Our Lady Queen of Peace

Our Lady Queen of Peace Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan
2013 - 2016
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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This document is the Pastoral Plan produced by Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Pastoral
Council for the three year period September 2013 to August 2016.
The Council was re-established by our parish priest Father Colm McBride in early 2012 as a
leadership group for faith development in the parish.
During the early months of formation the Council developed its mission statement which is ‘Inspired by the Holy Spirit and guided by God’s love, the Parish Pastoral Council of Our Lady
Queen of Peace aims to enable parishioners to move closer to God and to promote an inclusive,
vibrant parish’.
All the Council’s activities, including the production and execution of this plan, are guided by
this mission statement.
The Council was formally commissioned by Bishop Walsh in September 2012 and tasked to
focus on the four main areas of ¬ Community Building
¬ Education and Formation
¬ Liturgy and Prayer
¬ Outreach
This Plan sets out the details of the Council’s current planned activities in these four areas over
the next three years. It includes a number of goals and activities which were added after the
Diocesan Pastoral Plan was published and presented at the Down and Connor Diocesan Congress
in September 2013.
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Executive Summary
This is the Pastoral Plan for the parish of Our Lady Queen of Peace covering the three year period
September 2013 to August 2016. It has been developed by the Parish Pastoral Council using the
Areas of Concern planning process. This is a six stage process which focuses on the four areas of
¬ Community Building
¬ Education and Formation
¬ Liturgy and Prayer
¬ Outreach
In order to facilitate development of the Plan, four teams were established and each team was
assigned to one of the four areas.
In Stage One of the process each team described the present reality for its allocated Area of
Concern. In Stage Two the teams articulated their vision for the future. In Stage Three a gap
analysis of the present reality versus the vision was carried out by each team to identify priorities
in the parish over the next three years. In Stage Four each team created goals for the next three
years based on those priorities. In Stage Five, the brainstorming stage, the tasks required to carry
out the first year’s goals were identified. (The tasks for years two and three will be identified in
the future). In Stage Six the timelines and action plans for year one were produced. Each stage
and its outcomes are explained in more detail in the following sections of this document
In the final section the Council has set out how it intends to manage and control the
implementation of the action plans and also its intentions regarding communication of the overall
Plan and its progress.
Appendix 1 contains all the ideas which were generated during the planning process but did not
make it through to the final priorities, goals and action plans. Appendix 2 gives details of the
process used in Stage Three to identify priorities.
In summary, the following table contains the goals identified for the next three years.
Education &
Liturgy & Worship Outreach
Social Committee
Faith Friends
Retreat / Mission
Youth committee
Adult education
Parish Directory
Primary school links
Mass for sick
Bethany Group
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
A number of additional goals and activities were added after the main planning process had been
completed and these are also listed in this document. They were included in the parish Plan after
the Council had considered the Diocesan Pastoral Plan which was presented at the Down and
Connor Diocesan Congress in September 2013.
In summary these additional goals are ¬ We will establish a Welcoming Ministry in the parish;
¬ We will endeavour to be a more listening Council and parish;
¬ We will avail of the various training opportunities as they become available in 2014 and
¬ We will deliver prayer cards to homes in the parish as part of the parish mission;
¬ The GIFT programme will be added to the Year One goal for Education and Formation to run
along side the Faith Friends programme;
¬ As a parish we will support and promote the John Paul II awards.
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Present Reality
As a first step in the production of the Parish Pastoral Plan, the Pastoral Council considered the
present reality with regard to the four areas of concern, and identified for each area
¬ What is working well
¬ What is missing
¬ What is not working well
The outcome is documented below for each of the four areas of concern.
Community Building
Community Building refers to the ways in which we create a sense of welcome and belonging in
our parish. It is about including people and connecting people in the parish.
What is working well
¬ Children’s Liturgy Group;
¬ Saint Vincent De Paul;
¬ Meet and Greet at Christmas time and the parish Christmas Card;
¬ Baptism Group;
¬ Sunday transportation of parishioners to mass;
¬ Ministers of the Word;
¬ Ministers of the Eucharist;
¬ Visitations to the nursing homes;
¬ School visitations;
¬ Ministers of Saint Martha;
¬ The annual bereavement mass.
What is missing
¬ Youth (17 - 23 years) involvement in the parish;
¬ A parish community centre;
¬ A policy and plan to encourage greater active involvement of more parishioners in parish
¬ A means to flag up special needs of the sick and elderly;
¬ Parish retreat;
¬ Youth mission;
¬ A Welcoming Ministry for new parishioners.
