2015 International Health Conference St Hugh`s College Oxford

2015 International Health Conference
St Hugh’s College
25th-27th June, 2015
Timetable – 2015 Oxford International Health Conference at St Hugh’s College
Thursday 25th June
17.00-19.00 Registration and Poster-Set-up
18.00-19.00 Drinks Reception (Free to delegates)
Friday 26th June 9am Welcome and Invited Speakers: Tim Maughan and Karen Feinstein (MTB Main Hall)
MTB Main Hall
Mordan Hall
MTB Seminar
Hamlin 1
Dobbs 2
Health Policy and
Public Health and
Health Economics
Mental Health
Primary Workforce
Block 45 Multi10.20
Hamlin 2
Mixed - Global
Chimeddamba 136 NonCommunicable Disease
Elias 37 Poisoning Children
Variation Hospitalisation
Management Programme
10.40 Adams 111 Patient
Fullman 122 Care Gaps
Health Facilities Africa
11.00 O’Donnell 186 Cross-Cultural
Koyun 97 Internetbased Smoking
Scalabrini 165 Economics
Public Decision Making
Qureshi 92 Cost
Effectiveness Vascular
Turnip 178 Violence
Exposure Urban
Sharma 116 Depression
Antenatal Women
dimensional Training
Primary Care
Byrne-Davis 34
Healthcare Education
Behavioural Sci
Raven 27 Improving
Health Policy and
Health Psychology
Older Age
Nursing and Care
Mixed Session
Altman 69 Research
and Policy Change in
Blacklock 185
Interventions S
Saharan Africa
Pahl 198 Evidence and
Ayton 91 Falls Prevention
Woo 1 Frailty Screening
Brewster 169 Harm Free
Roskies 199 Genomic
Kumar 193 Waste
Management Training
Hui 17 Geriatric Assessment
Philippou 228 Culture of
Lynes 175 Translational
Research Qatar
Remes 233 Generalised
Anxiety Disorder
Mentzakis 231 Formal
Informal Care Quasi-natural
Kurniati 93 Father
Participation Maternal
Witter 166 State Building
Fragile States
Communication Primary
11.20 Coffee
Service Use and
11.40 Stene 210 Service Use after
12.00 Aroni 174 Service Delivery
and Ethnicity
12.20 Patnaik 229 Equity Social
Enterprise NHS
12.40 Break: Light lunch can be purchased from St Hugh’s College
Ocero 156 Equity Maternal
Care Uganda
13.30 Invited Speakers - Markets and Technology: Maureen Mackintosh and Andrew Farmer (MTB Main Hall)
MTB Main Hall
Mordan Hall
MTB Seminar
Hamlin 1
Dobbs 2
Health Policy and
Nursing and Leadership
Public Health
Health Finance
Community/ GP Care
Westcote 75 Coaching Nurse
Macfarlane 236 Prevalence
Zbiri 234 Prospective
Hjelm 24 Traditional
14.40 Srinivasan 221
Researcher Patient
Urban 225 Patient Role
Medicines Reconciliation
Wittenberg 183
Emergency Admissions
15.40 Tea
Mental Health and
16.00 Fricke 211 Internet
Cognitive Behaviour
Buckingham 56
Delivering Research
Wilde 90 Online
Depression Prevention
Gibbons 141 Autogenic
Training in High Risk
Tuna 144 Environment
Corporate Reputation
Female Mutilation EandW
Payment Systems
Xyrichis 159 Silent Work,
Collaborative Care ICU
Chapman 121 Nurses Engage
with Health
Boromtanarat 187 Selfefficacy Teenage Pregnancy
Visvanathan 123 Women’s
Experience Public Facilities
Henawi 216 Healthcare
Finance Saudi Arabia
Chang 148 Research
Informing Delivery and
Health Systems & Primary
India & China
Cancer and Female
Patient Care
UK Research
Ferguson 22 Care Management
Change General Practice
Fischer 102 Health Plan
Improve Quality Affordability
Haenssgen 163 Mobile
Phones Health Care Seeking
Razvi 120 Economic
Freedom and Health
Indicators India
Deka 205 Justice and Health
Care India
Moller 66 Cancer National
Cohort Study
Lafarge 98 Perceptions
