Newsletter 5.6.15 - Honiton Primary School

Honiton Primary School
5th June 2015
Notes from the Head:
Once more it is that time of year when we start to make plans for September. As always at HPS
we like to let parents know the staffing arrangements as soon as possible. This year we have
quite a few changes:
Mr Harry is leaving us to take on a new leadership role at Marpool Primary in Exmouth.
Good luck Mr Harry, we are really going to miss you!
Miss Johnson is also leaving to teach in the Foundation Unit at Marpool Primary. Lucky
Marpool, I’m sure you will make learning in the FU great fun!
Miss Rousseau will be joining us as deputy headteacher and KS2 leader. Welcome Miss
Rousseau, we know you are going to help us continue to improve at HPS.
Mrs Vickers will be with us for the first few weeks of term supporting Mr Lopez with taking
on the role of a Foundation Unit teacher. Mrs Vickers will then be leaving us for a short
while, to go on maternity leave. Congratulation Mrs Vickers!
Year group
Mr Bottrill
Mr Lopez
Mrs Rose
Year 1
Mrs Hodgson
Miss Hughes
Year 2
Mrs Blanchford
Miss Head
Year 3
Miss Buckingham
Miss Snowden
Year 4
Miss Horman
Mrs Boyd
Year 5
Mr Hasler
Year 6
Mr Cox
We are welcoming lots of new teachers: Miss Buckingham, Mrs Boyd, Miss Sansom, Mrs
Piggott, Miss Jones and Miss Bennett.
So whose class is my child going to be in?
We are currently sorting out the classes for next year. As you will be aware each year, as a
staff, we review the classes. Sometimes we keep them the same, and on other occasions we
move one or two children or mix them up. The decision is based on the best class organisation
to ensure every child will achieve his/her best.
This may include considering the following points:
 Are the classes equally balanced in terms of boys and girls?
 Are the classes of equal size?
 Do the classes have a similar spread of extrovert and quieter children?
Once we are happy that we have considered fully all the options we will publish the class lists
and display them in the class windows. A text message will be sent to parents to inform them.
So what is happening in Years 5 and 6?
Looking at the table above you may well be asking yourself why there appears to be two
teachers per class in Years 5 and 6. This is not a mistake, but is a new teaching approach that
we are fortunate to be able to trial next year. Each class will have their own class teacher [those
in bold]. Whilst in addition, each year group will have two specialist teachers: one for maths and
one for English. This exciting new structure will enable the specialist teachers to provide extra
support for all the children, as and when they need it, and therefore ensure that all the children
in years 5 and 6 achieve their best. The specialist teachers will support in the following ways:
Repeat the learning in a small group for those who haven’t fully grasped it in the lesson
Extend the more able
Provide pre-teaching to help children be fully prepared so they can access the learning in
the upcoming lesson
We are really excited about this new approach and have named it the Triple Pathway. A parent
information meeting for year 5 and 6 parents will be held later in the term to explain in further
detail how this approach will work and to answer any questions.
Sex and Relationship Education Parent Information Meeting
To fully inform families about our approach to the teaching of Sex and Relationship Education,
we would like to invite parents & carers to a class workshop on Monday 8th June (3.30pm4.00pm). At this meeting you will have the opportunity to explore the age-related curriculum
content, look at the accompanying resources used to support the lessons and have the
opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding the program. Feedback forms will be
available at the end of this session for you to share your views.
We look forward to welcoming you to our meetings and hearing your views. If you have any
questions in the meantime please ask to see Mr. Lopez, who will attempt to answer any queries
you may have.
Rights Respecting
It is coming to that time of year where we begin to review our provision for next year. As a
rights-respecting school we value the voice of everybody involved in our school community,
especially parents.
Do you have any ideas regarding what our children should be taught in their 'R'-Time sessions?
Are there any global issues you think the school should address?
If you have ideas I would love to hear them! Just come and find me in the Yr.3/4 block at the
front of school, any time before or after school.
Many thanks, Mr. Lopez
Cattle Market Crossing Patrol
There will be no lollipop lady on crossing patrol next Wednesday, 10th June 2015.
