Staff Update 3 – September 2015 Only 1 MONTH TO GO until the start of the 2015 Welsh Museums Festival and still a lot to do! Have you received your promotional materials? All museums that ordered promotional packs should have received them by now. If you haven’t please get in touch asap. We have spares of all the materials e.g. pencils, badges, posters, postcards – so if you do require anymore please let us know! Have you thought about taking a photo of the materials and putting on Facebook/Twitter to start building excitement? All the materials plus – Empty belly poster to insert your local event information Online banners for your website (if you can’t use these please ensure you have Festival logo linking to on your local website/s) Pop up banner artwork Logos in various formats & brand guidelines Hashtag/’I Support’ selfie posters Can all be found here Have you checked your museum details and inputted your events on the website? Take a look at / To update your museum information or add events/images to the What's On listings on the website please follow the staff website instructions PLEASE INPUT YOUR EVENTS BY 30 SEPTEMBER in order to take advantage of the Festival marketing opportunities. Please include images to correspond to your events if possible as it really helps with promotion and much more likely to be picked up by the media. Please note – any events which apply to Museums at Night (30-31 Oct) will automatically be inserted into the Museums at Night database so no need to do this twice (don’t worry if already done both). If you wanted to have a look at the Museums at Night events listing please see Can you offer a photo opportunity? We are looking for photo opportunities over the next few weeks specifically those that will highlight your events and activities which we can use for media purposes. Obviously the photos will have to be ‘staged’ and it may be a case of roping in some of your existing visitors but if you can think of a good photo opportunity at your museum please get in touch and we can discuss further details. This worked really well for Festival of Museum Scotland and the images were picked up by the media numerous times. Did you miss the Festival staff workshops? If so, all the presentations can be found on the Federation website – Thanks to everyone that attended – hope you found it a useful day. Where possible, please share the presentations with your teams and front of house to ensure everyone is fully informed about the Festival from a local and national point of view. Have you seen the social media staff pack? This pack (on the Federation website-use link above) has information and tips on getting involved on social media plus suggested themes to help you plan and create fun and engaging content for the Festival. Top Tips Share the staff pack with all staff and discuss content ideas now! Include the Festival hashtag in all tweets - #welshmuseumsfest / #gwylamgueddfeydd Photographs in your social media posts mean that your posts will gain a larger reach. Start to source some photographs that you can use. Follow/like – Twitter - @WelshMuseums Facebook - /amgueddfeyddcymruwelshmuseums Will there be a press release template? Yes – a press release template with quotes will be produced for you to use and adapt for local media. This will be circulated asap. Don’t forget to send your press releases to us (Audience Development Team) for the Festival website and to Visit Wales – who may feature it on their website. How about evaluation? An evaluation pack will be circulated over the next couple of weeks so you can share with staff and plan how you are going to capture all the feedback! If you have any good ideas for evaluation please get in touch asap so I can include in the pack. Any questions/comments? Nicola Williams Tel: 01978 722988 Bethan Rogers Tel: 01978 722995