Coping Pregnancy
Alpay 99 Exercises Premenopausal Women
Green 48 Access to Primary
Solloway 115 Quality
Improvement Community
Briggs 32 Systems to
Identify Patient
Mavrommatis 212
Discriminatory Practices
McGovern 208 UK
Residential Care
McCormick 153 Spending
Growth Higher Capacity or
Relative Wages
Medicine and Diabetes
Low 160 Telegeriatrics
Miller 55 Bottom Up
Approach to GP
Hamlin 2
Industry and Health
Short Break 17.00
17.10 Evening Session Invited Speakers - Mental Health & Measurement: Judit Simon and Sarah Stewart Brown (MTB Main Hall)
18.10 Poster Session MTB Main Hall
19.00 Dinner (Provided for those Registered for the Conference Dinner)
Aldus 110 Training
Healthcare Assistants
Saturday 27th June
Mordan Hall
Research and Care
9.00 Maclennan 68 Research and
Public Health and Health
Hamlin 2
Big Data eHealth and
Hamlin 1
Female Health
Zdunek 25 Cooperation Poland
Boger 31 Self-management
long term conditions
Feinstein 33 Activated Patients
Improve Outcomes
Peters 4 Excess Risk All-Cause
Vascular Systematic Review
Emneus 207 Societal Costs of
Anderson 112 Blood pressure and
Benyamini 43 Medicalization of
Shittu 62 Preconception Care
Mental Health and HIV
Information and Public
Research and Incentives
Children and Public
Tam 19 Future flu vaccine uptake
Last Year of Life
Xu 142 Retirement and Mental
Bentwich 44 Autonomy and
Robin 218 Vaccine Capacity
Kimaro 101 Costs HIV
Garner 95 Fairness Research
Mijumbi 94 Urgent Decision
Making Research Needs
Parmar 67 Free Delivery and
Caesarean Policy in Senegal
Dhanawan 40 Breastfeeding
Thai Adolescent Mothers
Alam 85 Obstetrics Transport
in Bangladesh
Jones 226 Economic Impacts of
Smoking in Pregnancy
Care and Patients
Ethnicity and Migrants
Distance and Travel
Mixed – Pain and
Gupta 173 Ethnicity Service
Delivery and Engagement
Renner 240 Care Delivery
Migrants Costs
Lee 202 Travel Constraints Older
Di Domenicantonio 184 Hospital
Travel Time Mortality
Berghs 200 Interventions
Disability Public Health
Almazrou 214 Chronic NonCancer Pain
Cresswell 8 Quality
Improvement ENT
Onida 143 PROMs Varicose
10.00 Coffee
Health Economics/ Older
10.20 Zionts, 14 Death and Dying
10.40 Chandoevwit 150 Expenditure
11.20 Armitage 238 Continuity
Medicines Care Transition
Gwynn 167 Cardiology Patient
Social Networks
Song 84 Managing Fearbola
Akeel 61 Patient Empowerment
12.00 Short Break
Dobbs 1
MacDonald 3 Down with
Bogusz 35 Type 2 Diabetes
12.10 Invited Speakers - Human Factors: Russell Mannion and Til Wykes (Mordan Hall)
13.10 Lunch: Light lunch can be purchased from St Hugh’s College
Mordan Hall
Care and Death
14.20 Novak 16 US Penal Hospice
14.40 Eyetsemitan 151 Grief Experiences in
the Workplace
Mental Health, Alternative
Hamlin 2
Care Trajectories / Psychology
Hamlin 1
Patient Outcomes
Matute 58 Why People Believe in
Alternative Med
Naylor 89 Autogenic Relaxation for
Ariana 206 Health Care Trajectories
Benson 190 Patient Reported Quality
Knott, 80 Anchoring and Vignettes,
Survey Design
Medisauskaite 109 Occupational Health
Palliative Medicine
15.00-15.15 Prize Announcement and Collection (Mordan Hall)
Conference Close
Each presentation has 15 minutes and an additional 5 minutes for discussion. The last speaker in the session is the chair for the session and is
responsible for ensuring that the timings are adhered to: all speakers are kindly requested to keep to time.
