ACFE EASTERN METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE 2014 Regional Pre-accredited Data Introduction: Data to inform Regional Council Advice and Planning This Regional Pre-accredited Data Pack summarises the data provided to the Department of Education and Training by Learn Local Organisations during 2014. It summarises the reported pre-accredited program delivery for Victoria and in the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne ACFE Region. The document’s purpose is to support Learn Local organisations to determine their pre-accredited training plans. The report details the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne Regional Council Pre-accredited Delivery Priorities for 2016. It also includes state-wide delivery patterns for 2014, giving context to the results for the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne region. The information can be read together as a whole to build a picture of student engagement in pre accredited training in Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne in 2014. The region’s pre-accredited program delivery for 2014 is detailed in the following charts and tables: Module enrolments in Local Government Areas Students’ travel to participate in pre-accredited training Participation by the ACFE Board Priority Groups Students by age and gender Prior levels of students’ educational attainment Module enrolments in ACFE Board Priority Areas The information contained in this report should be read in conjunction with the following Department publications: Training Market Report 2014 Vocational Training: Victoria’s Regions 2014 Vocational Training: Victoria’s Industries 2014 Training Market Information Data Portal Some data in this report may differ from results the Department has published elsewhere due to differences in counting rules. Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne Regional Council Pre-accredited Delivery Priorities for 2016 The Regional Council highlights the need for Learn Local providers to consider the following areas in their program planning: Ensuring that eligible learners are able to participate in a broad range of program types and locations. Providing pre-accredited training outside normal business hours to enable all learners to access programs. Forming sustainable partnerships and collaborations to broaden learning options across all LGAs. Using the Success4U resource to transition pre-accredited learners into VET programs. Ensuring pre-accredited training is focussed on employment and educational pathways that match industry needs and skill shortages. Developing and strengthen innovative delivery models that meet the needs of learners. LGA Boroondara Knox Delivery Considerations Maintain current levels of provision to unemployed males over 45 years of age and vulnerable workers. Form partnerships with LLOs and RTOs to ensure transition from pre-accredited to VET programs. Increase vocational programs and broaden the range of vocational programs offered. Maintain current level of provision for all ACFE Board priority cohorts. Increase provision of programs that equip disengaged youth to transition into VCAL and other VET programs. Continue offering training at non mainstream locations to engage learners. Manningham Maroondah Continue to provide pre-accredited programs that transition disengaged youth into VCAL or other VET programs. Increase provision to males over 45, unemployed and vulnerable workers. Increase employment skills programs and the range to assist vulnerable workers gaining employment Continue offering a broad range of vocational programs. Broaden the range of employment skills programs for disengaged youth, indigenous, vulnerable workers and the unemployed. Collaborate on provision in LGA. Monash Maintain CALD program levels. Increase provision to people with a disability, Increase provision to early school leavers, males over 45 years of age, vulnerable workers and unemployed. Increase vocational programs and the range to enable employment outcomes for learners. Whitehorse CALD, early school leavers males over 45 years of age, unemployed and vulnerable workers remain a priority. Increase employment skills and vocational programs and the range of programs offered. Yarra Ranges Disengaged youth, early school leavers, indigenous, males over 45 years of age, vulnerable and unemployed workers remain a priority for training. Increase