What is not working well
¬ Caring for the parish community as a family;
¬ An active and lively social experience for all in the parish;
¬ The Bereavement Group who require an upgrade in their training to refresh and enhance
their skills especially to deal with the recent increase in suicides in the wider community.
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Education and Formation
Education and Formation refers to those activities which embrace the religious educational needs
for all the parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Peace from the womb to the tomb.
What is working well
The Parish Priest facilitates the overwhelming majority of educational initiatives provided in the
Baptism preparation is provided for all first time parents who wish their child to be baptised in
the parish;
The sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation are all offered for the children of
our primary school;
In preparation for First Communion, the children engage in the ‘Do This In Memory’ programme
which involves the input of families and parents;
Primary school children attend a monthly mass;
Marriage preparation is offered to all couples preparing for this sacrament in the parish;
The recent Catholicism Development Programme was a great success.
What is missing
An appeal for young adults to support the faith development of P.7s preparing for Confirmation
was unsuccessful;
Follow-up with primary school leavers and ongoing contact into and through secondary school;
A coordinated approach between parish and school involving the Pastoral Council, the school
principal and the Board of Governors;
Marriage courses are not currently conducted within the parish;
Bible study class;
Invitation to speakers on topics of interest.
What is not working well
There are currently some links between the school and parishioners on faith based initiatives
which tend to be short term and arranged between individuals;
Youth involvement in liturgies generally.
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Liturgy and Prayer
Liturgy and Prayer refers to how we celebrate the weekday and weekend masses and how we
celebrate the sacraments. It also refers to the various forms of prayer we use, including prayer
groups, retreats, missions and pilgrimages.
What is working well
¬ Everything that is ongoing is working well, albeit with limited numbers;
¬ Sacrament of Reconciliation / Penitential Services at Easter and Christmas;
¬ Sunday evening devotions and benediction during the Sundays of May, Advent and Lent;
¬ Music Liturgy - both the choir and the folk group add to the celebration of mass;
¬ Daily mass - homilies are excellent;
¬ Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour on Friday mornings;
¬ Parish groups are well represented and active on the parish Liturgy Planning Group where
liturgies are discussed and carefully planned;
¬ Children’s liturgy at Sunday masses;
¬ Tuesday adoration - but some slots are difficult to fill.
What is missing
¬ Main thing missing is lack of numbers eg. 30-40 attendees at Sunday evening devotions;
¬ Involvement of young people;
¬ Effective promotion of liturgies eg. Flyers for individual events and promotion through
children, schools and children’s liturgy;
¬ More young readers;
¬ Re-introduction of the Stations of the Cross on occasions other than Good Friday and
especially during Lent;
¬ Use of drama in Church involving young people;
¬ Parish pilgrimage;
¬ Retreat / mission including for young people.
What is not working well
¬ Some spiritual input / prayer for parishioners involved in parish ministry;
¬ Congregational involvement at Sunday masses.
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Outreach refers to caring for those in need both spiritually and temporally, including the youth,
the sick, the suffering and the needy. It also refers to working for peace and justice locally and
What is working well
¬ The parish priest offers mass in the two nursing homes approximately 3 / 4 times per year;
¬ Eucharistic Ministers administer Holy Communion in the nursing homes every Sunday and
ashes are distributed on Ash Wednesday;
¬ Saint Vincent De Paul (SVDP) is pro-active in the parish and their contact number is
published in the parish bulletin;
¬ Members of SVDP visit the nursing homes weekly to say the rosary;
¬ Mini bus collects elderly on Sunday for mass;
¬ Hampers are distributed to needy families at Christmas;
¬ SVDP parish congregation shares its surplus with needy parishes;
¬ Members of SVDP visit Hydebank Young Offenders Centre weekly;
¬ There is a small group in the parish who attend inter-denominational events;
¬ There is an active Apostolic Group in the parish;
¬ Generous support for Trocaire.
What is missing
¬ There is nothing at present to attract young people in the parish;
¬ Blessing for the Sick - both in the nursing homes and generally.
What is not working well
¬ Greater help is needed for the needy, including advice and guidance on the range of
assistance available from experts, charities and the statutory agencies.
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Vision Statements
In the second stage of the process of developing the Pastoral Plan the Council produced a vision
statement for each of the four areas of concern. The purpose of the vision statements was to
identify what needed to be achieved.
After due consideration and discussion the Council agreed the following four vision statements -
Community Building
We are committed to creating a sense of welcome and belonging in our parish by promoting
Christ’s message through inclusive, shared, informative and fun activities in order to increase
God’s love throughout our parish community.
