PHS Quarter 1 Curriculum Map

9th Grade Language Arts / PHS Core
Classroom Expectations and Syllabus
Teacher Contact Info:
Ms. Jessica Dahlke
Room F-101
Phone: (808) 327-4300 X2278
Email: Jessica_Dahlke/KEALAKEH/ (to submit projects or papers)
Materials You Will Need:
 Composition Book or Journal
 Blue or Black Pen (for assignments)
 Binder or folder
$5 Culinary Arts Lab Fee
Highlighter and Index Cards
Positive Attitude
What is this class?
Our class emphasizes both Language Arts and Public and Human Service Core concepts. If students meet
standards in both content areas, they can earn two credits for their work this year--one credit for 9th grade
English and one for PHS Core. Because we are learning two classes' worth of material in one period, students
should be prepared to complete 30 minutes of homework each night on average.
What is PHS Core?
PHS stands for Public and Human Services, one of the six CTE pathways. PHS classes teach students how to
communicate effectively--both orally and in writing. PHS classes also expose students to careers which require
people to work collaboratively with others. In this class we will be getting the opportunity to explore the
following careers:
Teacher’s Aide
Preschool Director
Administrative Assistant
Hair Stylist
Police Officer
Security Guard
FBI Agent
Political Scientist
Front Desk Clerk
HR Director
Hotel General Manager
Prep Cook
Wait Staff
Executive Chef
Sous Chef
Event Planner
Ticketing Agent
Pastor / Clergy
Social Wor
How do I earn 2 Credits for this Course?
Since this is technically an English class, all daily assignments, tests, essays, and projects will count toward
the English 9 grade. If students do not complete these tasks to satisfaction, they will not pass 9th grade
In order to receive the PHS credit for this course, students need to complete a portfolio. In the fourth quarter, I
will enroll eligible students in the PHS class. Any student who does NOT complete all components of the
portfolio to satisfaction will not receive the second credit (for PHS).
Required Portfolio Contents:
♦PHS Career Brochure ♦ Work Philosophy ♦Goal Essay ♦Difficult Customer Script ♦Hospitality Test ♦Hilton
Introductory Letter ♦Kitchen Sanitation/Safety Test ♦Social Problems Research Paper ♦Hawaiian Traditions
Expository Essay ♦ Virtual Hotel Certificate ♦Food Critique Essay
Tentative Timeline:
Quarter 1: Career Assessments, Hospitality and Tourism (Field trip to hotel)
Quarter 2: Law and Social Problems (Field trip to Friendly Place Homeless Shelter)
Quarter 3: Culinary Arts / Kahalu'u and Ancient Hawaiians (Field trips to I101 Culinary lab and Kahalu'u)
Quarter 4: Education and Romeo and Juliet (Possible field trip to Kealakehe Elementary School)
Texts we will be exploring:
Short Stories
Fahrenheit 451
Nonfiction Articles
To Kill a Mockingbird
Romeo and Juliet
Hospitality Textbook
Animal Farm
Whale Talk
Like all ninth grade English classes, we will be beginning our study of SAT vocabulary words. We will have a
vocabulary quiz every other Friday during class. Tests will be cumulative within each quarter.
Given the PTP requirement for high school graduation, we will be creating writing portfolios containing polished
research papers, essays, letters, and stories from this class. Students will also be expected to present work in
front of the class at least once each quarter.
Classroom Rules and Procedures:
1. Show Respect
 Respect all persons and property. Keep your hands to yourself. If something isn't yours, leave it
alone! The teacher's desk is absolutely off-limits.
 You must be quiet when the teacher (or another student) is presenting information to the class.
Be RESPECTFUL at all times!
 Come to class on time. Be in your seat working when the bell rings.
 Throwing ANYTHING in class will receive a detention. No warning will be given.
 Inappropriate language is absolutely not permitted in class.
 No food is to be eaten in class unless it is a part of the lesson activity. Gum is also not permitted.
Water bottles are allowed.
2. Do your BEST work at all times
 In life, hard work always pays off. Be persistent!
3. Make good choices for your learning
 Be prepared for class, bring all necessary materials, and begin working immediately.
 Do not wander / walk around the room during instruction or class discussion.
 Each student will receive five bathroom coupons per quarter. USE THEM WISELY! You will not be
allowed to leave the room without a signed coupon, unless your situation is an emergency.
No Pass, No Pee! Unused coupons can be redeemed for extra points at the end of the quarter.
 Plagiarism is absolutely prohibited. Any student caught cheating or copying will receive a zero and
have the incident reported to administration through PowerSchool.
 Push in chairs and clean the area around you before leaving. The last class of the day will put
chairs on tables and close windows. Stay in your seat until the teacher dismisses the class.
Classroom Consequences:
*Rules keep our classroom safe and orderly so that we can LEARN.
Breaking the rules is a CHOICE you make. If you break the rules, be
prepared to accept the CONSEQUENCES.
Verbal warning and documentation of incident
15-30 minute Wiki/ Lunch detention
Call or email to parents
Formative Assessment 50%
•Warm ups
•Class work
Grade Scale:
•SAT vocabulary quizzes
•Rhetorical terms quizzes
•Timed Writings
Summative Assessment 50%
90 - 100%
80 - 89%
70 - 79%
60 - 69%
59% and lower
I’s (Incompletes) have 2 weeks to make up work at
the end of the quarter. If the standard is not met
to satisfaction, the grade will become an F.
Late work:
 Homework is due at the beginning of class. Late class work and homework may not be accepted.
Major projects and papers will be accepted late, but will be deducted 10% of their value per day
late. Many essays can be revised for a better grade if they are turned in on time. Late essays
cannot be revised.
Make Up Work:
 It is YOUR responsibility to ask for make-up work if you are absent. If the absence is unexcused,
you will not be allowed to make up missing work. Inform your teacher if you are going to be absent
for more than two consecutive days. All absent work must be turned within one week of returning
to school.
Please return the following by Friday, August 9, 2013, with your $5 Lab Fee
Student Name:_____________________
Parent/Guardian Name:_____________________
Student Email:_____________________
Parent Email:_____________________________
Best telephone number to reach me:___________________________________
I understand the rules, policies, and expectations of this class. I agree to come to class prepared and
willing to learn. I am aware of the consequences for breaking class rules.
Student Signature:
Parent Signature: