Medical fee schedule Effective date: 1 July 2015 Contents Returning to work and the role of the health provider 4 ReturnToWorkSA’s expectations 4 How to use this fee booklet 5 Schedule 1A – Clinical medical services Variations to the Medicare Benefits Schedule 6 6 Derived fees 10 Schedule 1B – Other medical services 49 Short medical report – treating doctor .................................................................................................................. 49 Short medical report – treating doctor .................................................................................................................. 50 Standard medical report – treating doctor (excluding psychiatrists) ...................................................................... 51 Complex medical report – treating doctor (excluding psychiatrists) ....................................................................... 52 Standard medical report – treating psychiatrist ..................................................................................................... 53 Complex medical report – treating psychiatrist ..................................................................................................... 54 Consultation, medical review for preparation of a report – treating doctor ............................................................ 54 Reading time to prepare a report – treating doctor................................................................................................ 55 Medical report clarification – treating doctor ......................................................................................................... 56 Telephone calls ..................................................................................................................................................... 57 Case conference .................................................................................................................................................... 57 Worksite assessment............................................................................................................................................. 58 Third-party consultation ........................................................................................................................................ 59 Attendance at a dispute resolution ........................................................................................................................ 60 Travel time: worksite assessment, case conference, dispute resolution or third-party consultation ....................... 61 Cancellation: case conference, worksite assessment, dispute resolution or third-party consultation ..................... 61 Job analysis and/or recommended job description statement ............................................................................... 62 Specified duties form ............................................................................................................................................ 63 Photocopying ........................................................................................................................................................ 63 Travel time – emergency attendance .................................................................................................................... 63 Travel time– emergency retrieval team ................................................................................................................. 64 Extra-corporeal shockwave therapy ...................................................................................................................... 64 Services delivered by ear, nose and throat surgeons .............................................................................................. 66 Services delivered by medical practitioners ........................................................................................................... 66 Services delivered by medical practitioners in the practice of hypnotherapy ......................................................... 66 Independent medical examiner services 67 Independent medical examiner – short medical report .......................................................................................... 68 Independent medical examiner – medical report (excluding psychiatrists)............................................................. 69 Independent medical examiner – psychiatrists medical report ............................................................................... 69 Independent medical examiner – consultation, medical review for preparation of a report .................................... 70 Independent medical examiner – reading time .......................................................................................................71 Independent medical examiner – medical report clarification .................................................................................71 Independent medical examiner – travel time: worksite assessment, case conference, dispute resolution or third party consultation ................................................................................................................................................. 72 Independent medical examiner – non-attendance or cancellation of an appointment ............................................73 Independent medical examiner – travel for examinations ...................................................................................... 74 Permanent impairment services 75 Permanent impairment assessor – standard report ............................................................................................... 75 ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 2 Permanent impairment assessor – moderately complex report ............................................................................. 76 Permanent impairment assessor – complex report ................................................................................................ 76 Permanent impairment assessor – ENT report ....................................................................................................... 78 Permanent impairment assessor – standard report where an examination is conducted with the assistance of an interpreter ............................................................................................................................................................. 79 Permanent impairment assessor – moderately complex report where an examination is conducted with the assistance of an interpreter.................................................................................................................................... 79 Permanent impairment assessor – complex report where an examination is conducted with the assistance of an interpreter ............................................................................................................................................................. 81 Permanent impairment assessor – ENT report where an examination is conducted with the assistance of an interpreter ............................................................................................................................................................. 82 Permanent impairment assessor – non-attendance or cancellation of an appointment ......................................... 82 Permanent impairment assessor – supplementary report ...................................................................................... 82 Permanent impairment assessor – additional reading time .................................................................................... 83 Permanent impairment assessor – travel for examinations .................................................................................... 84 General information Appropriately qualified providers 85 85 Emergency admission of injured workers to a psychiatric institution 85 Frequently asked questions 86 Key sections of the Return to Work Act 2014 88 Account process for patients with a work injury 91 Accounts and invoicing standards 92 Useful contacts Claims agents 93 93 Self-insured employers 93 ReturnToWorkSA Serious Injury Unit 93 Allianz Australia SA CTP 93 ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 3 Returning to work and the role of the health provider Why return to work is important The beneficial effect that work can have on a person’s health and wellbeing has been well evidenced in the Australian and New Zealand consensus statement on the health benefits of work - Position statement 2011: Realising the Health Benefits of Work. Source: The Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AFOEM), and The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP). The health provider’s role in the recovery process Health providers have a vital role to play in helping injured workers stay at or return to work. The health provider is best placed to advise and educate patients that, in most cases, a focus on return to work is in their best interest – for both their future, quality of life and that of their family. Staying at home until completely recovered is often not the best thing for an injured worker. Health providers can help by focusing on what a worker can do rather than what they can’t. To help make a difference, ensure that you: screen for risk early adopt a whole person approach set clear expectations provide clear certification of the worker’s capacity and detail about what the worker can do on the Work Capacity certificate make enough time for clinical management contact the workplace where applicable. For more information, visit the health provider tab at ReturnToWorkSA’s expectations Medical reports The following guidelines apply to all reports in this schedule: printed on A4 size paper and margins no more than 2.5cms line spacing of no more than 1.5 lines and font size no more than 12pt addressed specifically to the report requestor. Payments Payment for services contained in this schedule will not be made in advance. All costs incurred by an injured worker under this fee schedule are subject to approval for payment. To ensure payment, it is recommended to seek case manager authorisation prior to the provision of the service. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 4 How to use this fee booklet This fee schedule must be read in conjunction with ReturnToWorkSA’s Medical Guidelines, available on our website at This booklet contains information on services and fees that apply to medical practitioners who provide services to workers who are managed under the Return to Work scheme. This publication is based on Schedule 1A and 1B published by the Minister for Industrial Relations in the South Australian Government Gazette. Gazetted fees are the maximum fees chargeable, excluding GST. Where applicable, GST can be applied over and above the gazetted fee. All services and fees in this schedule are effective 1 July 2015. Invoicing and service provision is actively monitored to ensure services are billed in accordance with this fee schedule and that services are reasonable for the work injury and payable under the Return to Work Act 2014, (the Act). This schedule is divided into three sections: 1. Schedule 1A – Clinical medical services Schedule 1A utilises the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item numbers, descriptions and payment rules with the permission from the Commonwealth of Australia. ReturnToWorkSA has made some variations to the Medicare Benefits Schedule services to reflect the Return to Work scheme. Please refer to page 6-10 for an explanation of these items. In order to reduce the size of this publication, we have not included service descriptors and guidelines. However, For the full service descriptions, please refer to the Medicare Benefits Schedule or the Government Gazette. 2. Schedule 1B – Other medical services Schedule 1B includes services specifically related to the Return to Work scheme. This schedule includes: 3. treating doctor services independent medical examinations permanent impairment assessments. General information This section provides general information relating to account and invoicing standards, useful contact numbers and information, medical expert referrals, completing a Work Capacity Certificate and relevant sections of the Return to Work Act 2014 (the Act). For copies of this document visit our website at The gazetted sections (1A and 1B) of this schedule, complete with descriptions can be downloaded from the South Australian Government Gazette website at If you have any questions please call ReturnToWorkSA on 13 18 55. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 5 Schedule 1A – Clinical medical services This schedule must be read in conjunction with ReturnToWorkSA’s Medical Schedule Guidelines. These guidelines are available from our website The following abbreviations apply: DF = Derived fees: Refer to the derived fee descriptions on pages 10 to 16. NA = Not applicable: These services are not applicable to the Return to Work scheme. Variations to the Medicare Benefits Schedule Category One, Group A3 – Specialist referred consultation Item 104 (initial specialist consultation) has been split into two – item 104 is now for consultations of 25 minutes or less, and item 104A is for consultations of more than 25 minutes. This two-tiered structure was created in recognition that some highly specialised provider groups occasionally need to undertake longer initial consultations due to the medical complexity of the case. Under this structure the specialist has the flexibility to allocate the appropriate consultation time required. Item no. Service description 00104 Specialist, referred consultation of 25 minutes or less – surgery or hospital. Max fee (ex GST) $146.90 Professional attendance at consulting rooms or hospital by a specialist in the practice of his or her specialty where the patient is referred to him or her. Initial attendance in a single course of treatment, not being a service to which item 00106 or 00109 apply. 0104A Specialist, referred consultation of more than 25 minutes – surgery or hospital. Professional attendance at consulting rooms or hospital by a specialist in the practice of his or her specialty where the patient is referred to him or her. Initial attendance in a single course of treatment, not being a service to which item 00106 or 00109 apply. $178.40 Note 1: Item number 0104A is not to be charged for independent medical examinations (IME) – refer to Schedule B for IME consultation. Note 2: These item numbers are for initial consultations only. Doctors should bill subsequent consultations in the usual manner. Note 3: The majority of consultations should fall into the 00104 category. The fact that a patient has a work injury claim should not automatically necessitate a longer consultation. Factors that would extend the length of the consultation include: the need to obtain a more detailed history or perform a more extensive examination than usual additional time is required to review previous investigations, results or reports previous intervention or other related medical complaints necessitate increased time and effort in order to determine appropriate treatment extensive advice/counselling regarding ongoing treatment is required Category 1, Group A4 – Consultant physician attendances to which no other item applies ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 6 Item no. Service description 00132 Professional attendance of at least 45 minutes duration for an initial assessment of a patient with at least two morbidities where the patient is referred by a medical practitioner, and where: Max fee (ex GST) $347.80 (a) assessment is undertaken that covers: a comprehensive patient history including psychosocial history and medication review comprehensive multi or detailed single organ system assessment the formulation of differential diagnoses, and (b) a treatment and management plan is developed and provided to the referring practitioner that involves: an opinion on diagnosis and risk assessment treatment options and decisions including suggestions to facilitate a return to work medication recommendations, not being an attendance on a patient in respect of whom, an attendance under item 00110, 00116 and 00119 has been received on the same day by the same consultant physician. 00133 Note 1: Item 00132 is only available once in the preceding 12 months. Note 2: Should further reviews of the treatment and management plan be required, the appropriate item for such service(s) is 00116. Note 3: A written copy of the treatment and management plan must be provided to the patient and referring medical practitioner. Professional attendance of at least 20 minutes duration subsequent to the first attendance in a single course of treatment for a review of a patient with at least two morbidities where: a) $181.90 a review is undertaken that covers: review of initial presenting problem(s) and results of diagnostic investigations review of responses to treatment and medication plans initiated at time of initial consultation comprehensive multi or detailed single organ system assessment, review of original and differential diagnoses; and b) a modified treatment and management plan is provided to the referring practitioner (see Note 3) that involves, where appropriate: a revised opinion on the diagnosis and risk assessment treatment options and decisions including suggestions to facilitate a return to work revised medication recommendations, not being an attendance on a patient in respect of whom, an attendance under item 00110, 00116 and 00119 has been received on the same day by the same consultant physician. Note 1: Item 00133 is only available twice in the preceding 12 months. Note 2: Should further reviews of the treatment and management plan be required, the appropriate item for such service(s) is 00116. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 7 Note 3: A written copy of the treatment and management plan must be provided to the patient, referring practitioner and relevant allied health provider involved in treatment. Category 1, Group A15 – GP management plans and team care arrangements Item no. Service description 00721 Attendance by a medical practitioner (including a general practitioner, but not including a specialist or consultant physician) for the PREPARATION of a GP MANAGEMENT PLAN (GPMP) for a patient. Max fee (ex GST) $171.30 This Chronic Disease Management (CDM) service is for a patient who has at least one medical condition that has been (or is likely to be) present for at least six months. The GPMP must be in writing and contain suggestions to facilitate a return to work. A copy of the GPMP must be given to the patient. A fee will not be paid within twelve months of a previous claim for item 00721, or within three months of a claim for item 00732 (for a review of a GPMP), except where there are exceptional circumstances that require the preparation of a new GPMP. 00723 Attendance by a medical practitioner (including a general practitioner, but not including a specialist or consultant physician) to COORDINATE the development of TEAM CARE ARRANGEMENTS (TCAs) for a patient. This Chronic Disease Management (CDM) service is for a patient who: $135.40 (a) has at least one medical condition that has been (or is likely to be) present for at least six months; and (b) requires ongoing care from at least three collaborating health or care providers, each of whom provides a different kind of treatment or service to the patient, and at least one of whom is a medical practitioner. The medical practitioner shall document the TCA and provide a copy to the collaborating health or care providers and to the patient. A fee will not be paid within twelve months of a previous claim for item 00723, or within three months of a claim for item 00732 (for a review of TCAs), except where there are exceptional circumstances that require the coordination of new TCAs. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 8 Category 1, Group A15 – GP management plans and team care arrangements Item no. Service description 00732 Attendance by a medical practitioner (including a general practitioner, but not including a specialist or consultant physician) to: Max fee (ex GST) $85.70 (a) REVIEW A GP MANAGEMENT PLAN (GPMP) to which item 00721 applies. Where these services were provided by that medical practitioner (or an associated medical practitioner). This Chronic Disease Management (CDM) service is for a patient who has at least one medical condition that has been (or is likely to be) present for at least six months. If following a review of the GPMP variations or changes are agreed then those amendments must be in writing with a copy given to the patient. (b) COORDINATE A REVIEW OF TEAM CARE ARRANGEMENTS to which item 00723 applies. This Chronic Disease Management (CDM) service is for a patient who has at least one medical condition that has been (or is likely to be) present for at least six months and also requires ongoing care from at least three collaborating health or care providers, each of whom provides a different kind of treatment or service to the patient, and at least one of whom is a medical practitioner. If following a review of the TCA variations or changes are agreed then the medical practitioner shall provide a written copy of the variations or changes to the collaborating health or care providers and to the patient. Each service to which item 00732 applies may only be claimed once in a three month period, except where there are exceptional circumstances that necessitate earlier performance of the service to the patient. Category 3, Group T9 – Assistance at operations Note: Benefit in respect of assistance at an operation is not payable unless the assistance is rendered by a medical practitioner other than the anaesthetist or assistant anaesthetist. The amount specified is the amount payable whether the assistance is rendered by one or more than one medical practitioner. Item no. Service description 51300 Assistance at any operation identified by the word ‘Assist’ for which the fee does not exceed $962.10 or at a series or combination of operations identified by the word ‘Assist’ where the fee for the series or combination of operations identified by the word ‘Assist’ does not exceed $962.10. 51303 Assistance at any operation identified by the word ‘Assist’ for which the fee exceeds $962.10 or at a series of operations identified by the word ‘Assist’ for which the aggregate fee exceeds $962.10. Max fee (ex GST) $150.50 DF Derived fee: One fifth of the established fee for the operation or combination of operations. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 9 Category 4, Group O2 – Assistance at operations Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) 51800 Assistance by an approved dental practitioner in the practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery at any operation identified by the word ‘Assist’ for which the fee does not exceed $962.10 or at a series or combination of operations identified by the word ‘Assist’ where the fee for the series or combination of operations identified by the word ‘Assist’ does not exceed $962.10. $150.50 51803 Assistance by an approved dental practitioner in the practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery at any operation identified by the word Assist’ for which the fee does not exceed $962.10 or at a series or combination of operations identified by the word ‘Assist’ where the aggregate fee exceeds $962.10. DF Derived fee: One fifth of the established fee for the operation or combination of operations. Derived fees All other derived fees Item no. Service description 00099 Professional attendance on a patient by a specialist practising in his or her specialty if: (a) the attendance is by video conference; and (b) the attendance is for a service: (i) provided with item 104 lasting more than 10 minutes; or (ii) provided with item 105; and (c) the patient is not an admitted patient; and (d) the patient: (i) is located both: (a) within a telehealth eligible area; and (b) at the time of the attendance-at least 15 kms by road from the specialist; or (ii) is a care recipient in a residential care service; or (iii) is a patient of: (a) an Aboriginal Medical Service; or (b) an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service for which a direction made under subsection 19 (2) of the Health Insurance Act 1973applies. Derived fee: 50% of the fee for the associated item. 00112 Professional attendance on a patient by a consultant physician practising in his or her specialty if: (a) the attendance is by video conference; and (b) the attendance is for a service: (i) provided with item 110 lasting more than 10 minutes; or (ii) provided with item 116, 119, 132 or 133; and (c) the patient is not an admitted patient; and (d) the patient: (i) is located both: (A) within a telehealth eligible area; and (B) at the time of the attendance-at least 15 kms by road from the physician; or (ii) is a care recipient in a residential care service; or (iii) is a patient of: (A) an Aboriginal Medical Service; or (B) an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service for which a direction made under subsection 19 (2) of the Health Insurance Act 1973 applies. Derived fee: 50% of the fee for the associated item. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 10 Item no. Service description 00149 Professional attendance on a patient by a consultant physician or specialist practising in his or her specialty of geriatric medicine if: (a) the attendance is by video conference; and (b) item 141 or 143 applies to the attendance; and (c) the patient is not an admitted patient; and (d) the patient: (i) is located both: (A) within a telehealth eligible area; and (B) at the time of the attendance-at least 15 kms by road from the physician or specialist; or (ii) is a care recipient in a residential care service; or (iii) is a patient of: (A) an Aboriginal Medical Service; or (B) an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service for which a direction made under subsection 19 (2) of the Health Insurance Act 1973 applies. Derived fee: 50% of the fee for the associated item. 00288 Professional attendance on a patient by a consultant physician practising in his or her specialty of psychiatry if: (a) the attendance is by video conference; and (b) item 291, 293, 296, 300, 302, 304, 306, 308, 310, 312, 314, 316, 318, 319, 348, 350 or 352 applies to the attendance; and (c) the patient is not an admitted patient; and (d) the patient: (i) is located both: (A) within a telehealth eligible area; and (B) at the time of the attendance - at least 15 kms by road from the physician; or (ii) is a care recipient in a residential care service; or (iii) is a patient of: (A) an Aboriginal Medical Service; or (B) an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service for which a direction made under subsection 19 (2) of the Health Insurance Act 1973 applies. Derived fee: 50% of the fee for item 291, 293,296, 300, 302, 304, 306, 308, 310, 312, 314, 316, 318, 319, 348, 350 or 352. 