employment skills programs and target programs to match employment options in the area. REGIONAL PRE-ACCREDITED DATA 2014 – EASTERN METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE 2 Victorian Learn Local - Year in Review Learn Local delivery of pre-accredited programs to students across Victoria during 2014 increased by five per cent on the previous year. In contrast, there was a sector-wide decrease in accredited program delivery reported by Learn Local Organisations, down 17 per cent over 2013 to 2014 (see Figure A). In the eight ACFE Regions, student participation in pre-accredited programs increased state-wide with the exception of Barwon South Western and North-Western Metropolitan Melbourne. Accredited program participation decreased in all regional and metropolitan areas. Loddon Mallee reported the most significant decrease in student participation in accredited courses (see Figure B). Figure A. State-wide delivery Learn Local students and enrolments Learn Local Delivery Figure B. Learn Local State-wide delivery students in Pre-accredited and Accredited programs Module/Course Enrolments 45 40 Change (000) 30 25 20 15 10 Students up 5% on previous year Students down 17% on previous year 5 0 2013 2014 2013 Pre-accredited Program/Year Program/Year 2014 Accredited ACFE Regional Areas 35 1,970 Barwon South West Gippsland 1,430 Grampians 1,430 Hume 1,500 Eastern Metro 2014 2013 2,080 1,380 1,160 1,530 1,990 1,940 4,200 Loddon Mallee 3,720 7,680 North-Western Metro 6,010 Southern Metro 7,750 5,480 3,270 3,350 Barwon South West Accredited Program Students 50 Pre-accredited Program Students and enrolments (2013-2014) 1,440 Gippsland 1,580 Grampians 1,060 1,220 Hume 1,230 1,760 Loddon Mallee 2,160 Eastern Metro 2,280 4,170 2,700 8,800 North-Western Metro 4,180 Southern Metro 0 2,500 10,070 4,860 5,000 7,500 10,000 Students NOTE: Data for Figures A and B sourced from Victorian Training Market Report 2014. Figure B results are rounded. Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne - Students in Local Government Areas Student participation in pre-accredited training in this regional area increased by 13 per cent (+474 students) during 2014 (4,195 total). This rate of change was above the state-wide increase of 4 per cent (+1,104 students) on the previous year’s total (26,130). Figure C, over, compares patterns of reported students to approximate populations to highlight the uptake of preaccredited training, where contracted training may, or may not, have met local need across the respective Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne LGAs. The pattern of pre-accredited delivery across this region corresponded to local population levels in the LGAs of Manningham, Maroondah, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges, suggesting that program allocation may have proportionately matched local population. There was relative oversupply in Knox, where students in pre-accredited training exceeded the relative scale of local population. In addition, there was relative undersupply in Boroondara and Monash in comparison to other LGAs, where the population of students in pre -accredited training appears below the relative scale of local population. REGIONAL PRE-ACCREDITED DATA 2014 – EASTERN METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE 3 Figure C. Students in pre-accredited training per LGA, relative to population 2013 1,400 2013 ERP popn (ABS) 180 160 1,371 140 1,188 1,200 Students 2014 120 1,000 100 800 80 641 600 400 400 487 408 359 328 526 466 368 487 517 422 60 40 200 Working Age Population (000) 1,600 20 0 0 Boroondara Knox Manningham Maroondah Monash Whitehorse Yarra Ranges LGA NOTE: LGA student counts feature participation in multiple LGA delivery sites. Estimated Residential Population per LGA aged 15 -64 years (ABS, 2013). Access to Pre-accredited Training The pre-accredited enrolment data for 2014 shows the students who participated in pre-accredited training in Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne had either engaged in pre-accredited training with a Learn Local Organisation based in their community, or instead travelled for training to an area adjacent to their home (see Figure D, opposite). The data shows all delivery in this region was class-room based with the exception of programs delivered in Whitehorse. In addition to class-room based delivery (70 per cent of enrolments), Learn