AQUAPONICS: PROTEIN AND VEGETABLES FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Michael A Nichols Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University, Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North, New Zealand. & Nick A Savidov Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Brooks, Alberta, T1R1E6, Canada. Keywords; fish, hydroponics, environmentally friendly, water efficient. Abstract Aquaponics is the land based production of fish in tanks combined with the recirculation of the water from the fish tanks through hydroponic systems to produce high value horticultural crops. The waste products from the fish are converted by a bio-filter into soluble nutrients which are absorbed by the plants, and allow “clean” water to be returned back to the fish. Thus it produces valuable fish protein with a minimal pollution of fresh water resources, while at the same time producing horticultural (usually vegetable) crops. The production of fertilizers is becoming increasingly expensive due to high prices of fossil fuels, and this may have long term implications for nutrient use in agriculture in the future, particularly in developing countries. Aquaponics uses waste products derived from animals and plants which are fed to the fish, and thus converted into valuable animal protein and fresh vegetables. With the world’s fresh water resources limited, aquaponics would appear to have considerable potential for developing countries. Introduction In many (if not all) developing countries there are major nutritional deficiencies in protein and in essential minerals and vitamins. The basic carbohydrate diet does little to provide adequate levels of these essential nutrients. Aquaponics may provide an effective and efficient means to provide both animal protein (fish) and mineral and vitamin sources (fresh vegetables) to populations where water/and or fertilizer resources are limited with a minimum of environmental pollution. The basic principals of aquaponics is that fish are fed “waste plant and animal material”, which they convert into protein. The waste material from the fish is then used by plants as the nutrient source, and the water is then re-circulated back to the fish tank. An essential component of this is a bio-filter (between the fish and the plants) which essentially comprises bacteria which converts the waste products from the fish into soluble nutrients for the plants. An absolutely critical component of this is the conversion of urea (excreted by the fish) into nitrite, and then nitrate because high levels of urea in the water are toxic to fish. The solid waste (fish faeces and unconsumed food) is usually filtered off and converted into soluble nutrients in a separate bypass. Aquaponics was developed as an extension of aquaculture, and thus the people developing it have normally had strong aquaculture backgrounds, and (usually) very limited horticulture backgrounds. This has proved a major limitation to development, because the bulk of the income is normally derived from the horticulture stream (70%), but the expertise is usually not in this area. The horticultural product has to compete with conventionally grown horticultural products on a “level playing field” with the result that in many cases, although the aquaponics component is effective, the lack of horticultural skills causes the project to fail. Essentially the fish must be regarded simply as manure producers for the plants, with the added bonus that there is a small income stream from them also. Fish farming is popular in many parts of the world—particularly in Asia, but the systems used tend to pollute the waterways, or are limited to ponds in which a permanent fish/simple plant ecosystem exists, without any recirculation. A re-circulating aquaponics system not only is capable of providing a regular supply of fresh vegetables, but also does so in a non-polluting situation. It is usual to have a number of fish tanks (usually a minimum of 4), so that fish can be segregated in terms of size (age) in case of cannibalism, and this also ensures a steady stream of nutrient to the plants. If all the fish were the same size, then they would all be harvested at the same time, but by having a range of different ages, then a continuous supply of nutrients to the plants is assured, because only the fish from a single tank are harvested when they reach the appropriate size. Similarly it is desirable to have crops of different ages in the “hydroponic system” to ensure a steady uptake of nutrients. Fish species. There is no real limitation on the types of fish which can be used, although they should be fresh water types, and should not prefer low water temperatures (eg trout), as the temperature of the water will be too low for good plant growth. In Australia barramundi and Murray Cod have been used successfully, but internationally the favoured fish is Tillapia. This will perform satisfactory at pH below 7.0 an important factor for plant growth in hydroponics. (see later). Fish require a regular supply of oxygen in the water, and this is controlled by bubblers in the tanks, which are connected to electric air pumps. A secure supply of electricity is therefore absolutely essential. In DPR Korea (North Korea) an EU project has developed an aquaponics system in a country were the electricity supply is very unreliable by integrating into the system a back up using solar cells which keep a battery continuously charged. Note the amount of power required to run an air pump is very small. Of course there are other pumps in the system for example for pumping the “nutrient solution” through the system, but these can be out of action for some time without the fish dying from lack of oxygen. Essentially the role of the fish to to provide the plants with a cheap source of nutrients. The bio-filter. Bio-filters come in all shapes and sizes, but it’s essential role is to provide a large surface area for the ammonia in the solution to come ion contact with the bacteria which are needed to convert it to first nitrate and then nitrate. Ammonia at high concentrations is toxic to fish, so this conversion is the essential part of the aquaponic process. In any case plants prefer to absorb nitrogen as nitrate rather than as ammonia. The simplest bio-filter is simply a clump of nylon fishing net, on which the bacteria and other microorganisms establish. This should be cleaned every month or so. Other bio-filters include containers filled with polystyrene balls, in fact anything with a large surface to volume ratio. Water