Tues 9 June
Tues 9 June
Fri 12 June
Fri 19 June
Thur 25 June
Thur 25 June
Fri 26 June
Fri 3 July
Fri 3 July
Diary Dates
Yrs 1, 3 & 4 Storytelling Assembly
Yrs 5 Storytelling Assembly
Dragons [5JT] Class Assembly
Non-Uniform Day for Summer Fair
School Photographer in for Yr 6 & Rec group photos
Yrs 5 & 6 Sports Day
PTFA Summer Fair
F1, F2, Yr 1 & Yr 2 Sports Day with picnic lunch
Yrs 3 & 4 Sports Day
Thur 9 July
Fri 10 July
Wed 15 July
aft & eve
Thur 16 July
Fri 17 July
Fri 17 July
Fri 17 – Mon 20 July
Mon 20 July
Thur 23 July
Fri 24 July
Fri 24 July
Tues 1 Sep
Wed 2 Sep
Reports to parents
Non-Pupil Day
Yr 6 Production
Meet the teacher meeting
Yrs 1, 2 & 3 Learning Awards Assembly
Yrs 4 & 5 Learning Awards Assembly
Yr 6 Barton Hall trip
VIP Open Afternoon
Yr 6 Prom
Yr 6 Leavers’ Assembly
School closes for summer holidays
Non-Pupil Day
Autumn Term Begins
The children’s week
So it was a bear who came to the unit!! One wet shiny nose, two big furry ears and two big goggly eyes!! Yes, we
are learning the story of We're Going On A Bear Hunt and this week we're exploring the characters in the story and
immersing ourselves in knowing the story inside out! You can support your child at home by reading the book with
them at home or if you have access to YouTube you can watch the author, Michael Rosen read the story in his own
inimitable style. Happy bear hunting!!!!!
Pirates, skeletons, scurvy and treasure. What an incredible trip we had to the Golden Hind this week. Not only did
we meet the infamous Blackheart of Brixham, he spoke to us about Sir Francis Drake and his incredible life. The
children loved exploring the ship; discovering the cannons, riggers and even rats! We couldn't believe that Captain
Kim had left a message with our Pirate Captain and once again he needs our help... watch this space for our
response to his current predicament. In Maths, we have been investigating the relationship between our number
bond knowledge and how to use this to see patterns. Ask your child about the four fact family house. Why not
practise counting in tens forwards and backwards from different starting points e.g. 2,12, 22, 32, 42... Our
sunflowers have begun to grow.... the germination process has taken longer than expected. A big thank you to all
those who helped out on our trip this week. The phonic screening for the children is coming up shortly so keep
practising your sounds. It's a test that assesses your child's ability to segment and blend their sounds in both real
and alien words. Come in and chat to us if you have any questions.
Year 2 have had a lovely half term, we love to hear about all the exciting things you get up to! We have learnt so
much since starting in year 2, and this week we've been putting it all together to see if we can push ourselves so
that our good is better, and our better is our best. We can't wait to hatch our very own chicks in the next few weeks,
and learn more about them.
This week, we have moved off the beach and ventured deep into the heart of the Navassa Island's jungles. With
Ottis 'Bones' Boulte's words ringing in our ears, we continue our search for the Gatekeepers of the Island. Mythical
creatures (or are they?!) who guard the treasure and ensure that the environment is respected. To date, we think
we will need to sharpen up our artistic skills to pass this final challenge!
After a nice little break, Year 4 are right back into the swing of things. We are nearly finished creating our
interactive, 3D water cycle display (it's been a tough challenge for us!) and we are well underway with our final
Paddington Bear inspired stories, which have been a lot of fun to plan and write. Next week, we begin our new
storytelling text - The Voodoo store. This tale is full of intrigue, mystery and just the right amount of fear. It will be a
Yrs 5 & 6:
After saying goodbye to Mr Trayte, Year 5 have welcomed Mr Johns and Mrs Ayres into Dragons. What a busy
start these teachers and the Dragons have had as they are busily preparing for their class assembly on Fri 12th
Year 5 have also been thinking about and beginning to plan sports day - an event that we all look forward to.
Year 6 have had an equally busy start to their final term at HPS. Production rehearsals are under way along with
set design, props and ticket/program design.
In year 6 we have also immersed ourselves into life in New York in the early 1900s and the immigrants that flooded
through Ellis Island. This is helping us to further prepare for our production of Bugsy Malone.
We had an hour long Zumbatonic session this week which was great fun - I'm sure your child can show you some
moves! Next week year 5 and 6 undertake their bike ability training, so if you see us in the high street then please
pass us with care.