Supporting Information for The Bathymetry of a Titan sea Geophysical Research Letters Marco Mastrogiuseppe, Valerio Poggiali, Alexander Hayes, Ralph Lorenz, Jonathan Lunine, Giovanni Picardi, Roberto Seu, Enrico Flamini, Giuseppe Mitri, Claudia Notarnicola, Philippe Paillou, Howard Zebker. Introduction We analyzed T91 Cassini RADAR altimeter echoes reflected from the bottom of Ligeia Mare in order to derive bathymetry and loss tangent of the liquid hydrocarbons filling the basin. The bathymetry was obtained by means of super resolution techniques (MEM method via Burg algorithm). The loss tangent was estimated using nominal range resolution and incoherent data processing (13 modulus squared radar echoes average within each burst) in order to improve the radiometric resolution and thus the accuracy on the radar parameters estimation. 1. Burg’s MEM Application for Subsurface Detection Improvement In order to improve the detection of the subsurface reflected echoes and obtain a more accurate bathymetry of the sea we applied the Burg’s MEM for Cassini bandwidth extrapolation, and a coherent processing to the Cassini bursts. First we applied the method on a two layer model Cassini simulated signal and we verified the effectiveness improvement on distinguish the peaks generated at interfaces below the nominal radar range resolution, see Figure S1. 1 Figure S1. Burg Algorithm applied on simulated Cassini radar signal received from a two layer model. The simulated methane - water ice interfaces are placed to a distance below the radar resolution. In the right panel we can see the extrapolated spectrum of the simulated signal. In the left panel the resolution system has been improved by a factor of 3 via Burg algorithm and the second peak appear separated from the first one. Second, we investigated the reliability on reconstructing bandwidth by extrapolating one third of the spectrum from the pulses of Burst n. 248036994 and then we compared the reconstructed signal with the original one, see Figure S2. We find a high degree correlation for extrapolation bandwidth factor of 3 which decreases for higher order factors. 2 Figure S2. The reconstructed and original Cassini burst n° 248036994. Large correlation is obtained from extrapolation of the spectrum by a factor of 3 2. Two-Layers Model Cassini Radar Data Simulation Cassini radar response was simulated over a two-layers model scenario in order to compare the simulated signals to the echoes collected over Ligeia Mare. We simulated the radar echo obtained from burst ID#248037009 where the subsurface was detected at a two-way transit time ∆τ equal to 1.3 μs from an altitude of 1700 km. As geophysical parameters we imposed a hydrocarbons dielectric constant equal to 1.75 at the surface, a loss tangent of 3 ∙ 10−5 and a subsurface dielectric constant of 1.9. We applied the nominal processing (range compression and taper function) by considering the taper function (Taylor taper) used by Cassini Processing of Altimetric Data system (CPAD) for the generation of Titan altimetric profiles and a dedicate taper (Blackman taper) able to suppress the lateral lobes of the first strong reflection up to 60 dB in order to improve the subsurface returns. 3 Figure S3. Simulated vs real Cassini data. Right panel: Cassini data simulated over a two-layer scenario composed by 150 m of liquid hydrocarbons. Left panel: the real Cassini Burst# 248037009, the upper image is obtained by using Taylor taper and the bottom image using Blackman taper. The upper image is processed by means of Taylor taper and the bottom image using Blackman taper. It is worth to note that both simulated and real data show that a dedicate taper function such as Blackman or Kaiser Bessel, improves the detection of subsurface return thanks to a better lateral lobes suppression of the first strong surface return (Figure S3). 3. T91 Data Analysis: Loss Tangent Estimation of Ligeia Mare Cassini collected 38 echoes along 280 km over the sea, several radar returns were not used for the inversion analysis because they were acquired over a shallow portion of the sea (North part of Ligeia Mare) or in presence of significant subsurface roughness. We selected the reliable echoes for loss tangent measurements by investigating to the shape of reflected surface and subsurface pulses. 