DNA Extraction Lab Summary Sheet




DNA Extraction Lab Summary Sheet

DIRECTIONS: Open this document in Word. Type your answers below using the Science Shoebox: DNA Extraction Lab

PowerPoint and the procedures you carried out complete the following lab summary. Expand or shrink text boxes as necessary. To turn this lab in choose one of the following: print at home, bring to school on a flash drive and print OR email to clutz@sslc-nm.com

. This summary will be graded and recorded as your lab grade.


Extract the 10 procedural steps from the PowerPoint and record them in the box below. Number your steps, use your own words and do not copy and paste. (10 pts)


Of course all of the procedural steps are necessary to view DNA. What two steps are critical to view DNA with the naked eye? INCLUDE in your answer a description of cell structure and/or DNA structure which makes these two steps critical. (4pts)


What two membranes must be broken to release your DNA? EXPAIN how detergent helped accomplish this task. (5pts)


In step 5 you add meat tenderizer to your mixture. PREDICT what would happen to your results if you forgot this important step. (2pts)


EXPLAIN how you would use meat tenderizer in the kitchen. Use the definition of the word ENZYME in your answer. How is use of meat tenderizer in the kitchen comparable to using meat tenderizer to extract DNA?



Describe what happened to your DNA as you collected it on your Q-tip. Make a statement about the quantity that appears in your test tube versus what you see on your Q-tip. (3pts)


Gregor Mendel is considered the father of modern genetics. With regards to Mendel, why is it ironic that we used pea plants to view DNA? You may need to do a short search to help you answer or recall previous instruction regarding Mendel. (1pt)


The density of water is 1 g/cm

3 and the density of alcohol is .78 g/cm


Make a statement about the density of

DNA if it prefers to sit in the alcohol layer in this experiment. (1pt)


INSERT A PICTURE of your DNA in the box below. (10pts)


I have returned my DNA Extraction Kit:

10 pts

Total Points Earned
