ENHANCED TETANUS SURVEILLANCE Responsible Centre: Immunisation, Hepatitis, and Blood Safety Department Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance and Control Public Health England 61 Colindale Avenue, London, NW9 5EQ Telephone: 020 8327 7621 Fax: 020 8327 7404 CIDSC use only: Number Week of notification Source of reporting PERSONAL DETAILS Name: Sex: ☐Male ☐Female Age: yrs or DoB: __/__/__ Ethnic group: ☐White ☐Mixed / Multiple ☐White British ☐White / Black Caribbean ☐Irish ☐White / Black African ☐Gypsy/Traveller ☐White / Asian Any other ethnic background, please describe: Place of Residence: ☐Asian / Asian British ☐Indian ☐Pakistani ☐Bangladeshi Recent travel abroad? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐Black / Black British ☐African ☐Caribbean ☐Other ☐ Arab ☐Chinese If yes, dates of travel: __/__/__ to __/__/__ If yes, place travelled to: Recent travel within the UK? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known If yes, dates of travel: __/__/__ to __/__/__ If yes, place travelled to: Occupation: CLINICAL DETAILS Date of onset of tetanus: __/__/__ Duration of illness: days Date of admission to hospital: __/__/__ Presenting features: ☐Trismus ☐Spasticity ☐Dysphagia ☐Respiratory embarrassment ☐Spasms ☐Autonomic dysfunction ☐Other, please specify: Was this patient treated with tetanus immunoglobulin (TIG) or Vigam? ☐TIG ☐Vigam ☐no ☐not known If yes, dates of onset of treatment: __/__/__ If yes, route of injection of TIG / Vigam: ☐ IM ☐IV ☐not known Final grade of severity of illness: mild to moderate trismus and general spasticity, little or no dysphagia, no respiratory ☐ Grade 1 (mild): embarrassment moderate trismus and general spasticity, some dysphagia and respiratory ☐ Grade 2 (moderate): embarrassment, and fleeting spasms occur. severe trismus and general spasticity, severe dysphagia and respiratory difficulties, ☐ Grade 3a (severe): and severe and prolonged spasms (both spontaneous and on stimulation). ☐ Grade 3b (very severe): as for severe tetanus plus autonomic dysfunction, particularly sympathetic overdrive. During the clinical course did the patient require admission to an intensive care or high dependency unit? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Last updated 14 July 2014 Please return the questionnaire by fax 020 8327 7404 FOA Sarah Collins (tel: 0208 327 7621) Page 1 of 4 OUTCOME ☐Discharged ☐Still inpatient ☐Died Post mortem done? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Dates:__/__/__ __/__/__ __/__/__ if died, cause of death If the final outcome for this case if is not yet available please complete the other sections of this form and return to the address below. HISTORY AND TREATMENT OF INJURY Was there a known or suspected underlying injury? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known If yes, date of injury: __/__/__ Did the injury take place at: ☐Work ☐Home/garden ☐Street/Road Accident ☐Other (specify): Please describe the circumstances of the injury: Was treatment given at the time of injury (before onset of tetanus)? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known If yes, which of the following were given: Antibiotics ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Debridement ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Tetanus toxoid ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Tetanus immunoglobulin ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐Other (please specify) IMMUNISATION HISTORY Was there a history of any previous tetanus immunisation? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known If yes, please list tetanus immunisation courses below Given? Date Dose 1 ☐yes ☐no ☐not known __/__/__ Dose 2 ☐yes ☐no ☐not known __/__/__ Dose 3 ☐yes ☐no ☐not known __/__/__ Dose 4 ☐yes ☐no ☐not known __/__/__ Dose 5 ☐yes ☐no ☐not known __/__/__ Any tetanus boosters given following 5th dose: ☐yes ☐no ☐not known If yes, please list dates: __/__/__, __/__/__, __/__/__, __/__/__ MICROBIOLOGY Have tetanus antitoxin levels been measured? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known If yes, date : __/__/__ level iu/ml Has tetanus been cultured? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Was tetanus toxin found in serum? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known If yes, date : __/__/__ INJECTING DRUG USE Did the case inject drugs in the past 6 months? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Duration of injecting drug use? years If NO then please go to the end. months Did the case inject drugs in the past month? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known If NO then please go to the end. Last updated 14 July 2014 Please return the questionnaire by fax 020 8327 7404 FOA Sarah Collins (tel: 0208 327 7621) Page 2 of 4 INJECTING DRUG USE Which of the following routes where used to take drugs in the past month? (please tick all that apply) Which was the main route of use? (please tick one) Smoking ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐main Snorting or sniffing ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐main Subcutaneous injection (Skin popping) ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐main Intramuscular injection (Muscle popping) ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐main Injecting into a vein (Mainlining) ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐main Other, please specify : If they had injected in to veins, did they at any time in the past month miss a vein? