Late Coursework Submission Deadlines are a fact of academic and working life and an ability to meet them efficiently without fuss or panic is an essential skill. You are expected to submit on time; our coursework deadlines are requirements which have to be met, not aspirational targets. We have been reviewing our approach to deadlines and extensions and our approach is going to be more rigorous in 2012-13 than in previous years. Principles Decisions about late coursework submission in Law School modules will be taken on this basis: The Law School expects students to prioritise the meeting of coursework deadlines: as far as possible to anticipate personal circumstances which may interfere with coursework, and to address those without seeking extra time. The Law School expects students to recognise that having to complete and submit a piece of work which the author thinks could have been improved with more time to finish it, is a normal state of affairs. Time spent trying to improve a substantially complete piece of coursework is often better spent on other work. Extra time will be granted only where there has been a significant impediment to a student’s completion and submission of the coursework on time. Evidence of a significant impediment must be provided at the time an application is made or as soon as possible thereafter. It is the sole responsibility of students to provide adequate evidence; the Law School will not issue reminders where evidence is not provided. Students who have an ‘inclusive learning plan’ and want an extension must return the the Law School Application for Late Coursework Submission form. Extensions specified in the plan will be granted by the Law School Office as a matter of course. Requests for extensions not specified in an ILP will still be considered, by the Stage Chief Examiner. Here, the existence of an ILP may be relevant but will not be conclusive. Arguments based on losing files or problems with information technology will not be considered, unless these result from a system failure on the part of the University or Law School. Arguments based on personal finances will not be considered unless, exceptionally, they amount to a ‘significant impediment’ to the completion and submission of the work. No extension of more than 5 working days will normally be granted. Procedure 1. General Late submission will be accepted only where there has been a significant impediment to completing and submitting by the deadline AND you provide adequate evidence of that impediment. 1 2. Applying for an extension in advance If you will be unable to complete and submit a piece of coursework by the deadline you are expected to apply for an extension in advance. This must be done Using the Law School Application for Late Coursework Submission form Submitting the completed form to the appropriate Law School Office (KLS Undergraduate Office, Eliot Extension, Canterbury or KLS Admin Office, Gillingham Building, Medway) by noon of the extension application date. (The extension application date for each piece of Law School coursework is listed on pages 4-6) Providing adequate evidence to support your application (If possible, evidence should be provided when the form is submitted. If this cannot be done then the evidence should go in as soon as possible thereafter. It is your responsibility to provide evidence; the Law School will not issue reminders. No extension will be confirmed and no mark recorded for assessment until adequate evidence has been provided.) Your application will be considered by the Stage Chief Examiner, who will give you a decision1 as soon as possible. That decision will let you know definitively by when you are required to submit – your extension application may be granted; you may be given a shorter extension than you applied for; your application may be turned down so that you are required to submit by the original deadline. In any case, the Stage Chief Examiner’s decision will be final: submission beyond the deadline which s/he stipulates, or any further application for an extension would be considered only in very exceptional circumstances. 3. Applying for an extension retrospectively If you are unable to complete and submit a piece of coursework by the deadline and unable to apply for an extension in advance by noon on the extension application date but still want to submit the coursework for assessment you will have to apply for an extension retrospectively. You should: Submit the coursework as soon as possible after the deadline Submit the Law School Application for Late Coursework Submission form to the Law School Office at the same time Provide adequate evidence to support your application (This will need to explain both why you were unable to submit the coursework by the deadline and why you were unable to apply for an extension in advance). Wherever possible you should apply in advance by noon on the extension application date. If you do so, you will get a decision which does allow you to submit work for assessment mark (whether you get the full extension applied for, a shorter extension or no extension). The very worst case is that you have about three days to finish the assessment. 1 If you do not provide adequate supporting evidence at the time of your application then this will be conditional on the later provision of such evidence. 2 If you do not apply in advance by noon on the extension application date, no application in advance will be considered – you will be too late. Retrospective application will still be considered but (as indicated above) this requires you to submit the work at the same time as the application. Here, the worst case is much more serious – if the application is refused you will get no assessment mark. 4. Assessments at a particular time The guidance above assumes written work to be submitted by a deadline. Some other forms of assessment take place at a particular time (for example presentations and in-class or online tests). If you will be unable to take the assessment at the scheduled time, arrangements are broadly the same as for written work with a deadline: Submit the Law School Application for Late Coursework Submission form as soon as possible, preferably at least three working days before the assessment is scheduled but in this instance at any later time before the assessment is scheduled if necessary. (You should also inform your seminar leader in advance where the work is an individual or group presentation or similar). If you are unable to submit the form before the assessment is scheduled then you should fill in the form and provide evidence on the basis that this is a retrospective application. You will be given another opportunity to take an assessment, which you are prevented by a significant impediment from taking, scheduled for a particular time. But it may not be possible to take the assessment in its original form. You must use any opportunities given by seminar leaders or module convenors to re-schedule within the basic module arrangements (for example there may be an alternative time available for an in-class or online test or a seminar leader may want to re-schedule a group presentation so as not to disrupt other students involved) but where this does not allow you to take the assessment you will need to complete the Law School Application for Late Coursework Submission form as indicated. Inevitably, details will vary from assessment to assessment. Please do not hesitate to ask your seminar leader or the Law School office if you are in any doubt on a particular scheduled assessment. Conclusion Assessments should be submitted by the deadline. Give yourself plenty of time, organise your work effectively and get into the habit of submitting on time. This is particularly important if, like many students, you have a complicated life and lots of commitments. Consistent submission on time reduces stress and hassle and will enhance your self-confidence and your reputation with staff who are teaching you and from whom you may want references. Don’t hesitate to apply for an extension if a significant and unpredictable problem means you need to, or if you have an inclusive learning plan which indicates there should be an extension; but only then. 3 DEADLINE DATES AND EXTENTION APPLICATION DATES Please note the deadline dates may be subject to change, please check regularly. Module Module Component Title LW315 LW315 LW325 LW592 LW592 LW616 Canterbury Medway Medway Canterbury Medway Canterbury LW312 Medway LW539 LW567 LW599 LW599 LW592 LW592 LW523 Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Medway Canterbury Medway Canterbury LW502 Canterbury LW573 LW599 LW599 LW520 LW520 Canterbury Canterbury Medway Canterbury Medway LW519 Canterbury LW508 Canterbury LW508 Medway LW313 LW313 LW323 Canterbury Medway Medway LW540 Canterbury LW312 Medway LW502 Canterbury LW506 LW509 Canterbury Canterbury LW513 Medway LW513 Canterbury LW514 Canterbury LW514 Medway LW517 Canterbury Case Note Case Note Case Note Problem Question Problem Question Mid-Term Paper Assessment One - Court Report Dissertation 1 Dissertation 1 Multiple Choice Test Multiple Choice Test Essay Plan for Special Study Essay Plan for Special Study First Essay Multiple Choice - Autumn Term Multiple Choice Test Problem +Essay Problem + Essay Timed Problem Question Timed Problem Question Multiple Choice Test Autumn Term Assessment 1 - Written Essay Assessment 1 - Written Esssay Critical Analysis Assignment Critical Analysis Assignment Critical Analysis Assignment Assessment 1 - Autumn Term Assessment Three - Rape Case Assessment on Obligations Autumn Term Essay Plan - Autumn Term Essay 1 - Autumn Term Assessment 1 - Autumn Term Assignment 1 - Autumn Term Problem Question - Autumn Term Problem Question - Autumn Term Autumn Term Essay Due Week Due Day Due Date 6 6 7 7 7 7 Friday Friday Monday Monday Monday Monday 02/11/2012 02/11/2012 05/11/2012 05/11/2012 05/11/2012 05/11/2012 Date application for extension form to be handed in to KLS (12 noon) Tues 