Weekly Reader rubric and directions

Weekly Reader Instructions
Four times per month we will use Weekly Readers to learn about current science
around us. You will follow the same directions each week.
You will use a Cornell Note Sheet to complete the following:
On the MAIN article side students will
 Place the Title of the Article in the upper right hand corner. Include
the date of the issue
 Place your first and last name, class, hour, and date in the upper left
hand corner.
Following Cornell expectations complete the following questions/vocabulary in the
following order.
1. What I know about the topic BEFORE I read.
2. Four questions you could ask or are curious about (with the answer or
your thoughts).
3. 4-5 NEW vocabulary words with the definitions (use the dictionary or
the article
4. A summary using the format
a. Sentence One: What you read about.
b. Sentence Two- Four: Three things you learned about.
c. Sentence Five: What you read and why it’s IMPORTANT.
Title and Date of
What I know about I know…….
I wonder how…
They say that….
I wonder how…
They say that….
Vocab word one
Vocab word two
Vocab word three
Vocab word four
Include and answer or thought.
Include and answer or thought.
Include and answer or thought.
Include and answer or thought.
Definition from Dictionary or article
Definition from Dictionary or article
Definition from Dictionary or article
Definition from Dictionary or article
Sentence One: What you read about.
Sentence Two- Four: Three things you learned about.
Sentence Five: What you read and why it’s IMPORTANT.
On the OTHER article side students will
 Write a one sentence reaction to EVERY (or the amount set by the teacher)
story in the edition.
 Write a summary on ONE of the small article in the edition.
 2-3 NEW vocabulary words with the definitions (use the dictionary)
Title and Date of
Title of article
Title of article
Title of article
Title of article
Title of article
Title of article
Title of article
Vocab word one
Vocab word two
Vocab word three
One sentence reaction.
One sentence reaction.
One sentence reaction.
One sentence reaction.
One sentence reaction.
One sentence reaction.
One sentence reaction.
Definition from Dictionary
Definition from Dictionary
Definition from Dictionary
Sentence One: What you read about.
Sentence Two- Four: Three things you learned about.
Sentence Five: What you read and why it’s IMPORTANT.
a. Weekly Reader Sheets will be used to assess your writing skills. Make sure
you are doing your best writing.
b. Weekly Reader Sheets will vary in point value depending on the number of
articles in the edition.
c. This assignment can be both individual and small group reading sessions.