Local Organisations delivering in Whitehorse reported provided electronic-based delivery to 30 per cent of reported module enrolments. Inner East LGAs Sixty six per cent of students resident in Boroondara participated in pre-accredited training with Learn Local Organisations in this LGA and 10 per cent travelled to access the training respectively in both Southern Metropolitan Melbourne and North-Western Metropolitan Melbourne locations. Otherwise, six per cent of Boroondara residents accessed pre-accredited training in Whitehorse, and five per cent travelled to the Monash LGA for the training. Eastern LGAs Forty nine per cent of Manningham residents engaged pre-accredited training within their LGA, 16 per cent travelled to train in Whitehorse and three per cent trained in Monash. Manningham residents otherwise travelled for training to Maroondah (11 per cent), Boroondara (5 per cent) and Knox (5 per cent). A combined 10 per cent of the residents travelled outside the region to participate in pre-accredited training in North-Western metropolitan locations (7 per cent) and Southern Metropolitan Melbourne locations (3 per cent). Forty two per cent of Monash residents participated in pre-accredited training within their LGA and seven per cent travelled to Whitehorse for training. Monash residents otherwise trained in Southern Metropolitan Melbourne locations (37 per cent), Knox (five per cent) and the Boroondara LGA (four per cent). Students resident in Whitehorse trained with Learn Local Organisations based in the LGA (42 per cent), in Monash (10 per cent) and Manningham (five per cent). Otherwise, 14 per cent of students resident in this LGA trained in Knox (13 per cent), Maroondah (11 per cent) and other Metropolitan Melbourne locations (respectively, six per cent in North-Western Metropolitan Melbourne and four per cent in Southern Metropolitan Melbourne). Outer Eastern LGAs Seventy four per cent of Knox residents participated in pre-accredited training with Learn Local Organisations based in this LGA. Otherwise, the residents trained in Maroondah (eight per cent), Yarra Ranges (seven per cent), Southern Metropolitan Melbourne (four per cent) and Whitehorse (three per cent). Forty four per cent of Maroondah residents and 39 per cent of Yarra Ranges residents accessed pre-accredited training within those respective LGAs. Maroondah residents otherwise trained in Knox (28 per cent), Yarra Ranges (9 per cent) and the Whitehorse LGA (8 per cent). Yarra Ranges residents otherwise trained in Knox (38 per cent), and Monash (11 per cent). REGIONAL PRE-ACCREDITED DATA 2014 – EASTERN METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE 4 Figure D. Access to training: residence and enrolment within Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne LGAs LLO Delivery LGA Student Residential LGA Boroondara Knox Manningham Maroondah Monash Whitehorse Yarra Ranges Boroondara 66% 0.3% 5.5% 0.3% 3.6% 4.6% Knox 1.0% 74% 4.6% 28% 5.3% 13% 38% Manningham 0.8% 0.5% 49% 3.6% 0.3% 4.8% 0.8% Maroondah 1.4% 7.6% 11% 44% 1.4% 14% 11% Monash 5.1% 1.0% 2.7% 0.4% 42% 10% 0.3% Whitehorse 5.9% 2.7% 16% 8.2% 6.8% 42% 2.1% Yarra Ranges 0.1% 6.9% 0.3% 9.2% 0.5% 1.5% 39% Sub Total 80% 93% 89% 94% 60% 90% 92% Southern Metro 9.6% 4.1% 3.3% 0.9% 37% 3.7% 3.8% North-West Metro 10% 2.4% 7.2% 4.7% 2.9% 5.8% 3.5% Other 0.1% 0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.4% Grand Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% NOTE: Local governments can be Shires, Cities, Towns and Municipalities. The scale of these areas varies by residential population and consequently the distance varies for travel between respective LGA boundaries. Student residential LGAs are as reported at enrolment. As student addresses change during enrolment, these results should be considered indicative only and to not represent the circumstances of every reported student. ACFE Board Priority Groups There was an across the board increase in participation by ACFE Board priority cohorts in Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne during 2014. This regional pattern of delivery was influenced by changes to student participation in the Knox and Yarra Ranges LGAs, more than other LGAs. The following eight charts detail Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne LGA enrolments of ACFE Board Priority Learners in 2013 and 2014. CALD DISABILITY CALD Disability Change 2013-14 LGAs Knox 6% Boroondara 280 360 29% Knox -20% Manningham 290 230 Manningham 150 240 Maroondah 63% 560 Monash 380 410 Whitehorse 600 82 % 0 -31% Monash 46% Whitehorse Yarra Ranges 77% 500 Maroondah 81 % 20 40 Yarra Ranges 12% 290 310 LGAs Boroondara 2013 180 200 10% 580 1,000 73% 170 180 5% 160 330 110% 290 320 10% 110 120 6% 180 139% 420 19% 1,000 Change 2013-14 0 200 400 600 8001,000 2014 2013 There was an increase of eight per cent in pre-accredited enrolments of CALD students in the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne region in 2014, with the proportional increase greatest in the Whitehorse LGA (+46 per cent to 602 enrolments in 2014). 