Education and Formation
We are committed to embracing the religious educational needs for all the parishioners of Our
Lady Queen of Peace from the womb to the tomb.
Worship refers to how we celebrate the weekend and weekday masses and how we celebrate the
sacraments. It also refers to the various forms of prayer we use, including prayer groups, retreats,
missions and pilgrimages.
Our vision is to ensure as far as possible that these experiences are meaningful for all our
parishioners including our young.
We aim in a non-judgmental and caring way to reach out to those in need both spiritually and
temporally, and to connect with those who may feel marginalised in our parish.
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Setting Priorities
The third stage in the process was to set priorities for the next three years in each of the four areas
of concern. In order to do this the Council considered
¬ Its Mission Statement;
¬ The definition of the Present Reality (produced in stage one) and in particular those things
identified as missing or not going well;
¬ The four Vision Statements (produced in stage two).
In this way an initial long list of ideas was generated and documented.
Through an iterative process of discussion and voting the list was gradually reduced until there
remained three priorities for each of the four areas of concern. These were agreed as the year one,
two and three priorities, chronologically ordered by importance. The final list of priorities is
documented in the table below.
Table of Agreed Priorities for Years One, Two and Three.
Education &
Liturgy & Worship Outreach
Social Committee
Faith Friends
Retreat / Mission
Youth committee
Adult education
Parish Directory
Primary school links
Mass for sick
Bethany Group
The ideas eliminated during the process are contained in Appendix 1.
The detailed steps of the iterative selection process are contained in Appendix 2.
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Goal Setting
In Stage Four of the process each team developed a set of three goals to deliver their three
priorities identified in the previous stage. These goals are documented below.
Community Building
Year One
Social Committee - By June 2014 we will have in place a fully functional social committee for
Our Lady Queen Of Peace parish.
Year Two
Improve Communications - By June 2015 we will have a communication plan in place which will
serve to transmit information to parishioners and other relevant parties.
Year Three
Parish Directory - By June 2016 a Parish Directory will be available in every home in the Parish
and in local libraries, leisure centres and other appropriate locations.
Education and Formation
Year One
Faith Friends - By June 2014 we will have provided the primary seven children of Our Lady
Queen of Peace Primary School with the opportunity to engage in a structured faith based
programme as part of their preparation for Confirmation. The programme will involve young
parishioners in their late teens who will have been identified as having the capability to provide a
positive influence on the children.
The programme will also have been evaluated by both the children and teenagers by the above
Year Two
Adult Education - By June 2015 we will have identified a suitable educational faith based
programme for adult parishioners, publicised the programme around the parish and completed its
delivery in a parish based location.
The programme will also have been evaluated by its participants by the above date.
Year Three
Primary School Links - By June 2016 we will have established a link involving the Parish
Pastoral Council, the senior leadership team of Our Lady Queen of Peace Primary School and the
school’s Board of Governors with the exclusive aims of community based faith promotion and
the collective benefit of church, school and parish.
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
Liturgy and Worship
Year One
Parish Mission - By June 2014 we will have organised a parish mission in Our Lady Queen of
Peace parish.
Year Two
Pilgrimage - By June 2015 we will have arranged participation as a parish group in the Down and
Connor Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes (or similar destination).
Year Three
Mass for the Sick- By June 2016 we will have established an annual Mass for the sick of the
Year One
Youth Committee - By June 2014 we will have established a youth committee whose members
will positively influence other young people and will have a meaningful input into parish life.
Year Two
Ecumenism - By the end of June 2015 we will have established meaningful relations with the
churches in our locality with a view to promoting communal worship to the mutual benefit of all.
We will encourage our parishioners to enthusiastically participate in the hope to fostering and
enlivening our common belief and praise in Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Year Three
Bethany Group- By the end of June 2016 we will have engaged with the present parish
Bereavement Group to ascertain their needs and facilitate them in their mission.
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Action Plans
In Stages Five and Six of the planning process a timeline and action plan was developed for each
of the year one goals only. The year two and three goals will be reviewed in a year’s time when
the year two timelines and action plans will be developed.
The four plans are detailed below.
Community Building
Year One Goal - By June 2014 we will have in place a fully functional social committee for Our
Lady Queen Of Peace parish.
