Adult Education Planning Process in the Peralta Community College

Adult Education Planning Process in the Peralta Community College District region
In 2013, the California State Legislature
allocated $25 million to regional consortia
(based on community college district regions)
to develop plans with the shared goal of better
serving the educational needs of adult
learners. These areas must be addressed in
the plans:
Elementary and secondary basic skills,
including classes required for a high school
Classes and courses for immigrants in
English as a second language (ESL),
citizenship, and workforce preparations;
Education programs for adults with
Short-term career technical education
(CTE) programs with high employment
potential; and
Programs for apprentices.
The State maintains this website with
information: http://ab86/
In Northern Alameda County, a regional
consortium has been formed between:
The Peralta Community College District
and its four colleges:
o Berkeley City College
o College of Alameda
o Laney College
o Merritt College
Alameda Unified School District
Albany Unified School District
Berkeley Unified School District
Emery Unified School District
Oakland Unified School District
Piedmont Unified School District
This Northern Alameda County Regional
Consortium for Adult Education (NACRCAE)
received $334,914 from the State to develop a
regional plan between April, 2014 and March
1, 2015. NACRCAE is posting information on:
around five platforms for participation (see the
organizational chart below):
Members’ Cabinet is comprised of the Peralta
Chancellor, College Presidents, and K-12
Superintendents or their designees. They will
provide direction to the Consortium and serve
as the final decision-making body.
Working Group is a representative group of
community college and K-12 faculty and
administrators. It will lead the process of the
five program areas as well as the development
of the overall plan. It will serve as “staff” to
the Member’s Cabinet.
The Regional Planning Process
Representatives from each of the institutional
members of the NACRCAE Consortium have
been meeting since 2013 to secure the
planning funds and to establish a planning
process. To facilitate this process and to
perform the needs assessment and gap
analysis and help craft our regional plan, the
Consortium has retained a consulting team
from WestEd and the Career Ladders Project.
The proposed process is designed to be
inclusive of the community and other
stakeholder groups, balanced between K-12
and community college interests, and focused
to develop a regional plan within the
timeframe provided by the State. It is built
Faculty from both the Peralta Colleges and K12
Adult Schools will lead and participate in the
process in multiple ways: via the Program
Area Groups and Plenary Sessions. Faculty will
co-chair the five Program Area Groups and
serve on the Working Group.
Community Partners from a broad spectrum of
stakeholder groups including the Oakland and
Alameda County Workforce Investment Boards
(WIBs), the Alameda County Probation Office,
Corrections, community-based organizations
(CBOs), labor organizations, and business
associations and will be included in the
Program Groups and planning process.
Program Area Groups are open to all
interested parties and will meet as needed.
To be sure you are on the email list to be notified of
planning meetings, please contact Christian Nelson,
Project Coordinator, at
Adult Education Planning Process in the Peralta Community College District region
Northern Alameda County Adult
Education Regional Consortium:
Meeting Schedule 2014-15
Date and Time
Wednesday, April 30, 9 – 11 a.m.
Thursday, May 8, 3:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 22, 4 – 6 p.m.
Thursday, June 5, 9 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Thursday, June 12, 4 – 6 p.m.
Thursday, June 26, 3 – 4 p.m.
Thursday, June 26, 4 – 6 p.m.
Working Group
Planning the Kick-Off session
All-Faculty Kick-Off: Vision, Needs, Gaps
Working session
Community Partners’ Kick-Off: Vision,
Needs, Gaps and related input
Working session
Members’ Cabinet pre-meeting
Consortium Leaders’ provide input on 1st
report due to the State July 31.
Final feedback on Report #1
(K12 &
Tuesday, July 8, 9:00 -11:00 a.m.
First Regional Report due to the State on July 31 (Plan Objectives #1, #2, and #4 to-date)
Working Meeting
Thursday, August 28, 4 – 6 p.m.
Preparation for All-Faculty meeting
Thursday, September 11, 4 – 6 p.m.
Thursday, September 18, 4 – 7 p.m.
De-brief All-Faculty meeting #2
Thursday, September 25, 4 – 6 p.m.
Members’ Cabinet pre-meeting
Thursday, October 9, 3 -4 p.m.
Consortium leaders guide report #2 prep
Thursday, October 9, 4 -6 p.m.
Working meeting
Thursday, October 23, 4 – 6 p.m.
Second Regional Report due to the State on October 31 (Plan Objectives #1-7 plan-to-date)
Prepare for final plenary meeting
Thursday, November 13, 4 – 6 p.m.
Final plenary meeting to shape our plan
Thursday, December 4, 4 – 7 p.m.
Members’ Cabinet pre-meeting
Thursday, December 11, 3 – 4 p.m.
Consortium leaders guide draft plan prep
Thursday, December 11, 4 - 6 p.m.
Draft Regional Comprehensive Plan due to the State on December 31
Working meeting – discuss plan feedback
Thursday, February 12, 3 – 4 p.m.
Consortium leaders finalize final plan
Thursday, February 12, 4 - 6 p.m.
Final Regional Comprehensive Plan due to the State on March 1, 2015
Note: Program Area Groups will meet as needed and as determined by their faculty co-chairs.
Adult Education Planning Process in the Peralta Community College District region
Northern Alameda County
Regional Consortium for Adult
Members’ Cabinet
Includes 6 members from Peralta Community
College District (PCCD) and one from each of the six
K-12 School Districts (SD).
Final decision-making by CONSENSUS (6 PCCD; 6 SD).
PCCD Chancellor and SD Superintendents determine
the decision makers(s) for their organization.
Meets every 2 months for to guide process.
Fiscal Agent
Responsible for all
budget reports and
management of grant
Not a fiscal decisionmaker
The Consultants will develop the needs
assessment, gap analysis, research
existing programs, advise on the plan
development process and shared
governance models and provide best
practices from other regions, shape
meeting agendas and facilitate broadbased participation of Consortia
members and other community
Members’ Workgroup
Not final decision-makers. Meets 1-2x’s per
month. Responsible for overall planning, plan
development, and managing the consultants.
Drives and coordinates the work of the five
Program Areas
12 members total (6 from PCCD; 6 from SD’s).
Comprised of two co-chairs (one from PCCD as
well as the Project Coordinator from OUSD) and
the 10 Program Area Group co-chairs.
District representatives on this Workgroup cannot
be the same as those on the Members’ Cabinet.
Project Coordinator
The Project Coordinator will coordinate
the planning process: provide staff
support to the Members’ Cabinet,
Workgroup, and Program Groups; work
with the fiscal agent, partners and PDA;
and ensure clear and comprehensive
communication across the Consortium
throughout the process.
5 Program Groups
Each Group meets 1x per month;
2 Co-Chairs per group (1CCD/1 SD) – Co-Chairs selected by Members’ Cabinet from PCCD faculty and SD teacher/leaders; Faculty will receive stipends for
Students, partners, and other stakeholders in the regional Adult Education system will be invited to join and participate in these Program Groups.
DSPS/Adults with
Career Technical
Programs for