2014 Enrolments Enrolments There was a 54 per cent increase in pre-accredited enrolments of students with declared disabilities in the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne region in 2014, with the proportional increase greatest in Knox (+73 per cent, 420 additional enrolments in 2014). NOTE: In all charts, enrolment figures are rounded to the nearest ten, but percentages are calculated from unrounded values. REGIONAL PRE-ACCREDITED DATA 2014 – EASTERN METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE 5 DISENGAGED YOUTH <10 10 LGAs 400% 20 Knox 50 10 10 Manningham Early School Leavers 219% Knox 25% Manningham Maroondah <10 <10 150% Maroondah Monash <10 <10 -50% Monash Whitehorse 0 <10 94 % 50 Yarra Ranges 80 6% 0 50 2013 Enrolments 80 60 -17% 100 190 140 100 24% Yarra Ranges 110 210 100% 500 MALES 45 YEARS AND OLDER Males 45 yrs and older <10 <10 Change 2013-14 300% Monash <10 0 -100% Whitehorse <10 0 -100% 93 % 20 2013 -8% 70 Monash 160 119% 200 150 -28% 130 Whitehorse 90 120 0 2014 250 28% 500 2013 Enrolments There was a 40 per cent increase in pre-accredited enrolments of indigenous students in the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne region in 2014. The trend was from a low base and was led by an increase in Yarra Ranges (+21 module enrolments over the previous year). 54% 210 Yarra Ranges 18% 40 27% 50 50 Manningham Maroondah 140% 40 0 370 470 82 % 10 Yarra Ranges 7% LGAs LGAs 0 0 <10 <10 -5% Knox -25% 20 80 80 Boroondara 100% 20 Maroondah 2014 There was an increase of 24 per cent in pre-accredited enrolments of early school leavers in the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne region in 2014 with significant proportional increases in Knox and Yarra Ranges (+151 and +106 module enrolments over the previous year). Change 2013-14 Manningham 1,000 2013 Enrolments Indigenous Knox -28% Change 2013-14 140 180 0 INDIGENOUS Boroondara 96% 2014 There was an increase of 95 per cent in enrolments of disengaged young people in the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne region in 2014. This increase was from a low base. The trend was led by increases in the Knox and Yarra Ranges LGAs (respectively, +35 and +32 more enrolments than 2013 levels). 28% Whitehorse 12% 100 -26% 530 680 88 % 70% Change 2013-14 130 90 Boroondara LGAs Boroondara EARLY SCHOOL LEAVERS Change 2013-14 Change 2013-14 Disengaged Youth 2014 Enrolments There was an increase of 22 per cent in pre-accredited enrolments of male students aged 45 years and older in the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne region in 2014. The trend was led by reported increases in Knox (+27 per cent), Maroondah (+119 per cent), Whitehorse (+54 per cent) and Yarra Ranges (+28 per cent). NOTE: In all charts, enrolment figures are rounded to the nearest ten, but percentages are calculated from unrounded values. REGIONAL PRE-ACCREDITED DATA 2014 – EASTERN METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE 6 UNEMPLOYED VULNERABLE WORKERS Unemployed 430 680 LGAs Knox 90 70 Manningham -20% Manningham 20 10 -70% 10 20 114% 10 10 -13% Maroondah Monash 240 180 -25% Monash 63% Whitehorse 14% 200 400 600 800 Enrolments 2013 2014 There was a 67 per cent increase in pre-accredited enrolments of unemployed students in the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne region, with the proportional increase greatest in the Knox LGA (+58 per cent to 680 module enrolments in 2014). 