source. This is a re-circulating hydroponic system, and the less frequently it is necessary to “dump” the nutrient solution the better. Thus the purer the water source the better, and simplistically the lower the sodium and chloride content of the fish feed the better. The best water source is rain water, and this can be collected if necessary using plastic sheets (eg rain shelters) and stored in small plastic lined dams. Horticultural aspects There are many ways of growing horticultural crops hydroponically, but the simplest system is to use the floating raft system. This involved polystyrene sheets which float in a shallow canal filled with nutrient solution which flows from the bio-filter to a sump, from where it is then pumped back to the fish. This system is relatively cheap, simple, and nearly fool proof. Bubbles are required the length of the canal to provide the plant roots with oxygen, but if these are not working for an hour or so, due to air pump problem, this is not a problem, as the plants (unlike the fish) can survive. In fact it is possible to grow many vegetables crops without aeration if there is a small gap between the polystyrene raft and the nutrient solution. (Kratky, 2009) Starting up can be a problem, as the fish are likely to be small, and the plant nutrient supply limited, particularly if the appropriate bacteria are not in the system, but a small quantity of solution from an existing aquaponics set up will act as a starter solution. Many of the fruit vegetables (tomato, pepper, cucumber, melon, etc) appear to require higher levels of nutrients in hydroponics, than the leafy vegetables. However at the University of the American Virgin Islands they have successfully produced such crops using aquaponics and a floating raft system. Certainly the level of nutrients measured in aquaponic solutions are considerably lower than those required for conventional hydroponics. (Rakocy et al, 2004; Rakocy et al, 2007), Possibly because the nutrients are organically derived is the reason?? One of the major difficulties with aquaponics is deciding on the appropriate pH for the solution. Fish tend to prefer a pH in excess of 7.0, while for plants such a pH is likely to result in major trace element problems, particularly of iron deficiency. The UVI approach has been to keep the pH at about 7.0 and to use high rates of chelated iron in the nutrient solution, but at Brooks it has been found preferable to run the system at a ph of 6.7-6.8, at which level the Tillapia appear to thrive, as do the plants. (Savidov et al, 2007) Pest and disease control Because fish are a integral part of the system it is impossible to use any pesticides which might harm the fish. Because of this, it is general to rely only on biological control methods. It does appear that some of the root disease problems of conventional hydroponic systems (such as Pythium and Phytophthora) are reduced due to the balance of microorganisms in the aquaponic solution exerting some form of biological control. Conventional hydroponics v aquaponics There have been few studies undertaken which have compared conventional hydroponic systems with aquaponics. In Italy Pantanella (2011) Table 1 showed that in the first cycle the conventional system was superior, but in the next cycle there was no significant difference in yields between conventional hydroponics and aquaponics. In New Zealand (Lennard and Nichols, 2011) Tables 2 & 3 have demonstrated that aquaponics production can exceed conventional hydroponic production in the right situation. They found lower productivity form the aquaponic system in the winter when the fish were relatively inactive due to low water temperatures, and the feeding rate was reduced, resulting a a lower production of plant nutrients, but higher yields from the aquaponic system during the warmer summer months. Conclusions Aquaponics would appear to offer developing countries where animal protein and fresh vegetable supplies are limited with the opportunity to produce both in a single simple production system which pronominally uses waste animal and plant material to produce fish protein and vegetables rich in minerals, vitamins and fibre. The value of the fish might be further enhanced because of the potential of containing such importance micro-nutrients as ω3. References Kratky, B A (2009) “Three non re-circulating hydroponic methods of growing lettuce” Acta Hort., 843, 65-71. Nichols M A & Lennard W (2010)_Aquaponics in New Zealand. Practical hydroponics and Greenhouses. , 115, 46-51. Pantanella, E, Cardarelli, M, Colla, G, Rea, E & Marcucci, A (2010) Aquaponics vs hydroponics: Production and quality of lettuce crop. 28th IHC Abstracts I, 35. Rakocy, D S, Schulz, J E, Bailey, R C & Thoman, E S (2004) “Aquaponic production of tilapia and basil: comparing a batch and staggered cropping system”. Acta Hort., 742, 63-69. Rakocy, J E, Bailey, D S, Schulz, R C & Danahar, J J (2007) “Preliminary evaluation of organic waste from two aquaculture systems as a source of inorganic nutrients for hydroponics”. Acta Hort., 648, 201-207. Savidov, N A, Hutchings, E & Rakocy, J E (2007) “Fish and plant production in a recirculating aquaponic system: A new approach to sustainable agriculture in Canada” Acta Hort., 742, 209-221. . Table 1 Comparison betweeen aquaponics and hydroponics Lettuce yield (kg/m2) 1st experiment Aquaponics LD 2.37 b Aquaponics HD 2.71 a Hydroponics 2.84 a Significance * LD = Low Fish Density (5kg/m3) HD = High Fish Density (8kg/m3) 2nd experiment Aquaponics LD Aquaponics HD Hydroponics Significance LD = Low Fish Density (6kg/m3) HD = High Fish Density (20kg/m3) 5.67 5.7 6.02 ns Table 2: Aquaponic and hydroponic NFT lettuce variety comparisons – Summer (February) 2010 Variety Top Weight (g) Hydroponic Top Weight (g) Aquaponic Sig Diff? Better System Difference (%) Gaugin Princess Explore Ashbrook Satre Robinio Obregon 130.83 117.00 211.86 220.25 173.11 177.88 142.50 168.00 246.63 293.78 266.38 223.56 204.43 223.40 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Aquaponic Aquaponic Aquaponic Aquaponic Aquaponic Neither Aquaponic 28 111 39 21 29 57 Table 3: Aquaponic and hydroponic NFT lettuce variety comparisons – Winter (August) 2010 Variety Top Weight (g) Hydroponic Top Weight (g) Aquaponic Sig Diff? Better System Difference (%) Gaugin Princess Explore Ashbrook Satre Robinio Obregon 271.61 177.38 709.47 497.67 322.20 293.22 354.87 327.44 204.94 625.93 453.17 349.20 345.78 341.53 Yes No No No No Yes No Aquaponic Neither Neither Neither Neither Aquaponic Neither 21 18