Invited Speakers
Professor Andrew Farmer
University of Oxford
Professor Farmer's work has focused on research to
improve the self-management of diabetes in general
practice including the best use of blood glucose monitoring
and evaluating the use of digital health initiatives using
mobile devices to improve long-term outcomes.
He was appointed an NIHR Senior Investigator in 2013 and
is currently chair of one of the NIHR Programme Grants
for Applied Research Programme sub-panels.
Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown
Warwick University
Professor Stewart-Brown is Professor and Chair of Public
Health at Warwick University.
She has research interests and a strong record in
determinants and measurement of mental health and
wellbeing, interventions to promote mental health and
wellbeing, as well as parenting and parenting programmes
and complementary and alternative therapies.
Professor Maureen Mackintosh
The Open University
Maureen Mackintosh is a Professor of Economics at the
Open University. She works closely on the economics of
public and social sector organisation, with particular
reference to the economics of markets in social sectors, the
organisation of health systems and their impact on poverty
and inequality.
Pharmaceuticals are of interest to Professor Mackintosh,
particularly in regards to the interaction of industrial
change and social sector development.
Professor Tim Maughan
University of Oxford
Tim Maughan is Professor of Clinical Oncology and
Department Director of the CRUK/MRC Oxford Institute
for Radiation Oncology within the Department of
Oncology at the University of Oxford. He is an Honorary
Consultant Clinical Oncologist and Director of Research
and Development for the Division of Surgery and
Oncology at the Oxford Cancer Centre, Churchill Hospital,
part of the Oxford University Hospitals Trust. His own
research interest is in the treatment of patients with
colorectal cancer.
Professor Russell Mannion
University of Birmingham
Professor Mannion is currently Chair in Health Systems at
the University of Birmingham, as well as Director of
Research at the Health Services Management Centre.
He has worked extensively in hospital board governance,
advises a number of government organisations, and his
work has been used widely.
He is currently researching the linkages between hospital
governance and patient safety processes and clinical
Professor Til Wykes
King's College London
Professor Wykes is a Professor of Clinical Psychology and
Rehabilitation at King's College London and Director of
the NIHR Mental Health Research Network, as well as
editor of the Journal of Mental Health and Vice Dean for
Research at the Institute of Psychiatry.
She has been involved in research on rehabilitation and
recovery for people with severe mental illness for many
years both in the development of services and the
evaluation of psychological outcomes.
Dr Karen Feinstein
Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative, USA
Dr Feinstein is president and chief executive officer of the
Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative and Health Careers
Futures. She has become widely regarded as a national
leader in healthcare quality improvement, was editor of the
Urban & Social Change Review and the book Moving
Beyond Repair: Perfecting Health Care. and served on the
faculties of Boston College, Carnegie Mellon University,
and taught at the University of Pittsburgh.
Professor Judit Simon
Medical University of Vienna
Judit Simon is Professor of Health Economics and Head of
the Department of Health Economics, Centre for Public
Health at the Medical University of Vienna.
Professor Simon has led numerous applied economic
evaluation and outcome research projects in the areas of
mental health, diabetes and perinatology, as well as on the
delivery of cost-effective interventions for people with
mental health disorders.
