Introduction - The University of West Georgia

Active Data Calendar Overview
Active Data Calendar Training Course
I. Introduction
What is Active Data Calendar?
Active Data Calendar is a centralized web calendar which displays events and allows
sharing event information across multiple university websites. Active Data Calendaring
System includes:
1. Public Calendar (Marketing) - publish and promote university events online on a
PUBLIC events calendar at
2. Private Calendar - publish departmental meetings, conferences, lunches on a PRIVATE
(Organizational) calendar and share with your employees at
3. Facilities Calendar - view room availability at , submit facility reservation requests and
approve facility and resource requests
An easy to use browser based interface includes “Online Administration” which allows
Public Category Owners, Private Category Owners, Department Administrators, Room
Owners, and Resource Owners to enter, modify, delete, and approve events/requests
before they are actually viewed on the calendar website or/and on a custom feed
embedded on departmental website.
Calendar events and requests can be submitted either through “Online Administration”
or through public (and custom!) “Event Submission Form” (example:
Calendar events and requests can be modified and deleted only through “Online
Administration” by Active Data DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATOR
Calendar events and requests can be approved only through “Online Administration” by
Active Data Calendar Training Course
Public and Private Calendar Categories, Rooms and Resource Categories must be in
LOCKED status to prevent others from freely posting events and reserving spaces or
Active Data guidelines, tutorials, best practices, login urls and workflow
information is posted at:
Logging In
Before you can manage events displayed on the calendar you will need to login to the
1. Open internet browser.
2. Direct your web browser to
3. From the main view of the calendar you can proceed to the login area by clicking
on the Submit Events link.
4. Click on “Sign In to Active Data Calendar” under “Manage Events” located in the
left side menu.
5. You'll be presented with the main login screen of Active Data Calendar.
6. Enter your Login ID and Password and then click Submit or press enter to
continue (Your login credentials will be given to you by your Calendar
Software Overview
Once you've logged in to Active Data Calendar you will be presented with the main
administration screen. Now you can access the various functions of the Calendar.
A) Main Navigation Overview
Events - Add, Modify/Cancel/Delete and Export Events.
Registration - See a snapshot of all active events that have registrations enabled on the
Calendar and Approve Registration Requests.
Active Data Calendar Training Course
Workflow - View user accounts within Active Data Calendar. Set default values and
selections for various fields throughout the Calendar administration area for your
particular user account and change your password under My Profile.
Facilities – Display, Add, Modify/Delete ALL Locations and Location details in the
Calendar database.
Resources- Display, Add, Modify/Delete ALL Resources in the Calendar database.
Categorization - Display ALL Categories and Subcategories in the Calendar database.
You should request from superuser (ITS webteam) to add PRIVATE, PUBLIC or
RESOURCE categories for your area if needed.
Marketing - Generate syndication code or Event Quick Link.
Reports - View Event, Location or Category Reports.
Calendar Workflow Overview
Workflow in Active Data Calendar is broken down into three main areas:
 Marketing Workflow
 Facilities Workflow
 Resources Workflow
• Marketing workflow and approvals are required if an event has been selected to be
marketed on either the public or private Calendar(s).
• An event may be approved for facility and resource usage but not be approved for
marketing. If this is the case, then the event will still display on the Facility Calendar but
not on the Public and/or Private Calendars.
• Events may be marketed without a facility and/or resource identified for the event. If a
facility (or multiple facilities) is requested as part of an event, then all facility requests
must be approved prior to the event moving forward into the marketing workflow. If an
event is approved at the marketing level and is live on the Calendar and the event is then
modified to request a facility, the event will remain live on the Calendar while the facility
request is being processed.
• If a resource (or multiple resources) is requested as part of an event, there is no impact
to the event workflow processing as it relates to facilities or marketing. The event can
proceed forward through the facility and then marketing workflow areas. Resources are
handled separately and regardless of approval or denial of event resources, the event can
still be “scheduled” and appear on the Public and/or Private Calendars.
Active Data Calendar Training Course
• The event may be modified, after already being marketed, to add a facility or resource
request. If this is the case, the event will be retained on the marketing calendar it was
previously approved for and the facility and/or resource workflow is kicked off
independently. If the facility or resource is denied, it will be up to the event owner to
decide if the event should be maintained on the marketing calendar, rescheduled for a
different date/time when the facility or resource is available for their usage or
cancel/delete the event from all Calendars.
• If there are multiple requests pending for the same facility and one request is approved,
then all other requests are placed into a “Review” status and the events are automatically
added to a waiting list. Users are notified when their events are placed into a
Review/Wait List State and it is up to the user who added the facility request to decide if
they want to remain on the waiting list or modify their event to select a different
date/time and/or facility.
Facilities Online Tutorial
Please refer to Facilities Tutorial for step by step instructions:
Facilities Inventory Spreadsheet
Thank you!