Minutes - Watford Rural Parish Council

MINUTES OF THE MEETING of the Council Meeting held at the Parish Hall, Oxhey Drive on
WEDNESDAY 4th February 2015 at 7.45pm.
Ahead of the meeting, a presentation by Liam O’Connor Architects was given regarding Valley
View Farm.
Chairperson Cllr. B O’Brien
Vice Chairperson Cllr. W Waite
Councillors: Mr E Bishop, , Mrs J King, Mrs P King, Mr S King, Mr J Kyles,
Mrs A Scarth,
Michele Fundrey – Clerk
PC Dan Jones
Oxhey Police
1 Member of the Public
Apologies for absence were received from:
Cllrs. Ms. I Able, Ms.A Bakshi, Mr P Gordon, Mrs. P Hames, Mr B Jukes,
ABSENT: Cllr. D Wilkinson
PC Dan Jones reported that it had been a quiet month.
PC Jones advised that 5 PCSO’s have been very active using the Speed Indication Device
(SID), particularly near schools.
PC Jones reported that Nathan Jordon received a 2 month prison sentence for fly-tipping
on land at Little Oxhey Lane.
Two local youths have been arrested for the burglary that took place at the Sir James
Altham swimming pool.
Shoplifting has unfortunately increased. Two youths have been arrested in connection
with shoplifting from a wine shop.
PC Jones reported that Operation Fortify involves Police looking at homes at dusk time to
see which homes are in the dark which will encourage burglaries. If homes are found to
be in the dark, the Police are posting advice notices through the doors.
The Police are currently recruiting for PC’s, Specials and PCSO’s.
PC Jones was pleased to report that 40% of residents within Three Rivers District had
signed up to OWL, this is 20% ahead of other towns within Hertfordshire.
For information, PC Jones advised that over the next 5 years all homes will have water
Council Meeting 2014/2015
meters installed.
PC Jones reported that domestic abuse has increased by 110% within the District.
Unfortunately a large percentage is within the Parish.
Cllr. Waite advised that parents were parking on corners of roads by schools causing
obstructions. PC Jones advised that they can only issue tickets as this is not a Police
matter. This would be a matter for The Parking Shop.
Cllr. J King advised that she had seen the Police using SID on Hayling Road. The Police
were clearly visible, therefore cars were not speeding, which is good news. Cllr. J King
requested if SID could be used on Oxhey Drive. PC Jones advised that they are intending
to do speed checks on Oxhey Drive, but it was just finding the right spot (for safety
Cllr. S King informed PC Jones that on Gosforth Lane, cars are parking on both sides of
the road causing a bottle neck and problems for buses. PC Jones noted the comment.
PC Jones was requested to look at a tow truck that is parked on the pavement in Benson
Road, this type of parking is illegal and is causing an obstruction.
PC Dan Jones was thanked for his time and left the meeting.
Chairperson Cllr. Brendan O’Brien advised that Agenda item 10.2 will be discussed under Part II,
as consideration will be given to staff matters.
The Chairperson asked the member of Public if they wished to discuss an item on the
agenda. The member of public did not wish to discuss an item on the agenda, but
requested some advice. The Chairperson permitted the member of public to ask his
The member of public requested guidance in relation to dustcarts driving across the grass
verge at The Watergate in Carpenders Park. Members advised the gentleman who to
speak to at Three Rivers District Council.
The member of public thanked the Chairperson for allowing his time to ask the question.
The Minutes were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairperson.
107.1. Minute 95.5 – Bus Shelters
107.1.1. Hampermill Lane Bus Shelter
The Clerk advised that she had received the quotes from Adspace and
Ken Hobson.
Ken Hobson’s quote for replacing the roof shingles will be approximately
£500.00, although he was waiting for confirmation of this cost. Mr
Hobson advised that in his opinion the structure is sound and would be
more than suitable for use once the repairs have been carried out.
Members were concerned that the quote was only for the shingles on the
roof and not other repairs such as the cladding. Concern was also raised
Council Meeting 2014/2015
in relation to the time that it has taken Mr Hobson to get back to us with a
quote, therefore it was questioned whether he could be relied upon to
repair the bus shelter in a timely fashion.
Cllr. Scarth suggested that maybe a working party to stain the bus shelter
could be arranged. The Clerk advised that for safety reasons this would
not be allowed as the bus shelter is very close to the road.
Adspace’s quotation for the repairs was £2,420 (net). This quote included
for removal of existing materials, replace all wooden panels and treat.
Replace the roof with felt.
The Members preferred the shingle option for the roof.
The Clerk is to contact Ken Hobson requesting a full quote for all work to
be carried out. Due to the timescale in submitting his previous quote, it
was agreed to give him 2 weeks to respond.
The Clerk is to contact Adspace and request a revised quote for a shingle
Consideration was given to the costs. The Oxhey Hall Residents
Association have kindly offered to contribute towards the cost of the bus
shelter. The Members requested that the Clerk contact County Councillor
Frances Button to see if she would contribute towards the bus shelter
from her Locality Budget (say £1,000).
Members agreed to authorise the Clerk for expenditure of £1,500 from the
Council’s precept towards the cost of the repairs to the bus shelter. The
Clerk/Chairperson to liaise once the quotes are returned.
RESOLVED that the Clerk is authorised to spend £1,500 on the repairs to
the Hampermill Lane bus shelter, this is in addition to any donation from
County Councillor Frances Button and the Oxhey Hall Residents
107.1.2. Gosforth Lane Bus Shelter
The Clerk confirmed that the bus shelter has been ordered. The shelter
will be supplied and installed by Adspace.
CORRESPONDENCE for consideration
No correspondence received for consideration.
The planning applications for January were considered:109.1. Ref: 15/0132/FUL – Greenfield Park Play Area
The Chairperson requested that the member of public leaves the room whilst the
Clerk discusses her concern relating at wording in the document.
The member of public returned to the room.
The Clerk advised that she was meeting with Tom Darlington & Charlotte Gomes
(TRDC) so that they could show the plans for the park. This meeting will be held
on Friday 6th February. The Carpenders Park Ward Councillors have also been
Council Meeting 2014/2015
Cllr. J King reported that the SOI Steering Committee met on the 19th January 2015 and
disappointingly nothing was mentioned about the grant application by the District Council.
The Steering Committee first learned of this in the Watford Observer like everybody else.
TRDC were awarded £2.5m towards the regeneration.
111.1. The accounts for January 2015 were not ready in time for the meeting.
111.2. Precept 2015/2016
The revised draft precept was considered and approved. The Clerk explained that
although the precept has increased, there is no increase to the electorate. This is
due to an increase in the base rate and a contribution from general reserves.
RESOLVED that the Precept 2015/2016 be approved at £222,174.
RESOLVED that as the following item relates to staff matters, the press and public
be excluded from the discussion, under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings)
Act 1960 and the Local Government Act 1972, ss100 & 102.
No urgent business to be discussed.
There being no further business to be considered, the Chairperson closed the meeting at 9.35pm.
Chairperson, 4th March 2015
Council Meeting 2014/2015