44% 60 40 74% 70 10 Yarra Ranges 129% 170 0 40 86 % 80 Yarra Ranges 12% Knox 75% 88 % 35% 58% 120 220 100 160 20 20 Boroondara Maroondah Whitehorse Change 2013-14 7% LGAs 160 170 Boroondara Vulnerable Workers Change Change 2013-14 2013-14 80 0 Enrolments 50 35% 100 2013 2014 There was an increase of 78 per cent in pre-accredited enrolments of students who were vulnerable workers in the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne region in 2014. The trend was led by increases reported in Yarra Ranges (+65 additional enrolments on 2013), Whitehorse (+28 additional enrolments on 2013) and Knox (+18 additional enrolments on 2013). NOTE: In all charts, enrolment figures are rounded to the nearest ten, but percentages are calculated from unrounded values. Age and Gender profile During 2014, women enrolled in pre-accredited training with Learn Local Organisations based in the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne region at more than twice the rate of men (see Figure E, over). Female students were 69 per cent of the pre-accredited student body compared to men who were 31 per cent (2,836 and 1,261 students respectively). Female students aged 40 years and older were 53 per cent of all pre-accredited students in this region (2,188 students). Students aged 15-24 years were nine per cent of this total student body (374 students). Students of working age (15-64 years) were 76 per cent of the student body (3,102 students), and students aged over 65 years were 24 per cent of the student body (985 students). To compare these student cohort figures to the estimated general population of the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne region, 14 per cent of residents were aged 15 to 24 years and 67 per cent of residents were of working age (151,451 and 699,150 estimated residential population). Men and women aged 65 years and older were 16 per cent of the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne population in 2014 (167,783 estimated residential population). REGIONAL PRE-ACCREDITED DATA 2014 – EASTERN METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE 7 Figure E. Student age and gender cohorts relative to the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne general population Pre-accredited Students Eastern Metro Melbourne ERP Gender and Age (2014) Gender and Age (2013) Male 6 Female 4 92.1 Under Under 15 15 87.3 98 86 15 to 19 15–19 yrs 101 89 20 to 24 20–24 yrs 102 94 35.1 42.8 39.9 37.7 35.8 25 to 29 25–29 yrs 30–34 yrs 141 69 30 to 34 302 268 306 800 600 400 33.7 40 to 44 40–44 yrs 36.5 97 45 to 49 45–49 yrs 34.8 37.4 91 50 to 54 50–54 yrs 35.0 37.1 116 55 to 59 55–59 yrs 125 60 to 64 60–64 yrs 329 656 32.0 33.0 85 324 332 33.5 76 35 to 39 35–39 yrs 200 33.6 31.2 27.1 39.6 33.6 29.9 65 and over 64 yrs and over 200 Students 0 75.1 0- 50 92.7 100 NOTE: Reported age bands as of 30 June. The general estimated residential population is for 2013 , as 2014 ERP figures were not available at the time of reporting (ABS). Charts exclude “not stated” results. Highest prior educational attainment During 2014, 29 per cent of Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne students in pre-accredited training had not previously attained an education at or above the level of Year 11/Certificate I (1,079 students). These students had attained only compulsory secondary education at Year 10 or lower (see Figure F, opposite). Of all pre-accredited students in Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne, 36 per cent of men had not in the past completed education at a level above Year 10 (415 students), and 15 per cent of male students had not completed education above Year 8 (172 students). In contrast, 25 per cent of women in pre-accredited training had not previously completed education at a level above Year 10 (644 students) and nine per cent of female students had not completed education above Year 8 (235 students). Forty one per cent of female students had previously attained education at the levels of Certificate II, III and IV ( 1,063 students), compared to 39 per cent of male students (445 students). Twenty five per cent of female students had previously attained Diploma or higher levels of education and training before commencing a pre-accredited enrolment (658 students), compared to 18 per cent of male students (206 students). REGIONAL PRE-ACCREDITED DATA 2014 – EASTERN METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE 8 Figure F. Highest prior educational attainment of Pre-accredited students in Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne (2014) 2,628 1,150 3,778 NOTE: Charts exclude “Not stated” results. All percentage figures are rounded. Training in ACFE Board Priority Areas Figures G and