--- Christian Ecology Link (CEL) --- (CEL is a UK organisation for Christians concerned about Care of the Environment) 1. Wanted: Students : to help at CEL's Day Conference Leeds - 16 March 2. Blog-post writing competition for Under 30yr olds - First Prize £100 Enter now! * Are you a student in Yorkshire who cares about care of the environment? * Are you a Christian, or interested in Christianity (or another religion)? * Do you wish your church did more to help people look after the environment for future generations? CEL Christian Ecology Link (CEL) would like to hear of your interests, and activities. Maybe you can contribute to CEL in some way. 1. Attend CEL's Conference in Leeds on 16 March 2. Help at CEL's Leeds Conference (serving tea/manning the door etc) 3. Write a post for our website competition (and win £100 or £20): Closing date 10 March CEL is holding its annual conference - this year in Leeds on 16 March. Tickets are £15 reduced to £5-00 for students. And if you can commit to coming and helping in some way (serving tea/manning the door/and other jobs ) we can reduce it further and if necessary subsidise your transport. * Hear the speaker, Rev. Philip Roderick who is founder of the Quiet Garden Movement and Contemplative Fire is an inspired Hang Drum player.. * Attend a choice of workshops in the afternoon on ecological matters. * Meet people with similar interests. Conference: www.greenchristian.org.uk/stream Competition rules: www.greenchristan.org.uk/archives/,,,, CEL Office: 10 Beech Hall Road, London E4 9NX. 0845 459 8460 info@christian-ecology.org.uk www.christian-ecology.org.uk Christian Ecology Link Blog Post Competition: CEL is planning to put a series of pages on our website: on two topics: 1. Thoughts of Young Christians on Care of the Environment 2. Thoughts of Young People on the Christian Responsibility for Care of the Environment Write a blog post/ article on one of these two topics and win: FIRST PRIZE:- £100 3 SECOND PRIZES: of £20 This is open to people of 30 years and under. It should include 1 photograph (or diagram) (jpg file) and 100 to 500 words (doc file) - or a combination as a blog post or html web page. Possible ideas fulfilling the topic * Theological explaining why we should care for the environment. * Devotional - A poem, prayer or hymn * An illustration of some species or habitat under threat. * Describe work that people at your church are doing to look after the environment * Choose some other environmental issue The post should be: interesting / challenging / useful RULES:1. All entrants must be under 30 years old 2. If under 21 please include your age. (If you win we will not publish this unless you wish us to, but it will be taken into account when judging) 3. Closing date: 10th March 2013. 4. The prizes will be FIRST PRIZE:- £100 and 3 SECOND PRIZES: of £20 but will only be given if the standard of entries in reasonably high. (If no 1st prize is given then the money may be used as £10 3rd prizes) 5. The Winners will be announced at the conference. 6. Please email your entry to WebEditor@christian-ecology.org.uk 7. All material remains your copyright, but: the four winning entries will be posted on CEL's website (Some runners up may also be posted AFTER permission has been obtained from the competitor.) 8. Please include your address (or school/college address) 9. All work must be your own and you must own the copyright for pictures/diagrams submitted. If they are close ups of people you must have their permission to enter the photo. 10. It should include 1 photograph (or diagram) (jpg file) and 100 to 500 words (doc file) - or 11. It can be material you have used already on a blog post or Facebook - provided you can give us the permission to copy it (with due credit to the original source). In this case simply submit the URL 12. All entrants must live or study or have an address (even a friend’s) in Yorkshire. 13. The Judges Decision is final. ------------------------------------------Please publicise the conference and the blog post competition:www.greenchristian.org.uk CEL Office: 10 Beech Hall Road, London E4 9NX. 0845 459 8460 info@christian-ecology.org.uk www.christian-ecology.org.uk Christian Ecology Link Conference 2013 Oxford Place Methodist Centre, Leeds LS1 3AX.– 16 March The Stream of Life: Tributaries and trails of thanksgiving, vulnerability and radical choice. www.greenchristian.org.uk/stream or call 0845 459 8460 ‘ ’ A Christian Ecology Link day of celebration and exploration with PHILIP RODERICK, Director of the Quiet Garden Movement, Leader of Contemplative Fire, and Adviser in Spirituality, Sheffield Diocese. WHO FOR: All are welcome. Come and refresh your bearings for the way ahead. WHEN: Saturday 16 March, 2013. 11am to 5pm. WHAT: During the morning Philip Roderick will lead us in exploring with body, mind and spirit the profound relationship between God, nature and the human. He will draw from the Scriptures and from the deep insights of Eastern orthodox theologians and practitioners. In the afternoon we offer a choice of interactive workshops on nourishing our Christian environmental witness with: PHILIP RODERICK in prayer, contemplation and intercession; DAVID HUGHES (Eco-congregation) in church life and buildings REV ADRIAN ALKER (Chair of Ripon and Leeds Diocesan Environment Committee) in worship, liturgy and preaching. Three more workshops will focus on experience and action on current debates: BILL CROSS (Askham Bryan Agricultural College) on agriculture REV LINDSAY PEARSON (Christian Aid Yorkshire Region) and REV ANDREW PEARSON (Priest in charge, Oulton with Methley) on world development and environment RUTH JARMAN (CEL climate change campaigner) on climate change One of the afternoon sessions will run as an "OPEN SPACE" with a choice of several small discussion groups. SIGN UP on the day for any two of these. HOW MUCH £15 (£10 for CEL members, £5-00 for Students). HOW TO BOOK: For more details and a booking form visit www.greenchristian.org.uk/stream or call 0845 459 8460 Or book online at www.streamoflife.eventbrite.co.uk We look forward to seeing you for a memorable day CEL Office: 10 Beech Hall Road, London E4 9NX. 0845 459 8460 info@christian-ecology.org.uk www.christian-ecology.org.uk