02820 Professional attendance on a patient by a specialist or consultant physician practising in his or her specialty of pain medicine if: (a) the attendance is by video conference; (b) and the attendance is for a service: (i) provided with item 2801 lasting more than 10 minutes; or (ii) provided with item 2806 or 2814; and (c) the patient is not an admitted patient; and (d) the patient: (i) is located both: (A) within a telehealth eligible area; and (B) at the time of the attendance-at least 15 kms by road from the specialist or physician; or (ii) is a care recipient in a residential care service; or (iii) is a patient of: (A) an Aboriginal Medical Service; or (B) an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service for which a direction made under subsection 19 (2) of the Health Insurance Act 1973 applies. Derived fee: 50% of the fee for the associated item. 03015 Professional attendance on a patient by a specialist or consultant physician practising in his or her specialty of palliative medicine if: (a) the attendance is by video conference; and (b) the attendance is for a service: (i) provided with item 3005 lasting more than 10 minutes; or (ii) provided with item 3010 or 3014; and (c) the patient is not an admitted patient; and (d) the patient: (i) is located both: (A) within a telehealth eligible area; and (B) at the time of the attendance-at least 15 kms by road from the specialist or physician; or (ii) is a care recipient in a residential care service; or (iii) is a patient of: (A) an Aboriginal Medical Service; or (B) an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service for which a direction made under subsection 19 (2) of the Health Insurance Act 1973 applies. Derived fee: 50% of the fee for the associated item. Item no. Service description ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 11 06016 Professional attendance on a patient by a specialist practising in his or her specialty of neurosurgery if: (a) the attendance is by video conference; and (b) item 6007, 6009, 6011, 6013 or 6015 applies to the attendance; and (c) the patient is not an admitted patient; and (d) the patient: (i) is located both: (A) outside an inner metropolitan area; and (B) at the time of the attendance-at least 15 kms by road from the specialist; or (ii) is a care recipient in a residential care service; or (iii) is a patient of: (A) an Aboriginal Medical Service; (B) or an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service for which a direction made under subsection 19 (2) of the Health Insurance Act 1973 applies. Derived fee: 50% of the fee for the associated item. 13210 Professional attendance on a patient by a specialist practising in his or her specialty if: (a) the attendance is by video conference; and (b) item 13209 applies to the attendance; and (c) the patient is not an admitted patient; and (d) the patient: (i) is located both: (A) within a telehealth eligible area; and (B) at the time of the attendance-at least 15 kms by road from the specialist; or (ii) is a care recipient in a residential care service; or (iii) is a patient of: (A) an Aboriginal Medical Service; (B) or an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service for which a direction made under subsection 19 (2) of the Health Insurance Act 1973 applies. Derive fee: 50% of the fee for the associated item. 15003 Radiotherapy, superficial (including treatment with x-rays, radium rays or other radioactive substances), not being a service to which another item in this group applies each attendance at which fractionated treatment is given. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields. Derived fee: The fee for item 15000 ($71.10) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $40.70. 15009 Radiotherapy, superficial, attendance at which single dose technique is applied. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields. Derived fee: The fee for item 15006 ($189.80) plus each field in excess of one, an amount of $43.10. 15103 Radiotherapy, deep or orthovoltage each attendance at which fractionated treatment is given at three or more treatments per week. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields (rotational therapy being three fields). Derived fee: The fee for item 15100 ($79.60) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $44.80. 15109 Radiotherapy, deep or orthovoltage each attendance at which fractionated treatment is given at two treatments per week or less frequently. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields (rotational therapy being three fields). Derived fee: The fee for item 15106 ($94.10) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $54.10. 15115 Radiotherapy, deep or orthovoltage attendance at which single dose technique is applied. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields (rotational therapy being three fields). Derived fee: The fee for item 15112 ($200.70) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $112.50. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 12 Item no. Service description 15214 Radiation oncology treatment, using cobalt unit or caesium teletherapy unit each attendance at which treatment is given. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields (rotational therapy being three fields). Derived fee: The fee for item 15211 ($88.60) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $55.00. 15230 Radiation oncology treatment, using a single photon energy linear accelerator with or without electron facilities – each attendance at which treatment is given. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields (rotational therapy being three fields) – treatment delivered to primary site (lung). Derived fee: The fee for item 15215 ($99.50) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $66.00. 15233 Radiation oncology treatment, using a single photon energy linear accelerator with or without electron facilities – each attendance at which treatment is given. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields (rotational therapy being three fields) – treatment delivered to primary site (prostate). Derived fee: The fee for item 15218 ($99.50) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $66.00. 15236 Radiation oncology treatment, using a single photon energy linear accelerator with or without electron facilities – each attendance at which treatment is given. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields (rotational therapy being three fields) – treatment delivered to primary site (breast). Derived fee: The fee for item 15221 ($99.50) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $66.00. 15239 Radiation oncology treatment, using a single photon energy linear accelerator with or without electron facilities – each attendance at which treatment is given. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields (rotational therapy being three fields) – treatment delivered to primary site for diseases and conditions not covered by items 15230, 15233 or 15236. Derived fee: The fee for item 15224 ($101.50) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $66.00. 15242 Radiation oncology treatment, using a single photon energy linear accelerator with or without electron facilities – each attendance at which treatment is given. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields (rotational therapy being three fields) – treatment delivered to secondary site. Derived fee: The fee for item 15227 ($101.50) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $66.00. 15260 Radiation oncology treatment, using a dual photon energy linear accelerator with a minimum higher energy of at least 10MV photons, with electron facilities – each attendance at which treatment is given. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields (rotational therapy being three fields) – treatment delivered to primary site (lung). Derived fee: The fee for item 15245 ($101.50) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $66.00. 15263 Radiation oncology treatment, using a dual photon energy linear accelerator with a minimum higher energy of at least 10MV photons, with electron facilities – each attendance at which treatment is given. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields (rotational therapy being three fields) – treatment delivered to primary site (prostate). Derived fee: The fee for item 15248 ($99.50) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $66.00. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 13 Item no. Service description 15266 Radiation oncology treatment, using a dual photon energy linear accelerator with a minimum higher energy of at least 10MV photons, with electron facilities – each attendance at which treatment is given. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields (rotational therapy being three fields) – treatment delivered to primary site (breast). Derived fee: The fee for item 15251 ($101.50) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $66.00. 15269 Radiation oncology treatment, using a dual photon energy linear accelerator with a minimum higher energy of at least 10MV photons, with electron facilities – each attendance at which treatment is given. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields (rotational therapy being three fields) – treatment delivered to primary site for diseases and conditions not covered by items 15260, 15263 or 15266. Derived fee: The fee for item 15254 ($101.50) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $66.00. 15272 Radiation oncology treatment, using a dual photon energy linear accelerator with a minimum higher energy of at least 10MV photons, with electron facilities – each attendance at which treatment is given. – Two or more fields up to a maximum of five additional fields (rotational therapy being three fields) – treatment delivered to secondary site. Derived fee: The fee for item 15257 ($101.50) plus for each field in excess of one, an amount of $66.00. 16399 Professional attendance on a patient by a specialist practising in his or her specialty of obstetrics if: (a) the attendance is by video conference; and (b) item 16401, 16404, 16406, 16500, 16590 or 16591 applies to the attendance; and (c) the patient is not an admitted patient; and (d) the patient: (i) is located both: (A) within a telehealth eligible area; and (B) at the time of the attendance-at least 15 kms by road from the specialist; or (ii) is a care recipient in a residential care service; or (iii) is a patient of: (A) an Aboriginal Medical Service; (B) or an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service for which a direction made under subsection 19 (2) of the Health Insurance Act 1973 applies. Derived fee: 50% of the fee for the associated item. 16633 Procedure on multiple pregnancies relating to items 16606, 16609, 16612, 16615 and 16627. Derived fee: 50% of the fee for the first foetus for any additional foetus tested. 16636 Procedure on multiple pregnancies relating to items 16600, 16603, 16618, 16621 and 16624. Derived fee: 50% of the fee for the first foetus for any additional foetus tested. 17609 Professional attendance on a patient by a specialist practising in his or her specialty of anaesthesia if: (a) the attendance is by video conference; and (b) item 17610, 17615, 17620, 17625, 17640, 17645, 17650, or 17655 applies to the attendance; and (c) the patient is not an admitted patient; and (d) the patient: (i) is located both: (A) within a telehealth eligible area; and (B) at the time of the attendance-at least 15 kms by road from the specialist; or (ii) is a care recipient in a residential care service; or (iii) is a patient of: (A) an aboriginal medical service; or (B) an aboriginal community controlled health service for which a direction made under subsection 19 (2) of the Health Insurance Act 1973 applies. Derived fee: 50% of the fee for the associated item. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 14 Item no. Service description 18219 Intrathecal or epidural infusion of a therapeutic substance, initial injection or commencement of, where continuous attendance by the medical practitioner extends beyond the first hour. Derived fee: The fee for item 18216 ($373.90) plus $36.50 for each additional 15 minutes or part thereof beyond the first hour of attendance by the medical practitioner. 18227 Intrathecal or epidural infusion of a therapeutic substance, initial injection or commencement of, where continuous attendance by the medical practitioner extends beyond the first hour, for a patient in labour, where the service is provided in the after-hours period, being the period from 8pm to 8am on any weekday, or any time on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday. Derived fee: The fee for item 18226 ($574.50) plus $45.60 for each additional 15 minutes or part thereof beyond the first hour of attendance by the medical practitioner. 25025 Emergency anaesthesia performed in the after-hours period where the patient requires significant threat to life or body part and where more than 50% of the time for the emergency anaesthesia service is provided in the after-hours period, being the period from 8pm to 8am on any weekday, or at any time on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday – not being a service associated with a service to which item 25020, 25030 or 25050 applies. Derived fee: An additional amount of 50% of the fee for the anaesthetic service. That is: (a) an anaesthesia item(s) in the range 20100 – 21997 or 22900 plus, (b) an item in the range 23010 – 24136, plus (c) where applicable, an item in the range 25000 – 25015, (d) where performed, any associated therapeutic or diagnostic service(s) in the range 22001 – 22050. 25030 Assistance at after-hours emergency anaesthesia where the patient requires immediate treatment without which there would be significant threat to life or body part and where more than 50% of the time for which the assistant is in professional attendance on the patient is provided in the after-hours period, being the period from 8pm to 8am on any weekday, or at any time on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday – not being a service associated with a service to which item 25020, 25025 or 25050 applies. Derived fee: An additional amount of 50% of the fee for the anaesthetic service. That is: (a) an assistant anaesthesia item in the range 25200 - 25205 plus, (b) an item in the range 23010 – 24136, plus (c) where applicable, an item in the range 25000 – 25015 plus, (d) where performed, any associated therapeutic or diagnostic service(s) in the range 22001 – 22050. 25050 After-hours emergency perfusion where the patient requires immediate treatment without which there would be significant threat to life or body part and where more than 50% of the perfusion service is provided in the after-hours period, being the period from 8pm to 8am on any weekday, or at any time on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday – not being a service associated with a service to which item 25020, 25025 or 25030 applies. Derived fee: An additional amount of 50% of the fee for the perfusion service. That is: (a) item 22060, plus (b) an item in the range 23010 – 24136, plus (c) where applicable, an item in the range 25000 – 25015 plus, (d) where performed, any associated therapeutic or diagnostic service(s) in the range 22001 – 22050 and 22065 – 22075. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 15 Item no. Service description 25200 Assistance in the administration of anaesthesia on a patient in imminent danger of death requiring continuous life-saving emergency treatment, to the exclusion of all other patients (five basic units). Derived fee: An amount of $264.50 (5 basic units) plus an item in the range 23010 – 24136 plus, where applicable, an item in the range 25000 – 25020. 25205 Assistance in the administration of elective anaesthesia where: (i) the patient has complex airway problems; or (ii) the patient is a neonate or a complex paediatric case; or (iii) there is anticipated to be massive blood loss (greater than 50% of blood volume) during the procedure; or (iv) the patient is critically ill, with multiple organ failure; or (v) where the anaesthesia time exceeds six hours and the assistance is provided to the exclusion of all other patients (five basic units). Derived fee: An amount of $264.50 (5 basic units), plus an item in the range 23010 – 24136, plus, where applicable, an item in the range 25000 – 25020. 30001 Operative procedure, not being a service to which any other item in this group applies, being a service to which an item in this group would have applied had the procedure not been discontinued on medical grounds. Derived fee: 50% of the fee which would have applied had the procedure not been discontinued. 31340 Note: Multiple operation and multiple anaesthetic rules apply to this item. Muscle, bone or cartilage, excision of one or more of, where clinically indicated, where the specimen excised is sent for histological confirmation, performed in association with excision of malignant tumour of skin covered by item 31255, 31256, 31257, 31258, 31260, 31261, 31262, 31263, 31265, 31266, 31267, 31268, 31270, 31271, 31272, 31273, 31275, 31276, 31277, 31278, 31280, 31281, 31282, 31283, 31285, 31286, 31287, 31288, 31290, 31291, 31292, 31293, 31295, 31300, 31305, 31310, 31315, 31320, 31325, 31330 or 31335 (Anaes.) Derived fee: 75% of the fee for excision of malignant tumour. 44376 Amputation stump, reamputation of, to provide adequate skin and muscle cover (Assist). Derived fee: 75% of the original amputation fee. 51309 Assistance at a series or combination of operations which have been identified by the word ‘Assist’ and assistance at a delivery involving Caesarean section. Derived fee: One-fifth of the established fee for the operation or combination of operations (the fee for item 16520 being the schedule fee for the Caesarean section component in the calculation of the established fee). 51312 Assistance at any interventional obstetric procedure covered by items 16606, 16609, 16612, 16615, 16627 and 16633. Derived fee: One-fifth of the established fee for the procedure or combination of procedures. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 16 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Category 1: Professional attendances Fees incorporate the completion and lodgement of a medical certificate where appropriate. GP attendances 00003 $27.80 00004 (per patient) $74.90 00020 (per patient) $97.20 00023 $69.60 00024 (per patient) $110.70 00035 (per patient) $133.10 00036 $112.10 00037 (per patient) $155.50 00043 (per patient) $177.90 00044 $170.50 $216.9 0 $239.2 0 00047 (per patient) 00051 (per patient) 00052 NA 00053 NA 00054 NA 00057 00058 00059 00060 00065 NA Please use item numbers between 1 – 51 NA NA NA NA 00092 NA 00093 NA 00095 NA 00096 NA Specialist attendances 00099 DF 00104 $146.90 0104A $178.40 00105 $81.00 00106 00107 $131.30 $173.00 00108 $111.80 00109 $210.90 Consultant physician attendances 00110 $244.80 00112 DF Specialist attendance 00113 $101.60 Consultant physician attendances 00114 $179.10 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 00116 $125.90 00306 $349.70 00412 $134.00 00119 $64.90 00308 $393.50 00413 $198.30 00122 $273.40 00310 $89.30 00128 $157.00 00312 00131 $122.60 00314 00132 $347.80 00316 00133 $181.90 Other attendances 00414 (1 patient) $76.40 $138.50 00414 (2) $54.50 $188.80 00414 (3) $47.10 $241.80 00414 (4) $43.50 00318 $247.00 00414 (5) $41.30 00319 $295.50 00414 (6) $39.80 00135 $347.80 00320 $81.10 00137 $347.80 00322 $163.70 00415 (1 patient) 00139 $213.20 00324 $242.00 00415 (2) $93.00 00141 $547.20 00326 $349.70 00415 (3) $85.60 00143 $342.00 00328 $405.60 00415 (4) $82.00 00145 $663.30 00330 $110.10 00415 (5) $79.80 00147 $414.60 00332 $179.00 00415 (6) $78.30 00149 DF 00334 $244.80 00415 (>7) $73.60 00160 $317.10 00336 $349.70 00416 (1 patient) $177.90 00161 $512.50 00338 $474.80 00416 (2) $156.00 00162 $692.50 00342 $83.00 00416 (3) $148.60 00163 $861.60 00344 $114.20 00416 (4) $145.00 00164 $1,019.60 00346 $163.00 00416 (5) $142.80 00170 $216.70 00348 $219.10 00416 (6) $141.30 00171 $222.60 00350 $317.80 00416 (>7) $136.60 00172 $256.00 00352 $153.20 00417 (1 patient) $242.20 00173 $43.20 00353 $84.70 00417 (2) $220.30 00193 $64.40 00355 $169.10 00417 (3) $212.90 $108.30 00356 $248.20 00417 (4) $209.30 00195 (2) $86.40 00357 $342.50 00417 (5) $207.10 00195 (3) $79.00 00358 $417.20 00417 (6) $205.60 00195 (4) $75.40 00359 $472.60 00417 (>7) $200.90 Emergency physician attendances 00195 (1 patient) 00195 (5) $73.20 00361 $361.60 00195 (6) $71.70 00364 $72.30 00195 (>7) $67.00 00366 $147.10 00197 $102.60 00367 $215.50 00199 $171.80 00369 $327.10 00370 $355.90 NA Psychiatrist attendances 00288 DF 00384 00289 $433.10 00385 00291 $547.20 00386 00293 $342.00 00387 00296 $375.00 00388 00297 $375.00 00389 00299 $445.00 00300 $81.10 Public health physician attendances 00302 $163.70 00304 $242.00 Please use item numbers between 110 – 128 NA NA NA NA NA 00410 $32.50 00411 $71.00 00414 (>7) $35.10 $114.90 00501 $63.90 00503 $108.80 00507 $181.50 00511 $257.80 00515 $332.00 00519 $250.30 00520 $388.30 00530 $615.40 00532 $861.70 00534 $1,108.20 00536 $1,046.60 Urgent attendances after hours 00597 $193.00 00598 $193.00 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 17 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 00599 $279.80 02122 (5) $42.00 02199 (6) $219.10 02522 (4) $125.60 00600 $214.90 02122 (6) $40.70 02199 (>7) $215.60 02522 (5) $123.40 00701 $70.90 02122 (>7) $37.20 02220 (1 patient) $282.90 02522 (6) $121.90 00703 $163.50 02125 (1 patient) $104.50 02220 (2) $247.80 02522 (>7) $117.20 00705 $225.50 02125 (2) $69.40 02220 (3) $236.00 02525 $168.70 00707 $318.60 02125 (3) $57.60 02220 (4) $230.20 02526 (1 patient) $212.60 00715 $251.50 02125 (4) $51.80 02220 (5) $226.70 02526 (2) $190.70 00721 $171.30 02125 (5) $48.30 02220 (6) $224.30 02526 (3) $183.30 00723 $135.40 02125 (6) $45.90 02220 (>7) $217.60 02526 (4) $179.70 00729 NA 02125 (>7) $39.20 02497 $27.50 02526 (5) $177.50 00731 NA 02126 $74.60 02501 $61.00 02526 (6) $176.00 00732 $85.70 $104.90 02526 (>7) $171.30 00735 $60.40 02137 (1 patient) $113.70 02503 (1 patient) NA 02137 (2) $94.20 02503 (2) $83.00 02546 00739 NA 02137 (3) $87.60 02503 (3) $75.60 02547 (1 patient) 00743 NA 02137 (4) $84.40 02503 (4) $72.00 02547 (2) $82.40 00747 NA 02137 (5) $82.40 02503 (5) $69.80 02547 (3) $75.00 00750 NA 02137 (6) $81.10 02503 (6) $68.30 02547 (4) $71.40 00758 NA 02137 (>7) $77.60 02503 (>7) $63.60 02547 (5) $69.20 00820 NA 02138 (1 patient) $144.90 02504 $114.60 02547 (6) $67.70 00822 NA 02138 (2) $109.80 02506 (1 patient) $158.50 02547 (>7) 00823 NA 02138 (3) $98.00 02506 (2) $136.60 02552 $114.60 00825 NA 02138 (4) $92.20 02506 (3) $129.20 02553 (1 patient) $158.50 00826 NA 02138 (5) $88.70 02506 (4) $125.60 02553 (2) $136.60 00828 NA 02138 (6) $86.30 02506 (5) $123.40 02553 (3) $129.20 00830 NA 02138 (>7) $79.60 02506 (6) $121.90 02553 (4) $125.60 00832 NA 02143 $144.40 02506 (>7) $117.20 02553 (5) $123.40 00834 NA 02147 (1 patient) $183.50 02507 $168.70 02553 (6) $121.90 00835 NA 02147 (2) $164.00 02509 (1 patient) $212.60 02553 (>7) $117.20 00837 NA 02147 (3) $157.40 02509 (2) $190.70 02558 $168.70 00838 NA 02147 (4) $154.20 02509 (3) $183.30 02559 (1 patient) $212.60 00855 NA 02147 (5) $152.20 02509 (4) $179.70 02559 (2) $190.70 00857 NA 02147 (6) $150.90 02509 (5) $177.50 02559 (3) $183.30 00858 NA 02147 (>7) $147.40 02509 (6) $176.00 02559 (4) $179.70 00861 NA 02179 (1 patient) $214.70 02509 (>7) $171.30 02559 (5) $177.50 00864 NA 02179 (2) $179.60 02517 $60.40 02559 (6) $176.00 00866 NA 02179 (3) $167.80 02518 (1 patient) $104.30 02559(>7) $171.30 00871 NA 02179 (4) $162.00 02518 (2) $82.40 02598 NA 00872 NA 02179 (5) $158.50 02518 (3) $75.00 02600 NA 00880 NA 02179 (6) $156.10 02518 (4) $71.40 02603 00900 $252.10 02179 (>7) $149.40 02518 (5) $69.20 00903 $172.60 02100 $34.20 $104.30 $63.00 Please use NA 02606 item NA NA 02195 $212.60 02518 (6) $67.70 02610 numbers 02199 (1 patient) $251.70 02518 (>7) $63.00 02613 between NA 2497-2559 NA 02122 (1 patient) $73.30 02199 (2) $232.20 02521 $114.60 02616 02122 (2) $53.80 02199 (3) $225.60 02522 (1 patient) $158.50 02620 NA 02122 (3) $47.20 02199 (4) $222.40 02522 (2) $136.60 02622 NA 02122 (4) $44.00 02199 (5) $220.40 02522 (3) $129.20 02624 NA DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 18 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 02631 02633 02635 02664 02666 02668 02673 Please use item numbers between 2497-2559 02675 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) NA 02984 $348.30 05227 NA 10984 NA NA 02988 $464.10 05228 NA 10986 NA $157.50 05260 NA 10987 NA NA 10988 NA NA 10989 NA NA 10990 NA NA 02992 NA 02996 $253.10 05263 NA 03000 $345.30 05265 NA 03003 $179.10 05267 NA 03005 $244.80 Neurosurgery attendances 10991 NA NA 03010 $125.90 06004 $153.80 10992 NA 06007 $240.0 0 10997 NA 02677 NA 03014 $64.90 02700 $117.70 03015 DF 02701 $173.20 03018 $273.40 02712 $179.10 03023 $157.00 02713 $130.60 03028 $118.60 02715 $149.50 03032 $232.10 02717 $220.00 03040 $348.30 02721 $132.70 03044 $464.10 02723 (1 patient) $176.60 03051 $120.90 02723 (2) $154.70 03055 $218.80 02723 (3) $147.30 03062 $345.30 02723 (4) $143.70 03069 $252.50 02723 (5) $141.50 03074 $378.90 02723 (6) $140.00 03078 $505.00 02723 (>7) $135.30 03083 $157.50 02725 $178.10 03088 $253.10 02727 (1 patient) $222.00 03093 $345.30 02727 (2) $200.10 04001 $124.70 02727 (3) $192.70 05000 $45.10 02727 (4) $189.10 05003 (per patient) $91.80 02727 (5) $186.90 05010 (per patient) 02727 (6) $185.40 05020 02727 (>7) $180.70 05023 (per patient) $136.50 02799 $179.10 05028 (per patient) 02801 $266.80 $158.9 0 02806 $125.90 02814 $64.90 02820 DF 02824 $273.40 02832 $157.00 02840 $118.60 02946 $232.10 02949 $348.30 02954 $464.10 02958 $120.90 02972 $253.10 02974 $264.40 02978 $252.50 $114.10 $90.50 05040 $143.50 05043 (per patient) $188.30 05049 (per patient) $210.50 05060 05063 (per patient) 05067 (per patient) 05200 $221.8 0 $268.2 0 $290.5 0 Please use item numbers between 5000-5067 06009 06011 06013 06015 $80.40 $162.8 0 $224.4 0 $265.0 0 06016 DF Contact lenses attendances 10801 10802 10803 10804 10805 10806 10807 10808 10809 10816 $201.9 0 $201.9 0 $201.9 0 $229.1 0 $201.9 0 $201.9 0 $201.9 0 $201.9 0 $201.9 0 $201.9 0 Category 8: Miscellaneous services Category 2: Diagnostic procedures & investigations 11000 11003 11004 $231.20 $509.2 0 $568.0 0 11005 $543.70 11006 $263.5 0 11009 $352.20 11012 $187.00 11015 $266.5 0 11018 $389.70 11021 $263.70 11024 $176.70 11027 $260.9 0 11200 $62.60 11204 $179.60 11205 $179.60 11210 $179.60 11211 $179.60 11215 $230.9 0 $285.5 0 10950 NA 11218 10951 NA 11221 $155.70 10952 NA 11222 10953 NA $149.5 0 11224 $86.80 10954 NA 11225 $82.40 10956 NA 11235 $232.10 10958 NA 10960 NA 11237 $154.4 0 $154.4 0 NA 10962 NA 11240 05203 Please use NA 10964 NA item 11241 $182.30 05207 NA 10966 NA 05208 numbers NA 11242 10968 NA $145.4 0 NA 10970 NA 11243 $133.00 NA 10983 NA 11244 $124.70 11300 $306.8 05220 05223 between 5000-5067 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 19 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 0 11724 $316.10 12521 $211.40 13709 $76.30 $306.8 0 $499.9 0 11727 $160.00 12524 $264.20 13750 $211.00 11800 $325.90 12527 $141.70 13755 $211.00 11810 $287.30 12530 $211.40 13757 $102.00 11306 $34.50 11820 $2,469.10 12533 $141.10 13760 $1,188.30 11309 $40.40 11823 $3,403.60 $134.80 $58.30 11830 $236.80 Category 3: Therapeutic procedures 13815 11312 13818 $208.10 11315 $76.30 11833 $404.70 13830 $117.50 11318 $106.70 11900 $47.90 11321 $180.2 0 11903 $210.20 11324 $58.30 11906 $188.60 11327 $36.70 11909 $275.60 11330 $14.00 11912 $281.70 11332 $97.30 11915 $281.70 11333 $75.90 11917 $728.60 11336 $83.30 11919 $728.60 11339 $76.30 11921 $142.20 11500 $278.8 0 12000 $71.90 11503 $232.30 12003 $108.10 11506 $32.50 11509 $64.10 11512 $95.50 11600 $101.80 11602 $89.90 11604 $93.90 11605 $91.40 11610 $89.90 11611 $89.90 11612 $141.10 11614 $93.90 11615 $132.10 11303 11304 11627 $379.80 11700 $53.20 11701 $26.40 11702 $26.40 11708 $213.30 11709 $286.50 11710 $94.80 11711 $53.20 11712 $266.50 11713 $131.30 11715 $202.00 11718 $60.80 11721 $120.20 11722 $60.90 12012 $38.80 12015 $116.70 12018 $153.50 12021 $222.20 12200 $69.60 12201 $2,892.20 12203 $891.70 12207 $891.70 12210 $1,165.50 12213 $1,050.00 12215 $1,165.50 12217 $1,050.00 12250 $559.60 12306 $180.20 12309 $180.20 12312 $180.20 12315 $180.20 12318 $170.90 12321 $180.20 12323 $170.10 12500 $337.00 12503 $621.70 12506 $449.50 12509 $337.00 12512 $187.50 12515 $352.20 12518 $175.40 13015 $423.00 13020 $432.40 13025 $217.40 13030 $272.60 13100 $242.10 13103 $135.10 13104 $247.10 13106 $182.90 13109 $429.50 13110 $379.40 13112 $260.90 13200 $4,963.30 13201 $4,639.60 13202 $744.50 13203 $891.30 13206 $1,251.10 13209 $192.00 13210 DF 13212 $604.90 13215 $209.10 13218 $1,729.70 13221 $107.20 13251 $717.30 13290 $339.20 13292 $678.90 13300 $94.60 13303 $140.30 13306 $554.70 13309 $473.10 13312 $47.20 13318 $377.70 13319 $377.70 13400 $158.60 13500 $284.50 13503 $561.80 13506 $306.80 13700 $517.20 13703 $188.60 13706 $128.90 13839 $38.40 13842 $106.60 13847 $283.40 13848 $216.20 13851 $839.40 13854 $194.50 13857 $240.50 13870 $524.60 13873 $384.40 13876 $107.80 13881 $265.80 13882 $209.30 13885 $278.70 13888 $143.70 13915 $111.10 13918 $152.80 13921 $173.60 13924 $101.50 13927 $133.20 13930 $185.90 13933 $203.90 13936 $133.20 13939 $152.80 13942 $101.50 13945 $82.10 13948 $101.50 14050 $88.10 14053 $88.10 14100 $405.40 14106 $405.40 14109 $488.90 14112 $586.50 14115 $596.00 14118 $835.20 14124 $322.00 14200 $107.10 14201 $388.80 14202 $196.70 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 20 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 14203 $82.10 15272 DF 15562 $1,526.80 16609 $823.70 14206 $52.60 15303 $595.90 15600 $3,655.00 16612 $648.00 14209 $144.00 15304 $595.90 15700 $80.70 16615 $345.30 14212 $309.40 15307 $1,129.70 15705 $134.70 16618 $350.00 14218 $158.60 15308 $1,129.70 15710 $135.20 16621 $345.30 14221 $89.30 15311 $556.20 15800 $177.50 16624 $496.80 14224 $113.90 15312 $552.10 15850 $440.00 16627 $1,011.20 14227 $162.60 15315 $1,092.10 16003 $1,123.70 16633 DF 14230 $494.90 15316 $1,102.90 16006 $861.50 16636 DF 14233 $601.00 15319 $677.70 16009 $569.30 17609 DF 14236 $1,095.90 15320 $677.70 16012 $492.80 17610 $80.70 14239 $264.90 15323 $1,205.10 16015 $6,007.70 17615 $160.60 14242 $786.50 15324 $1,228.70 16018 $3,202.40 17620 $226.20 14245 $162.60 15327 $1,311.10 16399 NA 17625 $282.60 15000 $71.10 15328 $1,625.00 16400 $41.20 17640 $82.00 15003 DF 15331 $1,244.80 16401 $187.10 17645 $149.80 15006 $189.80 15332 $1,459.60 16404 $80.70 17650 $209.40 15009 DF 15335 $1,129.70 16406 $219.80 17655 $286.10 15012 $101.00 15336 $1,129.70 16500 $86.30 17680 $169.20 15100 $79.60 15338 $1,768.70 16501 $233.40 17690 $66.00 15103 DF 15339 $150.00 16502 $77.30 18213 $149.20 15106 $94.10 15342 $317.60 16504 $71.10 18216 $373.90 15109 DF 15345 $861.50 16505 $82.90 18219 DF 15112 $200.70 15348 $98.70 16508 $77.20 18222 $91.10 15115 DF 15351 $231.80 16509 $89.00 18225 $127.50 15211 $88.60 15354 $236.00 16511 $416.00 18226 $574.50 15214 DF 15357 $79.50 16512 $119.30 18227 DF 15215 $99.50 15500 $367.30 16514 $61.00 18228 $155.20 15218 $99.50 15503 $502.10 16515 $1,164.90 18230 $450.90 15221 $99.50 15506 $786.70 16518 $1,040.80 18232 $333.10 15224 $101.50 15509 $349.70 16519 $1,788.60 18233 $346.10 15227 $101.50 15512 $327.70 16520 $1,933.50 18234 $216.30 15230 DF 15513 $575.00 16522 $2,603.40 18236 $117.90 15233 DF 15515 $604.30 16525 $917.20 18238 $63.10 15236 DF 15518 $146.60 16527 $739.60 18240 $183.30 15239 DF 15521 $637.40 16528 $1,331.10 18242 $71.80 15242 DF 15524 $1,204.90 16564 $410.90 18244 $241.40 15245 $101.50 15527 $132.00 16567 $578.70 18246 $191.60 15248 $99.50 15530 $517.20 16570 $715.30 18248 $166.00 15251 $101.50 15533 $1,018.50 16571 $599.30 18250 $162.40 15254 $101.50 15536 $560.40 16573 $466.70 18252 $190.60 15257 $101.50 15539 $1,490.00 16590 $356.10 18254 $248.50 15260 DF 15550 $839.80 16591 $238.10 18256 $130.10 15263 DF 15553 $858.80 16600 $153.00 18258 $120.50 15266 DF 15556 $825.40 16603 $228.50 18260 $185.70 15269 DF 15559 $1,102.60 16606 $404.00 18262 $163.10 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 21 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 18264 $203.00 20147 $317.40 20524 $211.60 20815 $317.40 18266 $144.70 20148 $211.60 20526 $529.00 20820 $264.50 18268 $176.90 20160 $317.40 20528 $423.20 20830 $211.60 18270 $319.80 20162 $370.30 20540 $687.70 20832 $317.40 18272 $183.30 20164 $211.60 20542 $793.50 20840 $317.40 18274 $180.10 20170 $317.40 20546 $793.50 20841 $423.20 18276 $249.40 20172 $370.30 20548 $793.50 20842 $211.60 18278 $192.30 20174 $476.10 20560 $1,058.00 20844 $529.00 18280 $258.10 20176 $529.00 20600 $529.00 20845 $529.00 18282 $292.90 20190 $264.50 20604 $687.70 20846 $529.00 18284 $292.90 20192 $529.00 20620 $529.00 20847 $529.00 18286 $292.90 20210 $793.50 20622 $687.70 20848 $529.00 18288 $288.00 20212 $264.50 20630 $423.20 20850 $634.80 18290 $417.00 20214 $476.10 20632 $370.30 20855 $793.50 18292 $269.40 20216 $1,058.00 20634 $529.00 20860 $317.40 18294 $333.00 20220 $529.00 20670 $687.70 20862 $370.30 18296 $318.00 20222 $317.40 20680 $158.70 20863 $529.00 18298 $293.60 20225 $634.80 20690 $264.50 20864 $529.00 18350 $209.80 20230 $634.80 20700 $158.70 20866 $529.00 18351 $226.80 20300 $264.50 20702 $211.60 20867 $529.00 18353 $417.00 20305 $793.50 20703 $211.60 20868 $529.00 18354 $226.20 20320 $317.40 20704 $529.00 20880 $793.50 18360 $208.40 20321 $529.00 20705 $317.40 20882 $529.00 18361 $204.90 20330 $423.20 20706 $370.30 20884 $264.50 18362 $496.00 20350 $529.00 20730 $264.50 20886 $317.40 18365 $209.30 20352 $264.50 20740 $264.50 20900 $158.70 18366 $303.50 20355 $634.80 20745 $317.40 20902 $211.60 18368 $445.70 20400 $158.70 20750 $211.60 20904 $370.30 18369 $92.00 20401 $211.60 20752 $317.40 20905 $529.00 18370 $79.10 20402 $264.50 20754 $370.30 20906 $211.60 18372 $207.30 20403 $264.50 20756 $476.10 20910 $211.60 18374 $207.30 20404 $317.40 20770 $793.50 20911 $264.50 18375 $363.70 20405 $423.20 20790 $423.20 20912 $264.50 18377 $197.50 20406 $687.70 20791 $529.00 20914 $370.30 18379 $352.70 20410 $264.50 20792 $687.70 20916 $370.30 20100 $264.50 20420 $264.50 20793 $793.50 20920 $211.60 20102 $317.40 20440 $211.60 20794 $634.80 20924 $211.60 20104 $211.60 20450 $264.50 20798 $529.00 20926 $211.60 20120 $264.50 20452 $317.40 20799 $317.40 20928 $317.40 20124 $211.60 20470 $317.40 20800 $158.70 20930 $211.60 20140 $264.50 20472 $529.00 20802 $264.50 20932 $211.60 20142 $317.40 20474 $687.70 20803 $211.60 20934 $317.40 20143 $317.40 20475 $529.00 20804 $529.00 20936 $423.20 20144 $423.20 20500 $793.50 20805 $317.40 20938 $211.60 20145 $423.20 20520 $317.40 20806 $370.30 20940 $211.60 20146 $264.50 20522 $211.60 20810 $211.60 20942 $264.50 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 22 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 20943 $211.60 21382 $211.60 21685 $529.00 21916 $264.50 20944 $317.40 21390 $158.70 21700 $158.70 21918 $264.50 20946 $423.20 21392 $211.60 21710 $211.60 21922 $370.30 20948 $211.60 21400 $211.60 21712 $264.50 21925 $211.60 20950 $264.50 21402 $370.30 21714 $264.50 21926 $264.50 20952 $211.60 21403 $529.00 21716 $264.50 21927 $264.50 20953 $264.50 21404 $264.50 21730 $158.70 21930 $317.40 20954 $529.00 21420 $158.70 21732 $211.60 21935 $264.50 20956 $211.60 21430 $211.60 21740 $264.50 21936 $317.40 20958 $264.50 21432 $264.50 21756 $317.40 21939 $158.70 20960 $370.30 21440 $423.20 21760 $370.30 21941 $370.30 21100 $158.70 21445 $529.00 21770 $423.20 21942 $529.00 21110 $264.50 21460 $158.70 21772 $317.40 21943 $264.50 21112 $211.60 21461 $211.60 21780 $211.60 21945 $264.50 21114 $264.50 21462 $158.70 21785 $529.00 21949 $264.50 21116 $317.40 21464 $211.60 21790 $793.50 21952 $529.00 21120 $317.40 21472 $264.50 21800 $158.70 21955 $264.50 21130 $158.70 21474 $264.50 21810 $211.60 21959 $264.50 21140 $793.50 21480 $211.60 21820 $158.70 21962 $264.50 21150 $529.00 21482 $264.50 21830 $211.60 21965 $264.50 21155 $529.00 21484 $264.50 21832 $370.30 21969 $423.20 21160 $211.60 21486 $370.30 21834 $211.60 21970 $793.50 21170 $423.20 21490 $158.70 21840 $423.20 21973 $264.50 21195 $158.70 21500 $423.20 21842 $317.40 21976 $264.50 21199 $211.60 21502 $317.40 21850 $211.60 21980 $264.50 21200 $211.60 21520 $211.60 21860 $158.70 21981 $211.60 21202 $211.60 21522 $264.50 21865 $529.00 21990 $158.70 21210 $317.40 21530 $793.50 21870 $793.50 21992 $211.60 21212 $529.00 21532 $423.20 21872 $423.20 21997 $211.60 21214 $529.00 21535 $529.00 21878 $158.70 22001 $158.70 21216 $740.60 21600 $158.70 21879 $264.50 22002 $211.60 21220 $211.60 21610 $264.50 21880 $370.30 22007 $211.60 21230 $317.40 21620 $211.60 21881 $476.10 22008 $211.60 21232 $264.50 21622 $264.50 21882 $581.90 22012 $158.70 21234 $423.20 21630 $264.50 21883 $687.70 22014 $158.70 21260 $211.60 21632 $317.40 21884 $793.50 22015 $317.40 21270 $423.20 21634 $476.10 21885 $899.30 22018 $370.30 21272 $211.60 21636 $793.50 21886 $1,005.10 22020 $211.60 21274 $317.40 21638 $529.00 21887 $1,110.90 22025 $211.60 21275 $529.00 21650 $423.20 21900 $158.70 22031 $264.50 21280 $793.50 21652 $529.00 21906 $264.50 22036 $158.70 21300 $158.70 21654 $423.20 21908 $317.40 22040 $105.80 21321 $211.60 21656 $529.00 21910 $476.10 22045 $158.70 21340 $211.60 21670 $211.60 21912 $264.50 22050 $105.80 21360 $264.50 21680 $158.70 21914 $317.40 22051 $476.10 21380 $158.70 21682 $211.60 21915 $264.50 22055 $634.80 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 23 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 22060 $1,058.00 23230 $1,428.30 23690 $3,861.70 24115 $6,295.10 22065 $264.50 23240 $1,481.20 23700 $3,914.60 24116 $6,348.00 22070 $529.00 23250 $1,534.10 23710 $3,967.50 24117 $6,400.90 22075 $793.50 23260 $1,587.00 23720 $4,020.40 24118 $6,453.80 22900 $317.40 23270 $1,639.90 23730 $4,073.30 24119 $6,506.70 22905 $317.40 23280 $1,692.80 23740 $4,126.20 24120 $6,559.60 23010 $52.90 23290 $1,745.70 23750 $4,179.10 24121 $6,612.50 23021 $105.80 23300 $1,798.60 23760 $4,232.00 24122 $6,665.40 23022 $105.80 23310 $1,851.50 23770 $4,284.90 24123 $6,718.30 23023 $105.80 23320 $1,904.40 23780 $4,337.80 24124 $6,771.20 23031 $158.70 23330 $1,957.30 23790 $4,390.70 24125 $6,824.10 23032 $158.70 23340 $2,010.20 23800 $4,443.60 24126 $6,877.00 23033 $158.70 23350 $2,063.10 23810 $4,496.50 24127 $6,929.90 23041 $211.60 23360 $2,116.00 23820 $4,549.40 24128 $6,982.80 23042 $211.60 23370 $2,168.90 23830 $4,602.30 24129 $7,035.70 23043 $211.60 23380 $2,221.80 23840 $4,655.20 24130 $7,088.60 23051 $264.50 23390 $2,274.70 23850 $4,708.10 24131 $7,141.50 23052 $264.50 23400 $2,327.60 23860 $4,761.00 24132 $7,194.40 23053 $264.50 23410 $2,380.50 23870 $4,813.90 24133 $7,247.30 23061 $317.40 23420 $2,433.40 23880 $4,866.80 24134 $7,300.20 23062 $317.40 23430 $2,486.30 23890 $4,919.70 24135 $7,353.10 23063 $317.40 23440 $2,539.20 23900 $4,972.60 24136 $7,406.00 23071 $370.30 23450 $2,592.10 23910 $5,025.50 25000 $52.90 23072 $370.30 23460 $2,645.00 23920 $5,078.40 25005 $105.80 23073 $370.30 23470 $2,697.90 23930 $5,131.30 25010 $158.70 23081 $423.20 23480 $2,750.80 23940 $5,184.20 25015 $52.90 23082 $423.20 23490 $2,803.70 23950 $5,237.10 25020 $105.80 23083 $423.20 23500 $2,856.60 23960 $5,290.00 25025 DF 23091 $476.10 23510 $2,909.50 23970 $5,342.90 25030 DF 23101 $529.00 23520 $2,962.40 23980 $5,395.80 25050 DF 23111 $581.90 23530 $3,015.30 23990 $5,448.70 25200 DF 23112 $634.80 23540 $3,068.20 24100 $5,501.60 25205 DF 23113 $687.70 23550 $3,121.10 24101 $5,554.50 30001 DF 23114 $740.60 23560 $3,174.00 24102 $5,607.40 30003 $52.30 23115 $793.50 23570 $3,226.90 24103 $5,660.30 30006 $77.70 23116 $846.40 23580 $3,279.80 24104 $5,713.20 30009 $101.50 23117 $899.30 23590 $3,332.70 24105 $5,766.10 30010 $139.20 23118 $952.20 23600 $3,385.60 24106 $5,819.00 30013 $270.90 23119 $1,005.10 23610 $3,438.50 24107 $5,871.90 30014 $292.10 23121 $1,058.00 23620 $3,491.40 24108 $5,924.80 30017 $544.10 23170 $1,110.90 23630 $3,544.30 24109 $5,977.70 30020 $1,195.70 23180 $1,163.80 23640 $3,597.20 24110 $6,030.60 30023 $620.90 23190 $1,216.70 23650 $3,650.10 24111 $6,083.50 30024 $591.90 23200 $1,269.60 23660 $3,703.00 24112 $6,136.40 30026 $87.30 23210 $1,322.50 23670 $3,755.90 24113 $6,189.30 30029 $150.10 23220 $1,375.40 23680 $3,808.80 24114 $6,242.20 30032 $137.60 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 24 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 30035 $196.30 30189 $290.00 30294 $2,927.20 30405 $1,720.30 30038 $150.10 30190 $747.30 30296 $2,101.60 30406 $98.00 30041 $240.40 30192 $66.50 30297 $1,912.70 30408 $736.90 30042 $353.40 30195 $106.50 30299 $1,200.30 30409 $331.90 30045 $196.30 30196 $209.90 30300 $1,444.70 30411 $200.00 30048 $249.80 30197 $738.70 30302 $959.10 30412 $98.20 30049 $350.10 30202 $80.10 30303 $1,081.60 30414 $1,297.80 30052 $444.90 30203 $285.60 30306 $1,575.70 30415 $2,587.20 30055 $139.20 30205 $209.90 30308 $1,800.00 30416 $1,406.00 30058 $270.10 30207 $84.30 30309 $2,175.80 30417 $2,108.60 30061 $40.40 30210 $301.40 30310 $865.10 30418 $3,002.10 30062 $101.00 30213 $223.50 30313 $669.40 30419 $1,530.70 30064 $183.50 30214 $183.30 30314 $1,054.50 30421 $3,747.60 30067 $373.40 30216 $44.50 30315 $2,210.80 30422 $1,266.90 30068 $522.70 30219 $44.50 30317 $2,564.90 30425 $2,457.20 30071 $98.30 30223 $301.80 30318 $1,711.20 30427 $2,605.40 30074 $210.70 30224 $432.80 30320 $2,564.90 30428 $2,787.50 30075 $285.70 30225 $502.40 30321 $1,704.00 30430 $4,362.00 30078 $86.10 30226 $282.90 30323 $2,564.90 30431 $982.90 30081 $184.30 30229 $513.90 30324 $2,583.50 30433 $1,359.50 30084 $106.50 30232 $422.30 30329 $462.60 30434 $1,106.00 30087 $53.50 30235 $556.90 30330 $1,358.90 30436 $1,090.60 30090 $232.60 30238 $282.80 30332 $649.40 30437 $1,440.80 30093 $284.40 30241 $679.70 30335 $1,514.20 30438 $2,163.30 30094 $350.10 30244 $730.00 30336 $1,947.00 30439 $349.40 30096 $306.80 30246 $1,299.10 30373 $906.90 30440 $975.10 30097 $182.70 30247 $1,310.10 30375 $983.50 30441 $257.30 30099 $160.30 30250 $2,562.20 30376 $983.50 30442 $353.40 30102 $265.30 30251 $3,690.30 30378 $983.50 30443 $1,389.60 30103 $344.90 30253 $1,784.60 30379 $1,742.40 30445 $1,381.40 30104 $245.20 30255 $2,495.00 30382 $2,457.20 30446 $1,406.40 30106 $271.50 30256 $833.30 30384 $2,071.70 30448 $1,828.10 30107 $419.30 30259 $412.50 30385 $1,059.40 30449 $2,034.80 30110 $546.00 30262 $113.20 30387 $1,275.10 30450 $984.90 30111 $700.40 30265 $195.20 30388 $3,002.10 30451 $471.70 30114 $700.70 30266 $285.60 30390 $414.00 30452 $705.80 30165 $930.00 30269 $345.00 30391 $557.60 30454 $1,646.20 30168 $907.30 30272 $564.50 30392 $1,144.00 30455 $1,912.00 30171 $1,395.00 30275 $3,363.40 30393 $990.70 30457 $2,596.00 30174 $1,395.00 30278 $81.70 30394 $929.00 30458 $1,909.60 30177 $2,090.00 30281 $265.00 30396 $1,912.30 30460 $1,620.00 30180 $280.00 30282 $258.10 30397 $437.00 30461 $2,762.90 30183 $558.20 30283 $350.80 30399 $599.50 30463 $3,641.60 30185 $304.60 30286 $851.80 30400 $1,190.20 30464 $4,093.40 30186 $79.20 30289 $1,011.00 30402 $875.50 30466 $2,356.80 30187 $360.50 30293 $841.50 30403 $982.90 30467 $2,908.70 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 25 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 30469 $3,232.30 30539 $1,643.30 30606 $2,087.90 31230 $313.80 30472 $1,727.00 30541 $2,848.30 30609 $875.50 31235 $273.80 30473 $334.10 30542 $1,934.50 30612 $718.60 31240 $313.80 30475 $603.90 30544 $1,617.60 30614 $867.20 31245 $702.30 30476 $462.90 30545 $3,448.00 30615 $982.90 31250 $658.50 30478 $472.70 30547 $2,108.80 30616 $440.50 31255 $421.40 30479 $899.60 30548 $1,773.40 30617 $591.80 31256 $407.50 30481 $667.50 30550 $3,870.30 30620 $719.70 31257 $421.40 30482 $475.60 30551 $2,672.80 30621 $769.90 31258 $421.40 30483 $330.80 30553 $1,757.00 30628 $61.80 31260 $594.40 30484 $683.70 30554 $3,829.60 30631 $464.10 31261 $594.40 30485 $1,059.40 30556 $2,699.50 30634 $445.70 31262 $594.40 30487 $338.20 30557 $1,951.00 30635 $605.10 31263 $594.40 30488 $168.30 30559 $1,597.60 30638 $578.70 31265 $347.90 30490 $983.50 30560 $1,773.40 30641 $760.70 31266 $320.50 30491 $1,036.70 30562 $1,120.70 30644 $997.30 31267 $347.90 30492 $1,401.50 30563 $1,120.70 30653 $77.20 31268 $347.90 30493 $629.10 30564 $1,457.90 30656 $179.50 31270 $483.50 30494 $791.50 30565 $1,636.20 30659 $425.00 31271 $458.00 30495 $1,401.50 30566 $1,811.80 30660 $425.00 31272 $488.40 30496 $981.80 30568 $1,367.40 30663 $239.60 31273 $488.40 30497 $1,170.50 30569 $698.30 30666 $89.80 31275 $569.00 30499 $1,569.10 30571 $849.00 30672 $847.10 31276 $565.20 30500 $1,674.40 30572 $850.50 30675 $499.80 31277 $569.00 30502 $1,645.30 30574 $264.20 30676 $716.50 31278 $571.00 30503 $1,842.20 30575 $968.50 30679 $172.30 31280 $296.50 30505 $1,095.50 30577 $2,042.00 30680 $1,967.50 31281 $261.10 30506 $1,611.90 30578 $2,157.30 30682 $1,967.50 31282 $293.60 30508 $1,912.30 30580 $1,965.60 30684 $2,421.40 31283 $295.30 30509 $1,912.30 30581 $1,272.50 30686 $2,421.40 31285 $396.10 30515 $1,326.60 30583 $2,234.20 30687 $770.50 31286 $355.60 30517 $1,716.30 30584 $3,316.60 30688 $613.60 31287 $401.00 30518 $2,240.00 30586 $1,320.20 30690 $947.30 31288 $400.90 30520 $1,266.90 30587 $1,367.40 30692 $613.60 31290 $468.70 30521 $2,403.30 30589 $2,349.30 30694 $947.30 31291 $418.80 30523 $2,621.90 30590 $2,587.20 30696 $918.80 31292 $468.70 30524 $3,168.20 30593 $3,546.80 30710 $918.80 31293 $468.70 30526 $4,046.00 30594 $4,093.40 31000 $1,073.70 31295 $558.90 30527 $1,679.80 30596 $1,689.30 31001 $1,308.10 31300 $609.10 30529 $2,457.20 30597 $1,351.10 31002 $1,554.30 31305 $749.40 30530 $1,471.30 30599 $2,457.20 31200 $60.50 31310 $528.90 30532 $1,699.60 30600 $1,462.10 31205 $163.00 31315 $669.50 30533 $2,011.60 30601 $1,803.10 31210 $231.70 31320 $749.40 30535 $3,193.80 30602 $2,867.90 31215 $273.80 31325 $514.60 30536 $3,232.30 30603 $2,739.10 31220 $367.00 31330 $609.10 30538 $2,241.50 30605 $3,501.30 31225 $655.50 31335 $702.30 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 26 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 31340 DF 31554 $807.00 32078 $318.40 32183 $1,019.80 31345 $400.50 31557 $654.00 32081 $434.20 32186 $1,019.80 31346 $352.00 31560 $654.70 32084 $209.30 32200 $493.50 31350 $826.20 31563 $415.40 32087 $384.90 32203 $1,178.20 31355 $1,394.80 31566 $264.70 32090 $627.20 32206 $1,065.10 31400 $564.50 31569 $1,344.00 32093 $883.40 32209 $1,538.80 31403 $650.90 31572 $1,653.90 32094 $1,036.70 32210 $565.00 31406 $1,020.00 31575 $1,344.00 32095 $239.30 32212 $276.20 31409 $3,255.40 31578 $1,344.00 32096 $512.20 32213 $1,200.30 31412 $3,628.20 31581 $1,653.90 32099 $629.10 32214 $625.70 31420 $305.40 31584 $2,435.00 32102 $1,190.20 32215 $209.80 31423 $757.10 31587 $155.00 32103 $1,409.50 32216 $1,077.80 31426 $1,875.00 31590 $398.30 32104 $1,827.30 32217 $283.90 31429 $2,354.70 32000 $1,924.60 32105 $903.50 32218 $295.40 31432 $3,120.00 32003 $2,010.80 32106 $2,535.40 32220 $1,508.60 31435 $1,855.80 32004 $2,157.30 32108 $1,870.10 32221 $1,535.50 31438 $3,305.00 32005 $2,442.40 32111 $1,178.20 32500 $250.00 31450 $713.00 32006 $2,157.30 32112 $1,439.60 32501 $183.30 31452 $1,337.30 32009 $2,537.90 32114 $321.80 32504 $625.00 31454 $1,003.20 32012 $2,803.70 32115 $234.20 32507 $1,005.70 31456 $407.80 32015 $3,326.70 32117 $1,870.10 32508 $996.90 31458 $489.40 32018 $2,930.60 32120 $478.90 32511 $1,624.10 31460 $623.70 32021 $939.90 32123 $620.90 32514 $1,758.60 31462 $973.60 32023 $898.80 32126 $911.80 32517 $2,376.90 31464 $1,887.10 32024 $2,552.90 32129 $1,178.20 32520 $893.30 31466 $2,446.70 32025 $3,399.00 32131 $992.60 32522 $1,328.10 31468 $2,686.90 32026 $3,663.30 32132 $84.80 32523 $863.60 31470 $1,356.80 32028 $3,976.70 32135 $125.80 32526 $1,284.00 31472 $1,942.70 32029 $782.50 32138 $693.60 32700 $2,734.60 31500 $490.40 32030 $1,934.50 32139 $693.60 32703 $2,236.20 31503 $647.70 32033 $2,833.60 32142 $127.20 32708 $2,678.80 31506 $732.40 32036 $3,566.60 32145 $255.40 32710 $3,170.60 31509 $606.40 32039 $2,904.60 32147 $79.80 32711 $3,314.70 31512 $1,223.50 32042 $2,411.00 32150 $484.80 32712 $2,345.20 31515 $784.70 32045 $903.50 32153 $131.50 32715 $2,096.10 31519 $1,129.50 32046 $1,406.00 32156 $276.20 32718 $2,265.90 31524 $1,872.00 32047 $1,636.20 32159 $677.50 32721 $3,591.90 31525 $797.90 32051 $4,312.80 32162 $903.50 32724 $4,084.70 31530 $1,013.20 32054 $4,461.10 32165 $1,178.20 32730 $3,100.00 31533 $234.50 32057 $1,071.30 32166 $392.80 32733 $3,591.90 31536 $322.10 32060 $4,312.80 32168 $248.00 32736 $780.20 31539 $665.80 32063 $3,549.00 32171 $166.10 32739 $2,466.60 31542 $328.80 32066 $939.90 32174 $155.70 32742 $2,768.50 31545 $994.20 32069 $3,188.90 32175 $304.20 32745 $3,227.80 31548 $253.60 32072 $93.60 32177 $326.30 32748 $3,488.40 31551 $368.70 32075 $168.70 32180 $471.40 32751 $2,265.90 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 27 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 32754 $2,768.50 33521 $2,608.50 34148 $3,380.00 35300 $968.30 32757 $838.80 33524 $3,100.00 34151 $3,726.40 35303 $1,243.30 32760 $766.00 33527 $3,591.90 34154 $4,371.20 35306 $1,161.00 32763 $2,265.90 33530 $3,100.00 34157 $1,983.30 35307 $2,035.80 32766 $2,383.00 33533 $3,150.30 34160 $3,715.30 35309 $1,437.80 32769 $513.10 33536 $2,246.70 34163 $4,769.60 35312 $1,631.70 33050 $2,719.50 33539 $1,831.70 34166 $5,351.70 35315 $1,701.70 33055 $2,228.50 33542 $2,631.40 34169 $2,964.40 35317 $671.50 33070 $1,605.30 33545 $517.00 34172 $2,466.60 35319 $1,211.10 33075 $2,002.10 33548 $1,060.90 34175 $2,265.90 35320 $1,486.00 33080 $2,441.80 33551 $517.00 34500 $514.60 35321 $1,526.80 33100 $2,734.60 33554 $513.40 34503 $782.10 35324 $573.00 33103 $3,838.00 33800 $2,242.90 34506 $395.40 35327 $682.20 33109 $4,650.80 33803 $2,129.80 34509 $1,856.10 35330 $979.30 33112 $4,017.20 33806 $1,550.80 34512 $2,049.40 35331 $1,054.70 33115 $2,685.30 33810 $1,028.90 34515 $1,460.40 35360 $1,382.30 33116 $2,437.90 33811 $3,318.70 34518 $2,452.30 35361 $1,264.50 33118 $2,991.50 33812 $1,774.20 34521 $1,045.40 35362 $1,054.70 33119 $2,935.90 33815 $1,610.30 34524 $772.00 35363 $904.00 33121 $3,520.90 33818 $1,877.60 34527 $911.40 35404 $575.60 33124 $2,303.30 33821 $2,140.50 34528 $509.40 35406 $1,350.60 33127 $2,648.40 33824 $2,050.00 34530 $348.90 35408 $1,013.10 33130 $2,629.50 33827 $2,246.30 34533 $2,352.30 35410 $1,350.60 33133 $1,974.90 33830 $3,079.30 34538 $474.80 35412 $4,745.30 33136 $4,986.20 33833 $2,533.90 34539 $356.30 35500 $153.40 33139 $2,964.40 33836 $2,964.40 34800 $1,827.60 35502 $148.70 33142 $2,768.50 33839 $3,525.80 34803 $3,563.50 35503 $102.20 33145 $4,837.20 33842 $1,719.90 34806 $1,619.20 35506 $92.30 33148 $5,284.00 33845 $1,194.90 34809 $1,619.20 35507 $336.40 33151 $5,731.50 33848 $1,194.90 34812 $2,198.10 35508 $484.30 33154 $4,248.10 34100 $1,348.70 34815 $1,831.70 35509 $183.50 33157 $4,642.40 34103 $780.30 34818 $2,035.20 35512 $335.00 33160 $6,165.00 34106 $685.00 34821 $2,422.50 35513 $414.00 33163 $3,889.40 34109 $635.40 34824 $1,175.00 35516 $249.90 33166 $3,514.80 34112 $1,632.40 34827 $1,288.40 35517 $287.90 33169 $2,736.20 34115 $1,831.70 34830 $1,180.00 35518 $355.40 33172 $2,429.30 34118 $2,309.40 34833 $1,531.20 35520 $104.90 33175 $2,199.60 34121 $2,109.70 35000 $1,348.70 35523 $126.00 33178 $2,800.60 34124 $2,020.90 35003 $1,943.90 35526 $239.00 33181 $3,424.10 34127 $2,648.40 35006 $2,160.10 35527 $308.20 33500 $2,140.10 34130 $933.10 35009 $1,678.90 35530 $580.00 33506 $2,121.20 34133 $1,062.50 35012 $1,359.50 35533 $760.00 33509 $2,669.30 34136 $1,676.30 35100 $682.90 35534 $536.90 33512 $2,843.00 34139 $1,699.90 35103 $439.70 35536 $654.30 33515 $3,293.00 34142 $2,331.00 35200 $324.10 35539 $515.30 33518 $2,407.80 34145 $1,581.60 35202 $1,526.20 35542 $658.00 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 28 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 35545 $305.10 35639 $224.10 35756 $1,506.30 36615 $1,439.90 35548 $1,586.40 35640 $344.10 35759 $1,024.40 36618 $1,084.70 35551 $1,427.00 35641 $2,687.90 36500 $1,743.10 36621 $790.70 35554 $72.10 35643 $362.00 36502 $1,475.00 36624 $997.00 35557 $405.10 35644 $338.20 36503 $2,489.50 36627 $1,282.20 35560 $1,287.00 35645 $575.30 36506 $1,657.30 36630 $613.30 35561 $2,604.70 35646 $385.20 36509 $1,413.90 36633 $1,327.60 35562 $1,880.90 35647 $408.80 36516 $1,773.70 36636 $820.00 35564 $1,225.00 35648 $596.50 36519 $2,426.70 36639 $1,555.50 35565 $1,531.00 35649 $1,055.00 36522 $2,285.00 36642 $753.00 35566 $741.70 35653 $1,264.90 36525 $3,235.00 36645 $2,021.40 35568 $1,200.20 35657 $1,260.10 36526 $2,665.00 36648 $1,800.20 35569 $306.60 35658 $816.60 36527 $3,206.30 36649 $486.50 35570 $1,041.90 35661 $1,712.40 36528 $2,665.00 36650 $266.50 35571 $1,043.90 35664 $2,767.70 36529 $3,224.10 36652 $1,223.70 35572 $233.40 35667 $2,374.10 36531 $2,370.60 36654 $1,559.70 35573 $1,580.70 35670 $1,939.20 36532 $3,348.30 36656 $2,004.00 35577 $1,280.10 35673 $1,425.00 36533 $3,699.50 36658 $878.60 35578 $1,261.80 35674 $345.30 36537 $1,284.10 36660 $426.50 35595 $2,188.90 35676 $784.00 36540 $2,091.50 36662 $1,018.60 35596 $1,287.70 35677 $1,015.90 36543 $2,467.10 36663 $1,238.80 35597 $2,938.60 35678 $1,214.90 36546 $1,297.60 36664 $990.50 35599 $1,278.30 35680 $1,219.10 36549 $1,517.20 36665 $209.30 35602 $1,465.00 35683 $790.00 36552 $1,327.60 36666 $759.00 35605 $690.90 35684 $879.30 36558 $1,335.00 36667 $261.00 35608 $121.50 35687 $613.20 36561 $302.00 36668 $261.00 35611 $115.40 35688 $745.90 36564 $1,905.00 36800 $49.90 35612 $924.50 35691 $281.70 36567 $1,821.80 36803 $875.40 35613 $695.10 35694 $1,204.70 36570 $2,665.00 36806 $1,226.60 35614 $120.70 35697 $1,761.50 36573 $1,681.20 36809 $1,570.50 35615 $101.60 35700 $1,575.00 36576 $2,380.00 36811 $611.20 35616 $857.30 35703 $148.00 36579 $1,525.00 36812 $312.90 35617 $355.70 35706 $141.40 36585 $1,237.80 36815 $449.60 35618 $450.60 35709 $82.70 36588 $1,657.30 36818 $521.40 35620 $99.80 35710 $926.60 36591 $2,076.20 36821 $608.40 35622 $1,129.90 35712 $682.10 36594 $1,796.40 36824 $440.00 35623 $1,551.70 35713 $851.50 36597 $1,755.20 36825 $1,184.80 35626 $158.00 35716 $815.20 36600 $2,071.90 36827 $437.90 35627 $212.80 35717 $1,023.00 36603 $2,422.60 36830 $383.80 35630 $362.10 35720 $1,315.00 36604 $486.50 36833 $527.60 35633 $451.10 35723 $943.50 36605 $1,152.80 36836 $433.10 35634 $1,147.70 35726 $958.30 36606 $4,334.40 36840 $607.90 35635 $754.60 35729 $478.40 36607 $1,241.80 36842 $592.10 35636 $913.20 35750 $1,553.40 36608 $508.00 36845 $1,292.40 35637 $760.30 35753 $1,819.90 36609 $1,411.70 36848 $440.70 35638 $1,412.30 35754 $2,416.50 36612 $1,239.70 36851 $437.90 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 29 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 36854 $875.60 37303 $133.80 37605 $704.20 38246 $1,677.60 36857 $691.60 37306 $1,179.40 37606 $1,040.80 38256 $435.50 36860 $305.30 37309 $1,755.50 37607 $1,778.80 38270 $1,642.10 36863 $888.80 37315 $247.90 37610 $2,481.80 38272 $1,623.90 37000 $1,509.80 37318 $521.90 37613 $570.00 38273 $1,400.00 37004 $1,163.50 37321 $177.30 37616 $2,050.50 38274 $1,400.00 37008 $782.60 37324 $440.00 37619 $1,176.10 38275 $528.70 37011 $190.00 37327 $606.60 37622 $424.80 38285 $307.50 37014 $2,156.10 37330 $1,218.10 37623 $444.70 38286 $279.50 37020 $1,422.10 37333 $931.50 37800 $974.70 38287 $3,728.10 37023 $855.00 37336 $1,327.60 37803 $982.00 38290 $4,744.90 37026 $695.00 37339 $454.00 37806 $1,082.50 38293 $5,095.30 37029 $1,689.00 37340 $790.60 37809 $1,055.70 38300 $975.30 37038 $1,306.70 37341 $1,717.50 37812 $1,027.80 38303 $1,252.70 37041 $87.80 37342 $1,715.00 37815 $176.50 38306 $1,446.00 37042 $1,752.20 37343 $2,611.20 37818 $833.10 38309 $1,542.20 37043 $1,259.20 37345 $1,430.00 37821 $1,567.20 38312 $1,926.40 37044 $1,346.50 37348 $1,430.00 37824 $2,380.00 38315 $2,177.40 37045 $2,756.10 37351 $517.50 37827 $886.00 38318 $2,730.80 37047 $2,985.00 37354 $670.00 37830 $1,148.10 38350 $1,056.90 37050 $1,327.60 37369 $349.40 37833 $668.60 38353 $442.50 37053 $1,429.90 37372 $872.30 37836 $1,154.30 38356 $1,380.90 37200 $2,095.00 37375 $2,380.00 37839 $1,307.90 38358 $5,207.80 37201 $1,607.30 37381 $1,525.00 37842 $2,894.60 38359 $253.80 37202 $694.40 37384 $2,380.00 37845 $1,154.30 38362 $715.50 37203 $2,028.30 37387 $665.00 37848 $2,077.40 38365 $584.90 37206 $1,140.00 37390 $1,743.50 37851 $1,539.00 38368 $2,215.90 37207 $1,775.00 37393 $417.10 37854 $666.40 38371 $541.10 37208 $743.30 37396 $1,237.80 38200 $715.10 38384 $1,909.90 37209 $2,665.00 37402 $950.00 38203 $917.70 38387 $543.70 37210 $3,275.00 37405 $1,905.00 38206 $1,185.10 38390 $1,919.70 37211 $3,980.00 37408 $950.00 38209 $1,246.30 38393 $538.80 37212 $461.70 37411 $1,543.40 38212 $2,132.60 38415 $753.10 37215 $783.60 37415 $83.00 38213 $779.00 38418 $1,790.00 37217 $227.00 37417 $1,140.00 38215 $667.20 38421 $2,757.00 37218 $255.40 37418 $1,525.00 38218 $1,072.60 38424 $1,774.70 37219 $529.30 37420 $611.50 38220 $335.40 38427 $2,219.30 37220 $2,185.00 37423 $1,905.00 38222 $592.20 38430 $1,247.60 37221 $950.00 37426 $2,000.00 38225 $1,006.70 38436 $463.70 37223 $370.50 37429 $665.00 38228 $1,335.60 38438 $2,829.90 37224 $617.10 37432 $1,769.80 38231 $1,664.90 38440 $2,066.40 37227 $2,185.00 37435 $190.00 38234 $1,342.10 38441 $3,409.20 37230 $2,380.00 37438 $525.00 38237 $1,677.60 38446 $2,183.20 37233 $926.80 37444 $1,668.40 38240 $2,013.30 38447 $2,894.80 37245 $2,042.60 37601 $527.50 38241 $850.80 38448 $773.40 37300 $82.50 37604 $565.00 38243 $789.40 38449 $4,016.60 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 30 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 38450 $1,605.20 38562 $5,901.00 38751 $3,880.80 39315 $1,946.70 38452 $1,047.60 38565 $6,629.10 38754 $4,460.00 39318 $1,308.70 38453 $3,184.20 38568 $3,402.60 38757 $4,405.00 39321 $950.10 38455 $3,885.10 38571 $3,485.00 38760 $3,562.80 39323 $519.80 38456 $2,851.90 38572 $3,792.30 38763 $4,016.70 39324 $523.20 38457 $2,670.60 38577 $1,054.60 38766 $4,033.90 39327 $946.10 38458 $1,620.00 38588 $867.30 38800 $74.20 39330 $583.00 38460 $510.50 38600 $2,756.80 38803 $138.30 39331 $602.60 38462 $604.40 38603 $1,826.40 38806 $253.80 39333 $752.00 38464 $660.00 38609 $902.60 38809 $308.10 39500 $3,270.00 38466 $1,782.50 38612 $896.40 38812 $398.70 39503 $1,787.10 38468 $2,749.40 38613 $1,125.10 39000 $172.80 39600 $917.00 38469 $2,872.40 38615 $2,756.80 39003 $174.10 39603 $2,280.80 38470 $1,801.90 38618 $3,432.40 39006 $405.00 39606 $1,488.70 38473 $1,028.60 38621 $1,363.10 39009 $114.90 39609 $1,816.20 38475 $1,574.00 38624 $1,539.30 39012 $449.10 39612 $2,270.10 38477 $3,791.30 38627 $1,353.60 39013 $204.00 39615 $2,280.80 38478 $1,836.30 38637 $998.90 39015 $709.60 39640 $5,947.20 38480 $3,784.10 38640 $1,769.40 39018 $696.90 39642 $6,532.20 38481 $4,275.70 38643 $1,978.20 39100 $396.60 39646 $6,920.10 38483 $2,872.40 38647 $3,934.30 39106 $1,983.30 39650 $6,810.00 38485 $1,536.10 38650 $3,578.10 39109 $1,022.10 39653 $9,593.90 38487 $2,872.40 38653 $3,624.20 39112 $3,093.40 39654 $6,525.80 38488 $3,605.90 38654 $2,229.40 39115 $180.20 39656 $6,600.00 38489 $4,320.00 38656 $1,736.00 39118 $561.30 39658 $5,780.50 38490 $1,046.90 38670 $3,391.30 39121 $1,054.40 39660 $5,906.30 38493 $3,625.90 38673 $4,158.20 39124 $3,775.00 39662 $5,780.50 38496 $1,179.90 38677 $3,706.40 39125 $659.40 39700 $1,232.00 38497 $3,863.10 38680 $4,396.50 39126 $676.50 39703 $1,100.90 38498 $3,784.90 38700 $1,924.60 39127 $1,084.00 39706 $2,320.90 38500 $4,194.90 38703 $3,463.90 39128 $1,239.50 39709 $3,088.70 38501 $4,021.00 38706 $3,275.00 39130 $1,264.40 39712 $5,379.00 38503 $4,525.40 38709 $3,841.40 39131 $220.40 39715 $3,958.70 38504 $4,512.40 38712 $4,781.50 39133 $298.40 39718 $1,918.60 38505 $554.00 38715 $2,847.90 39134 $648.80 39721 $1,488.70 38506 $2,714.40 38718 $3,964.10 39135 $302.30 39800 $5,395.40 38507 $3,487.50 38721 $2,757.40 39136 $298.40 39803 $5,366.10 38508 $4,247.70 38724 $3,841.40 39137 $1,077.80 39806 $2,596.90 38509 $4,296.30 38727 $2,694.80 39138 $1,275.40 39812 $1,260.10 38512 $3,796.70 38730 $3,841.40 39139 $1,961.90 39815 $3,049.90 38515 $4,856.90 38733 $2,496.50 39140 $547.90 39818 $3,946.50 38518 $5,160.20 38736 $3,562.80 39300 $665.80 39821 $4,099.30 38550 $3,671.10 38739 $3,211.60 39303 $929.90 39900 $975.80 38553 $4,949.10 38742 $3,562.80 39306 $1,268.20 39903 $2,977.30 38556 $5,562.70 38745 $4,027.10 39309 $1,568.70 39906 $1,488.70 38559 $4,769.80 38748 $4,405.00 39312 $815.30 40000 $1,531.20 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 31 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 40003 $1,744.10 40850 $4,083.90 41599 $3,465.00 41729 $1,069.80 40006 $1,311.30 40851 $10,125.00 41603 $1,260.00 41731 $1,609.80 40009 $992.20 40852 $870.00 41604 $470.00 41734 $1,893.00 40012 $1,936.40 40854 $874.10 41608 $2,140.00 41737 $920.00 40015 $1,219.50 40856 $655.00 41611 $1,331.90 41740 $122.00 40018 $298.40 40858 $1,328.80 41614 $2,050.00 41743 $638.90 40100 $1,324.50 40860 $4,174.10 41615 $2,052.20 41746 $1,393.60 40103 $1,694.50 40862 $315.10 41617 $3,606.20 41749 $1,143.90 40106 $2,655.00 40903 $1,425.00 41620 $1,551.60 41752 $562.20 40109 $2,855.00 40905 $1,004.30 41623 $2,042.20 41755 $78.60 40112 $2,794.20 41500 $137.60 41626 $270.10 41758 $196.30 40115 $1,204.90 41503 $448.50 41629 $995.00 41761 $231.50 40118 $1,594.00 41506 $271.20 41632 $455.50 41764 $214.70 40300 $2,040.00 41509 $271.90 41635 $2,181.50 41767 $1,230.20 40301 $2,050.00 41512 $1,113.20 41638 $2,700.40 41770 $1,430.00 40303 $2,125.00 41515 $779.60 41641 $94.70 41773 $1,149.90 40306 $3,006.20 41518 $1,920.00 41644 $267.90 41776 $1,184.80 40309 $2,241.80 41521 $2,020.00 41647 $183.50 41779 $1,170.50 40312 $2,799.20 41524 $585.00 41650 $220.00 41782 $1,912.40 40315 $2,648.40 41527 $1,120.00 41653 $164.00 41785 $2,410.00 40316 $4,754.80 41530 $1,821.30 41656 $230.40 41786 $1,488.30 40318 $4,467.20 41533 $2,156.00 41659 $138.30 41787 $1,141.00 40321 $2,177.40 41536 $2,432.70 41662 $163.40 41788 $365.40 40324 $1,630.00 41539 $2,041.20 41665 $485.00 41789 $490.90 40327 $1,067.00 41542 $2,265.40 41668 $478.20 41792 $755.00 40330 $2,313.90 41545 $993.80 41671 $970.00 41793 $755.00 40331 $1,879.80 41548 $1,325.00 41672 $1,245.00 41796 $310.50 40332 $2,965.20 41551 $3,062.50 41674 $207.30 41797 $271.20 40333 $2,040.00 41554 $3,807.60 41677 $167.60 41800 $320.00 40334 $2,715.00 41557 $2,140.00 41680 $271.90 41801 $320.00 40335 $3,687.00 41560 $2,317.70 41683 $209.90 41804 $178.00 40336 $527.20 41563 $2,960.00 41686 $164.00 41807 $133.70 40339 $3,064.70 41564 $3,702.00 41689 $265.00 41810 $71.00 40342 $3,775.00 41566 $2,058.40 41692 $360.00 41813 $669.30 40345 $3,305.30 41569 $2,250.10 41695 $179.60 41816 $348.20 40348 $3,276.60 41572 $1,870.10 41698 $61.80 41819 $652.70 40351 $3,262.10 41575 $4,706.70 41701 $189.70 41820 $790.60 40600 $2,063.70 41576 $6,826.00 41704 $65.80 41822 $450.10 40700 $4,459.10 41578 $4,845.00 41707 $846.10 41825 $672.40 40703 $2,909.70 41579 $3,635.00 41710 $1,062.60 41828 $97.50 40706 $3,577.20 41581 $5,272.80 41713 $1,139.20 41831 $673.40 40709 $1,320.00 41584 $3,817.30 41716 $560.00 41832 $379.40 40712 $2,680.00 41587 $4,925.90 41719 $240.00 41834 $2,458.00 40800 $1,458.10 41590 $2,345.00 41722 $1,052.80 41837 $2,278.40 40801 $4,480.00 41593 $2,598.10 41725 $843.20 41840 $2,887.60 40803 $2,334.40 41596 $3,465.00 41728 $1,730.60 41843 $2,532.60 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 32 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 41846 $313.20 42554 $1,392.20 42680 $610.00 42801 $2,012.00 41849 $518.80 42557 $1,936.30 42683 $234.40 42802 $1,064.00 41852 $645.00 42563 $1,040.80 42686 $530.60 42805 $978.90 41855 $636.20 42569 $1,936.30 42689 $219.80 42806 $669.80 41858 $925.70 42572 $194.90 42692 $519.80 42807 $552.40 41861 $1,235.00 42573 $427.20 42695 $854.80 42808 $552.40 41864 $812.00 42574 $886.00 42698 $1,569.50 42809 $800.60 41867 $1,167.40 42575 $155.40 42701 $1,098.50 42810 $1,205.00 41868 $732.20 42581 $204.00 42702 $2,206.80 42811 $819.30 41870 $910.00 42584 $521.40 42703 $1,070.00 42812 $315.80 41873 $1,107.30 42587 $91.00 42704 $771.40 42815 $1,114.40 41876 $1,177.40 42590 $755.00 42707 $1,379.80 42818 $1,108.10 41879 $1,937.10 42593 $341.50 42710 $1,413.90 42821 $163.00 41880 $481.00 42596 $952.20 42713 $694.90 42824 $123.90 41881 $768.00 42599 $1,155.40 42716 $2,600.00 42833 $1,325.00 41884 $170.10 42602 $1,193.40 42719 $975.80 42836 $1,548.10 41885 $513.80 42605 $929.70 42725 $2,520.40 42839 $1,530.00 41886 $314.10 42608 $534.70 42731 $2,775.90 42842 $1,870.00 41889 $314.10 42610 $176.90 42734 $564.40 42845 $388.90 41892 $424.60 42611 $272.90 42738 $477.60 42848 $1,530.00 41895 $661.60 42614 $90.80 42739 $477.60 42851 $1,629.00 41898 $463.70 42615 $132.90 42740 $564.40 42854 $667.70 41901 $1,122.20 42617 $220.30 42741 $595.70 42857 $738.70 41904 $466.90 42620 $121.70 42743 $1,193.70 42860 $1,578.50 41905 $770.90 42622 $152.60 42744 $544.60 42863 $1,458.90 41907 $232.70 42623 $1,498.40 42746 $1,791.70 42866 $1,435.10 41910 $734.50 42626 $2,041.90 42749 $2,262.80 42869 $1,026.80 42503 $235.00 42629 $1,651.80 42752 $2,506.90 42872 $515.00 42506 $906.90 42632 $220.60 42755 $314.10 43021 $832.90 42509 $1,325.00 42635 $568.00 42758 $1,335.30 43022 $907.00 42510 $1,480.00 42638 $713.20 42761 $975.80 43023 $147.00 42512 $803.20 42641 $925.80 42764 $937.90 43500 $227.00 42515 $1,154.30 42644 $123.80 42767 $2,216.90 43503 $386.70 42518 $660.00 42647 $435.20 42770 $595.00 43506 $668.20 42521 $2,113.10 42650 $136.40 42773 $1,692.90 43509 $651.80 42524 $386.70 42651 $305.30 42776 $2,554.80 43512 $672.70 42527 $775.30 42653 $2,715.70 42779 $2,843.10 43515 $672.70 42530 $1,325.00 42656 $3,186.50 42782 $589.70 43518 $1,105.70 42533 $778.40 42662 $1,686.30 42783 $734.30 43521 $809.70 42536 $1,569.10 42665 $1,123.80 42785 $581.60 43524 $1,052.80 42539 $2,672.90 42667 $238.60 42786 $581.60 43801 $1,589.70 42542 $951.70 42668 $141.30 42788 $581.60 43804 $1,692.80 42543 $1,662.90 42672 $1,606.20 42789 $581.60 43807 $1,846.60 42545 $2,515.00 42673 $915.00 42791 $581.60 43810 $2,154.40 42548 $1,671.40 42676 $217.40 42792 $581.60 43813 $2,154.40 42551 $1,193.70 42677 $118.00 42794 $114.10 43816 $2,000.40 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 33 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 43819 $1,615.70 43984 $2,154.40 45033 $452.50 45472 $2,900.20 43822 $1,615.70 43987 $2,385.10 45035 $1,315.60 45474 $4,629.00 43825 $1,846.60 43990 $2,923.80 45036 $2,124.80 45475 $3,492.50 43828 $2,040.40 43993 $3,154.60 45039 $450.70 45477 $5,413.00 43831 $1,589.70 43996 $3,539.30 45042 $577.50 45478 $4,082.80 43834 $1,846.60 43999 $442.70 45045 $583.10 45480 $6,196.70 43837 $2,308.00 44102 $488.60 45048 $1,722.10 45481 $4,675.40 43840 $2,000.40 44105 $74.90 45051 $1,125.00 45483 $7,060.20 43843 $3,077.70 44108 $816.30 45054 $409.30 45484 $5,327.10 43846 $3,308.30 44111 $955.90 45200 $534.70 45485 $1,571.40 43849 $846.40 44114 $955.90 45203 $767.10 45486 $1,031.40 43852 $2,692.70 44130 $803.30 45206 $720.30 45487 $677.70 43855 $2,847.00 44133 $710.90 45207 $671.00 45488 $753.00 43858 $1,000.10 44136 $305.00 45209 $891.30 45489 $1,129.70 43861 $2,769.90 44325 $559.80 45212 $442.30 45490 $1,852.50 43864 $2,077.40 44328 $594.80 45215 $1,934.10 45491 $1,882.70 43867 $1,154.30 44331 $980.90 45218 $870.00 45492 $3,082.80 43870 $1,615.70 44334 $2,089.00 45221 $536.60 45493 $965.00 43873 $2,154.40 44338 $270.80 45224 $231.60 45494 $3,106.10 43876 $1,846.60 44342 $484.50 45227 $850.00 45496 $810.30 43879 $2,154.40 44346 $496.70 45230 $470.20 45497 $633.60 43882 $2,769.90 44350 $481.00 45233 $964.80 45498 $510.90 43900 $1,846.60 44354 $617.70 45236 $767.40 45499 $379.90 43903 $3,077.70 44358 $345.50 45239 $495.40 45500 $2,047.50 43906 $2,692.70 44359 $494.80 45240 $489.20 45501 $3,320.40 43909 $2,692.70 44361 $594.80 45400 $382.40 45502 $4,005.00 43912 $2,544.00 44364 $534.70 45403 $762.10 45503 $3,691.10 43915 $2,006.70 44367 $970.50 45406 $917.10 45504 $3,367.20 43930 $739.60 44370 $1,202.10 45409 $1,133.10 45505 $3,354.20 43933 $865.80 44373 $2,467.70 45412 $1,706.90 45506 $413.80 43936 $1,615.70 44376 DF 45415 $1,696.10 45512 $580.90 43939 $1,231.20 45000 $1,035.70 45418 $1,631.60 45515 $353.30 43942 $437.90 45003 $1,133.70 45439 $532.10 45518 $459.40 43945 $1,615.70 45006 $2,004.70 45442 $1,100.90 45519 $1,050.00 43948 $231.00 45009 $749.30 45445 $1,049.80 45520 $2,200.00 43951 $1,446.90 45012 $1,189.70 45448 $705.90 45522 $1,545.00 43954 $1,769.70 45015 $735.00 45451 $895.60 45524 $1,605.00 43957 $1,923.40 45018 $1,168.00 45460 $2,092.00 45527 $1,610.00 43960 $676.60 45019 $796.80 45461 $2,261.20 45528 $2,415.00 43963 $2,692.70 45020 $940.00 45462 $1,125.10 45530 $2,375.00 43966 $3,077.70 45021 $380.00 45464 $5,130.00 45533 $2,690.00 43969 $4,231.70 45024 $945.00 45465 $2,274.90 45536 $861.30 43972 $3,127.10 45025 $380.00 45466 $1,715.80 45539 $2,300.20 43975 $3,616.30 45026 $850.00 45468 $3,058.90 45542 $1,320.00 43978 $3,077.70 45027 $225.30 45469 $2,597.20 45545 $1,220.60 43981 $846.40 45030 $226.60 45471 $3,845.00 45546 $333.20 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 34 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 45548 $680.00 45632 $1,215.00 45738 $3,815.60 45849 $1,124.10 45551 $1,085.00 45635 $1,440.00 45741 $2,958.20 45851 $254.40 45552 $1,440.00 45638 $2,490.00 45744 $4,565.00 45853 $1,486.90 45553 $1,440.00 45639 $2,485.00 45747 $3,227.30 45855 $682.20 45554 $1,715.00 45641 $2,550.00 45752 $4,353.90 45857 $1,091.30 45555 $1,440.00 45644 $2,985.00 45753 $3,636.40 45859 $550.10 45556 $1,870.00 45645 $373.40 45754 $4,913.80 45861 $1,631.60 45557 $1,870.00 45646 $1,952.30 45755 $613.70 45863 $2,249.10 45558 $2,805.00 45647 $2,955.90 45758 $1,235.80 45865 $552.40 45559 $2,770.00 45650 $330.00 45761 $1,580.00 45867 $521.40 45560 $1,110.00 45652 $745.00 45767 $4,192.20 45869 $1,983.30 45561 $3,487.50 45653 $704.20 45770 $3,211.30 45871 $3,260.00 45562 $2,069.30 45656 $1,132.90 45773 $2,926.70 45873 $2,839.70 45563 $2,077.40 45659 $1,145.00 45776 $2,992.60 45875 $1,075.90 45564 $5,017.20 45660 $5,439.60 45779 $2,151.80 45877 $785.60 45565 $3,589.10 45661 $2,412.00 45782 $1,859.90 45879 $780.00 45566 $2,096.40 45662 $1,205.50 45785 $2,784.10 45882 $71.70 45568 $773.50 45665 $614.30 45788 $2,812.80 45885 $762.60 45569 $1,430.00 45668 $616.10 45791 $1,486.90 45888 $685.10 45570 $1,895.00 45669 $646.40 45794 $1,235.00 45891 $1,035.60 45572 $556.80 45671 $1,610.00 45797 $371.60 45894 $446.90 45575 $1,440.40 45674 $483.40 45799 $72.00 45897 $1,775.40 45578 $1,604.90 45675 $911.80 45801 $264.80 45900 $454.60 45581 $680.00 45676 $1,081.50 45803 $616.30 45939 $835.00 45584 $1,550.00 45677 $1,033.50 45805 $420.00 45945 $198.20 45585 $1,550.00 45680 $1,129.70 45807 $438.80 45975 $215.60 45586 $1,550.00 45683 $1,255.10 45809 $697.60 45978 $263.30 45587 $1,865.00 45686 $1,634.30 45811 $945.30 45981 $161.60 45588 $2,790.00 45689 $600.00 45813 $1,110.10 45984 $1,029.30 45590 $1,015.00 45692 $565.00 45815 $677.10 45987 $1,230.90 45593 $1,190.00 45695 $1,075.00 45817 $775.30 45990 $1,507.10 45596 $1,960.00 45698 $765.60 45819 $1,964.90 45993 $1,800.50 45597 $2,011.80 45701 $2,320.80 45821 $677.90 45996 $398.70 45599 $1,241.80 45704 $555.60 45823 $265.00 46300 $701.70 45602 $1,331.80 45707 $1,327.60 45825 $628.20 46303 $738.20 45605 $1,110.20 45710 $888.00 45827 $575.60 46306 $1,118.50 45608 $1,686.50 45713 $1,051.60 45829 $439.30 46307 $1,000.10 45611 $1,265.00 45714 $1,432.10 45831 $575.60 46309 $1,027.20 45614 $1,108.20 45716 $1,768.80 45833 $677.70 46312 $1,299.00 45617 $495.00 45720 $1,823.80 45835 $840.90 46315 $1,745.10 45620 $685.00 45723 $2,495.00 45837 $1,044.00 46318 $2,354.00 45623 $1,419.20 45726 $2,312.90 45839 $1,044.00 46321 $2,603.40 45624 $1,693.10 45729 $3,170.00 45841 $878.30 46324 $1,694.10 45625 $345.70 45731 $2,629.70 45843 $705.00 46325 $1,700.40 45626 $655.00 45732 $3,615.00 45845 $947.40 46327 $443.30 45629 $1,110.00 45735 $3,043.30 45847 $332.20 46330 $766.40 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 35 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 46333 $1,126.70 46465 $472.60 47054 $504.60 47411 $188.30 46336 $669.40 46468 $1,010.00 47057 $169.10 47414 $530.80 46339 $919.30 46471 $1,126.40 47060 $226.60 47417 $495.90 46342 $919.30 46474 $1,224.00 47063 $338.40 47420 $1,288.40 46345 $1,126.40 46477 $1,506.50 47066 $625.80 47423 $390.90 46348 $485.00 46480 $746.50 47069 $94.40 47426 $820.00 46351 $753.20 46483 $593.80 47072 $174.70 47429 $856.30 46354 $1,001.60 46486 $476.70 47300 $141.50 47432 $1,041.10 46357 $1,250.00 46489 $544.60 47303 $164.90 47435 $789.80 46360 $1,498.40 46492 $689.50 47306 $244.40 47438 $1,254.70 46363 $461.40 46494 $415.00 47309 $296.20 47441 $1,642.90 46366 $329.10 46495 $401.10 47312 $212.10 47444 $393.70 46369 $464.40 46498 $451.60 47315 $276.60 47447 $645.30 46372 $850.00 46500 $538.10 47318 $340.50 47450 $968.70 46375 $1,008.20 46501 $658.60 47321 $480.40 47451 $1,159.90 46378 $1,340.20 46502 $576.40 47324 $297.80 47453 $440.00 46381 $593.80 46503 $717.30 47327 $371.20 47456 $752.30 46384 $593.80 46504 $2,182.40 47330 $516.70 47459 $1,001.30 46387 $1,221.90 46507 $2,426.00 47333 $592.70 47462 $188.30 46390 $1,644.40 46510 $902.90 47336 $282.90 47465 $565.00 46393 $1,899.40 46513 $94.30 47339 $371.20 47466 $188.30 46396 $677.50 46516 $221.00 47342 $521.60 47467 $430.60 46399 $975.80 46519 $269.60 47345 $594.00 47468 $918.40 46402 $1,046.40 46522 $848.60 47348 $156.90 47471 $71.70 46405 $1,203.90 46525 $95.40 47351 $457.10 47474 $358.30 46408 $1,299.30 46528 $282.90 47354 $282.90 47477 $448.00 46411 $835.60 46531 $142.20 47357 $847.50 47480 $1,094.10 46414 $991.50 46534 $448.90 47360 $219.90 47483 $1,056.40 46417 $1,001.60 47000 $99.50 47363 $353.90 47486 $1,766.30 46420 $414.50 47003 $113.20 47366 $513.60 47489 $2,636.70 46423 $669.40 47006 $312.90 47369 $282.90 47492 $393.20 46426 $681.20 47009 $273.20 47372 $535.90 47495 $881.30 46429 $835.60 47012 $610.00 47375 $760.00 47498 $1,318.40 46432 $912.90 47015 $113.20 47378 $282.90 47501 $1,919.90 46435 $1,026.70 47018 $282.30 47381 $480.40 47504 $2,636.70 46438 $350.00 47021 $490.40 47384 $639.70 47507 $2,934.00 46441 $680.80 47024 $348.20 47385 $551.40 47510 $2,636.70 46442 $581.50 47027 $472.10 47386 $921.00 47513 $628.50 46444 $994.40 47030 $338.90 47387 $455.50 47516 $793.00 46447 $1,208.70 47033 $490.40 47390 $774.80 47519 $1,635.30 46450 $468.90 47036 $113.20 47393 $1,033.90 47522 $1,413.20 46453 $758.90 47039 $209.40 47396 $314.10 47525 $1,636.60 46456 $184.00 47042 $152.60 47399 $762.00 47528 $1,406.50 46459 $485.00 47045 $275.40 47402 $705.00 47531 $1,831.30 46462 $604.70 47048 $535.30 47405 $314.10 47534 $2,125.50 46464 $427.80 47051 $779.40 47408 $797.30 47537 $819.30 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 36 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 47540 $407.80 47681 $81.70 47930 $554.10 48600 $176.70 47543 $377.30 47684 $1,463.20 47933 $444.40 48603 $346.70 47546 $633.20 47687 $2,470.00 47936 $545.00 48606 $3,305.00 47549 $884.70 47690 $1,968.60 47948 $299.10 48612 $5,391.60 47552 $671.30 47693 $2,470.00 47951 $350.70 48613 $6,578.00 47555 $1,056.40 47696 $706.00 47954 $792.40 48615 $897.80 47558 $1,498.60 47699 $2,859.30 47957 $637.80 48618 $4,665.30 47561 $455.50 47702 $3,561.90 47960 $280.00 48621 $4,015.00 47564 $774.80 47703 $82.80 47963 $509.70 48624 $4,122.50 47565 $1,356.50 47705 $710.00 47966 $957.90 48627 $5,098.70 47566 $1,749.20 47708 $361.30 47969 $577.40 48630 $5,121.60 47567 $901.60 47711 $726.90 47972 $478.90 48632 $2,606.10 47570 $1,019.80 47714 $451.20 47975 $798.00 48636 $1,515.90 47573 $1,305.40 47717 $989.20 47978 $558.10 48639 $3,177.30 47576 $188.30 47720 $1,052.60 47981 $371.30 48640 $6,574.40 47579 $267.20 47723 $970.50 47982 $709.60 48642 $1,832.40 47582 $654.00 47726 $355.00 48200 $1,408.10 48645 $2,346.60 47585 $827.80 47729 $590.00 48203 $1,705.10 48648 $2,447.10 47588 $2,463.00 47732 $857.20 48206 $1,102.20 48651 $3,022.10 47591 $2,994.00 47735 $92.10 48209 $1,361.60 48654 $2,659.30 47594 $361.30 47738 $600.40 48212 $1,068.60 48657 $3,660.00 47597 $612.10 47741 $1,066.10 48215 $1,365.10 48660 $2,558.40 47600 $850.50 47753 $1,020.00 48218 $1,064.20 48663 $1,528.70 47603 $1,084.70 47756 $952.50 48221 $1,422.90 48666 $1,087.60 47606 $393.20 47762 $562.40 48224 $722.00 48669 $3,384.50 47609 $663.90 47765 $938.90 48227 $1,026.40 48672 $2,517.20 47612 $814.30 47768 $1,200.00 48230 $976.00 48675 $1,231.40 47615 $881.30 47771 $1,380.00 48233 $1,272.80 48678 $1,415.00 47618 $1,226.50 47774 $815.40 48236 $1,527.90 48681 $1,762.30 47621 $772.10 47777 $727.30 48239 $882.00 48684 $2,281.70 47624 $1,110.10 47780 $945.50 48242 $1,378.30 48687 $3,175.90 47627 $267.20 47783 $945.50 48400 $661.50 48690 $3,281.40 47630 $640.40 47786 $1,800.00 48403 $1,075.00 48691 $4,625.00 47633 $188.30 47789 $1,416.00 48406 $680.80 48692 $3,115.00 47636 $282.90 47900 $321.00 48409 $1,113.70 48693 $1,101.90 47639 $494.00 47903 $573.90 48412 $1,201.50 48694 $1,752.40 47642 $251.80 47904 $94.30 48415 $1,506.90 48900 $519.70 47645 $431.00 47906 $214.90 48418 $1,189.50 48903 $1,130.60 47648 $609.10 47912 $94.30 48421 $1,807.10 48906 $1,066.10 47651 $393.20 47915 $297.80 48424 $1,718.10 48909 $1,686.20 47654 $694.80 47916 $142.20 48427 $1,788.90 48912 $619.30 47657 $897.00 47918 $447.20 48500 $620.90 48915 $1,508.50 47663 $235.80 47920 $722.90 48503 $621.90 48918 $3,127.70 47666 $581.10 47921 $250.30 48506 $917.60 48921 $2,907.00 47672 $196.80 47924 $71.20 48509 $393.20 48924 $3,601.90 47678 $319.10 47927 $288.20 48512 $1,675.60 48927 $612.70 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 37 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 48930 $1,700.80 49336 $652.80 49716 $2,607.90 50201 $659.30 48933 $2,009.00 49339 $5,194.90 49717 $3,811.90 50203 $854.90 48936 $1,438.60 49342 $5,721.10 49718 $828.90 50206 $1,220.30 48939 $2,225.00 49345 $6,163.00 49721 $446.80 50209 $1,426.60 48942 $2,636.70 49346 $1,610.70 49724 $1,655.00 50212 $3,109.20 48945 $531.20 49360 $669.40 49727 $630.80 50215 $3,885.70 48948 $1,325.60 49363 $789.30 49728 $1,039.60 50218 $5,188.70 48951 $1,705.20 49366 $1,515.30 49800 $268.80 50221 $4,783.00 48954 $1,780.60 49500 $723.10 49803 $356.00 50224 $5,346.30 48957 $2,237.80 49503 $953.00 49806 $269.60 50227 $5,601.30 48960 $1,977.70 49506 $1,383.40 49809 $477.10 50230 $2,968.40 49100 $666.10 49509 $1,437.30 49812 $897.00 50233 $4,065.50 49103 $1,443.10 49512 $2,054.30 49815 $1,664.00 50236 $2,843.00 49106 $1,762.30 49515 $1,833.50 49818 $654.70 50239 $2,135.60 49109 $1,488.20 49517 $2,625.20 49821 $856.90 50300 $2,188.80 49112 $1,415.70 49518 $2,727.00 49824 $1,446.00 50303 $2,992.60 49115 $2,687.70 49519 $5,145.30 49827 $948.50 50306 $4,669.30 49116 $2,754.50 49521 $3,018.40 49830 $1,809.00 50309 $572.20 49117 $3,646.70 49524 $3,554.10 49833 $1,083.60 50312 $1,326.30 49118 $556.10 49527 $3,052.40 49836 $1,992.30 50315 $1,304.80 49121 $1,280.40 49530 $3,774.80 49837 $1,272.70 50318 $1,157.10 49200 $1,593.90 49533 $4,244.30 49838 $2,174.00 50321 $1,764.00 49203 $1,239.70 49534 $1,140.00 49839 $1,136.50 50324 $2,210.00 49206 $1,142.20 49536 $1,860.50 49842 $1,981.00 50327 $2,695.80 49209 $1,610.60 49539 $2,107.90 49845 $1,039.90 50330 $504.00 49210 $1,772.10 49542 $2,822.50 49848 $321.10 50333 $1,238.50 49211 $2,249.80 49545 $1,257.30 49851 $467.50 50336 $1,539.00 49212 $466.10 49548 $1,928.60 49854 $721.10 50339 $1,062.90 49215 $1,280.00 49551 $2,821.20 49857 $838.40 50342 $1,232.80 49218 $637.50 49554 $3,554.70 49860 $581.90 50345 $737.90 49221 $1,343.50 49557 $573.70 49863 $824.90 50348 $470.50 49224 $1,418.20 49558 $532.40 49866 $656.30 50349 $534.40 49227 $1,444.40 49559 $825.30 49878 $107.50 50351 $2,665.90 49300 $1,300.00 49560 $1,145.60 50100 $509.80 50352 $107.50 49303 $1,031.80 49561 $1,369.20 50102 $1,173.10 50353 $592.10 49306 $2,039.80 49562 $1,500.10 50103 $649.00 50354 $2,186.70 49309 $1,550.10 49563 $1,622.40 50104 $635.10 50357 $1,242.20 49312 $1,762.30 49564 $1,906.90 50106 $934.10 50360 $1,380.50 49315 $1,600.40 49566 $1,754.70 50109 $966.20 50363 $945.70 49318 $2,730.40 49569 $1,426.10 50112 $685.90 50366 $1,649.70 49319 $5,233.80 49700 $552.40 50115 $268.30 50369 $1,241.90 49321 $3,055.30 49703 $1,332.20 50118 $932.30 50372 $1,909.20 49324 $3,519.30 49706 $700.40 50121 $1,913.40 50375 $1,155.00 49327 $4,072.40 49709 $1,514.10 50127 $1,332.50 50378 $1,940.40 49330 $4,295.70 49712 $1,600.00 50130 $731.10 50381 $1,229.50 49333 $4,654.90 49715 $2,268.30 50200 $358.30 50384 $2,177.70 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 38 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 50387 $1,087.60 50576 $1,533.80 52018 $470.50 52108 $554.50 50390 $427.70 50580 $1,106.50 52021 $69.60 52111 $752.70 50393 $1,599.80 50584 $1,377.50 52024 $162.20 52114 $1,115.40 50394 $5,294.20 50588 $1,397.00 52025 $306.80 52117 $1,224.70 50396 $915.40 50600 $721.80 52027 $281.00 52120 $3,517.20 50399 $1,539.00 50604 $3,064.00 52030 $153.10 52122 $3,517.20 50402 $803.70 50608 $6,995.00 52033 $306.80 52123 $1,563.10 50405 $1,200.70 50612 $9,191.70 52034 $182.60 52126 $1,502.90 50408 $1,666.20 50616 $1,167.80 52035 $1,079.60 52129 $2,011.80 50411 $2,186.70 50620 $6,224.60 52036 $252.90 52130 $752.60 50414 $2,950.30 50624 $6,406.00 52039 $554.50 52131 $1,638.40 50417 $2,186.70 50628 $7,936.00 52042 $336.10 52132 $1,058.20 50420 $1,805.10 50632 $6,682.20 52045 $420.00 52133 $152.00 50423 $2,285.90 50636 $6,566.30 52048 $693.20 52135 $245.60 50426 $986.70 50640 $3,629.80 52051 $855.70 52138 $1,420.30 50450 $2,037.40 50644 $4,242.10 52054 $1,026.50 52141 $841.80 50451 $2,037.40 50650 $688.70 52055 $46.50 52144 $703.50 50455 $2,307.30 50654 $824.70 52056 $46.50 52147 $736.40 50456 $2,307.30 50658 $372.20 52057 $277.10 52148 $1,151.30 50460 $3,444.60 50950 $1,424.90 52058 $404.30 52158 $2,101.80 50461 $3,444.60 50952 $1,548.20 52059 $1,137.80 52180 $431.40 50465 $4,852.00 51300 $150.50 52060 $343.60 52182 $740.50 50466 $4,852.00 51303 DF 52061 $373.40 52184 $1,117.90 50470 $6,153.50 51306 $268.20 52062 $493.50 52186 $1,281.30 50471 $6,153.50 51309 DF 52063 $667.20 52300 $483.70 50475 $7,100.50 51312 DF 52064 $303.10 52303 $690.50 50476 $7,100.50 51315 $456.70 52066 $1,303.70 52306 $1,024.80 50500 $790.00 51318 $277.40 52069 $460.70 52309 $341.60 50504 $615.80 52072 $145.50 52312 $535.50 50508 $842.30 52073 $249.80 52315 $966.50 50512 $1,013.10 Category 4: Oral & maxillofacial services by approved dental practitioners 52075 $326.80 52318 $402.30 50516 $646.50 51700 $145.50 52078 $564.70 52319 $731.90 $1,169.80 51703 $73.20 52081 $181.10 52321 $991.10 $681.80 51800 $150.50 52084 $240.70 52324 $1,839.60 $1,573.60 51803 DF 52087 $387.40 52327 $977.90 50532 $1,640.00 51900 $554.50 52090 $606.10 52330 $1,531.20 50536 $1,459.00 51902 $125.70 52092 $775.30 52333 $1,305.20 50540 $957.50 51904 $853.60 52094 $1,224.40 52336 $900.40 $440.00 51906 $1,154.60 52095 $868.10 52337 $2,114.10 $880.20 52000 $140.30 52096 $346.60 52339 $929.00 50552 $859.00 52003 $199.90 52097 $303.40 52342 $1,703.00 50556 $1,137.50 52006 $199.90 52098 $353.20 52345 $2,365.40 50560 $791.90 52009 $367.50 52099 $240.20 52348 $2,307.70 $1,055.90 52010 $569.60 52102 $264.50 52351 $4,502.00 $1,005.50 52012 $99.90 52105 $498.40 52354 $2,649.60 $1,395.10 52015 $409.50 52106 $336.20 52357 $4,145.70 50520 50524 50528 50544 50548 50564 50568 50572 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 39 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 52360 $2,868.30 52821 $1,719.70 53409 $766.80 55032 $205.80 52363 $5,593.20 52824 $754.60 53410 $142.90 55033 $72.00 52366 $3,014.90 52826 $396.60 53411 $598.30 55036 $207.90 52369 $6,464.40 52828 $589.90 53412 $736.90 55037 $72.30 52372 $3,289.00 52830 $778.00 53413 $928.30 55038 $207.90 52375 $5,932.30 52832 $1,067.00 53414 $1,539.10 55039 $72.00 52378 $2,549.00 53000 $71.00 53415 $825.30 55048 $212.40 52379 $2,994.50 53003 $173.40 53416 $741.20 55049 $75.10 52380 $3,813.80 53004 $116.00 53418 $945.50 55054 $205.20 52382 $6,628.90 53006 $886.70 53419 $1,064.00 55059 $83.90 52420 $624.20 53009 $549.80 53422 $1,797.50 55060 $29.20 52424 $1,461.70 53012 $213.60 53423 $1,263.40 55061 $93.00 52430 $1,819.80 53015 $999.70 53424 $2,024.70 55062 $32.20 52440 $903.70 53016 $1,225.60 53425 $1,293.60 55063 $83.90 52442 $1,129.70 53017 $2,336.00 53427 $1,732.90 55064 $29.20 52444 $1,255.10 53019 $1,351.10 53429 $1,646.00 55065 $150.80 52446 $1,481.20 53052 $204.90 53439 $448.40 55067 $77.10 52450 $502.00 53054 $483.20 53453 $1,162.20 55068 $53.70 52452 $831.30 53056 $122.20 53455 $1,767.20 55069 $27.40 52456 $1,380.80 53058 $204.90 53458 $73.00 55070 $201.50 52458 $502.00 53060 $167.80 53459 $532.60 55073 $63.90 52460 $1,305.20 53062 $150.10 53460 $1,682.50 55076 $236.60 52480 $838.30 53064 $271.90 53600 $65.00 55079 $89.00 52482 $806.60 53068 $580.20 53700 $208.40 55084 $184.50 52484 $960.20 53070 $516.70 53702 $104.40 55085 $63.90 52600 $644.90 53200 $132.80 53704 $62.70 55113 $437.70 52603 $550.10 53203 $198.20 53706 $530.80 55114 $440.30 52606 $419.50 53206 $272.90 55115 $434.70 52609 $550.10 53209 $2,752.50 Category 5: Diagnostic imaging services 55116 $490.60 52612 $690.50 53212 $1,808.80 55117 $498.10 52615 $857.20 53215 $1,737.60 52618 $997.70 53218 $1,747.60 52621 $1,989.20 53220 $550.10 52624 $903.70 53221 $1,651.10 52626 $645.30 53224 $1,614.00 52627 $986.30 53225 $549.40 52630 $441.70 53226 $521.40 52633 $1,624.70 53227 $1,983.30 52636 $783.50 53230 $4,520.80 52800 $534.20 53233 $4,789.20 52803 $677.90 53236 $785.60 52806 $462.00 53239 $785.60 52809 $790.70 53242 $567.40 52812 $1,151.40 53400 $215.60 52815 $2,935.60 53403 $268.40 52818 $957.60 53406 $1,139.70 55005 $93.00 55007 $32.20 55008 $93.00 55010 $32.20 55011 $93.00 55013 $32.20 55014 $94.90 55016 $32.20 55017 $93.00 55019 $32.20 55023 $93.30 55025 $32.20 55026 $93.00 55028 $204.80 55029 $70.80 55030 $249.30 55031 $82.20 55118 $519.10 55119 $196.70 55120 $196.70 55121 $196.70 55122 $223.30 55123 $223.30 55125 $235.00 55130 $320.80 55131 $145.10 55135 $667.40 55136 $301.60 55220 $144.70 55221 $144.70 55222 $144.70 55223 $144.70 55224 $144.70 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 40 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 55226 $144.70 55719 $98.20 55815 $32.20 56022 $424.30 55227 $144.70 55720 $34.10 55816 $210.50 56028 $610.00 55228 $144.70 55721 $217.10 55817 $93.00 56030 $428.30 55229 $144.70 55722 $85.30 55818 $72.00 56036 $613.40 55230 $144.70 55723 $71.70 55819 $32.20 56041 $174.40 55232 $144.70 55724 $98.20 55820 $205.00 56047 $239.40 55233 $144.70 55725 $75.50 55821 $93.00 56050 $229.40 55235 $144.70 55726 $32.40 55822 $66.80 56053 $226.50 55236 $94.70 55727 $34.10 55823 $32.20 56056 $292.50 55238 $320.90 55729 $51.50 55824 $210.50 56062 $199.90 55244 $321.60 55730 $23.30 55825 $93.00 56068 $337.60 55246 $322.80 55735 $108.30 55826 $75.50 56070 $199.90 55248 $321.40 55736 $305.00 55827 $32.20 56076 $318.80 55252 $318.40 55737 $48.60 55828 $205.50 56101 $432.40 55274 $318.20 55739 $126.00 55829 $93.00 56107 $627.40 55276 $321.90 55759 $287.40 55830 $72.00 56141 $222.10 55278 $340.80 55760 $128.00 55831 $32.20 56147 $303.10 55280 $323.20 55762 $162.10 55832 $204.90 56219 $610.50 55282 $317.70 55763 $51.20 55833 $93.00 56220 $444.30 55284 $318.40 55764 $302.00 55834 $90.00 56221 $441.30 55292 $300.30 55765 $136.50 55835 $32.20 56223 $448.30 55294 $317.80 55766 $122.80 55836 $204.00 56224 $620.40 55296 $210.90 55767 $55.40 55837 $93.00 56225 $628.90 55600 $203.90 55768 $283.20 55838 $72.00 56226 $624.00 55601 $93.00 55769 $128.00 55839 $32.20 56227 $233.00 55603 $225.30 55770 $113.20 55840 $214.20 56228 $216.40 55604 $93.00 55771 $51.20 55841 $93.00 56229 $216.40 55700 $121.10 55772 $302.00 55842 $85.60 56230 $313.30 55701 $51.20 55773 $136.50 55843 $32.20 56231 $313.30 55702 $29.90 55774 $122.80 55844 $164.60 56232 $313.30 55703 $66.10 55775 $55.40 55845 $74.60 56233 $443.90 55704 $133.00 55800 $207.40 55846 $71.20 56234 $664.80 55705 $66.10 55801 $93.00 55847 $32.20 56235 $231.00 55706 $202.00 55802 $72.00 55848 $248.80 56236 $313.30 55707 $216.70 55803 $32.20 55849 $93.00 56237 $451.40 55708 $132.50 55804 $208.80 55850 $315.20 56238 $669.00 55709 $113.70 55805 $93.00 55851 $130.40 56239 $216.30 55710 $59.70 55806 $71.80 55852 $192.60 56240 $313.30 55711 $29.90 55807 $32.20 55853 $93.00 56259 $291.00 55712 $217.10 55808 $207.50 55854 $66.80 56301 $547.80 55713 $85.30 55809 $93.00 55855 $32.20 56307 $718.10 55714 $59.70 55810 $89.60 56001 $359.60 56341 $281.00 55715 $75.50 55811 $32.20 56007 $475.90 56347 $379.00 55716 $29.90 55812 $207.50 56010 $470.00 56401 $384.40 55717 $32.40 55813 $93.00 56013 $471.40 56407 $650.70 55718 $191.10 55814 $72.00 56016 $533.00 56409 $371.30 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 41 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 56412 $656.40 57533 $46.10 57945 $81.60 58526 $48.20 56441 $184.30 57535 $27.70 57947 $66.80 58527 $123.50 56447 $320.50 57536 $37.10 57950 $55.00 58529 $59.20 56449 $197.60 57538 $42.10 57953 $42.40 58700 $92.70 56452 $320.50 57539 $56.30 57956 $37.10 58702 $39.40 56501 $555.60 57700 $79.50 57959 $40.50 58706 $299.50 56507 $871.40 57702 $34.50 57960 $85.00 58708 $134.70 56541 $276.60 57703 $102.90 57962 $40.50 58715 $242.70 56547 $436.70 57705 $46.10 57963 $84.90 58717 $129.30 56552 $1,133.40 57706 $76.10 57965 $40.50 58718 $239.80 56554 $1,112.80 57708 $27.70 57966 $84.40 58720 $107.60 56619 $416.30 57709 $83.10 57968 $40.50 58721 $225.50 56625 $593.60 57711 $37.10 57969 $88.60 58723 $118.00 56659 $208.10 57712 $91.10 58100 $126.50 58900 $52.10 56665 $295.60 57714 $40.30 58102 $57.30 58902 $30.40 56801 $828.20 57715 $109.50 58103 $104.60 58903 $90.00 56807 $1,002.60 57717 $52.00 58105 $47.00 58905 $40.60 56841 $412.20 57721 $186.10 58106 $145.80 58909 $202.80 56847 $532.90 57723 $84.70 58108 $194.20 58911 $76.70 57001 $836.30 57901 $122.80 58109 $89.00 58912 $236.80 57007 $1,004.70 57902 $113.90 58111 $65.70 58914 $94.10 57041 $412.30 57903 $88.90 58112 $178.50 58915 $174.20 57047 $501.40 57906 $113.90 58114 $93.90 58916 $259.20 57201 $316.10 57909 $113.90 58115 $194.20 58917 $67.40 57247 $137.00 57911 $55.00 58117 $40.20 58920 $118.20 57341 $661.00 57912 $89.30 58120 $194.20 58921 $255.30 57345 $426.80 57914 $55.00 58121 $194.20 58923 $115.50 57350 $955.40 57915 $88.20 58123 $83.00 58924 $160.80 57351 $970.00 57917 $40.40 58124 $93.90 58926 $71.70 57355 $467.50 57918 $91.90 58126 $93.90 58927 $143.10 57356 $466.50 57920 $55.00 58127 $93.90 58929 $65.30 57360 $1,194.10 57921 $88.20 58300 $81.80 58933 $385.10 57361 $597.00 57923 $55.00 58302 $34.20 58935 $175.30 57362 $173.60 57924 $84.40 58306 $170.50 58936 $330.00 57363 $86.90 57926 $40.30 58308 $76.20 58938 $167.20 57506 $63.90 57927 $94.10 58500 $55.40 58939 $261.20 57509 $74.70 57929 $40.30 58502 $30.20 58941 $118.80 57512 $81.80 57930 $68.60 58503 $88.50 59103 $37.60 57515 $101.20 57932 $40.30 58505 $40.30 59104 $18.20 57518 $68.30 57933 $139.20 58506 $134.30 59300 $168.20 57521 $81.60 57935 $40.30 58508 $51.90 59301 $76.20 57524 $92.30 57938 $40.30 58509 $89.30 59303 $101.40 57527 $123.90 57939 $114.40 58511 $34.00 59304 $46.10 57529 $25.40 57941 $42.40 58521 $82.40 59306 $191.50 57530 $34.00 57942 $93.20 58523 $37.10 59307 $85.50 57532 $34.50 57944 $28.00 58524 $106.30 59309 $354.30 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 42 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 59310 $171.00 60004 $634.60 60073 $36.90 61386 $479.80 59312 $171.10 60006 $2,116.00 60075 $180.30 61387 $682.90 59313 $74.30 60007 $902.40 60076 $73.80 61389 $556.00 59314 $123.90 60009 $2,573.90 60078 $275.50 61390 $592.00 59315 $44.80 60010 $1,055.90 60079 $110.70 61393 $930.70 59318 $92.50 60012 $1,056.90 60100 $114.20 61397 $395.80 59319 $40.20 60013 $432.70 60101 $51.90 61401 $254.90 59503 $157.80 60015 $1,460.60 60500 $85.30 61402 $940.90 59504 $76.20 60016 $634.60 60501 $37.10 61405 $611.50 59700 $196.20 60018 $2,168.90 60503 $86.00 61409 $1,220.10 59701 $82.50 60019 $902.40 60504 $25.40 61413 $352.20 59703 $162.90 60021 $2,470.60 60506 $145.00 61417 $191.60 59704 $64.80 60022 $1,055.90 60507 $54.50 61421 $728.40 59712 $219.90 60024 $1,059.80 60509 $221.00 61425 $916.80 59713 $97.10 60025 $432.70 60510 $84.40 61426 $801.70 59715 $242.00 60027 $1,546.00 60918 $83.30 61429 $850.30 59716 $122.50 60028 $634.60 60927 $71.20 61430 $1,116.50 59718 $251.40 60030 $2,197.50 61109 $504.90 61433 $718.90 59719 $114.90 60031 $902.40 61110 $220.90 61434 $1,041.70 59724 $393.50 60033 $2,593.70 61302 $672.70 61437 $857.20 59725 $193.20 60034 $1,055.90 61303 $872.20 61438 $1,179.30 59733 $202.90 60036 $1,057.10 61306 $1,072.50 61441 $711.70 59734 $92.00 60037 $432.70 61307 $1,309.50 61442 $1,174.80 59736 $178.00 60039 $1,460.60 61310 $551.30 61445 $403.50 59737 $52.90 60040 $634.60 61313 $456.70 61446 $494.10 59739 $135.40 60042 $2,184.70 61314 $636.80 61449 $816.90 59740 $63.00 60043 $902.40 61316 $636.80 61450 $609.20 59751 $242.80 60045 $2,562.90 61317 $747.70 61453 $906.10 59752 $118.70 60046 $1,055.90 61320 $352.20 61454 $509.20 59754 $387.40 60048 $1,057.90 61328 $333.90 61457 $831.00 59755 $187.20 60049 $432.70 61340 $323.70 61458 $628.20 59760 $228.00 60051 $1,517.40 61348 $652.10 61461 $932.30 59761 $98.30 60052 $634.60 61352 $397.10 61462 $227.80 59763 $241.20 60054 $2,197.50 61353 $603.30 61465 $404.70 59764 $114.20 60055 $902.40 61356 $587.20 61469 $614.50 59903 $231.10 60057 $2,578.70 61360 $767.40 61473 $333.60 59912 $611.60 60058 $1,055.90 61361 $849.10 61480 $561.80 59925 $736.60 60060 $1,072.40 61364 $728.80 61484 $1,235.90 59970 $297.10 60061 $432.70 61368 $344.30 61485 $1,557.90 59971 $101.30 60063 $1,566.30 61369 $3,559.90 61495 $344.30 59972 $308.40 60064 $634.60 61372 $353.70 61499 $381.70 59973 $351.50 60066 $2,199.80 61373 $704.60 61505 $176.70 59974 $159.20 60067 $902.40 61376 $227.60 61523 $1,683.10 60000 $1,080.50 60069 $2,599.60 61381 $1,041.70 61529 $1,683.10 60001 $432.70 60070 $1,055.90 61383 $987.60 61538 $1,591.40 60003 $1,474.10 60072 $92.50 61384 $1,214.50 61541 $1,683.10 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 43 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 61553 $1,764.40 61680 $316.10 63014 $343.80 63170 $594.10 61559 $1,621.40 61681 $349.80 63016 $343.80 63173 $594.10 61565 $1,683.10 61682 $516.40 63017 $286.50 63176 $594.10 61571 $1,683.10 61683 $210.60 63040 $567.40 63179 $594.10 61575 $1,625.80 61684 $138.50 63043 $594.10 63182 $594.10 61577 $1,683.10 61685 $516.10 63046 $647.70 63185 $594.10 61598 $1,683.10 61686 $295.10 63049 $647.70 63186 $305.70 61604 $1,683.10 61687 $745.10 63052 $647.70 63187 $305.70 61610 $1,683.10 61688 $192.80 63055 $647.70 63188 $305.70 61616 $1,683.10 61689 $101.50 63058 $647.70 63189 $305.70 61620 $1,625.80 61690 $409.20 63061 $647.70 63190 $305.70 61622 $1,683.10 61691 $512.30 63064 $647.70 63191 $305.70 61628 $1,683.10 61692 $473.20 63067 $647.70 63192 $305.70 61632 $1,625.80 61693 $463.20 63070 $647.70 63193 $305.70 61640 $1,764.40 61694 $562.40 63073 $647.70 63194 $305.70 61646 $1,764.40 61695 $423.90 63074 $286.50 63201 $710.60 61650 $1,569.50 61696 $524.90 63075 $305.70 63204 $710.60 61651 $383.00 61697 $463.00 63076 $343.80 63207 $382.00 61652 $482.20 61698 $574.10 63077 $343.80 63208 $382.00 61653 $605.30 61699 $417.70 63078 $343.80 63219 $710.60 61654 $712.10 61700 $641.80 63079 $343.80 63222 $710.60 61655 $313.30 61701 $244.60 63080 $343.80 63225 $710.60 61656 $258.80 61702 $284.60 63081 $343.80 63228 $710.60 61657 $358.20 61703 $389.10 63082 $343.80 63231 $710.60 61658 $325.10 61704 $339.10 63083 $343.80 63234 $710.60 61659 $419.90 61705 $439.00 63084 $343.80 63237 $710.60 61660 $195.30 61706 $296.90 63085 $343.80 63240 $710.60 61661 $194.20 61707 $401.40 63101 $773.20 63243 $710.60 61662 $215.80 61708 $338.70 63104 $420.50 63257 $382.00 61663 $378.30 61709 $450.20 63111 $773.20 63258 $382.00 61664 $221.30 61710 $110.00 63114 $773.20 63259 $382.00 61665 $329.80 61711 $226.50 63117 $420.50 63260 $382.00 61666 $334.90 61712 $296.90 63119 $420.50 63261 $382.00 61667 $344.00 61713 $149.70 63125 $773.20 63262 $382.00 61668 $393.70 61714 $330.00 63128 $773.20 63263 $382.00 61669 $423.90 61715 $751.40 63131 $773.20 63264 $382.00 61670 $190.30 61716 $852.40 63134 $420.50 63265 $382.00 61671 $1,719.40 61717 $190.30 63135 $420.50 63271 $773.20 61672 $190.30 61718 $215.80 63136 $420.50 63274 $773.20 61673 $417.70 61719 $85.30 63151 $594.10 63277 $773.20 61674 $122.40 61729 $749.40 63154 $594.10 63280 $773.20 61675 $489.90 63001 $647.70 63157 $305.70 63282 $420.50 61676 $533.20 63004 $647.70 63158 $305.70 63283 $420.50 61677 $586.60 63007 $647.70 63161 $594.10 63284 $420.50 61678 $283.60 63010 $567.40 63164 $594.10 63285 $420.50 61679 $367.40 63013 $343.80 63167 $594.10 63301 $620.60 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 44 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 63304 $620.60 63461 $594.10 64990 NA 65176 $86.40 63307 $620.60 63464 $1,238.50 64991 NA 65177 $128.00 $1,233.60 Category 6: Pathology services 65178 $169.30 65179 $210.70 65180 $45.00 65181 $41.40 66500 $12.50 66503 $14.90 63310 $324.70 63467 63311 $324.70 63470 $647.90 63313 $324.70 63473 $961.20 63322 $647.90 63476 $711.90 63325 $647.90 63479 $343.80 63328 $647.90 63481 $534.90 63331 $647.90 63482 $711.90 63334 $567.40 63484 $343.80 63337 $710.60 63486 $343.80 63340 $647.90 63491 $79.20 63341 $343.80 63494 $79.20 63342 $343.80 63497 $276.80 63343 $343.80 63498 $76.30 63345 $343.80 63499 $267.50 63346 $286.50 63501 $853.00 63347 $382.00 63502 $853.00 63348 $343.80 63504 $853.00 63361 $647.90 63505 $853.00 63364 $343.80 63507 $647.70 63385 $710.60 63508 $343.80 63388 $710.60 63510 $710.60 63391 $647.90 63511 $382.00 63392 $382.00 63513 $647.90 63393 $382.00 63514 $343.80 63394 $343.80 63516 $647.90 63401 $647.90 63517 $343.80 63404 $647.90 63519 $647.90 63407 $343.80 63520 $343.80 63408 $343.80 63522 $710.60 63416 $647.90 63523 $382.00 63419 $343.80 63551 $637.80 63425 $647.90 63552 $319.00 63428 $647.90 63554 $567.00 63432 $343.80 63555 $283.50 63433 $343.80 63557 $779.60 63440 $647.90 63558 $389.90 63443 $647.90 63560 $637.80 63446 $647.90 63561 $319.00 63447 $343.80 63740 $701.60 63448 $343.80 63741 $407.10 63449 $343.80 63743 $618.70 63455 $305.70 63744 $350.80 63457 $588.40 63746 $203.60 63458 $588.40 63747 $309.40 65060 $14.50 65066 $13.40 65070 $30.10 65072 $18.00 65075 $82.80 65078 $160.20 65079 $160.20 65081 $172.00 65082 $172.00 65084 $296.70 65087 $147.60 65090 $19.70 65093 $39.20 65096 $72.90 65099 $196.60 65102 $293.10 65105 $198.60 65108 $254.90 65109 $24.00 65110 $24.00 65111 $42.50 65114 $11.80 65117 $36.00 65120 $24.40 65123 $37.00 65126 $52.40 65129 $64.10 65137 $45.00 65142 $45.00 65144 $100.70 65147 $67.00 65150 $126.10 65153 $252.20 65156 $378.30 65157 $126.10 65158 $126.10 65159 $126.10 65162 $19.80 65165 $66.10 65166 $61.30 65171 $45.00 65175 $45.00 66506 $17.50 66509 $20.20 66512 $22.90 66517 $34.90 66518 $35.10 66519 $75.30 66536 $14.20 66539 $41.00 66542 $29.60 66545 $30.00 66548 $37.10 66551 $29.80 66554 $29.80 66557 $17.20 66560 $35.90 66563 $31.80 66566 $50.30 66569 $75.70 66572 $90.80 66575 $107.30 66578 $122.40 66581 $137.50 66584 $17.20 66587 $84.40 66590 $58.60 66593 $31.90 66596 $57.80 66605 $54.50 66606 $54.50 66607 $134.70 66610 $130.10 66623 $53.40 66626 $42.90 66629 $35.90 66632 $35.90 66635 $35.90 66638 $63.10 66639 $52.00 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 45 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No 66641 $52.00 66751 66642 $52.00 66644 Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) $104.30 66837 $59.90 69413 $99.00 66752 $43.90 66838 $36.20 69415 $113.90 $26.00 66755 $69.20 66839 $65.90 69418 $112.90 66647 $58.00 66756 $174.70 66840 $36.20 69419 $112.90 66650 $43.30 66757 $174.70 66841 $25.80 69445 $163.90 66651 $43.30 66758 $43.90 66900 $138.00 69451 $163.90 66652 $36.20 66761 $23.40 69300 $19.50 69471 $61.90 66653 $79.30 66764 $15.90 69303 $39.20 69472 $27.80 66655 $35.90 66767 $31.60 69306 $58.30 69474 $50.90 66656 $35.90 66770 $47.60 69309 $84.70 69475 $27.80 66659 $66.00 66773 $31.70 69312 $58.30 69478 $52.00 66660 $66.80 66776 $31.70 69316 $50.90 69481 $72.00 66662 $142.20 66779 $71.10 69317 $63.80 69482 $270.40 66663 $142.20 66780 $71.10 69318 $58.30 69483 $270.40 66665 $39.50 66782 $24.90 69319 $76.20 69484 $30.30 66666 $54.50 66783 $23.40 69321 $90.70 69488 $320.30 66667 $54.50 66785 $71.10 69324 $75.70 69489 $320.30 66671 $65.60 66788 $117.10 69325 $76.40 69491 $364.20 66674 $71.50 66789 $71.10 69327 $148.30 69492 $364.20 66677 $19.70 66790 $46.10 69328 $151.00 69494 $50.90 66680 $140.00 66791 $132.40 69330 $224.90 69495 $63.80 66683 $132.40 66792 $132.40 69331 $227.60 69496 $76.40 66686 $90.00 66800 $33.50 69333 $36.60 69497 $50.90 66695 $39.30 66803 $56.30 69336 $59.30 69498 $12.90 66696 $54.30 66804 $32.10 69339 $24.60 69499 $163.90 66697 $23.40 66805 $21.90 69345 $94.10 69500 $163.90 66698 $77.70 66806 $78.40 69354 $46.00 71057 $61.80 66701 $101.30 66812 $61.80 69357 $91.90 71058 $89.30 66704 $124.70 66815 $105.90 69360 $137.50 71059 $51.90 66707 $148.30 66816 $61.80 69363 $44.50 71060 $77.70 66711 $53.50 66817 $44.00 69378 $320.30 71062 $77.70 66712 $80.50 66819 $54.50 69379 $320.30 71064 $37.00 66714 $56.60 66820 $54.50 69380 $1,322.90 71066 $26.00 66715 $30.00 66821 $38.70 69381 $320.30 71068 $26.00 66716 $32.20 66822 $93.10 69382 $320.30 71069 $29.30 66719 $44.80 66825 $54.50 69383 $320.30 71071 $40.00 66722 $67.40 66826 $54.50 69384 $27.80 71072 $26.00 66723 $67.40 66827 $38.70 69387 $51.70 71073 $136.60 66724 $23.40 66828 $93.10 69390 $74.90 71074 $26.00 66725 $90.70 66830 $109.50 69393 $94.40 71075 $29.60 66728 $114.10 66831 $57.20 69396 $113.90 71076 $188.60 66731 $137.40 66832 $55.00 69400 $27.80 71077 $48.10 66734 $160.80 66833 $46.10 69401 $23.70 71079 $47.70 66743 $38.30 66834 $46.10 69405 $27.80 71081 $71.90 66749 $62.20 66835 $59.90 69408 $51.70 71083 $26.00 66750 $76.40 66836 $59.90 69411 $75.40 71085 $37.30 DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 46 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 71087 $50.00 71170 $23.00 73063 $176.70 73804 $14.50 71089 $37.50 71180 $61.50 73064 $127.50 73805 $8.30 71090 $51.80 71183 $84.30 73065 $152.90 73806 $18.00 71091 $68.10 71186 $107.30 73066 $380.40 73807 $12.50 71092 $42.00 71189 $27.50 73067 $221.70 73808 $19.00 71093 $98.40 71192 $50.50 73287 $749.30 73809 $4.20 71095 $72.00 71195 $71.20 73289 $638.20 73810 $15.20 71096 $72.00 71198 $72.00 73290 $701.40 73811 $21.40 71097 $31.40 71200 $64.80 73291 $410.60 73828 NA 71099 $34.10 71203 $72.00 73292 $1,048.60 73829 NA 71101 $22.40 72813 $136.10 73293 $410.60 73830 NA 71103 $67.00 72816 $153.60 73294 $410.60 73831 NA 71106 $20.20 72817 $172.30 73300 $179.90 73832 NA 71119 $22.40 72818 $200.00 73305 $360.30 73833 NA 71121 $26.80 72823 $184.40 73308 $64.90 73834 NA 71123 $31.20 72824 $212.40 73309 $64.90 73835 NA 71125 $35.60 72825 $330.00 73311 $64.90 73836 NA 71127 $227.10 72826 $369.50 73312 $64.90 73837 NA 71129 $280.40 72827 $388.30 73314 $410.70 73920 $4.30 71131 $333.90 72828 $430.10 73315 $410.70 73922 $14.90 71133 $18.40 72830 $400.20 73317 $64.90 73923 $4.30 71134 $185.00 72836 $652.50 73318 $64.90 73924 $27.10 71135 $267.70 72838 $815.20 73320 $72.00 73925 $4.40 71137 $67.00 72844 $58.30 73321 $72.00 73926 $14.50 71139 $134.00 72846 $84.50 73323 $72.00 73927 $4.30 71141 $254.10 72847 $128.90 73324 $72.90 73928 $10.50 71143 $334.60 72848 $115.90 73325 $128.00 73929 $4.30 71145 $573.50 72849 $147.10 73326 $396.70 73930 $15.20 71146 $185.00 72850 $167.60 73327 $89.20 73931 $4.40 71147 $72.00 72851 $288.20 73332 $541.60 73932 $18.20 71148 $72.00 72852 $396.10 73333 $971.00 73933 $4.30 71149 $139.30 72855 $311.10 73334 $550.30 73934 $31.40 71151 $153.00 72856 $412.80 73335 $760.70 73935 $4.30 71153 $44.50 72857 $544.50 73336 $365.30 73936 $10.60 71154 $61.50 73043 $38.20 73337 $628.60 73937 $4.30 71155 $61.10 73045 $77.70 73338 $365.30 73938 $14.20 71156 $23.00 73047 $162.10 73339 $613.80 73939 $4.30 71157 $77.70 73049 $109.30 73340 $306.90 73940 $18.20 71159 $94.20 73051 $322.80 73521 $18.40 74990 NA 71163 $44.00 73053 $34.60 73523 $87.00 74991 NA 71164 $71.00 73055 $34.60 73525 $53.80 74992 NA 71165 $61.50 73057 $34.60 73527 $17.80 74993 NA 71166 $84.30 73059 $76.30 73529 $50.90 74994 NA 71167 $107.30 73060 $89.30 73801 $13.10 74995 NA 71168 $130.10 73061 $96.40 73802 $8.10 74996 NA 71169 $61.50 73062 $158.30 73803 $11.30 74997 NA DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 47 Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) 74998 NA 82000 NA 74999 NA 82005 NA 82010 NA 82015 NA 82020 NA 82025 NA 82035 NA 82150 NA 82151 NA 82152 NA 82220 NA 82221 NA 82222 NA 82223 NA 82224 NA 82225 NA Category 8: Miscellaneous services 80000 NA 80005 NA 80010 NA 80015 NA 80020 NA 80100 NA 80105 NA 80110 NA 80115 NA 80120 NA 80125 NA 80130 NA 80135 NA 80140 NA 80145 NA 80150 NA 80155 NA 80160 NA 80165 NA 80170 NA 81000 NA 81005 NA 81010 NA 81100 NA 81105 NA 81110 NA 81115 NA 81120 NA 81125 NA 81300 NA 81305 NA 81310 NA 81315 NA 81320 NA 81325 NA 81330 NA 81335 NA 81340 NA 81345 NA 81350 NA 81355 NA 81360 NA Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) Item No Max. Fee (ex GST) DF = derived fee, refer to pages 10-16, NA = not applicable, refer to page 6. Schedule 1A must be read in conjunction with the Medical fee schedule guidelines. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 48 Schedule 1B – Other medical services Short medical report – treating doctor Item no. Service description RRTWG General practitioner: reviewing and signing of a Recovery/Return to Work Plan, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request. $64.30 RRTWR Consultant physicians, specialists in a surgical discipline: reviewing and signing of a Recovery/Return to Work Plan, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request. $126.40 Note 1: Max fee (ex GST) A Recovery/Return to Work Plan must be requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - return to work consultant. Note 2: The date of request is taken to be two business days after the letter of request is posted, or one business day after the request is faxed. A business day is any day, excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays in South Australia. Note 3: Payment will only be made following submission of the signed plan. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 49 Short medical report – treating doctor Item no. Service description WMG37 General practitioners: Short medical report, expected to be provided within 72 hours of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. $99.00 WMP37 Consultant physicians: Short medical report, expected to be provided within 72 hours of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. $126.40 WMS37 Specialists in surgical discipline: Short medical report, expected to be provided within 72 hours of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. $126.40 Note 1: Max fee (ex GST) A short medical report must be requested in writing and may be requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: The date of request is taken to be two business days after the date the letter of request is posted, or one business day after the request is faxed. A business day is any day, excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays in South Australia. Note 3: If a medical practitioner believes the incorrect report type has been requested, this should be referred back to the case manager and clarified. Note 4: A short report should be based on the medical practitioner’s notes and would not usually require a consultation with the patient. Where a consultation is appropriate (for example, if the practitioner has not seen the patient for some time), a consultation fee is to be billed in accordance with item numbers WMG70, WMP70, WMS70, WMY73. Consultation items in Schedule 1A must not be used for this purpose. Note 5: A short report should be concise and focused. The expected length of a short report is approximately half an A4 page. Note 6: A short report may be faxed to the requestor with the relevant account for services. Note 7: Payment will only be made following submission of the report. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 50 Standard medical report – treating doctor (excluding psychiatrists) Item no. Service description WMG16 General practitioners: Treating doctor standard medical report, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. $257.70 WMP16 Consultant physicians: Treating doctor standard medical report, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. $482.90 WMS16 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Treating doctor standard medical report, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. $482.90 Note 1: Max fee (ex GST) A standard medical report must be requested in writing and may be requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: The date of request is taken to be two business days after the date the letter of request is posted, or one business day after the request is faxed. A business day is any day, excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays in South Australia. Note 3: If a medical practitioner believes the incorrect report type has been requested, this should be referred back to the case manager and clarified. Note 4: A standard medical report should be based on the medical practitioner’s notes and would not usually require a consultation with the patient. Where a consultation is appropriate (for example, if the practitioner has not seen the patient for some time), a consultation fee is to be billed in accordance with item numbers WMG70, WMP70, WMS70. Consultation items in Schedule 1A must not be used for this purpose. Note 5: Payment will only be made following submission of the report. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 51 Complex medical report – treating doctor (excluding psychiatrists) Item no. Service description WMG40 General practitioners: Treating doctor complex medical report, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. $322.10 WMP40 Consultant physicians: Treating doctor complex medical report, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. $605.50 WMS40 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Treating doctor complex medical report, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. $605.50 Note 1: Max fee (ex GST) A complex medical report must be requested in writing and may be requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: The date of request is taken to be two business days after the date the letter of request is posted, or one business day after the request is faxed. A business day is any day, excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays in South Australia. Note 3: If a medical practitioner believes the incorrect report type has been requested, this should be referred back to the case manager and clarified. Note 4: A complex medical report should be based on the medical practitioner’s notes and would not usually require a consultation with the patient. Where a consultation is appropriate (for example, if the practitioner has not seen the patient for some time), a consultation fee is to be billed in accordance with item numbers WMG70, WMP70, WMS70. Consultation items in Schedule 1A must not be used for this purpose. Note 5: A complex medical report requires additional information above that required in a standard report, and may be deemed complex compared to a standard report when the worker has: - three or more ongoing compensable injuries arising from the same claim - pre-existing conditions that have a significant impact on the compensable injury - co-morbidities that have a significant impact on the compensable injury. Note 6: Payment will only be made following submission of the report. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 52 Standard medical report – treating psychiatrist Item no. Service description WMY43 Psychiatrists: Treating doctor standard medical report, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. Note 1: Max fee (ex GST) $605.50 A standard medical report must be requested in writing and may be requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: The date of request is taken to be two business days after the date the letter of request is posted, or one business day after the request is faxed. A business day is any day, excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays in South Australia. Note 3: If a medical practitioner believes the incorrect report type has been requested, this should be referred back to the case manager and clarified. Note 4: A standard medical report should be based on the medical practitioner’s notes and would not usually require a consultation with the patient. Where a consultation is appropriate (for example, if the practitioner has not seen the patient for some time), a consultation fee is to be billed in accordance with item number WMY73. Consultation items in Schedule 1A must not be used for this purpose. Note 5: Payment will only be made following submission of the report. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 53 Complex medical report – treating psychiatrist Item no. Service description WMY46 Psychiatrists: Treating doctor complex medical report, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. Note 1: Max fee (ex GST) $753.60 A complex medical report must be requested in writing and may be requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: The date of request is taken to be two business days after the date the letter of request is posted, or one business day after the request is faxed. A business day is any day, excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays in South Australia. Note 3: If a medical practitioner believes the incorrect report type has been requested, this should be referred back to the case manager and clarified. Note 4: A complex medical report should be based on the medical practitioner’s notes and would not usually require a consultation with the patient. Where a consultation is appropriate (for example, if the practitioner has not seen the patient for some time), a consultation fee is to be billed in accordance with item number WMY73. Consultation items in Schedule 1A must not be used for this purpose. Note 5: Payment will only be made following submission of the report. Consultation, medical review for preparation of a report – treating doctor Item no. Service description WMG70 General practitioners: Consultation, medical review for the preparation of a treating doctor report. $59.00 WMP70 Consultant physicians: Consultation, medical review for the preparation of a treating doctor report. $118.10 WMS70 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Consultation, medical review for the preparation of a treating doctor report. $118.10 WMY73 Psychiatrists: Consultation, medical review for the preparation of a treating doctor report. $327.90 ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Max fee (ex GST) Page 54 Reading time to prepare a report – treating doctor Item no. Service description WMG55 General practitioners: Reading time payable to a treating doctor for reading prior reports or other information forwarded or approved by the requestor in order to prepare a report. Max fee (ex GST) DF Derived fee: The fee for item WMG55 is $59.00 for reading time up to and including 12 pages, plus $5.10 per page thereafter. WMP55 Consultant physicians: Reading time payable to a treating doctor for reading prior reports or other information forwarded or approved by the requestor in order to prepare a report. DF Derived fee: The fee for item WMP55 is $118.10 for reading time up to and including 12 pages, plus $9.30 per page thereafter. WMS55 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Reading time payable to a treating doctor for reading prior reports or other information forwarded or approved by the requestor in order to prepare a report. DF Derived fee: The fee for item WMS55 is $118.10 for reading time up to and including 12 pages, plus $9.30 per page thereafter. WMY55 Psychiatrists: Reading time payable to a treating doctor for reading prior reports or other information forwarded or approved by the requestor in order to prepare a report. DF Derived fee: The fee for item WMY55 is $153.50 for reading time up to and including 12 pages, plus $9.30 per page thereafter. Note 1: Payment for the reading of written material will only be made where the reading is required in order for the doctor to prepare a report, and where the reading is at the request or approval of a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: A fee is not payable for the reading of case notes, clinical material or any other material that is not directly supplied or approved by the parties listed in note 1. Note 3: A full page for reading time consists of a whole A4 size page of standard print (12 point font or smaller) of information, full page letters and detailed reports. Examples include: hospital treatment notes, medical reports, investigation reports. A half page of reading time consists of half an A4 page or a full A5 size page of standard print (12 point font or smaller) of information, brief file notes, scattered file notes on a page, letters consisting of one or two paragraphs, results and certificates. Examples include: pathology results, full page of handwritten notes. Note 4: The reading of material supplied by the requestor can only be charged once. No additional charge can be submitted for re-reading of material. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 55 Medical report clarification – treating doctor Item no. Service description WMG25 General practitioners: Clarification of a medical report, re-examination not required. $58.00 WMP25 Consultant physicians: Clarification of a medical report, re-examination not required. $105.30 WMS25 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Clarification of a medical report, re-examination not required. $105.30 Note 1: Max fee (ex GST) Clarification of a medical report must be requested in writing and may be requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: The requestor must specify that he or she is seeking a clarification of a previous medical report. Note 3: A medical report clarification fee is not payable if the clarification is sought as a result of failure by the doctor to address the original questions in the letter of request. Note 4: Payment will only be made following submission of the report. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 56 Telephone calls Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) WMG24 General practitioners: Telephone call up to and including 60 minutes duration. $257.70 per hour WMP24 Consultant physicians: Telephone call up to and including 60 minutes duration. $505.00 per hour WMS24 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Telephone call up to and including 60 minutes duration. $505.00 per hour Note 1: Telephone contact between treating/referring medical providers which forms part of the clinical management of the case is not chargeable. Note 2: Telephone calls are chargeable if of a case specific nature, made to or received from a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker’s employer (including the employer’s return to work co-ordinator) - worker’s representative or advocate - ReturnToWorkSA medical consultant - return to work consultant. Note 3: There is no charge for a telephone call to or from a worker. Note 4: A fee is payable if the telephone contact occurs during a consultation with the worker provided that the consultation duration excludes the duration of the telephone call. For example, if the consultation and telephone call duration is 20 minutes and the call duration alone is 10 minutes, the consultation should be charged as a 10 minute consultation. Note 5: Invoices for telephone calls in accordance with this item must record the name of the other party and the duration of the phone call in minutes. Note 6: Any part of an hour should be billed proportionately and rounded to the nearest six minutes. Case conference Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) WMG09 General practitioners: Case conference to determine details of limitations to work, recommendations facilitating a return to work and options for management $257.70 per hour ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 57 of the injured worker’s recovery, including medical treatment strategies. WMP09 Consultant physicians: Case conference to determine details of limitations to work, recommendations facilitating a return to work and options for management of the injured worker’s recovery, including medical treatment strategies. $505.00 per hour WMS09 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Case conference to determine details of limitations to work, recommendations facilitating a return to work and options for management of the injured worker’s recovery, including medical treatment strategies. $505.00 per hour Note 1: A case conference may be requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker’s employer (including the employer’s return to work co-ordinator) - worker or worker’s representative - return to work consultant - treating medical expert. Note 2: The case manager or self-insured employer should attend the case conference if possible. If the case manager or self-insured employer is unable to attend, they should delegate a representative. No fee is payable for records made by any medical practitioner during the case conference unless delegated as the representative by the case manager or self-insured employer. It is the responsibility of the case manager, self-insured employer or delegated representative to make a written and signed record of the case conference that is to be distributed to all attendees. Differences of opinion should be noted in the record. The worker or worker’s representative must always be invited to attend the case conference. Note 3: Case conferences conducted by telephone (teleconferencing) are chargeable under this item. Note 4: Any part of an hour should be billed proportionately and rounded to the nearest six minutes. Worksite assessment Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) WMG08 General practitioners: Worksite assessment, for the purpose of assessing and reporting the duties that are or can be made available, and the capacity of the worker to undertake these duties. $257.70 per hour WMP08 Consultant physicians: Worksite assessment, for the purpose of assessing and reporting the duties that are or can be made available, and the capacity of the worker to undertake these duties. $505.00 per hour WMS08 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Worksite assessment, for the purpose of assessing and reporting the duties that are or can be made available, and the capacity of the worker to undertake these duties. $505.00 per hour ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 58 Note 1: A worksite assessment may be requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: At worksite visits it is expected that the employer, worker or worker’s representative, case manager or self-insured employer representative should be present. Note 3: The case manager or self-insured employer should contact the employer to ensure appropriate access to the worksite and to arrange for an employer representative to be available to help maximise the value of time spent in the workplace. Note 4: The worksite assessment must include an assessment of the physical environment, mental work demands, human behaviour, working conditions, educational requirements and other conditions. Note 5: The report of a worksite assessment is to be completed and distributed by the medical practitioner undertaking the assessment to relevant parties in attendance during the worksite assessment. A copy must also be provided to the case manager, treating doctor and worker (if not present) within one week of the assessment. No additional fee is payable for completion of the form. Note 6: Any part of an hour should be billed proportionately and rounded to the nearest six minutes. Third-party consultation Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) WMG14 General practitioners: Third-party consultation at the doctor’s rooms where the worker is usually not present. $257.70 per hour WMP14 Consultant physicians: Third-party consultation at the doctor’s rooms where the worker is usually not present. $505.00 per hour WMS14 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Third-party consultation at the doctor’s rooms where the worker is usually not present. $505.00 per hour Note 1: A third-party consultation must involve at least one of the following: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate - worker’s employer (including the employer’s return to work co-ordinator) ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 59 - investigator - return to work consultant. Note 2: A third-party consultation may include a video viewing of a worker’s normal duties, alternative duties or other activities. Note 3: It is the responsibility of the case manager or self-insured employer to ensure a written and signed record is made of the third-party consultation that is to be distributed to all attendees. No fee is payable for records made by any medical practitioner during the third party consultation. Note 4: If as a result of the third-party consultation the medical practitioner has amended details regarding the worker’s limitations to work, capacity, recommendations for facilitating a return to work and/or options for management of the worker, the medical practitioner must consider the worker’s input into this decision. Note 5: Any part of an hour should be billed proportionately and rounded to the nearest six minutes. Attendance at a dispute resolution Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) WMG15 General practitioners: Attendance at a dispute resolution. $257.70 per hour WMP15 Consultant physicians: Attendance at a dispute resolution. $505.00 per hour WMS15 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Attendance at a dispute resolution. $505.00 per hour Note 1: Attendance at a dispute resolution must be at the request of a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate - worker’s employer or employer’s representative. Note 2: Court attendances can be charged under this item. Note 3: A witness at a dispute resolution proceeding is entitled to reimbursement of any expense that the dispute resolution authority certifies has been, or is likely to be, reasonably incurred by the witness as a consequence of appearing before the authority. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 60 Note 4: Any part of an hour should be billed proportionately and rounded to the nearest six minutes. Travel time: worksite assessment, case conference, dispute resolution or third-party consultation Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) WMG10 General practitioners: Travel time for the purpose of a worksite assessment, case conference, dispute resolution or third-party consultation. $257.70 per hour WMP10 Consultant physicians: Travel time for the purpose of a worksite assessment, case conference, dispute resolution or third-party consultation. $505.00 per hour WMS10 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Travel time for the purpose of a worksite assessment, case conference, dispute resolution or third party consultation. $505.00 per hour Note 1: All accounts must include the total time spent travelling plus the distance travelled. Note 2: Where more than one worksite assessment, case conference or dispute resolution is conducted, the travel fee is to be apportioned accordingly. Note 3: Any part of an hour should be billed proportionately and rounded to the nearest six minutes. Cancellation: case conference, worksite assessment, dispute resolution or third-party consultation Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) WMG36 General practitioners: Cancellation of a case conference, worksite assessment, dispute resolution or third-party consultation. $257.70 per hour WMP36 Consultant physicians: Cancellation of a case conference, worksite assessment, dispute resolution or third-party consultation. $505.00 per hour WMS36 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Cancellation of a case conference, worksite assessment, dispute resolution or third-party consultation. $505.00 per hour Note 1: Payment for cancellation will only be made when the attendance was at the request of a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate - employer or employer’s representative. Note 2: A cancellation fee is payable only if the cancellation occurs less than 24 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays in South Australia) before the time of the proposed attendance. Note 3: A cancellation fee is not payable if the doctor is responsible for the cancellation. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 61 Note 4: If the cancelled appointment is subsequently filled with any other earning activity, no cancellation fee will be payable. Note 5: Any part of an hour should be billed proportionately and rounded to the nearest six minutes. Job analysis and/or recommended job description statement Item no. Service description WMG56 General practitioners: Formal job analysis and/or recommended job descriptions. Reading of and written recommendations on the suitability of proposals for return to work, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request. $99.00 WMP56 Consultant physicians: Formal job analysis and/or recommended job descriptions. Reading of and written recommendations on the suitability of proposals for return to work, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request. $126.40 WMS56 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Formal job analysis and/or recommended job descriptions. Reading of and written recommendations on the suitability of proposals for return to work, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request. $126.40 Note 1: Max fee (ex GST) A job analysis and/or job description statement must be requested in writing and may be requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate - return to work consultant. Note 2: The date of request is taken to be two business days after the letter of request is posted, or one business day after the request is faxed. A business day is any day, excluding Saturday, ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 62 Sunday and public holidays in South Australia. Specified duties form Item no. Service description WMG23 General practitioners: Completion of a specified duties form. $22.80 WMP23 Consultant physicians: Completion of a specified duties form. $22.80 WMS23 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Completion of a specified duties form. $22.80 Note 1: Max fee (ex GST) This form is to be completed at the request of a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: A fee is not payable if the form is completed during a consultation with the worker. Note 3: Specified duties forms can be obtained by contacting ReturnToWorkSA on 13 18 55. Photocopying Item no. Service description WMGSP General practitioners, consultant physicians, specialists in a surgical discipline: Photocopying of documents. Note 1: Max fee (ex GST) $0.20 per page A fee is only payable if the photocopying is at the request of a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate - investigator. Note 2: The number of pages should be stated on the account. Any accounts without the number of pages stated will be returned for amendment. Note 3: Accounts must state the name of the doctor providing the photocopied information. Accounts with the practice name only will be returned for amendment. Note 4: Accounts for administration time are not billable as this cost has been factored into the fee per page. Travel time – emergency attendance Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 63 WMG58 General practitioners: Travel time, for the purpose of an initial emergency attendance of a compensable injury, at a location other than consulting rooms, hospital or other healthcare institution, when ambulance services are either not readily available or unduly delayed. $257.70 per hour WMG59 General practitioners: Travel time, (out of normal business hours) for the purpose of an initial emergency attendance of a compensable injury, at a location other than consulting rooms, hospital or other healthcare institution, when ambulance services are either not readily available or unduly delayed. $374.80 per hour Out of normal business hours means on a Sunday, public holiday in South Australia, after 1pm on Saturday or between 8pm and 8am on weekdays. Note 1: Where more than one worker is treated at the site of the emergency, the travel fee is to be apportioned accordingly. Note 2: All invoices must include the distance travelled, the travel commencement location, place of emergency attendance and a brief reason for the attendance. Note 3: Any part of an hour should be billed proportionately and rounded to the nearest six minutes. Travel time– emergency retrieval team Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) WMS51 Specialists: Travel time by a retrieval team doctor in association with a professional attendance relating to item numbers 00160, 00161, 00162, 00163 and 00164, other than ‘out of hours’ travel (refer to item number WMS52). $505.00 per hour WMS52 Specialists: Travel time by a retrieval team doctor on a Sunday, public holiday in South Australia, after 1pm on Saturday or between 8pm and 8am on weekdays, in addition to a professional attendance relating to item numbers 00160, 00161, 00162, 00163 and 00164. $731.80 per hour Note 1: Where more than one worker is treated at the site of the emergency, the travel fee is to be apportioned accordingly. Note 2: Any part of an hour should be billed proportionately and rounded to the nearest six minutes. Extra-corporeal shockwave therapy Item no. Service description WMI11 Specialists: Initial treatment of extra-corporeal shockwave therapy provided by a specialist radiology practice. $144.30 WMI12 Specialists: Subsequent treatments of extra-corporeal shockwave therapy provided by a specialist radiology practice. $118.10 WMI13 Specialists: Double treatments (bilateral or multiple) of extra-corporeal shockwave therapy provided by a specialist radiology practice. $196.80 ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Max fee (ex GST) Page 64 Note 1: The I in prefix WMI item number represents the letter ‘I’ not a numeral one (1). Note 2: This treatment has been approved by ReturnToWorkSA for use in the following conditions: - heel pain/plantar fasciitis - calcific tendonitis of shoulder - lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) - medial epicondylitis - non-united fractures - patellar tendinopathy. Note 3: Where extra-corporeal shockwave therapy is delivered outside of the approved conditions it is recommended to seek case manager authorisation prior to the provision of the service. Note 4: Epicondylitis treatment is NOT payable by ReturnToWorkSA for treatment provided within three months or after five years from date of injury. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 65 Services delivered by ear, nose and throat surgeons Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) WME24 Otorhinolaryngologists: Cortical evoked response audiometry - verification. $336.30 WME2A Otorhinolaryngologists: Cortical evoked response audiometry - quantification. $336.30 WME25 Otorhinolaryngologists: Sensonics smell identification test. $146.10 Services delivered by medical practitioners Item no. Service description WMG26 Medical practitioners: Fluids, intravenous drip infusion of – percutaneous. $57.80 WMG27 Medical practitioners: Fluids, intravenous drip infusion of – open exposure. $95.70 Note 1: Max fee (ex GST) Item WMG26 is only payable where the service is not in association with a surgical procedure. Services delivered by medical practitioners in the practice of hypnotherapy Item no. Service description WMG31 Hypnotherapy at consulting rooms, not more than 15 minutes. $49.70 WMG28 Hypnotherapy at consulting rooms, 16 to 30 minutes. $86.00 WMG29 Hypnotherapy at consulting rooms, 31 to 45 minutes. $129.30 WMG30 Hypnotherapy at consulting rooms, more than 46 minutes. $176.10 ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Max fee (ex GST) Page 66 Independent medical examiner services Service standards ReturnToWorkSA expects doctors to conduct independent medical examination (IME) services in accordance with recognised professional practices. Doctors should also follow the specific standards outlined below. Appointments Examine the worker as soon as possible after the request for an appointment is made, ideally within 10 business days. Examinations When conducting examinations, please follow the principles in the Australian Medical Association’s (AMA) position statement ‘Independent Medical Assessments on behalf of parties other than the patient.’ The length of your examination should be sufficient to make a fair and comprehensive assessment of the worker. Please verify previous history or collect new history if required. Only refer workers for diagnostic examinations or tests when the findings of a medical examination would be unreliable without further investigations. Please obtain prior approval from the case manager or self-insured employer before referring the worker for any diagnostic examination or test. Reports You must: (a) provide reports within 10 business days of examining the worker (b) provide an accurate medical diagnosis (or state if there is insufficient clinical information to make a diagnosis) (c) base your report on appropriate clinical examination (d) be consistent with accepted clinical practice (e) thoroughly address the questions asked - if a question cannot be answered, explain why (f) limit your report to the relevant circumstances of the worker’s injury (g) be accurate, unbiased, precise and consistent (h) document any inconsistencies noted between symptoms and objective findings (i) use simple language where possible, and explain any technical terms or jargon (j) assess the worker’s general capacity to perform duties where possible. Report context Section 179(1) of the Act enables employers to receive copies of reports in ReturnToWorkSA’s possession prepared by medical experts (where relevant to the worker’s medical condition, the worker’s recovery, or the extent of the worker’s incapacity for work). You must therefore limit your reports to relevant information and not disclose any information of a personal nature except where it relates to the work injury. Providing testimony Please follow the principles outlined in the AMA’s position statement ‘Guidelines for doctors acting as expert medical witnesses’ when providing testimony at a court or tribunal. Maintaining independence You should ensure the worker understands that your role as an independent medical examiner does not include recommending treatment (except where immediate medical attention is required in an emergency). You must discuss this with the worker at the beginning of the consultation. You must explain that you are acting at ReturnToWorkSA’s request in carrying out the examination and that the worker should see their own doctor/specialist in relation to any concerns they have regarding their health or treatment. You can recommend treatment in your report, if requested by the report requestor. You should not refer the worker to any other medical practitioner or other health specialist for treatment. However, you can alert the treating practitioner of the need for a referral if required. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 67 You must advise ReturnToWorkSA when you have been asked to conduct a service that may involve a conflict of interest (eg, any ongoing relationship with the worker, the worker’s employer, medical practitioner or legal representative, the report requestor or their parent companies). Recognising diversity When you are carrying out an examination on a worker, you are subject to the requirements of Section 15 of the Return to Work Corporation of South Australia Act 1994. This states: (1) The Corporation must, in carrying out its functions, take into account racial, ethnic and linguistic diversity in the population of the State, the interests of both sexes, and the interests of those who may be physically, mentally or intellectually impaired, and seek to ensure that people who are entitled to benefits under Acts administered by the Corporation are not disadvantaged because of their origins or background, their sex, or some physical, mental or intellectual impairment. (2) The Corporation should, as far as reasonably practicable, ensure that information provided for use in the workplace is in a language and form appropriate for those expected to make use of it. Qualifications You must be a fully qualified registered specialist (excluding general practitioners). Copies of all relevant qualifications must be available upon request, including a copy of a current practising certificate from the Medical Board of Australia or appropriate registration authority. You must maintain professional standards and be able to show evidence of continuing medical education upon request. Independent medical examiner – short medical report Item no. Service description WMPA1 Consultant physicians: Independent medical examiner short medical report, expected to be provided within 72 hours of receipt of the initial request or ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Max fee (ex GST) $126.40 Page 68 examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. WMSA1 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Independent medical examiner short medical report, expected to be provided within 72 hours of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. Note 1: $126.40 A short medical report must be requested in writing and may be requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: The date of request is taken to be two business days after the date the letter of request is posted, or one business day after the request is faxed. A business day is any day, excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays in South Australia. Note 3: If a medical practitioner believes the incorrect report type has been requested, this should be referred back to the case manager and clarified. Note 4: Short reports should be concise and focused. The expected length of a short report is approximately half an A4 page. Note 5: Short reports may be faxed to the requestor with the relevant account for services. Note 6: Payment will only be made following submission of the report. Independent medical examiner – medical report (excluding psychiatrists) Item no. Service description WMP29 Consultant physicians: Independent medical examiner report, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. $605.50 WMS29 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Independent medical examiner report, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. $605.50 Note 1: Max fee (ex GST) A medical report must be requested in writing and may be requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: The date of request is taken to be two business days after the date the letter of request is posted, or one business day after the request is faxed. A business day is any day, excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays in South Australia. Note 3: If a medical practitioner believes the incorrect report type has been requested, this should be referred back to the case manager and clarified. Note 4: There is an expectation that a consultation will be required for the preparation of a report and this should be billed in accordance with item number WMP80 or WMS80. Note 5: Payment will only be made following submission of the report. Independent medical examiner – psychiatrists medical report Item no. Service description WMY61 Psychiatrists: Independent medical examiner standard medical report, expected to be provided within 10 business days of receipt of the initial request or examination (where applicable), whichever is the later. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Max fee (ex GST) $753.60 Page 69 Note 1: A psychiatrist’s medical report must be requested in writing and may be requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: The date of request is taken to be two business days after the date the letter of request is posted, or one business day after the request is faxed. A business day is any day, excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays in South Australia. Note 3: There is an expectation that a consultation will be required for the preparation of a report and this should be billed in accordance with item number WMY83. Note 4: Occasionally a psychiatrist will require more than one consultation with a patient to write a report. We recommend that the psychiatrist contacts the case manager prior to providing a second consultation, to determine whether this is appropriate in the circumstances of the case (e.g. time constraints). Where an additional consultation is required it must be provided within 10 business days of the first consultation. Note 5: Payment will only be made following submission of the report. Independent medical examiner – consultation, medical review for preparation of a report Item no. Service description WMP80 Consultant physicians: Consultation, medical review for the preparation of an independent medical examiner report. $229.60 WMS80 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Consultation, medical review for the preparation of an independent medical examiner report. $229.60 WMY83 Psychiatrists: Consultation, medical review for the preparation of an independent medical examiner report. $327.90 ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Max fee (ex GST) Page 70 Independent medical examiner – reading time Item no. Service description WMP32 Consultant physicians: Reading time payable to an independent medical examiner for reading prior reports or other information forwarded or approved by the requestor in order to prepare a report. Max fee (ex GST) DF Derived fee: The fee for WMP32 is $118.10 for reading time up to and including 12 pages, plus $9.30 per page thereafter. WMS32 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Reading time payable to an independent medical examiner for reading prior reports or other information forwarded or approved by the requestor in order to prepare a report. DF Derived fee: The fee for WMS32 is $118.10 for reading time up to and including 12 pages, plus $9.30 per page thereafter. WMY32 Psychiatrists: Reading time payable to an independent medical examiner for reading prior reports or other information forwarded or approved by the requestor in order to prepare a report. DF Derived fee: The fee for WMY32 is $153.50 for reading time up to and including 12 pages, plus $9.30 per page thereafter. Note 1: Payment for the reading of written material will only be made where the reading is required in order for the doctor to prepare a report, and where the reading is at the request or approval of a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: A fee is not payable for the reading of case notes, clinical material or any other material that is not directly supplied or approved by the parties listed in note 1. Note 3: A full page for reading time consists of a whole A4 size page of standard print (12 point font or smaller) of information, full page letters and detailed reports. Examples include: hospital treatment notes, medical reports, investigation reports. A half page of reading time consists of half an A4 page or a full A5 size page of standard print (12 point font or smaller) of information, brief file notes, scattered file notes on a page, letters consisting of one or two paragraphs, results and certificates. Examples include: pathology results, full page of handwritten notes. Note 4: The reading of material supplied by the requestor can only be billed once. No additional charge can be submitted for re-reading of material. Independent medical examiner – medical report clarification Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 71 WMP33 Consultant physicians: Clarification of a medical report, re-examination not required. $105.30 WMS33 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Clarification of a medical report, re-examination not required. $105.30 Note 1: A clarification of a medical report must be requested in writing and may be requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: The requestor must specify that he or she is seeking a clarification of a previous medical report. Note 3: A medical report clarification fee is not payable if the clarification is sought as a result of failure by the doctor to address the original questions in the letter of request. Note 4: The intention of this fee is to provide facilities for follow-up questions or issues relating to prior independent medical examinations and additional consultations may not be required. The decision to undertake a further consultation is at the discretion of the doctor. If required, please refer to item numbers WMP80, WMS80 or WMY83. Note 5: Payment will only be made following submission of the report. Independent medical examiner – travel time: worksite assessment, case conference, dispute resolution or third party consultation Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) MP940 Consultant physicians: Travel time for the purpose of a worksite assessment, case conference, dispute resolution or third party consultation. $505.00 per hour MS940 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Travel time for the purpose of a worksite assessment, case conference, dispute resolution or third party consultation. $505.00 per hour Note 1: Travel will be approved for independent medical examiner services requested by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: All accounts must include the total time spent travelling as well as the distance travelled. Note 3: Where more than one service is conducted, the travel fee is to be apportioned accordingly. Note 4: Any part of an hour should be billed proportionately and rounded to the nearest six minutes. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 72 Independent medical examiner – non-attendance or cancellation of an appointment Item no. Service description WMP34 Consultant physicians: non-attendance at, or cancellation less than 48 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays in South Australia) before an appointment. $229.60 WMS34 Specialists in a surgical discipline: non-attendance at, or cancellation less than 48 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays in South Australia) before an appointment. $229.60 WMY88 Psychiatrists: non-attendance at, or cancellation less than 48 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays in South Australia) before an appointment. $327.90 Note 1: Max fee (ex GST) Fees apply only to the cancellation of medical appointments arranged by a: - case manager or self-insured employer - worker, worker’s representative or advocate. Note 2: If the cancelled appointment or non-attendance is subsequently filled with any other earning activity, no cancellation fee will be payable. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 73 Independent medical examiner – travel for examinations Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) WMP64 Consultant physicians: A full day attendance at a venue more than 100 kilometres from the Adelaide GPO for the purpose of providing an independent medical examiner report. $147.70 WMS64 Specialists in a surgical discipline: A full day attendance at a venue more than 100 kilometres from the Adelaide GPO for the purpose of providing an independent medical examiner report. $147.70 WMP65 Consultant physicians: Cancellation of an attendance at a venue more than 100 kilometres from the Adelaide GPO. $236.20 WMS65 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Cancellation of an attendance at a venue more than 100 kilometres from the Adelaide GPO. $236.20 WMP66 Consultant physicians: Overnight accommodation including meals and incidentals. $312.90 WMS66 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Overnight accommodation including meals and incidentals. $312.90 WMP67 Consultant physicians: Travel by motor vehicle, to and from a venue for the purpose of an appointment made by the report requestor. ATO rates WMS67 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Travel by motor vehicle, to and from a venue for the purpose of an appointment made by the report requestor. ATO rates WMP68 Consultant physicians: Travel by aircraft, to and from a venue for the purpose of an appointment made by the report requestor. Economy Airfare WMS68 Specialists in a surgical discipline: Travel by aircraft, to and from a venue for the purpose of an appointment made by the report requestor. Economy Airfare Note 1: The first 50 kilometres of any travel is not billable. Note 2: If more than one organisation has requested services from the provider at the travel destination then items WMP/S64, WMP/S66, WMP/S67 and/or WMP/S68 must be apportioned accordingly. Note 3: A full day pursuant to item WMP/S64 refers to a stay of more than six hours at the venue including travel time. Note 4: ATO rates means the rate, applicable to the type of motor vehicle in which the medical expert travelled, published by the Australian Taxation Office as the rate per kilometre that may be claimed as a deduction for business travel expenses incurred in the previous financial year. Note 5: Economy airfare means the amount determined by ReturnToWorkSA to be the reasonable cost of undertaking the travel using a standard economy airfare. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 74 Permanent impairment services These services are to assess whole body permanent impairment in accordance with Section 22 of the Return to Work Act 2014. An impairment assessor means a person registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) Act 2010, to practice in the medical profession (other than a student) and, who holds a current accreditation issued by the Minister for Industrial Relations for the Return to Work scheme. Only those accredited are entitled to payment for the services listed below. The Impairment Assessment Guidelines relates to the guidelines published by the Minister in the South Australian Government Gazette for the Return to Work scheme. For information to become an accredited assessor, please refer to the ReturnToWorkSA website at or contact ReturnToWorkSA on 13 18 55. Permanent impairment assessor – standard report Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) PIA10 General practitioners: permanent impairment assessor standard report, simple assessment of one body system - reading, examination and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. $515.30 PIA30 Specialists (excluding psychiatrists): permanent impairment assessor standard report, simple assessment of one body system - reading, examination and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. $1,010.00 PIA40 Psychiatrists: permanent impairment assessor standard report for the assessment of psychiatric disorders; assessment where there is one disorder or condition related to the work injury – reading, examination and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines and using the Guidelines to the Evaluation of Psychiatric Impairment by Clinicians (GEPIC). $1,262.50 Note 1: Reports will be requested by a case manager or self-insured employer. Note 2: Permanent impairment assessment reports must be requested in writing, specifying whether a standard, moderately complex, complex or supplementary report is required. Note 3: Reports are to be provided to ReturnToWorkSA within 10 business days of the examination unless the assessor believes there are reasonable grounds for an extension of time and has sought the requestor’s prior consent for an extension of time. Note 4: Payment will only be made following submission of the report which is prepared in accordance with, and conforms with, the requirements of the relevant guidelines stated above. Note 5: ‘Specialist’ means a specialist in a surgical discipline or a consultant physician. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 75 Permanent impairment assessor – moderately complex report Item no. Service description PIA11 General practitioners: permanent impairment assessor moderately complex report, simple assessment of two body systems or more than one injury to a single body system - reading, examination and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. PIA31 Specialists: permanent impairment assessor moderately complex report, simple assessment of two body systems or more than one injury to a single body system - reading, examination and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. Max fee (ex GST) $644.10 $1,262.70 Note 1: Reports will be requested by a case manager or self-insured employer. Note 2: Permanent impairment assessment reports must be requested in writing, specifying whether a standard, moderately complex, complex or supplementary report is required. Note 3: Reports are to be provided to ReturnToWorkSA within 10 business days of the examination unless the assessor believes there are reasonable grounds for an extension of time and has sought the requestor’s prior consent for an extension of time. Note 4: Payment will only be made following submission of the report which is prepared in accordance with, and conforms with, the requirements of the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. Note 5: ‘Specialist’ means a specialist in a surgical discipline or a consultant physician. Permanent impairment assessor – complex report Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 76 PIA12 General practitioners: permanent impairment assessor complex report, complex assessment on a single body system or multiple injuries involving more than one body system – reading, examination and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. $816.00 PIA32 Specialists (excluding psychiatrists): permanent impairment assessor complex report, complex assessment on a single body system or multiple injuries involving more than one body system – reading, examination and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. $1,599.40 PIA42 Psychiatrists: permanent impairment assessor complex report for the assessment of psychiatric disorders or conditions; assessment where there is more than one disorder related to the work injury or pre-existing or non-work-related and/or neurological considerations – reading, examination and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines and using the Guidelines to the Evaluation of Psychiatric Impairment by Clinicians (GEPIC). $1,767.00 Note 1: Reports will be requested by a case manager or self-insured employer. Note 2: Permanent impairment assessment reports must be requested in writing, specifying whether a standard, moderately complex, complex or supplementary report is required. Note 3: Reports are to be provided to ReturnToWorkSA within 10 business days of the examination unless the assessor believes there are reasonable grounds for an extension of time and has sought the requestor’s prior consent for an extension of time. Note 4: Payment will only be made following submission of the report which is prepared in accordance with, and conforms with, the requirements of the relevant guidelines stated above. Note 5: ‘Specialist’ means a specialist in a surgical discipline or a consultant physician. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 77 Permanent impairment assessor – ENT report Item no. Service description PIA50 ENT specialists: permanent impairment assessor ENT report – reading, examination of ear, nose and/or throat only, including audiometric testing and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. Max fee (ex GST) $1,010.00 Note 1: Reports will be requested by a case manager or self-insured employer. Note 2: Permanent impairment assessment reports must be requested in writing, specifying whether a standard, moderately complex, complex or supplementary report is required. Note 3: Reports are to be provided to ReturnToWorkSA within 10 business days of the examination unless the assessor believes there are reasonable grounds for an extension of time and has sought the requestor’s prior consent for an extension of time. Note 4: Payment will only be made following submission of the report which is prepared in accordance with, and conforms with, the requirements of the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. Note 5: ‘Specialist’ means a specialist in a surgical discipline or a consultant physician. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 78 Permanent impairment assessor – standard report where an examination is conducted with the assistance of an interpreter Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) PIA13 General practitioners: permanent impairment assessor standard report with interpreter, simple assessment of one body system – reading, examination conducted with the assistance of an interpreter and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. PIA33 Specialists (excluding psychiatrists): permanent impairment assessor standard report with interpreter, simple assessment of one body system - reading, examination conducted with the assistance of an interpreter and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. $1,262.70 PIA43 Psychiatrists: permanent impairment assessor standard report with interpreter, for the assessment of psychiatric disorders; assessment where there is one disorder or condition related to the work injury – reading, examination and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines and using the Guidelines to the Evaluation of Psychiatric Impairment by Clinicians (GEPIC). $1,578.10 $644.10 Note 1: Reports will be requested by a case manager or self-insured employer. Note 2: Permanent impairment assessment reports must be requested in writing, specifying whether a standard, moderately complex, complex or supplementary report is required. Note 3: Reports are to be provided to ReturnToWorkSA within 10 business days of the examination unless the assessor believes there are reasonable grounds for an extension of time and has sought the requestor’s prior consent for an extension of time. Note 4: If an interpreter is present at the examination, the medical fee payable is in accordance with the fees set out above. Note 5: Payment will only be made following submission of the report which is prepared in accordance with, and conforms with, the requirements of the relevant guidelines stated above. Note 6: ‘Specialist’ means a specialist in a surgical discipline or a consultant physician. Permanent impairment assessor – moderately complex report where an examination is conducted with the assistance of an interpreter Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 79 PIA14 General practitioners: permanent impairment assessor moderately complex report with interpreter, simple assessment of two body systems or more than one injury to a single body system – reading, examination conducted with the assistance of an interpreter and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. PIA34 Specialists: permanent impairment assessor moderately complex report with interpreter, simple assessment of two body systems or more than one injury to a single body system – reading, examination conducted with the assistance of an interpreter and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. $772.80 $1,515.20 Note 1: Reports will be requested by a case manager or self-insured employer. Note 2: Permanent impairment assessment reports must be requested in writing, specifying whether a standard, moderately complex, complex or supplementary report is required. Note 3: Reports are to be provided to ReturnToWorkSA within 10 business days of the examination unless the assessor believes there are reasonable grounds for an extension of time and has sought the requestor’s prior consent for an extension of time. Note 4: If an interpreter is present at the examination, the medical fee payable is in accordance with the fees set out above. Note 5: Payment will only be made following submission of the report which is prepared in accordance with, and conforms with, the requirements of the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. Note 6: ‘Specialist’ means a specialist in a surgical discipline or a consultant physician. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 80 Permanent impairment assessor – complex report where an examination is conducted with the assistance of an interpreter Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) PIA15 General practitioners: permanent impairment assessor complex report with interpreter, complex assessment on a single body system or multiple injuries involving more than one body system – reading, examination conducted with the assistance of an interpreter and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. PIA35 Specialists (excluding psychiatrists): permanent impairment assessor complex report with interpreter, complex assessment on a single body system or multiple injuries involving more than one body system – reading, examination conducted with the assistance of an interpreter and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. $1,851.90 PIA45 Psychiatrists: permanent impairment assessor complex report, with interpreter, for the assessment of psychiatric disorders; assessment where there is more than one disorder related to the work injury or pre-existing or non-work-related and/or neurological considerations – reading, examination and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines and using the Guidelines to the Evaluation of Psychiatric Impairment by Clinicians (GEPIC). $2,208.80 $945.00 Note 1: Reports will be requested by a case manager or self-insured employer. Note 2: Permanent impairment assessment reports must be requested in writing, specifying whether a standard, moderately complex, complex or supplementary report is required. Note 3: Reports are to be provided to ReturnToWorkSA within 10 business days of the examination unless the assessor believes there are reasonable grounds for an extension of time and has sought the requestor’s prior consent for an extension of time. Note 4: If an interpreter is present at the examination, the medical fee payable is in accordance with the fees set out above. Note 5: Payment will only be made following submission of the report which is prepared in accordance with, and conforms with, the requirements of the relevant guidelines stated above. Note 6: ‘Specialist’ means a specialist in a surgical discipline or a consultant physician. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 81 Permanent impairment assessor – ENT report where an examination is conducted with the assistance of an interpreter Item no. Service description PIA51 ENT specialists: permanent impairment assessor ENT report with interpreter, reading, examination of ear, nose and/or throat only, conducted with the assistance of an interpreter, including audiometric testing and report in accordance with the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. Max fee (ex GST) $1,262.70 Note 1: Reports will be requested by a case manager or self-insured employer. Note 2: Permanent impairment assessment reports must be requested in writing, specifying whether a standard, moderately complex, complex or supplementary report is required. Note 3: Reports are to be provided to ReturnToWorkSA within 10 business days of the examination unless the assessor believes there are reasonable grounds for an extension of time and has sought the requestor’s prior consent for an extension of time. Note 4: If an interpreter is present at the examination, the medical fee payable is in accordance with the fees set out above. Note 5: Payment will only be made following submission of the report which is prepared in accordance with, and conforms with, the requirements of the Impairment Assessment Guidelines. Note 6: ‘Specialist’ means a specialist in a surgical discipline or a consultant physician. Permanent impairment assessor – non-attendance or cancellation of an appointment Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) PIA16 General practitioners: permanent impairment assessor non-attendance at, or cancellation with less than 48 hours’ notice (excluding weekends or public holidays in South Australia) before an appointment. $185.40 PIA36 Specialists (including psychiatrists): permanent impairment assessor nonattendance at, or cancellation with less than 48 hours’ notice (excluding weekends or public holidays in South Australia) before an appointment. $363.80 Note 1: A fee for a cancellation with more than 48 hours’ notice (excluding weekends and public holidays in South Australia) is not payable. Note 2: A fee for a cancellation or non-attendance does not apply if the appointment is subsequently filled with any other earning activity. Permanent impairment assessor – supplementary report Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 82 PIA17 General practitioners: permanent impairment assessor supplementary report, where additional information is requested by the report requestor. $128.80 PIA37 Specialists (including psychiatrists): permanent impairment assessor supplementary report, where additional information is requested by the report requestor. $252.50 Note 1: Supplementary report fees are not payable if additional work is required as a result of an obvious error or omission on the part of the assessor. Permanent impairment assessor – additional reading time Item no. Service description PIA18 General practitioners: permanent impairment assessor additional reading time in conjunction with a standard or moderately complex report. This fee is only to be charged if there are more than 25 pages of reading material supplied by the report requestor. The first 25 pages are included in the report fee and are therefore not chargeable under this item. Max fee (ex GST) DF Derived fee: $5.10 per page over 25 pages. PIA38 Specialists (including psychiatrists): permanent impairment assessor additional reading time in conjunction with a standard or moderately complex report. This fee is only to be charged if there are more than 25 pages of reading material supplied by the report requestor. The first 25 pages are included in the report fee and are therefore not chargeable under this item. DF Derived fee: $9.30 per page over 25 pages. PIA19 General practitioners: permanent impairment assessor additional reading time in conjunction with a complex report. This fee is only to be charged if there are more than 51 pages of reading material supplied by the report requestor. The first 51 pages are included in the report fee and are therefore not chargeable under this item. DF Derived fee: $5.10 per page over 51 pages. PIA39 Specialists (including psychiatrists): permanent impairment assessor additional reading time in conjunction with a complex report. This fee is only to be charged if there are more than 51 pages of reading material supplied by the report requestor. The first 51 pages are included in the report fee and are therefore not chargeable under this item. DF Derived fee: $9.30 per page over 51 pages. Note 1: Reading fees are only payable where the material has been directly supplied by the report requestor. A fee is not payable for the reading of case notes, clinical material or any other material that is not directly supplied by the report requestor. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 83 Note 2: The reading of material supplied by the requestor can only be charged once. No additional charge can be submitted for re-reading of material. Note 3: A full page for reading time consists of a whole A4 size page of standard print (12 point font or smaller) of information, full page letters and detailed reports. Examples include: hospital treatment notes, medical reports, investigation reports. A half page of reading time consists of half an A4 page or a full A5 size page of standard print (12 point font or smaller) of information, brief file notes, scattered file notes on a page, letters consisting of one or two paragraphs, results and certificates. Examples include: pathology results, full page of handwritten notes. Permanent impairment assessor – travel for examinations Item no. Service description Max fee (ex GST) PIA60 General practitioners or specialists (including psychiatrists): permanent impairment assessor travel, a full day attendance at a venue more than 100 kilometres from the Adelaide GPO for the purpose of providing a permanent impairment report. $147.70 PIA62 General practitioners or specialists (including psychiatrists): permanent impairment assessor – cancellation of an attendance at a venue more than 100 kilometres from the Adelaide GPO. $236.20 PIA64 General practitioners or specialists (including psychiatrists): permanent impairment assessor accommodation – overnight accommodation including meals and incidentals. $312.90 PIA66 General practitioners or specialists (including psychiatrists): permanent impairment assessor motor vehicle travel – travel by motor vehicle, to and from a venue for the purpose of an appointment made by the report requestor. ATO Rates PIA68 General practitioners and specialists (including psychiatrists): permanent impairment assessor aircraft travel – travel by aircraft, to and from a venue for the purpose of an appointment made by the report requestor. Economy Airfare Note 1: The first 50 kilometres of any travel is not chargeable. Note 2: If an assessor is travelling for the purpose of conducting more than one permanent impairment assessment, the travel fees must be apportioned accordingly. Note 3: ‘A full day’ as per item PIA60 refers to a stay of more than five hours at the venue including travel time. Note 4: ATO rates means the rate, applicable to the type of motor vehicle in which the assessor travelled, published by the Australian Taxation Office as the rate per kilometre that may be claimed as a deduction for business travel expenses incurred in the previous financial year. Note 5: Economy airfare means the amount determined by ReturnToWorkSA to be the reasonable cost of undertaking the travel using a standard economy airfare. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 84 General information Appropriately qualified providers The following list is a guide to the services and service providers for which ReturnToWorkSA will consider reimbursement: Registered medical practitioners Registered dentist Registered psychologist Registered optician Registered physiotherapist Registered chiropractor Registered podiatrist Registered occupational therapist Registered speech pathologist Registered osteopaths Exercise physiologists accredited with Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) Remedial therapy/massage provider. Acupuncture Acupuncture services provided by medical practitioners now reflect the same descriptions and rules as the Medicare Benefits Schedule. Social work/counselling services Services can only be delivered by a registered psychologist or psychiatrist. Dietician services Services can only be delivered by a tertiary qualified dietician as part of a Recovery/return to work plan. Hypnotherapy Services are paid on an attendance basis only, and the medical practitioner must be appropriately qualified. (See Schedule 1B for service description and item numbers). Emergency admission of workers to a psychiatric facility The case manager must approve admission of a worker to a hospital when a medical practitioner believes that a worker is at risk of harming themselves or others. Where the psychiatric facility cannot obtain approval from the case manager (e.g. the incident occurs after business hours) the facility must admit the person immediately. If this occurs the admitting psychiatric facility is required to advise the case manager of the admission within two business days. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 85 Frequently asked questions General questions 1. Who do I contact when I need advice on a claim or when following up payment of a service? Please telephone the worker’s case manager at either Employers Mutual SA, Gallagher Bassett Services, ReturnToWorkSA’s EnABLE Unit or the self-insured employer. 2. Which service item numbers does GST apply to? Most health services are exempt of GST, but you should contact the Australian Tax Office or your tax advisor for specific advice. Our fees do not include GST, so any services attracting GST will require you to calculate and insert the additional charge on your invoice. 3. Will the existing WorkCoverSA Medical Certificate still be available in hard copy pads? No. ReturnToWorkSA will no longer distribute pads of hard copy WorkCoverSA Medical Certificates. Where requests for hard copy certificates are received, ReturnToWorkSA will issue a pad of the new Work Capacity Certificates. 4. Will the existing WorkCoverSA Medical Certificate still be accepted? Yes. ReturnToWorkSA and its agents will continue to accept the old WorkCoverSA Medical Certificate until 30 June 2016. After this date, only the new Work Capacity Certificates will be accepted. 5. Where can I get a copy of the new Work Capacity Certificate? ReturnToWorkSA introduced a new Work Capacity Certificate on 1 July 2015. It is currently available in hard copy and electronic smart PDF formats. The smart PDF certificate can be downloaded from our website providers/supporting recovery. The smart PDF can be edited and saved on a computer for ease of use and re-use. The pads of hard copy certificates can be ordered from ReturnToWorkSA by calling 13 18 55, emailing or faxing (08) 8233 2466. Certificates will only be mailed to a medical practice address so please provide the following information in your request: - The name, address and contact details for the medical practice - The number of pads needed (50 medical certificates per pad) 6. How do I submit an electronic WorkCoverSA Medical Certificate (eWMC) from my computer? ReturnToWorkSA has an electronic facility for the existing WorkCoverSA Medical Certificate in the following patient software programs: Medical Director, Medtech, Genie, Zedmed, Best Practice and Direct Control. The eWMC is completed by the medical practitioner in their patient software program and submitted to ReturnToWorkSA electronically. Please contact the software companies directly for set up instructions. The new Work Capacity Certificate will replace the existing WorkCoverSA Medical Certificate in these software programs by 30 June 2016. Medical practitioners will be informed when this has occurred. 7. How do I submit the new Work Capacity Certificate? There are several ways to submit the new Work Capacity Certificate depending on the format you are using. The patient - The certificate can be handed to the patient for them to deliver to their case manager and employer. This is the ideal method of submitting the certificate. Email or fax – Should the medical practitioner wish to submit the certificate on behalf of their patient, they can do so by faxing or emailing it to the relevant agent – please refer to the ‘Useful contacts’ in this schedule. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 86 Mail – Should the medical practitioner wish to submit the certificate on behalf of their patient they may do so by mailing it directly to the relevant claims agent – please refer to the ‘Useful contacts’ in this schedule. Electronic transfer – Currently this method is not available for the new Work Capacity Certificate. Medical practitioners will be advised once this becomes available. Note: A lodged medical/capacity certificate does not mean that a claim has been made. To lodge a claim the worker must complete a Claim form and submit it to Employers Mutual SA, Gallagher Bassett Services or the self-insured employer. This can also be done over the phone. For further information, please visit our website at Schedule 1A 8. How can I find out what fees apply for new Medicare (MBS) services that are introduced after ReturnToWorkSA prints this booklet? You can visit our website at under the fees section to locate the ‘medical supplementary fee schedule incorporating MBS updates’ or contact ReturnToWorkSA on 13 18 55. All relevant new Medicare item numbers will be included in ReturnToWorkSA’s next gazetted fee schedule. Schedule 1B 9. Can I be paid in advance for medical reports or other services? No. Payment will only be made following submission of the report or delivery of the service. ReturnToWorkSA’s policy states that we will not pay for services in advance. 10. I have been asked to provide a report on one of my patients and I believe that the report will be complex. Can I charge a higher fee due to this additional complexity? The report requestor (e.g. case manager, worker’s advocate etc.) should specify in their letter to you which type of report they require. If you believe the incorrect report type has been requested, this should be referred back to the case manager or self-insured employer and clarified prior to writing your report. 11. If I receive a request from a worker’s solicitor to provide a medical report, do I still charge ReturnToWorkSA fees? Yes. Schedule B fees apply in this case as the legal representative is requesting the report on behalf of the worker. 12. I have participated in a teleconference with a case manager, a return to work consultant and an employer regarding a patient’s recovery and return to work strategies. How can I charge for this? Essentially this is a case conference conducted over the telephone, so you may charge for a case conference. 13. I am a general practitioner/specialist/physician who attended a case conference (or any hourly rate service e.g. worksite attendance, dispute resolution etc.) for 45 minutes. How do I charge for this? For any service charged at an hourly rate, you apportion your charge according to the time spent, using the hourly rate for your speciality. The formula is: Hourly rate ÷ 60 multiplied by the number of minutes rounded to the nearest 6 minutes. The pro rata calculation is based on the application of an hourly rate across ten, 6 minute intervals (6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60 minutes). Example based on a 45 minute service which is rounded to the nearest 6 minutes = 48minutes): - general practitioners, $257.70 ÷ 60 x 48 minutes = $206.16 - specialists/physicians, $505.00 ÷ 60 x 48 minutes = $404.00 14. I have been asked to watch a video of a worker. Can I charge for this? Yes. You can use the third party consultation item and charge at a pro-rata hourly rate, using the formula provided in question 13. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 87 15. Does the 24 or 48 hour rule include weekends when billing for a cancellation fee for a case conference, worksite assessment, dispute resolution or third party consultation? No. A cancellation fee is payable only if the cancellation occurs less than 24 or 48 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays) before the time of the proposed attendance. 16. Can an independent medical examiner charge for a subsequent consultation in order to complete a medical report? No. Only one consultation fee is payable. Occasionally a psychiatrist will require more than one consultation with a patient to write a report. We recommend that the psychiatrist contacts the case manager or self-insured employer prior to providing a second consultation, to determine whether this is appropriate in the circumstances of the case (e.g. time constraints). Where an additional consultation is required it must be provided within 10 business days of the first consultation. If you have any further questions please call ReturnToWorkSA on 13 18 55. Key sections of the Return to Work Act 2014 ReturnToWorkSA work together with medical practitioners to maintain its commitment to provide cost effective and appropriate medical services ensuring that timely, sustainable and safe return to work outcomes are achieved. We have reprinted some sections of the Return to Work Act 2014 that may be useful to you. A worker is entitled to be compensated for costs of a kind, set out in section 33(1), reasonably incurred through having suffered a work injury. These are more fully described in sections 7, 9, and 33 of the Act. 3—Objects of Act (1) The object of this Act is to establish a scheme that supports workers who suffer injuries at work and that has as its primary objective to provide early intervention in respect of claims so as to ensure that action is taken to support workers— (a) in realising the health benefits of work; and (b) in recovering from injury; and (c) in returning to work (including, if required, after retraining); and (d) in being restored to the community when return to work is not possible. (2) In connection with subsection (1), the other objectives that apply with respect to this Act are— (a) to ensure that workers who suffer injuries at work receive high-quality service, are treated with dignity, and are supported financially; and (b) to ensure that employers' costs are contained within reasonable limits so that the impact of work injuries on South Australian businesses is minimised; and (c) to provide a reasonable balance between the interests of workers and the interests of employers; and (d) to reduce the overall social and economic cost of work injuries to the State and to the community; and (e) to support activities that are aimed at reducing the incidence of work injuries; and (f) to reduce disputation when workers are injured at work by improving the quality of decision-making and by reducing adversarial contests to the greatest possible extent. (3) A person exercising judicial, quasi-judicial or administrative powers must interpret this Act in the light of its objects and these objectives without bias towards the interests of employers on the one hand, or workers on the other. (4) The Corporation, the worker and the employer from whose employment a work injury arises must seek to achieve an injured worker's return to work (taking into account the objects and requirements of this Act). Division 3—Fundamental principles, rights and obligations 13—The Corporation (1) The Corporation, in acting under and for the purposes of this Act, must— (a) adopt a service-orientated approach that is focused on early intervention and (b) the interests of workers and employers; and ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 88 (c) seek to act professionally and promptly in everything that it does; and (d) be responsible and accountable in its relationships with others; and (e) without limiting a preceding paragraph, take reasonable steps to comply with any request made by a worker under section 15(2). (2) The Corporation must, in connection with subsection (1), develop and maintain plans or strategies that are designed to establish practices and procedures under which the specific circumstances of an injured worker and his or her employer will be addressed and with the objective of— (a) ensuring early and timely intervention occurs to improve recovery and return to work outcomes including after retraining (if required); and (b) achieving timely, evidence based decision-making that is consistent with the requirements of this Act; and (c) wherever possible, providing a face to face service where there is a need for significant assistance, support or services; and (d) ensuring regular reviews are taken in relation to a worker's recovery and, where possible, return to work; and (e) ensuring the active management of all aspects of a worker's injury and any claim under this Act; and (f) encouraging an injured worker and his or her employer to participate actively in any recovery and return to work processes; and (g) minimising the risk of litigation. (3) The policies and principles set out in this section do not give rise to substantive rights or liabilities (compared to rights or liabilities established or prescribed under other relevant provisions of this Act). Section 4 of the Act defines ‘medical services’ as: (a) (b) (c) attendance, examination or treatment by a health practitioner (including the obtaining of a certificate or report); or any diagnostic examination or test required for the purposes of treatment by a health practitioner; or any services of a class prescribed for the purposes of this definition. Section 33(2) The costs referred to in subsection (1) are as follows: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) medical services; hospitalisation and all associated medical, surgical and nursing services; approved recovery/return to work services; travelling, or being transported, to and from any place for the purpose of receiving medical services, hospitalisation or approved recovery/return to work services (but not where the worker travels in a private vehicle); where it is necessary for the worker to be accommodated away from home for the purpose of receiving medical services or approved recovery/return to work services—such accommodation (but not exceeding limits prescribed by regulation); attendance by a registered or enrolled nurse, or by some other person approved by the Corporation or of a class approved by the Corporation, where the injury is such that the worker must have nursing or personal attendance; the provision, maintenance, replacement or repair of therapeutic appliances; medicines and other material purchased on the prescription or recommendation of a health practitioner; other services (or classes of services) authorised by the Corporation. Section 33(3) Compensation in respect of costs to which this section applies may be paid (a) to the worker; or (b) directly to the person to whom the worker is liable for those costs. Section 33(7) If the Corporation disallows or reduces a charge under this section— (a) it must give to the provider of the service a notice setting out— (i) the basis of the Corporation's decision to disallow or reduce the charge; and (ii) where the charge has been disallowed under subsection (6) the provider's right to have the decision reviewed under this section; and ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 89 (b) the worker is not liable to the provider for the disallowed charge, or for more than the reduced charge, (as the case requires) and, if the worker has in fact paid an amount for which he or she is not liable, the Corporation will reimburse the worker for that amount and may recover it from the provider as a debt. Section 33(16) A person who provides a service for an injured worker, knowing the worker to be entitled to compensation for the service under this section, must not charge for the service an amount exceeding the amount allowed under a scale of charges published under this section. Maximum penalty: $2500. For further information regarding the Act, visit the ReturnToWorkSA website, ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 90 Account process for patients with a work injury This is an overview of the account process for medical practitioners. Patient is injured at work and is treated by a medical practitioner at your practice. Has a claim been made or intended to be made? (Confirm with patient). Yes No Has the claim been accepted? (Confirm with patient). Payment Patient should be billed as a private patient. Yes No, not yet determined No, claim rejected Payment Payment Payment Directly bill the employer, claims agent, ReturnToWorkSA EnABLE Unit, selfinsured employer or patient in accordance with the gazetted scale of charges. Directly bill the employer, claims agent, ReturnToWorkSA EnABLE Unit, self-insured employer or patient in accordance with the gazetted scale of charges. However, the liability for payment rests solely with the patient until the claim is accepted. Provider has the option to re-bill the patient as a private patient. (please refer to the Medical Schedule 1A guidelines regarding time restrictions) Note: If the worker requires time off work, a Work Capacity Certificate (WCC) must be issued. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 91 Accounts and invoicing standards All amounts listed in this booklet are exclusive of GST. If applicable, ReturnToWorkSA will pay to the provider an amount on account of the provider’s GST liability in addition to the GST exclusive fee. Suppliers should provide ReturnToWorkSA with a tax invoice where the amounts are subject to GST. For all invoices, whether a tax invoice or not, the following information should be provided: provider details – name, Medicare provider number (if applicable) and/or ReturnToWorkSA provider number (if known), practice and address details invoice number and invoice date Australian Business Number (ABN) worker’s surname and given name(s) claim number (if known) brief description of the injury to which the services relate employer name (if known) each service itemised separately in accordance with this fee schedule including: - date of service and commencement time - service item number and service description - duration of service in hours/minutes rounded to the nearest six minutes for hourly rate services - charge for the service - total charge for invoiced items plus any GST that may be applicable. bank account details for electronic funds transfer (EFT). Invoices are to be submitted within six weeks of service. Invoices for services displaying the information set out above will allow for prompt and efficient processing. Invoices that do not meet these standards may be returned to the provider for amendment. ReturnToWorkSA or their claims agents are unable to pay on ‘account rendered’ or statement invoices. Payment will be made where appropriate, on an original invoice or duplicate/copy of the original. Payment for services, including reports, will not be made in advance. GST For all GST-related queries, please contact the Australian Tax Office or your tax advisor. Changes to provider details For changes to provider details, such as Australian Business Numbers, change of address or electronic funds transfer details, please complete the Provider registration form available on our website. Once completed either email to or fax to ReturnToWorkSA on (08) 8238 5690. For any queries relating to this form, please contact ReturnToWorkSA on 13 18 55. Where payment is outstanding Please contact ReturnToWorkSA’s EnABLE Unit, claims agent or self-insured employer if the claim has been accepted and the payment is outstanding. If the claim has not been accepted, responsibility for payment of accounts rests with the worker. General medical queries, MBS quarterly updates, services outside of the Medical Benefits Schedule Contact ReturnToWorkSA on 13 18 55. ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 92 Useful contacts Claims agents All work injury claims (that are not self-insured or serious injury) are managed by Employers Mutual or Gallagher Bassett. To identify which claims agent is managing a worker’s claim, refer to the ‘Claims agent lookup’ function on our website at Employers Mutual SA Phone: Fax: (08) 8127 1100 or free call 1300 365 105 (08) 8127 1200 Address: Postal address: 26 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000 GPO Box 2575, Adelaide SA 5001 Online: Gallagher Bassett Services Pty Ltd Phone: Fax: (08) 8177 8450 or free call 1800 664 079 (08) 8177 8451 Address: Postal address: Ground Floor, 25 Franklin Street, Adelaide SA 5000 GPO Box 1772, Adelaide SA 5001 Online: ReturnToWorkSA EnABLE Unit For claims relating to severe traumatic injuries, please contact this unit directly. Phone: Fax: 13 18 55 (08) 8233 2051 Address: Postal address: 400 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000 GPO Box 2668, Adelaide SA 5001 Online: Self-insured employers For matters relating to self-insured claims, please contact the employer directly. Allianz Australia SA Compulsory Third Party (CTP) For claims relating to motor vehicle crashes that are managed by Allianz Australia SA CTP on behalf of the insurer, the Motor Accident Commission, please contact them directly. Phone: Fax: 1300 137 331 1300 137 431 Address: Postal address: 89 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000 GPO Box 219, Adelaide SA 5001 Email: ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 93 The following free information support services are available: If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment you can call ReturnToWorkSA through the National Relay Service (NRS): TTY users can phone 13 36 77 and ask for 13 18 55. Speak & Listen (speech-to-speech) users can phone 1300 555 727 and ask for 13 18 55. Internet Relay users connect to NRS on and ask for 13 18 55. For languages other than English call the Interpreting and Translating Centre on 1800 280 203 and ask for an interpreter to call ReturnToWorkSA on 13 18 55. For Braille, audio or e-text call 13 18 55. ReturnToWorkSA Enquiries: 13 18 55 400 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000 © ReturnToWorkSA 2015 ReturnToWorkSA - Medical fee schedule 2015-16 Page 94