Letterhead - ASNE Tidewater Section

Dave Norris – Chairman
717-4955// david.norris2@baesystems.com
Herb Hood - Vice Chairman/Historian
228-1730, ext. 308 // hhood@phoenix-group.com
Jim Brinkman - Treasurer
477-3855 //jbbrinkmanswo@gmail.com
Jim Romeo – Secretary
593-2752// james.romeo@navy.mil
American Society of Naval
Tidewater Section
Kevin Terry – Programs Chair
Paul Siebeking - Membership Chair
481-4030 // kp59pe@verizon.net
Jan Schuler - Marketing/Publicity/STEM
David Jarvis – Arrangements and
Newsletter Chair
494-4660 // david.e.jarvis@baesystems.com
Herb Hood - Vice Chairman/Historian
228-1730, ext. 308 // hhood@phoenix-group.com
LT Christina Carino - Fleet Liaison
(301) 325-9130//
Mike D’Amato
Ultimate Build-a-Boat Competition
Lon Scofield – Web Master
635-3613// WebMaster@asne-tw.org
Andy Harrell - SURFMEPP Chapter Chair
Ben Wagner - ODU Chapter Chair
(703) 200-8442// Bwagn006@odu.edu
Andy Vasquez - Section Councilor
434-5331// mightymo5@verizon.net
Kathleen Murray - Section Councilor
438-6790// mkm4dogs@gmail.com
Dave Thomas - Section Councilor
717-7228 // dave.thomas3@baesystems.com
Mike D’Amato - National Vice President
Kathleen Hinton – Past National President
494-0414// khinton@nassconorfolk.com
Joe Yurso – Past National President
490-5036 // jyurso@qedsysinc.com
Bruce Woodruff - National Council
(804) 639-1224// richmnd@aol.com
Dr, Jennifer Michaeli. National Council
Charlie Pfeifer – National
Ways & Means Chairman
424-2013 // pfeifercg@cox.net
Paul Siebeking - Region III Councilor
481-4030 // kp59pe@verizon.net
July 2, 2014
Mr. John Smith
1545 Crossways Blvd
Virginia Beach, VA 23320
Dear Mr. Smith,
Welcome to a great professional organization! The
Tidewater Section of the American Society of Naval Engineers
has been a vibrant body in the Hampton Roads area since 1970. I
am glad you chose to join us and I look forward to your
involvement as we continue to build a strong society of
engineering professionals. We have monthly dinner meetings,
typically, the third Wednesday of the month. There are also
periodic Fleet Luncheons, Professional Development Luncheons
and Professional Tours. As a member, YOU ARE INVITED!
Our next section meeting will be Wednesday, September
17, 2014 at the Springhill Suites on Newtown Road, Virginia
Beach. Our Membership Chairman has added your name to the
section E-mail list for our monthly Newsletter. If you do not
receive the E-mail from the section, please call the membership
chairperson, Paul Siebeking at (757) 481-4030 or me at (757)
717-4955 and we will rectify the problem.
Tidewater Section was “Section of the Year” in 2011 due
to the participation and strong support of our members. Your
application to ASNE is indicative of your zeal and desire to excel,
to network with other engineers, to broaden your knowledge and
expand your horizons. My goal is to help you channel that energy
to make ASNE an organization that will benefit you! ASNE
believes that as the member grows through professional contacts,
technology exposure, a situational awareness of naval engineering
endeavors in Hampton Roads, the Society grows. I look forward
to meeting you at the next event, Welcome Aboard!
James Deputy - National Membership Chair
621-9416 // james.deputy@verizon.net
Ray Weber – National Scholarship Committee
494-4512// ray.weber@baesystems.com
David Norris
Chairman, ASNE Tidewater Section