Openstack
Release date
Included Component code names
21 October 2010
Nova, Swift
3 February 2011
Nova, Glance, Swift
15 April 2011
Nova, Glance, Swift
22 September 2011
Nova, Glance, Swift
5 April 2012
Nova, Glance, Swift, Horizon, Keystone
27 September 2012
Nova, Glance, Swift, Horizon, Keystone, Quantum, Cinder
4 April 2013
Nova, Glance, Swift, Horizon, Keystone, Quantum, Cinder
17 October 2013
Nova, Glance, Swift, Horizon, Keystone, Neutron, Cinder,
Heat, Ceilometer
17 April 2014
Nova, Glance, Swift, Horizon, Keystone, Neutron, Cinder,
Heat, Ceilometer, Trove
Architecture of Openstack
Amazon Web Services compatibility
OpenStack APIs are compatible with Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3 and thus client applications
written for Amazon Web Services can be used with OpenStack with minimal porting effort.
Use Cases of Openstack:
Service providers offering an IaaS compute platform or services higher up the stack
IT departments acting as cloud service providers for business units and project teams
Processing big data with tools like Hadoop
Scaling compute up and down to meet demand for web resources and applications
High-performance computing (HPC) environments processing diverse and intensive
Users: Different users of OpenStack are AT&T, HP cloud services, PayPal, Rackspace, Sony online
gaming systems, Yahoo, Wikimedia labs, Intel, NASA etc... .
Conceptual Architecture:
Launching a virtual machine or instance involves many interactions among several services. The
following diagram provides the conceptual architecture of a typical OpenStack environment.