30/10/2012 Tues 30/10/2012 Weds 31/10/2012 Weds 31/10/2012 Weds 31/10/2012 Weds 31/10/2012 7 Weds 07/11/2012 Fri 2/11/2012 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 Friday Friday Monday Monday Monday Monday Friday 09/11/2012 09/11/2012 12/11/2012 12/11/2012 19/11/2012 19/11/2012 23/11/2012 Tues 6/11/2012 Tues 6/11/2012 Weds 7/11/2012 Weds 7/11/2012 Weds 14/11/2012 Weds 14/11/2012 Tues 20/11/2012 10 Monday 26/11/2012 Weds 21/11/2012 10 11 11 11 11 Monday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday 26/11/2012 03/12/2012 03/12/2012 04/12/2012 04/12/2012 Weds 21/11/2012 Weds 28/11/2012 Weds 28/11/2012 Thurs 29/11/2012 Thurs 29/11/12 11 Thursday 06/12/2012 Mon 3/12/2012 12 Monday 10/12/2012 Weds 5/12/2012 12 Monday 10/12/2012 Weds 5/12/2012 12 12 12 Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday 12/12/2012 12/12/2012 12/12/2012 Fri 7/12/2012 Fri 7/12/2012 Fri 7/12/2012 12 Thursday 13/12/2012 Mon 10/12/2012 12 Friday 14/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 12 Friday 14/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 12 12 Friday Friday 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 12 Friday 14/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 12 Friday 14/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 12 Friday 14/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 12 Friday 14/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 12 Friday 14/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 4 LW518 LW518 LW539 LW541 LW544 Canterbury Medway Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury LW555 Canterbury LW561 Canterbury LW567 LW572 LW580 LW585 LW588 LW588 LW597 LW597 LW613 LW315 LW315 LW325 LW522 LW552 LW562 LW592 LW592 LW594 LW600 LW616 LW601 LW584 LW539 LW567 Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Medway Canterbury Medway Medway Canterbury Medway Medway Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Medway Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury LW502 Canterbury LW597 LW597 LW509 Canterbury Medway Canterbury LW519 Canterbury LW506 LW540 LW555 LW539 Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury LW502 Canterbury LW505 LW505 LW513 LW513 LW514 LW514 LW517 Canterbury Medway Medway Canterbury Canterbury Medway Canterbury LW518 Canterbury Essay - Autumn Term Essay - Autumn Term Commentaire 1 Essay 1 Essay Assessment 1 - Autumn Term Problem Question - Autumn Term Fiche 1 Essay 1 - Autumn Term Essay 1 Essay – Autumn Term Writing Task Writing Task Assessment One Assessment One Case Note Extended Legal Problem Extended Legal Problem Extended Legal Problem Essay One Autumn Term Essay Problem Question Special Study Essay Special Study Essay Essay Essay Final Paper Problem Question Written Assignment Commentaire 2 Dissertation 2 Multiple Choice - Spring Term Assessment Two Assessment Two Essay 2 - Spring Term Multiple Choice Test - Spring Term Essay - Spring Term Assessment 2 - Spring Term Assessment 2 - Spring Term Commentaire 3 Assessment - Corporate Form/Employment Law Spring Term Essay Essay Assessment 2 - Spring Term Assignment 2 - Spring Term Essay - Spring Term Essay - Spring Term Spring Term Essay Problem Question - Spring Term 12 12 12 12 12 Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 12 Friday 14/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 12 Friday 14/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 16 18 19 Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Wednesday Monday Friday Friday 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 14/12/2012 14/01/2013 14/01/2013 14/01/2013 14/01/2013 14/01/2013 14/01/2013 14/01/2013 14/01/2013 14/01/2013 14/01/2013 14/01/2013 16/01/2013 04/02/2013 22/02/2013 01/03/2013 Tues 11/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 Tues 11/12/2012 Wed 9/01/2013 Wed 9/01/2013 Wed 9/01/2013 Wed 9/01/2013 Wed 9/01/2013 Wed 9/01/2013 Wed 9/01/2013 Wed 9/01/2013 Wed 9/01/2013 Wed 9/01/2013 Wed 9/01/2013 Fri 11/01/2013 Wed 30/01/2013 Tues 19/02/2013 Tues 26/02/2013 20 Monday 04/03/2013 Wed 27/02/2013 21 21 22 Friday Friday Friday 15/03/2013 15/03/2013 22/03/2013 Tues 12/03/2013 Tues 12/03/2013 Tues 19/03/2013 22 Friday 22/03/2013 Tues 19/03/2013 23 23 23 23 Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday 28/03/2013 28/03/2013 28/03/2013 28/03/2013 Mon 25/03/2013 Mon 25/03/2013 Mon 25/03/2013 Mon 25/03/2013 24 Friday 05/04/2013 Tues 2/04/2013 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday 05/04/2013 05/04/2013 05/04/2013 05/04/2013 05/04/2013 05/04/2013 05/04/2013 Tues 2/04/2013 Tues 2/04/2013 Tues 2/04/2013 Tues 2/04/2013 Tues 2/04/2013 Tues 2/04/2013 Tues 2/04/2013 24 Friday 05/04/2013 Tues 2/04/2013 5 LW518 Medway LW520 LW520 LW541 LW561 LW567 LW572 LW579 LW580 LW588 LW588 LW323 LW313 LW313 LW522 LW552 Canterbury Medway Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Canterbury Medway Canterbury Canterbury Medway Medway Canterbury Medway Canterbury Canterbury Problem Question - 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