www.kss.hee.nhs.uk Xx November 2015 Our ref: ST2 to ST3 Allocation Sep 2015 Dear ST2 Trainee RE: KSS – Paediatric ST3 Choices for September 2015 Name Email address MRCPCH exams to date ST1 post Sep 2013 ST1 post Mar 2014 ST2 post Sep 2014 ST2 post Mar 2015 Other Relevant Posts Date appointed to RTG Paediatrics What are your long term career plans e.g. neonates, academic, neurology? Are you currently training LTFT? Do you expect to be training LTFT from Sep 2015? We have asked for a list of your previous posts, so that we can check that your training is balanced (and double check our records as there have been some swaps!). Please Note: Progression to ST3 will be dependent on your ST2 ARCP outcome As there will be an element of competition for some posts, the ST3 allocation process will be based on a combination of criteria such as educational needs, careers aims and personal circumstances. “Through creative partnerships we shape and develop a workforce that impacts positively on health and wellbeing for all” We are the Local Education and Training Board for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Developing people for health and healthcare Sep 2015 Paediatrics ST3 Allocation Preference Sheet Please find below is a list of ST3 posts for you to preference. Please note that we cannot guarantee your preference as posts are allocated via the scoring system, however we will also look at individual training needs e.g. further neonatal experience, if this is the case then we will endeavour that your allocation for ST3 will reflect this. Everyone should expect to undertake 6 months of Neonates training at Level 1 Training so please ensure you preference a Neonates post if you have not undertaken neonates to date. Name: Dr. PLEASE ENTER NAME HERE 1 2 3 Post 1 Sept 14 Neonatal Medway NHS Foundation Trust, Medway Maritime Hospital, (R166) Neonatal Medway NHS Foundation Trust, Medway Maritime Hospital, (R62) Neonatal East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, William Harvey Hospital, (R150) General Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, East Surrey Hospital, (R127) General Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust, Royal Surrey County Hospital,(R22) General Neonatal 4 5 Neonatal Medway NHS Foundation Trust, Medway Maritime Hospital, (R60) 6 General East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust, Conquest Hospital, (R00) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Neonatal Medway NHS Foundation Trust, Medway Maritime Hospital, (R60) Neonatal East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, William Harvey Hospital, (R150) General Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, East Surrey Hospital, (R131) Neonatal East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, William Harvey Hospital, (R151) General Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust, Royal Surrey County Hospital, (R22) Community Western Sussex NHS Trust (Acute), Worthing Hospital, (R30) Community Sussex Community, Community Post/ Brighton General Hospital, (R42) General Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Royal Alexandra Hospital, (R36) Neonatal Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Royal Sussex County Hospital, (R40) Neonatal Medway NHS Foundation Trust, Medway Maritime Hospital, (R59) Neonatal Ashford & St Peter's Hospitals NHS Trust, St Peter's Hospital, (R143) Community Sussex Community, Community Post/ Brighton General Hospital, (R42) 7 Post 2 March 15 Neonatal Medway NHS Foundation Trust, Medway Maritime Hospital, (R166) Neonatal Medway NHS Foundation Trust, Medway Maritime Hospital, (R62) Neonatal Ashford & St Peter's Hospitals NHS Trust, St Peter's Hospital, (R23) Neonatal Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Royal Sussex County Hospital, (R39) Neonatal Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Royal Sussex County Hospital,(R40) Neonatal Ashford & St Peter's Hospitals NHS Trust, St Peter's Hospital, (R143) General Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, East Surrey Hospital, (R131) Page 2 of 4 Pref Number Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, Maidstone Hospital, (R55) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Neonatal East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, William Harvey Hospital, (R151) Neonatal East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, William Harvey Hospital, (R153) Neonatal Ashford & St Peter's Hospitals NHS Trust, St Peter's Hospital, (R26) Community Western Sussex NHS Trust (Acute), Worthing Hospital, (R30) General Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, East Surrey Hospital,(R130) Neonatal Medway NHS Foundation Trust, Medway Maritime Hospital, (R59) Neonatal East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, William Harvey Hospital, (R43) East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, William Harvey Hospital, (R43) Neonatal East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, William Harvey Hospital,(R153) General East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust, Conquest Hospital, General, (R00) General Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, East Surrey Hospital,(R130) Neonatal Ashford & St Peter's Hospitals NHS Trust, St Peter's Hospital, (R26) Neonatal Ashford & St Peter's Hospitals NHS Trust, St Peter's Hospital, (R23) General Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, East Surrey Hospital, (R127) General Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, Maidstone Hospital, (R55) **Please Note: Posts are subject to change and may not be available at the time of the allocation meeting. General Considerations - Please kindly write a brief resume why you have made your preferences, this can include academic, geographical and personal reasons as well as training needs. (250 word limit please) Please return your completed form via email to Paediatrics@kss.hee.nhs.uk by xx January 2015 Appendix A - Trainee Guidance Only – to be completed by the allocation panel Scoring System for Selection of ST3 Posts Page 3 of 4 Exams: Passed part 1a Scores 1 Passed part 1a and b 2 Passed any part of part 2 3 ePortfolio: For each element: Nothing = 0 / little evidence = 1 / satisfactory evidence 2 = / good evidence = 3 PDP Scores Reflective writing / Developmental Log 0 to 3 Skills log 0 to 3 Leadership Skills - With evidence of assessment using leadership tool of developmental log relating to MLCF (Medical Leadership Competency Framework) no evidence = 0 / little evidence = 1/ satisfactory evidence 2 = / good evidence = 3 Clear indication of career aims with evidence in the ePortfolio 0 to 3 0 to 3 0 to 3 Last ARCP Outcome: 0 = Concerns / 1 = satisfactory / 2 = good / 3 = excellent 0 to 3 If any concerns have these been resolved e.g. Outcome 3 due to not passing exam but now passed. 0 = NO / 1 = YES Evidence of Meeting with current Educational Supervision: 0 = No evidence of meeting / evidence = 1 Assessments: Covering the period Sep 2013 to Jan 2015 (allocation meeting Feb 15) No assessments 0 to1 0 to 1 Scores 0 Assessment started but none in a particular assessment group, e.g. CBD etc. 1 At least 1 assessment done in all assessment groups 2 2 or more assessments in each assessment group 3 Courses: Level 2 child protection training Scores 2 EPLS or APLS 1 NLS 1 Instructor Potential Identified at EPLS or APLS 2 Instructor Potential Identified at NLS 2 Presentations: Some evidence required on eportfolio. (e.g. audit, hospital grand round, posters, platform presentation, teaching e.g. medical students, resus courses) Scores Local 1 Regional/network 2 National 3 International 4 Publications: Some evidence required on eportfolio Scores SUBMITTED 1 ACCEPTED 2 PUBLISHED 3 Page 4 of 4 Official Use Only