Target Date
Sep 2013
Fr McBride to outline the difference between a social committee and OLQOP
parish social committee
Olive, Sean and PPC to decide on the main purpose of the parish social
committee, considering as it central theme our community mission statement and
our Pastoral Council mission statement
Oct 2013
Olive and Sean to draw up the content and purpose of a communications plan to
recruit committee members
Oct 2013
Olive and Sean to form a communication plan and content to recruit committee
Nov 2013
Olive and Sean to select channels of communication to recruit members for the
social committee
Dec 2013
Communicate to all parishioners and existing parish groups our plan to set up a
parish social committee
Jan 2014
Parish social committee to be selected by a method yet to be decided
Feb 2014
First parish social committee to meet
March 2014
The social committee will meet to select social activities which will have regard
to our community and pastoral mission statements and as their central tenet the
promotion of our faith and spirituality within the parish as per Fr Mc Bride’s
guidance document
May 2014
Parish social committee to be in place and have goals set for their first year in
June 2014
We will have a fully functional social committee for Our Lady Queen of Peace
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Education and Formation
Year One Goal - By June 2014 we will have provided the year 7 and 8 children of Our Lady
Queen of Peace with the opportunity to engage in a structured faith based programme as part of
their faith development. The programmes will involve young parishioners in their late teens who
will have been identified as having the capability to provide a positive influence on the children.
The programmes will also have been evaluated by both the children and teenagers by the above
NOTE: The Parish Council decided to add the GIFT programme to this goal, to run along side
the Faith Friends programme, after consideration of the Down and Connor Diocesan Plan which
was presented to the Diocesan Congress in late September 2013.
Target Date
Sept 27th 2013
Meet with Tony Silcock, (Local Youth Initiatives Leader)
Oct. 18th 2013
Meet with Principal of OLQOP Primary School to discuss the Faith Friends
initiative and how it fits with her plan for religious education
November 22nd
Have in place a group of local teenagers willing to undertake the
responsibilities of the Faith Friends and GIFT programmes.
December 6th
A meeting will have taken place outlining each of the aspects of the
programme attended by members of OLQOP Pastoral Council, representatives
of OLQOP Primary School and the youth volunteers for the programme. This
meeting will be chaired by one member of the Pastoral Council.
Christmas 2013
Primary 7 children to have met with Faith Friends on one occasion.
Early 2014
Faith Friends programme to be conducted between Christmas and
Confirmation including participation in the Service of Light and Service of
Commitment and any other services related to Confirmation preparation.
The GIFT programme to proceed with year 8 children.
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Liturgy and Worship
Year One Goal - By June 2014 we will have organised a parish mission in Our Lady Queen of
Peace parish.
Target Date
October 2013
To have researched and decided on length / nature / timing of
parish mission
December 2013
To have set up a steering group to organise operational tasks
May 2014
Parish mission to have taken place
June 2014
Evaluation complete
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Year One Goal - By June 2014 we will have established a youth committee whose members will
positively influence other young people and will have a meaningful input into parish Life.
Target Date
During Sept 2013
Invite young people whom the PPC feel would like to help to form a
Youth Committee (YC)
End of Sept 2013
Take advice from informed sources eg. Clonard youth committee on
how to set up a youth committee
End of Oct 2013
PPC to establish guidelines for the formation of the committee
Nov 2013
Invite interested youth to form a committee
End of Jan 2014
Invite the youth of the parish to an information evening
During Feb 2014
First committee meeting held
End of Feb 2014
Ascertain from Living Church Office what training courses they can
Mar 2014
Youth committee to start their work
Feb –April 2014
Meeting between PPC & YC to review plan, taking in the aims of the
End of June 2014
Fully working committee
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Goals and Actions from Diocesan Pastoral Plan
The Down and Connor Diocesan Plan was presented at the Diocesan Congress in late September
2013. The Parish Pastoral Council discussed the diocesan Plan at its meeting the following month
and as a result a number of additional goals and actions were added to the parish Plan. These are
listed below following the structure of the diocesan Plan.
Open, Welcoming Community
¬ We will establish a Welcoming Ministry in the parish. To facilitate this object we will
register for the Welome training to be provided in 2014. Volunteers will be sought through
the parish bulletin and other appropriate channels.
¬ We will endeavour to be a more listening Council and parish, open to the needs and concerns
of our parishioners.
Faith and Worship
¬ We will avail of the various training opportunities, where practical, as they become available
in 2014 (children’s liturgy, Proclamation of the Word) and beyond.
¬ We will deliver prayer cards to homes in the parish as part of the Year One goal to hold a
parish mission. Annually we will consider targeting a different geographical area or
Clergy & Religious
¬ No additional actions at this time.