4 The criterion was based on the selection of pulses having SNR greater than 8 dB (see Figure S4) with the following shape characteristics: - Only radar pulses that show Gaussian behavior measured at – 3 and –6 dB as asymmetry of the shape respect to the central peak position, with a tolerance of ±30%; - Only radar pulses that show pulse width (measured at – 3 and –6 dB) smaller than the flat response + 30%. These characteristics of the echo shape correspond in the near - nadir non coherent Cassini echo model to a radar response acquired over a surface with standard heights deviation less than 20 m and off - nadir angle less than 0.2° from an altitude of ~1700 km. As a result we obtained 8 radar pulses, collected most of them along a portion of 80-90 km from 77° to 79° in latitude, indicating this region to have moderate stationary subsurface roughness and thus to be suitable for our inversion procedure analysis. Three more pulses belong to the same area but do not completely satisfy the second pulse shape selection. Anyway we decided to include them into the analysis as they do not change results but only increase sample size. The rest of the radar echoes were not selected since most of them are partially or completely merged to the surface pulse. We investigated the loss tangent by means of a standard technique adopted on sounder and GPR (Campbell et al. 2008; Matsouka et al. 2010) able to estimate the radio signal attenuation respect to the depths of the sea bottom. Assuming the bottom of the sea to be homogeneous, we measured the subsurface peak power relative to the surface (Ps/Pss) as function of the two-way surface/subsurface transit time ∆τ. Through linear regression applied to the radar measurements of Ps/Pss vs. ∆τ (see 5 Figure S5), we found specific attenuation value equal to 11±4 (dB/μsec) and along with the formula: k ( ) dB / sec 27 tan sea ( ) f 0 MHz (1) where k(τ) is the specific attenuation in dB/μsec, f0 is the carrier frequency in MHz, we estimated the loss tangent tanδsea of Ligeia Mare be in order of 3 ∙ 10−5 ±30%. Figure S4. SNR of the seabed detected echoes after coherent and incoherent processing algorithm. Coherent processing tends to improve the resolution and the subsurface SNR. The measurements acquired over the central portion of the bathymetry are the less reliable since the SNR is very low due to the large depths. 6 Figure S5. Linear regression of subsurface relative power (Ps/Pss) vs two-way transit time Δτ. The linear regression suggests that Cassini signal specific attenuation caused by the propagation through the sea is in order of 11 dB/μsec. 4. Upper Bound on Loss Tangent from Magnitude of Secondary Echo Peak As described in the main text, we applied an alternate analysis for estimating the loss tangent by ascribing the difference in magnitude of the surface and subsurface echoes entirely to absorption in the medium and differences in the surface and seabed reflections caused by variations in liquid vs. seabed dielectric constants assuming specular interfaces. In particular, along with formula F2, we computed the maximum relative subsurface expected magnitude (minimum Ps/Pss) in absence of non-nadir scattering terms (fs/fss=0 dB) (see Picardi et al. 2007 for more details): SS dB S dB 1 S 2 dB K dB fS f SS dB PS PSS dB (F2) We imposed the expected minimum surface reflectivity (ΓS) equal to ~ -19 dB (which corresponds to surface dielectric constants equal to 1.6) and the maximum subsurface reflectivity (ΓSS) equal to ~ -12 dB (which corresponds to seabed dielectric constants equal to 4.8) by investigating the possible materials present on Titan as 7 measured by Cassini radiometry and Scatterometry (Wye et al. 2007). The difference of Ps/Pss from the observed data respect to this theoretical value was attributed completely to the attenuation into the medium. This upper limit of attenuation along with the relative measurement of ∆τ and through formula (F1) was used to constrain the upper limit of loss tangent echo by echo. Results for this analysis are shown in Figure S6, where we solve for the depth from the delay of the sea bottom peak (top panel) and record the magnitude of the bottom peak compared to the surface echo (center panel). Since the surface scatters nearly specularly, this yields an upper bound on the loss through the medium (bottom panel). As we expected from the pulse shape analysis, the region from 77°N to 79°N we previously found for the better estimate of loss tangent, results be the more stable even among the upper bound loss tangent measurements. In this region the upper bound reaches values of ~9 ∙ 10−5 . A more realistic scenario which include subsurface roughness and/or other kinds of materials can only have loss tangent lower than this last quantity. 8 Figure S6. Loss tangent upper bound using all Ligeia echoes. (top) Estimate of depth from time delay of second peak. (center) Relative magnitude of subsurface echo. (bottom) Upper bound on loss tangent. Plots have been obtained by means of noncoherent processing. References Campbell, B. et al. 2008. SHARAD radar sounding of the Vastitas Borealis Formation in Amazonis Planitia, Journal of Geophysical Research Planet, 113, E12010, doi:10.1029/2008JE003177 9 Matsuoka, K. et al. 2010. Estimating englacial radar attenuation using depth profiles of the returned power, central West Antarctica, Journal of Geophysical Research Earth Surface,115, DOI: 10.1029/2009JF001496. Picardi, G., et al. 2007. Marsis Data Inversion approach, IEEE4th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, 27-29 June, 2007. DOI: 10.1109/AGPR.2007.386563. Wye, L.C., Zebker, H.A., Ostro, S.J., West, R.D., Gim, Y., Lorenz, R.D., and the Cassini RADAR Team 2007. Electrical properties of Titan’s surface from Cassini RADAR scatterometer measurements. Icarus 188, 367–385. 10