Delegate List
Mary Adams
Shiekha Al Aujan
Saja Al Mazrou
Nazmul Alam
Clare Aldus
Kubra Alpay
Stuart Altman
Andrew Alyao - Ocero
Simon Anderson
Proochista Ariana
Gerry Armitage
Rosalie Aroni
Darshini Ayton
Hala Badreddine
Gulcan Bakan
David Barron
Tim Benson
Miriam Bentwich
Yael Benyamini
Maria Berghs
Bernard Bernacki
Mary Bernacki
Klara Biro
Claire Blacklock
Alison Blenkinsopp
Bruce Block
Emma Boger
Renata Bogusz
Chawthip Boromtanarat
Joanne Boynton
Liz Brewster
Jim Briggs
Christopher Buckingham
Lucie Byrne-Davis
Jamie Calab
Debra Caplan
Worawan Chandoevwit
Sophia Chang
Sarah Chapman
Oyun Chimeddamba
Adell Cox
Manuela Cresswell
Ligia de Santis
Arunima Deka
Wilawan Dhanawan
Riccardo Di Domenicantonio
Terence Dwyer
David Ehrenwerth
Rapat Eknithiset
Taofeeq Elias
Susan Elster
Frank Eyetsemitan
Lukas Faessler
Jean-Benoit Falisse
Barbora Faltova
George Fechter
Karen Feinstein
Kings College London
University of Nottingham
University of Nottingham
University of Montreal
University of East Anglia
Bezmialem Vakif University
Heller School, Brandeis University
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
George Institute for Global Health
University of Oxford
University of Bradford
Monash University
Monash University
University of Lebanon
Pamukkale University
University of Oxford
Bar-Ilan University
Tel Aviv University
University of York
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
University of Debrecen
University of Oxford
University of Bradford
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
University of Southampton
Medical University of Lublin
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
University of Leicester
Portsmouth University
Aston University
University of Manchester
KK Women's and Children's Hospital, Singapore
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
Khon Kaen University
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
UK Cochrane Centre
Monash University
Southern District Health Board, New Zealand
Broomfield Hospital NHS Trust
Federal University of Sao Carlos
OKD Institute of Social Change and Development
Boromarajonani College of Nursing Suphanburi
Department of Epidemiology of the Regional Health Service
University of Oxford
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
Chulalongkorn University
University of Lagos
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
Roger Williams University
University of Oxford
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
Robert Ferguson
Don Fischer
Julie Fricke
Nancy Fullman
Beth Fylan Gwynn
Anne Geniets
Vera Georgescu
Helen Gibbons
Eliona Gkika
Mark Golets
Daniela Goncalves Bradley
Michael Green
Anders Green
Sabrina Gupta
Marco Haenssgen
Jo Hart
Mohammed Henawi
Shireen Hilmi
Edward Hillhouse
Katarina Hjelm
Elsie Hui
Arina Isyalhana
Matthew Jones
Ripin Kalra
Mariam Khachatryan
Eun-Jung Kim
Godfather Kimaro
Bina Knopfli
Rachel Knott
Ayse Koyun
Anna Kurniati
Caroline Lafarge
Eunkyung Lee
Hyang Lee
Bob Lee
David Levenson
James Low
Sadaf Lynes
John Macdonald
Alison Macfarlane
Mary MacLennan
Helena Matute
Michael Mavrommatis
Barry McCormick
Pauline McGovern
Asta Medisauskaite
Emmanouil Mentzakis
Rhona Mijumbi
Robin Miller
Hatem Mohamed
Mohammadreza Mohebbi
Henrik Moller
Charles Morrison
Kevin Mulhall
Najia Musolino
Rowan Myron
Ruth Naylor
Selby Nichols
Jeanselle Nichols
Kori Novak
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
University of Oxford
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Seattle
University of Bradford
University of Oxford
CHRU de Montpellier
Autogenic Training Institute of Australia, Sydney
University of Crete
Wonthaggi Medical Group
University of Oxford
Queen's University, Canada
Queen's University, Canada
Monash University
University of Oxford
University of Manchester
Aston University
Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar
Linköping University, Sweden
Chinese University of Hong Kong
University of Indonesia
Nottingham University
University of Westminster
Yerevan State Medical University, Armenia
Korea Foundation for International Healthcare
National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania
University of Bern
Monash University
Afyon Kocatepe University
National Cheng Kung University
University of West London
Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Korea Foundation for International Healthcare
Bowling Green State University
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singapore
Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar
University of West Scotland
University of Limerick
University of New South Wales, Sydney
Duesto University
University Campus Suffolk
Centre for Health Service Economics and Organisation, London
University of Greenwich
Birkbeck, University of London
University of Southampton
Makerere University
Birmingham University
De Montfort University
Deakin University
Kings College London
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
Mater Private Hospital
Council on Health Research for Development
University of West London
British Autogenic Society
University of West Indies
University of West Indies
The Mellivora Group, Pennsylvania
Dilek Ocalan
Kate O'Donnell
Sarah Onida
Nick Pahl
Divya Parmar
Ashok Patnaik
Sanne Peters
Angela Petrolo
Marge Petruska
Francesca Pettinau
Julia Philippou
Mahim Qureshi
Joanna Raven
Saleema Razvi
Olivia Remes
Anna-Theresa Renner
Enora Robin
Mark Roseman
Dodie Roskies
Sherly Saragih Turnip
Silvia Scalabrini
Urvi Sharma
Yusuf Shittu
Lisa Simpson
Michele Solloway
Yun-Ju Song
Vasanthi Srinivasan
Lise Eilin Stene
Greta Tam
Ozlem Tuna
Aisha Umar
Rachel Urban
Nalini Visvanathan
Maria Weske
Liz Westcote
Alex Wilde
Niall Winters
Raphael Wittenberg
Sophie Witter
Jean Woo
Ruozhi Xu
Andreas Xyrichis
Saad Zbiri
Kinga Zdunek
Nancy Zionts
Judit Zsuga
Afyon Kocatepe University,
Glasgow University
Imperial College London
British Acupuncture Council
City University London
University of Huddersfield
University of Oxford
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Kings College London
Imperial College London
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
University of Cambridge
Center for Health and Migration, Vienna
RAND Europe, Cambridge
Ontario SPOR Support Unit
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
University of Indonesia
Durham University
Maulana Azad Medical College
University of Lagos
Academy Health
John Hopkins University
McMaster University
Ontario SPOR Support Unit
Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies
Chinese University, Hong Kong
Afyon Kocatepe University
University of Hull
University of Bradford
Independent Researcher
Oxford Brookes University
University of New South Wales, Sydney
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
Queen Margaret University
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Kings College London
French National Center for Scientific Research
Medical University of Lublin
Pittsburgh Health Initiative
University of Debrecen
Media Partners
Honorary Scientific Committee
Jos Aarts
Linda Aiken
Silviya Aleksandrova-Yankulovska
Fernando Antonanzas
Paul Anand
Gerry Armitage
Toni Ashton
Dina Balabanova
Luciana Ballini
Karen Barker
Yael Benyamini
Eva Bergstraesser
Stephen Birch
Klara Biro
Annette Boaz
Matt-Mouley Bouamrane
Mary Boulton
Jeffrey Braithwaite
Helmut Brand
Michael Brauckhoff
Werner Brouwer
Christopher Buckingham
Sandra Buttigieg
Martin Buxton
Neena Chappell
James Chauvin
Joanna Coast
Carlo Colosimo
Richard Cookson
Kevin Corbett
Victor Costa
Joan Costa-Font
Jackie Cumming
Mario Dal Poz
SabinaDe Geest
Christine Duffield
Reinhard Dummer
Isabelle Durand-Zaleski
Walid El Ansari
Rachel Elliott
Ewan Ferlie
Ray Fitzpatrick
Darren Flynn
David Forman
Knut Fylkesnes
Winnie Gebhardt
Selena Gray
Green Green
Sian Griffiths
Peter Griffiths
Roberto Grilli
Emily Grundy
Jaber Gubrium
Michele Guillaume
Laszlo Gulacs
Steve Hanney
Peter Harris
Katharina Heimerl
Raoul Hennekam
Mark Hlatky
Richard Hobbs
Pat Hoddinott
Bruce Hollingsworth
Hue Hue
Huda Huijer
David Hunter
Tor Iversen
Susanne Iwarsson
Debra Jackson
Jacek Jassem
Marie Johnston
Saskia Junger
Erasmus University Rotterdam
University of Pennsylvania
Medical University of Pleven
University of La Rioja
Open University/HERC Oxford University
University of Bradford
University of Auckland
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale Regionale
University of Oxford
Tel Aviv University
University of Zurich
McMaster University
University of Debrecen
Kingston University
Aberdeen University
Oxford Brookes University
University of New South Wales
Maastricht University
University of Bergen/Haukeland University Hospital
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Aston University
University of Malta
Brunel University
University of Victoria
World Federation of Public Health Associations
University of Birmingham
University of Rome
York University
Middlesex University
Hospital Center Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (CHTMAD)