Lay Participation
¬ No additional actions at this time.
Passing on the Faith
¬ The GIFT programme will be added to the Year One goal for Education and Formation to run
along side the Faith Friends programme.
¬ As a parish we will support and promote the John Paul II awards. A notice will be included in
the parish bulletin and Fr. Colm will make an announcement at the Sunday masses.
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Action Plan Management and Progress Reporting
The Pastoral Council has overall ownership of and responsibility for all actions and projects
which are delegated and carried out on its behalf. This includes the actions plans contained in this
pastoral plan.
Day to day responsibility for delivering the actions plans has been delegated to the four teams
who worked on each of the four areas of concern during the planning process, as follows ¬
Community Building - Olive Cunningham and Sean Higgins
Education and Formation - Bridie Maye and Damian O’Neill
Liturgy and Prayer - Adrian Beirne and Martha Sweeney
Outreach - Brendan McPoland, Joan McKeever and Sean Cullen
Team Responsibility
It is the responsibility of each team to ¬ Deliver their action plan in accordance with the agreed timescale;
¬ Report progress to the full Council at each monthly meeting;
¬ Escalate issues to the full Council in an appropriate and timely manner when support or
assistance is required;
¬ Escalate all major decisions to the full Council for approval in advance, including decisions
involving financial expenditure.
Council Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the Council to ¬ Fully support each team in the delivery of its plan;
¬ Present the pastoral plan to the bishop, parishioners, the various parish groups and other
appropriate individuals or groups;
¬ Present an annual progress report to the bishop and parishioners.
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Appendix 1 - Non-Prioritised Ideas Eliminated in Stage Three
Community Building
Bethany Group
Church Sign
Providing fun events and socials
Garden party BBQ
Offering hospitality
Mass teas 12 noon? Funeral Mass?
Welcoming newcomers + strangers
New developments
Keeping people informed
Next distribution team communicators
Supporting families
Night classes, family pastoral care
Fostering a spirit of witness among parishioners
What the church means to me (discussion)
Recruiting and affirming volunteers
Involving current team
Lisburn council can we get money, advice, councillors?
Andersonstown News coverage of parish activity
Education and Formation
Tracking primary 7 leavers
Children’s drama in church liturgies.
Bible study class
Development of children’s liturgy to include both Sunday masses
Lay involvement in Baptism preparation
Hosting marriage courses
Liturgy and Prayer
Mass of celebration for all parish ministries
Prayer round the cross in Lent
Stations of the Cross
Development of prayer groups- cell groups
Drama in church - young people
Development of music ministry
Homilies on website
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Youth masses led by Faith Friends and buddies
Mission for youth, include lapsed and young adults
Vary methods of worship, vary place of worship
Annual mass/blessing of the sick for parishioners
Annual blessing of the sick for Nursing Homes
Invite sick into prayer ministry-mass readings- reflection-prayer leaflets
The Needy/ The Suffering
Organisations to speak at some weekend masses
Advice days to help the needy
Booklet with contact details of help/counseling organisations
Continuous weekly bulletin notice encouraging good neighbourliness
Peace and Justice:
Twin with a parish in a developing country
Link up through Parish Apostolic Group (shoe box appeal, knitting, newspaper
Irregular Relationships
In letter accompanying Christmas card etc sensitively reference this issue
Young married couple support
Legion of Mary
Baptism group
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Our Lady Queen of Peace
Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2016
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Appendix 2 - Iterative Process to Select Priorities
This is the process which was used in Stage Three of the planning process to determine
the priorities for each area of concern (Community Building, Education and Formation,
Liturgy and Prayer, and Outreach).
Each group listed their ideas on a single flip chart sheet with a three inch margin on
the LHS. It was posted on the wall.
The Council took a few moments to consider again all the ideas presented. Each
member of the Council was then given 4 red dots to vote for the ideas they would like
to see included in the Parish Pastoral Plan.
The whole Council was invited to summarise each selected idea in the form of a
bullet point which was committed to a card.
The cards were shuffled and posted in one of four columns on the wall. There was
one column for each of the four areas of concern. Each council member was given 4
green dots to vote for the ideas they would like to see included in the Parish Pastoral
Plan - one idea from each column.
All those selected cards/ideas were then transferred to a separate sheet, and again
listed by area of concern.
Council members were then invited to vote for those ideas in each column to be
included in the first year of the plan using a red dot, second year using a blue dot, and
third year using a yellow dot.
Step 6 was repeated as necessary until the top priorities for each area of concern had
been selected for each of the three years covered by the Plan.
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