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Which of the following drugs or drug combinations did they inject in the past month? (tick all that apply) Which was the main drug or drug combination they used? (tick one) Heroin alone ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐main Crack alone ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐main Cocaine alone ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐main Heroin & crack together ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐main Heroin & cocaine together ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐main Methadone ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐main Other opiate ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐main Amphetamines ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐main Benzodiazepines ☐yes ☐no ☐not known ☐main Other, please specify If yes, which drug or drugs Had the appearance of any of the drugs they used changed in the past month? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known If yes, which drug or drugs Did the dealer, or supply, of the drugs they use change within the past month? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Please list all the areas (town or city) from which drugs were bought in the past month: Please list the site(s) of injecting in the last month: Arm ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Hand ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Leg ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Neck ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Groin ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Other, please specify: What did they use to dissolve drugs in the last month? ☐Citric acid ☐Ascorbic acid (vit. C) ☐Lemon juice ☐Vinegar ☐Other (specify) In the last month had any of the drugs they had used require more citric acid/ascorbic acid/vinegar/lemon juice than usual to dissolve? ☐yes ☐no ☐not known Last updated 14 July 2014 Please return the questionnaire by fax 020 8327 7404 FOA Sarah Collins (tel: 0208 327 7621) Page 3 of 4 For the next set of questions a ‘public place’ is street, road, alleyway, park, woodland, waste ground, towpath, under a bridge, or public toilet. In the last month did they? Buy/get drugs off a dealer, or friend, in a ‘public place’ or abandoned building? ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Use needle/syringe (works) that had been discarded by someone else? ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Use needle/syringe (works) that they found in a ‘public place’ or abandoned building? ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Use a filter that had been discarded by someone else? ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Use a filter that they found in a ‘public place’ or abandoned building? ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Use a spoon or other mixing container that had been discarded by someone else? ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Use a spoon or other mixing container, that they found in a ‘public place’ or abandoned building? ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Use a filter from a cigarette they had picked up off the floor or ground? ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Sleep rough in a ‘public place’ or abandoned building? ☐yes ☐no ☐nk In the last month did they inject in any of these locations? An abandoned building ☐yes ☐no ☐nk A street, road, or alleyway ☐yes ☐no ☐nk A park ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Woodland or waste ground ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Towpath or under a bridge ☐yes ☐no ☐nk A public toilet ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Hostel ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Squat ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Do they usually clean their injection site with iodine, alcohol, or steret/mediswab before injecting? ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Do they usually wash their injection site with soap and water before injecting? ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Do they usually wash their hands before injecting? ☐yes ☐no ☐nk What local signs were associated with injection site/s? Large abscess ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Extensive cellulitis ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Extensive oedema ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Extensive necrosis ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Extensive induration ☐yes ☐no ☐nk Form Completed by: Date: __/__/__ Telephone: Please give any additional comments below: Last updated 14 July 2014 Please return the questionnaire by fax 020 8327 7404 FOA Sarah Collins (tel: 0208 327 7621) Page 4 of 4