London School of Economics
Victoria University of Wellington
University of the State of Rio de Janeiro
University of Basel
University of Technology, Sydney
University of Zurich
Henri-Mondor Hospital University
University of Gloucestershire
University of Nottingham
King’s College London
University of Oxford
Newcastle University
International Agency for Research on Cancer
University of Bergen
Leiden University
University of the West of England
Queen's University
Chinese University of Hong Kong
University of Southampton
Regional Agency for Health and Social Care - Bologna
London School of Economics
University of Missouri
University of Liege
Corvinus University of Budapest
Brunel University
University of Sussex
University of Klagenfurt
University of Amsterdam/University College London
Stanford University
University of Oxford
University of Stirling
Lancaster University
Chinese University of Hong Kong
American University of Beirut
Durham University
University of Oslo
University of Lund
Oxford Brookes University
Medical University of Gdansk
University of Aberdeen
Hannover Medical School
Daphne Kaitelidou
Ramune Kalediene
Evangelos Karademas
Maria Karekla
Ingvar Karlberg
Martin Knapp
Peter Kokol
Hans-Helmut Konig
Teresa Kulik
Ian Kunkler
Lieven Lagae
Pagona Lagiou
Eero Lahelma
Simon Lam
Miriam Laugesen
Alison Macfarlane
Vijay Mago
Russell Mannion
Graham Martin
Philipp Mayring
Jean McHale
Martin McKee
Anjum Memon
Francoise Meunier
Robin Miller
Susan Mitchie
Henrik Moller
Jennifer Murray
Natasha Muscat
Mthuli Ncube
Mark Nelson
Gopal Netuveli
Jesper Nielsen
Koenraad Norga
Kate O'Donnell
Raksha Pandya-Wood
Tikki Pang
Antonia Paschali
Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello
Pekka Puska
Ann Marie Rafferty
Rosalind Raine
Sian Rees
Nelson Rocha
Urban Rosenqvist
Russell Rothman
Jennifer Ruger
Gemma Ryan
Jo Rycroft-Malone
Ralf Schwarzer
Nick Sevdalis
Rod Sheaff
Sasha Shepperd
Judit Simon
Joaquim Soares
Nick Steel
Richard Sullivan
Mamas Theodorou
Irina Todorova
Goran Tomson
Luis Torres Pereira
Maritta Valimaki
Sridhar Venkatapuram
Charles Vincent
Vasiliy Vlassov
Verity Watson
Sophie Witter
Jean Woo
Edna Yamasaki
University of Athens
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
University of Crete
University of Cyprus
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
London School of Economics
University of Maribor
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Medical University of Lublin
University of Edinburgh
University of Leuven
Harvard University
University of Helsinki
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Columbia University
City University London
Troy University
University of Birmingham
University of Leicester
University of Klagenfurt
University of Birmingham
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
University of Brighton
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer
University of Birmingham
University College London
Kings College London
Edinburgh Napier University
University of Malta
University of Oxford
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
University of East London
University of Southern Denmark
Antwerp University
University of Glasgow
De Montfort University
National University of Singapore
University of Athens
University of Bern
National Institute of Health and Welfare
Kings College London
Univeristy College London
University of Oxford
University of Aveiro
University of Uppsala
Vanderbilt University
University of Pennsylvania
University of Derby
Bangor University
Australian Catholic University
Imperial College London
Plymouth University
University of Oxford
Medical University of Vienna
Mid Sweden Journal of Public health
University of East Anglia
Kings College London
Open University of Cyprus
Northeastern University
Karolinska Institute
University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro
University of Turku
King’s College London
University of Oxford
Society for Evidence Based Medicine
University of Aberdeen
Queen Margaret University
Chinese University of Hong Kong
University of Nicosia
Additional Support and Acknowledgements
Particular thanks go to a number of institutions that have made additional
financial contributions to conference resources most notably the University of
West London, the Pittsburgh Health Initiative, Oxford Brookes University and
the Medical University of Vienna.
The conference is coordinated by the Oxford based Foundation for Knowledge
Exchange and will take place next year in London at King’s College.