H detail the distribution of pre-accredited training into four ACFE Board Priority Areas of Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skills, Employment Skills, Vocational Skills and Digital Literacy Skills . Figure G shows the distribution of training in these program categories across all Victorian regional areas, Figure H shows the distribution of training in the LGAs that comprise the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne region. For all Victoria, 37 per cent of all pre-accredited module enrolments were in Language, Literacy and Numeracy programs. Twenty three per cent of pre-accredited module enrolments were in Employment Skills programs. Module enrolments in Vocational Skills programs were 22 per cent of all reported pre-accredited delivery and 18 per cent of the pre-accredited module delivery was in Digital Literacy programs. For Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne, Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skills programs were 24 per cent of all reported delivery in this region. Twenty nine per cent of program delivery was in Employment Skills and 24 per cent of program delivery was Vocational Skills in the Eastern Metropolitan Melbourne region. Digital Literacy Skills programs made up 23 per cent of reported delivery in the region (see Figure H). Figure G. Pre-accredited module enrolments ACFE Regional Areas (2014) Figure H. Pre-accredited module enrolments Eastern Metro Melbourne (2014) REGIONAL PRE-ACCREDITED DATA 2014 – EASTERN METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE 9 In Boroondara, 40 per cent of all reported pre-accredited delivery was in Digital Literacy Skills, with the three other program areas making 60 per cent of delivery (Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skills: 32 per cent; Employment Skills: 22 per cent; Vocational Skills: six per cent). In Knox, 41 per cent of all reported pre-accredited delivery was in Employment Skills, with Digital Literacy Skills comprising 28 per cent of delivery. Vocational Skills programs were 21 per cent and Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skills made the balance 10 per cent of all delivery. Of the pre-accredited training reported in Manningham, 44 per cent was in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skills; 24 per cent in Digital Literacy, with Employment Skills comprising 20 per cent and Vocational Skills were 11 per cent of all delivery. In Maroondah, 32 per cent of all reported pre-accredited delivery was in Employment Skills, with Vocational Skills programs comprising 25 per cent of reported training. Pre-accredited training programs in Digital Literacy Skills were 24 per cent and Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skills made the balance of 18 per cent of all delivery. In Monash, 35 per cent of reported pre-accredited delivery was in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skills programs, with Vocational Skills programs comprising 25 per cent of reported training. Pre-accredited training programs in Employment Skills were 23 per cent of reported delivery and Digital Literacy Skills programs were 17 per cent of pre-accredited program delivery in the LGA. In Whitehorse, 40 per cent of all reported pre-accredited delivery was in Vocational Skills programs, with Employment Skills programs making 25 per cent of delivery. Digital Literacy Skills (18 per cent) and Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skills programs (17 per cent) made the balance of all reported delivery. Of the pre-accredited training reported in Yarra Ranges, 55 per cent was in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skills programs, and the balance was in Vocational Skills programs (32 per cent), Employment Skills (seven per cent) and Digital Literacy programs (seven per cent). Contact for further information The ACFE Regional Councils are supported by Participation Branch staff. All enquiries regarding the 2016 Regional Council priorities should be directed to the Regional Manager in your region. North Eastern Victoria Region (NEV) (Eastern Metropolitan & Hume Regional Council Areas) Training Participation North Eastern Victoria Manager: Julie Hebert, 8392 9342 Senior Project Officer: Helen Reeves, 8392 9378 Project Officer: Angelo Pietrobon, 8392 9341 REGIONAL PRE-ACCREDITED DATA 2014 – EASTERN METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE 10